p 0 BOX 122
jAFFREY N H 03452
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From date of severance from
1769 — 192.2L
with a
Member of New Hampshire and Vermont Historical Societies; Son of American
Revolution; Author of descendants of the daughters of Nathaniel
Kingsbury, 1904; Marshall Family Record, 1912..
Published by the town of
copyright by
Town of Surry, New Hampshire.
Town History Committee.
Frank B. Kingsbury
Name and incorpoi-ation — Situation and Boundary — Surface
and Geology, Mineralogy — Ashuelot River — Brooks and
Spring — Hills and Landmarks — Wild Animals — Birds and
EARLY HISTORY (continued) 30-40
Proprietors' Records — Boundary Lines — Lots an rl Ranges —
The New Hampshire Grants.
Population census — Revolutionary War census — First United
States Census, 1790— Inhabitants' census, 1806 — Voters in
Surry, 1825 — Census of 1840— Industry Census, 1850 — Voters
in Surry, 1922.
Surry during the Revolutionai'y War — Militia — New Hamp-
shire State Militia — Surry Militia Company in 1808.
MILITARY HISTORY (continued) 115-133
War of 1812— War of the Rebellion— World War— Liberty
Loans — Elliott Community Hospital.
Town Officers — County Officers — State Officers — Town Topics
— The Village Water System — Surry Fire Company — Law-
suits— Miscellaneous Items.
Old Congregational Church— The Church Bell— Early Church
Records — Rev. Perley Howes' Ministry— The Minister's Tax
— Orthodox Congregational Church — The Crane Meeting-
house— The Baptist Society — Universalist Society — Spiri-
tualists— Salary Tax for 1803.
Schools — Common School Association — Surry Literary Club
— Surry Social Library — The Reed Free Library — Music —
Old Home Week Association — Masonic Order — Surry Grange
— Reform Club — Professions.
Fires — Crimes — Tornado.
Cellai'-holes — House-sites — Dwellings — Mills — Shops — Places
of Historical Interest.
The Village Burying Yard — Unmarked and Unknown Graves
— The South Cemetery — The Southwest Burying Yard — Pond
Road Cemetery.
Baxter-Shaw Homestead
Carpenter Homestead
Harvey Homes
Hayward Homestead
Holbrook Tavern .
Joslin Homestead
Lily Pond .
Perkins Coat of Arms
Perkins Homestead
Porter Residence .
Nathan D. Reed Farm
Scriptures Mill
South Schoolhouse, No. 10
Willard Streeter Residence
Surry Mountain .
Surry Village, Looking North
Toll Gate Site
Village Hotel
Lyna and Joseph Allen .
George W. Britton
John Langdon Britton
Isaac Brown
William and Abigail Carpenter
Dr. Jasper H. Carpenter .
Mason A. Carpenter
Benjamin Currier Crosby
Henry T. Ellis
Eliphaz Field
Francis F. Field .
Nancy (Robbins) Grimes
Eliza Harvey
Gecrge K. Harvey
Jonathan Harvey, Jr.
Peter Hayward
Peter B. Hayward
Benjamin Hills
Elijah Holbrook .
George W. Holbrook
Edward H. Joslin .
George Joslin
Cyrus Kingsbury .
Edward A. Kingsbury
Frank B. Kingsbury
Josiah Kingsbury
William Henry Porter
David Reed . ,
Samuel Robinson .
Dr. Samuel Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Vincillette
Hollis Wilcox
Thankful Robbins Wilcox
William Wallace Wilcox .
While all details are not necessary, a general review of conditions that led
to writing this history may be of interest.
In every town there is always one person at least who is imbued with love
for his native town. Even as a school boy Francis F. Field was interested
in the early history of Surry, and from old people collected reminiscences
which he jotted down on odd scraps of paper. Because of his effort to estab-
lish the last resting- place of early inhabitants many unmarked graves that
never could have otherwise been known can now be placed on record. He
wanted a town history written, and endeavored to turn public opinion along
that line. In 1881 there was an article in the warrant to see if the town
would "prepare and publish the early history of the town." For four suc-
ceeding years the same article appeared in the annual town warrant, but at
no time was any favorable action taken. During an interview in the winter
1903-04 the writer urged Mr. Field to write and publish a history; for a de-
cade more it was hoped and desired that he would undertake the task, but
lack of interest in earlier days, his increasing years and other reasons de-
terred him, and realizing that he could not do the work, with due consideration
he generously, and much to my surprise, turned over to me on August 20,
1915 all his papers and notes pertaining to the town under condition that,
"in case anything is put into print proper mention be made of said Field's ma-
terial." Five days later, and before I had time to examine the material, it was
announced at Surry Old Home Day, and without my consent, that I would
"prepare a town history for publication." At Old Home Day the next year
a few subscriptions were secured to assist on the history.
At the town meeting, March, 1917, two hundred dollars was voted to help
the work along and a town History Committee was appointed. At the an-
nual town meeting, March, 1919, it was voted:
'■That the town appropriate the sum of $700.00, one-third thereof to be
raised by taxation the present year and one-third the following year and
the balance in the third year and the Committee on town history already
appointed is hereby authorized and empowered to make such contract and
arrangement with Frank B. Kingsbury for the finishing of said history
up to the printing as in the judgment of said Committee shall be for the
interest of the town, paying therefore cut of the above mentioned sum
and the selectmen are hereby authorized to enlarge said committee by the
appointment under their hands of additional numbers whenever they may
deem it expedient."
The tinie required for the author to complete the manuscript has taken many
months more than was anticipated, he regrets the delay, numerous causes,
for part of which he is not responsible, have retarded progress.
Hollis W. Harvey, Clarence H. French, George H. Joslin, Mrs. Ellen H.
Harvey, J. V. Stillings and Mrs. Grace E. Stillings comprise the Town His-
tory Committee and they have carefully read the manuscript, and in their hands
rest all further details; the writer is responsible only for the preparation of
the manuscript which he has endeavored, without any claim to literary tal-
ent, to have as complete and free from error as possible.
Many people have generously aided in securing material for the Geneal-
ogical Register which would otherwise have been inaccurate and unsatisfac-
tci-y. Acknowledgment for the assistance rendered by the History Commit-
tee is hereby given, and especially to Mrs. Ella E. (Patten) Abbott of West-
moreland and Keene; Mrs. Bei'tha (Perkins) Britton, New Haven, Conn.;
Mrs. Jennie Ball Foster, Los Angeles, Calif.; Charles M. Scovell, Haverhill,
Mass.; Carlos E. Barron, Westminster, Mass.; Sewall F. Rugg, Chesterfield;
Charles C. Buffum of Keene, Register of Deeds; to my wife who has compiled
the gravestone records and has done much research work, and also to Samuel
Wadsworth of Keene for his excellent work on the map of the town.
It has been the constant aim of the writer to narrate facts and piesent a
reliable history. May it in some degree serve its purpose to perpetuate the
deeds of our fore-fathers, to keep from oblivion the memory of the old home-
stead. That it prove both satisfying and pleasing to the sons and daughters
of Surry, is the desire of the author.
Surry, N. H., 1923.
Aside from some historical data gathered by the late Francis F. Field no at-
tempt had been made by any one, to the writer's knowledge, to arrange and
put in legible form the events pertaining to this town, and the compiler of
this History little realized in the beginning the labor, time and research nec-
essary, for to attempt writing a comprehensive and reliable history of a town
more than one hundred and sixty years after its first settlement is a difficult
and laborious undertaking, comprehended only by those who have accom-
plished such a task.
Chiefly among the sources of information have been the old Proprietors,
town and church records; Cheshire County Register of Deeds; file of New
Hampshire Sentinel; Rev. Perley Howe's private records; Mr. F. F. Field's
data; local town histories and numerous traditions.
The reader naturally desires to learn of early conditions; charter and in-
corporation, when and from where came the first settlers and sites of their
log cabins. Would that we might portray a clear and true picture of early
Surry; the land, the pioneers and their rude cabins — we fail! It is now im-
In 1730 this part of New England was a vast wilderness through which
prowled the lynx and wild-cat, the howl of the wolf echoed over the hills, the
bear came forth from his cavern den in search of food, while the deer leaped
from danger to safety. Song of birds filled the air, flocks of pigeons dwelt in
the trees, whistle of hawk and hoot of owl were daily heard, wild turkeys
roamed the woods, and the beaver labored to build his hut. Giant elm, sturdy
oak, great maple and monarch pine, which had never felt the woodman's axe,
covered the land. Towering over and above all was majestic mountain,
granite bear-den, pinnacle and conical, bald hill, with other highlands to the
north and west.
Up the river in search of fish and game came the red-men marking their
own path. When weary of travel they camped on the brow of the hill at
Whoppanock. Then came the white-men, who, taking the natural course, fol-
lowed the old Indian trail. In 1732 the first settlement was made in Winches-
ter, the next year at Swanzey, Keene in 1734; in the Connecticut river valley
Westmoreland followed in 1741, and after eight years more Walpole in 1749.
After the termination of the French and Indian war in 1760 new settlers
began arriving to take up the land; within two years they had entered the
territory of Gilsum and Alstead. The fertile Ashuelot valley, then a part of
Westmoreland and Gilsum, was entered. Within a few years citizens banded
together, a new town was carved out, and on Max'ch 9, 1769, incorporated as
On June 8, 1753, Peter Hayward, then of Woodstock, Conn., bought five
tracts of land in Keene. Subsequently he purchased additional land, all of
which lay in Keene adjoining Surry line. In 1762, he was living in that part
of Westmoreland, now Surry, but documentary evidence, thus fai', has not
been found to substantiate the tradition that he was the first settler on Surry
soil; it is with keen regret that the compiler of this work, after much time and
research, feels obliged to make the above statement. There still remain
Colonial records which when examined may reveal the true conditions, for it
is probable that the doughty, honest, intrepid, old Peter was "the pioneer
settler." Tradition says he built his first log cabin east of the highway about
20 rods north of the present Samuel L. Newton dwelling, which is known to
have been erected by Peter about 1764.
William Hayward, Jr., Peter's brother, came about 1762 and settled where
Frank E. Ellis now resides. John Johnson, whose wife was a sister of the
Hayward brothers, came from Woodstock, Conn., prior to 1762, and probably
settled on the late Edmund Woodward fai'm. In the spring of 1764 Mr. John-
son sold his farm to Jonathan Parkhurst and removed to Winchester.
Jan. 26, 1762, William Barron bought an 104 acre tract of land of John
Johnson and doubtless settled near where now stands the J. N. Keller cottage,
formerly the Jonathan R. Field place. Benjamin Whitney was another early
settler, and Charles Rice appears to have settled during the summer of 1760
near where Merrill D. Carpenter now lives, while Woolston Brockway came
to the George A. Hall place about 1761.
Owing to the destruction of both the Proprietors' records and the Lot and
Range table of Westmoreland we are especially handicapped in locating where
the pioneers settled in the south part of Surry. In the north part, we are
more fortunate, as there still exists a copy of the old Lot and Range maps of
The genealogical register has required months of work, travel, and an ex-
tensive correspondence; conflicting names and dates have frequently appeared
but it has been the constant aim of the author to have as few errors as pos-
sible. The map and chapter on present and former residences will be appre-
ciated by many and we trust add to the value of this history.
The author desires to thank all who have assisted in this work and es-
pecially the Town History Committee, Hollis W. Harvey, Clarence H. French,
George Henry Joslin, Mrs. James E. Harvey, J. V. Stillings and Mrs.
J. V. Stillings.
History of Surry
Surry, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, was incorporated on Thursday,
March 9, 1769, deriving its name from Surrey, a county in the southern part
of England, from which, it is understood, the ancestors of many of the early
settlers of Surry emigrated during the first half of the seventeenth century.
March 19, 1771, the county was incorporated and named Cheshire, deriving
its name from a county in the western part of England, celebrated for the
manufacture of cheese. The county was divided near its middle July 5, 1827,
the northern portion being given the name of Sullivan.
New Hampshire, one of the thirteen original states, received its name about
1630, from the county of Hampshire in England, the home of its first grantees.
The town of Surry is situated in latitude 43° 1' N., and longitude 72°
20' W. It is bounded on the north by Walpole and Alstead, east by Gilsum,
south by Keene, and west by Westmoreland and Walpole. It is 6.7 miles from
Keene, and 52 miles southwest from Concord.
In general, it is oblong in form, approximately thi'ee and one-fourth miles
wide from east to west, and five and one-half miles long from north to south.
It contains about 12,212 acres, and is one of the smaller towns in the county,
and lies a little northwest of its center.
The surface of this township is exceedingly picturesque and pleasing, hav-
ing within its narrow limits valley, upland and rugged mountain scenery.
Through nearly the length of the town, from north to south, extends the
arable valley of the Ashuelot; the river, entering from Gilsum near Surry's
northeast corner, flows northwesterly to Shaw's Corner, where it turns abrupt-
ly to the south. In this valley are located many excellent farms, providing
the principal wealth of the township.
On the west the valley gradually rises to the highlands that, form the di-
vision of the waters of the Ashuelot from those of the Connecticut River, and
the boundary line between Surry and Westmoreland and Walpole. On the
6 History of Surry
east its rise is abrupt and rugged, terminating at the summit of Surry Moun-
tain, the barrier which contributed to the formation of the town of Surry.
The eai-ly deeds speak of this mountain as a "great mountain." It extends
about four miles in a north and south direction, and from its top is obtained
a splendid view of the village, valley, and the hills to the west, and the Green
Mountains in Vermont. Nearly every occupied house within the township
can be seen from one or more points on the mountain. It is notable not only
for the rugged scenery it presents, but as a geological study and for the valu-
able minerals it is supposed to contain.
Tradition has it that the Indians knew and utilized lead deposits here more
than a century and a half ago, and that a party of Spaniards once came here
and carried away with them gold ore. The Indians are said to. have obtained
bullets by simply cutting off pieces of lead from a ledge, the locality of which
they alone knew.
It is told of Capt. David Fuller that, while crossing the mountain to his
work in Gilsum, he found lead which he cut off with his axe and used for bul-
lets, but that he could never find the spot a second time.
Less than a hundred years ago, after long continued fires in the woods on
the west side of the mountain, places were seen where streams of molten lead
had run down the rocks.
A detailed knowledge of the geological formation and mineral resources
of this town is not deemed of utmost importance in a work of this nature, yet
some brief mention of conditions will be of interest, and should be recorded.
Of Surry it is said:
It forms a part of the great mineral belt, extending from New Bruns-
wick through Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, a part of western
Massachusetts and eastern New York, sinking at the Hudson to appear
again in southern Pennsylvania and western Maryland, Virginia and
North Carolina. In Surry there have been left almost in juxtaposition,
deposits of gold, copper and galena. The gold is associated with perites
of iron, occasionally appearing as free gold, the silver in the form of
black sulphurets and argentiferous galena flecked in spots with gray
copper — or hidrate of silver — and the copper as live carbonates, sulphur-
ets, and native, many specimens of the copper being very beautiful oc-
curing as leaves, fern shaped, and minute wires interwoven with crys-
talline quartz.
Prof. C. H. Hitchcock in his works on the geology and glacial drift in this
part of New Hampshire gives the following information concerning Surry
and vicinity:
We find Surry Mountain composed of rock that is more like mica
schist than gneiss; though it sometimes has the character of a mica-
ceous gneiss, and sometimes, though rarely, contains fibrolite. On the
west side of the mountain, east of the village of Surry, about three-
History of Surry 7
fourths of the way up, there is a vein, sometimes two or three feet wide,
that carries galena, zinc-blende and pyrrhotite. It appears also near
the north end of the mountain, at nearly the same level. The southern
extremity of Surry Mountain is the limit of this band of the fibrolite
rock southward. The rock of Bald hill — which seems to be an exten-
sion of Surry Mountain northward, although cut off from it by the deep
valley of the Ashuelot River, — resembles very closely the White Moun-
tain gneiss, and probably belongs to the same group of rocks as Surry
Mountain. The quartzites, quartz schists and quartz conglomerates of
Gilsum, Surry and Keene are among the most interesting of any we
have examined, but they require more careful study than we have been
able to give them to understand fully their relations to the other rocks.
Then there is the quartz of Mine Ledge, that extends south into West-
moreland and Keene.
In the southwest part of the town, a few rods easterly of the Britton place,
there is a limited outcrop of quartzite, which is very near the quartz, and
there are two beds of quartzites in Keene and Surry which have been dis-
covered "separated by a wide band of gneiss from the central group." The
same kind of rock appears in Newport and Grafton, forty to sixty miles
farther north.
Surry Mountain has always been thought to be rich in ore, but mining
operations have met with but indifferent success.
There is abundant evidence of the "Glacial Period" within the borders of
this town, not only on the sui'face of ledges, but from the large number of
boulders found scattered about in numerous places. Geologists tell us that
this section was covered during this period with a vast field of ice, that the
sheet even passed over the summit of Mt. Washington, 6,200 feet above the
sea level. Hence, during the "great ice age," the territory now embraced in
the town of Surry was completely covered. It is known that the ice moved
southeasterly from the St. Lawrence valley. The true course of the "drift"
over Bald hill has been discovered from "scratchings" found on the rocks,
and is "South 23° East."
Further evidence of the glacier has been found on the surface of a large
ledge, a few rods easterly of the old road that crosses the northwest corner
of the town. Here the action of the ice mass with its huge fragments of de-
tached rocks has ground and polished the outcropping ledge until its surface,
after being exposed ages upon ages, still retains its finish and glistens in the
Many rocks in the form of boulders were deposited within the limits of this
town during the glacial period; they vary in size from a few hundred pounds
to many tons each.
This boulder is said to have come from Ascutney Mountain in Vermont, and
is at the north end of the. town, about one-fourth mile north of Shaw's corner.
The approximate dimensions are twenty feet in length, width and height; it
probably runs six or eight feet below the surface.
There was a house before 1835 on the west side of the road, opposite this
8 History of Surry
boulder, occupied by Mr. Butler, and for many years this rock was known as
"Butler's Rock," although since about 1876 as "Ascutney Boulder."
In a pasture in the southwest part of the town, some forty rods east of the
dwelling- house of Walter H. Britton, can be seen a boulder worthy of special
mention. It is composed largely of white quartz, wholly unlike other rocks
found in town. Like most boulders, its general form is spherical; it is about
twelve feet in diameter and rests on the surface of the ledge much like a huge
apple on a small platter; about it are several fragments of rock, once evident-
ly a part of it.
From the top of this boulder a splendid view is obtained in all directions:
the Richmond hills in the south, grand Mt. Monadnock and the city of Keene
in the southeast, Nelson hills and Surry Mountain easterly, and Alstead hills
at the north; and then, turning to the northwest, west and southwest one can
trace the Green Mountain range in Vermont from near the middle of the state
until it is lost in northwestern Massachusetts. In the west, and overtopping
the whole, is seen Stratton Mountain, from which echoed the boom of the
cannon at Bennington on Aug. 16, 1777,
In the wood lot, on the farm now owned by Frank E. B. Mason, about fifty
rods southwest of the old John Cole place, is a red colored boulder of consid-
erable size, the nature of which differs from other rocks in town. It rests
almost wholly above the surface of the soil, is twenty feet in length, twenty
in thickness, and fully twenty in height. Several fragments, broken from
it, lie close at hand.
A later period than than of the "glacial period" is thus described by the
late Rev. Josiah L. Seward :
"If a birds-eye view of the vicinity of Keene in what geologists would
call a recent geological age, could be reproduced for us, it would disclose
a vast lake covering the beautiful valley of what is now Keene. It ex-
tended on the north to the hills of Surry, with a bay reaching to the
high lands of Alstead. Surry Mountain was a beautiful promontory
jutting into this lake from the northeast, which a bay reaching up what
is now the Beaver brook valley separated fi'om Beech hill. The western
shore was on what we call the West Mountain and the hills of West-
moreland and Surry. The outlet was by way of what we call the valley
of the Ashuelot, into the valley of the Connecticut. The lake must have
been a most beautiful sheet of water, about fifteen miles in length and
from three to five miles in width. Evidences of its existence have been
repeatedly discovered and described. Gradually the soft earth at the
outlet was worn away and, little by little, the lake disappeared, until
only traces of it were left."
'U. S. Signal Station established on this boulder about 1S80.
History of Surry 9
The earliest inhabitants of the valley which succeeded the lake described
above were the Ashuelot (?) Indians, who, it is said, gave their name to the
river which flows through this town in a southerly course.
Ashuelot river is by far the most important stream, and the only river in
town. In its course of about fifty miles it has a fall of nearly 1200 feet, and
is regarded as one of the most important rivers of its size in the state as re-
gards power for manufacturing purposes. Its head waters are in several
small ponds in the town of Washington; flowing in a southwesterly direction
to the Connecticut river, it passes through Marlow, Gilsum, Surry, Keene,
Swanzey, Winchester and Hinsdale. In Surry it varies in width, but gen-
erally is from three to four rods wide. For the first mile after entering town,
.owing to its descent, the current is somewhat rapid, the river bed rough and
rocky, but below Scripture's milldam the fall is slight, and the stream flows
gently onward into Keene. Hence, but few opportunities are aff'orded from
which to develop water power; two only have thus far been utilized.
Upon the summit of Surry Mountain, near its center, is a notch in which
lies Lily pond, a body of water covering a few acres, and, from its altitude, it
is looked upon as a natural curiosity. It has its outlet in a sparkling brook
which rushes down the mountain side to unite with the Ashuelot. This pond,
.seven hundred and fifty feet above the meadows, and in the hollow of the
mountain, is probably eighty feet deep in some places. It is not an uninter-
esting spot, although still and lonely, yet it is neglected even by the birds, who
do not for some reason care for the sameness of its shores, which are for the
most part swampy and thick with underbrush. Fallen trees, doubled by their
own reflection in the water, point their long tapering trunks far out over the
pond, and the ground, covered with bright green moss, trembles as one passes
along. Following the pond's outlet on the west side down the mountain side
are many beautiful cascades leaping over the lichen-covered rocks.
Lily pond brook, mentioned above, comes down the west side of Surry Moun-
tain, and is an outlet of Lily pond, from which its name is derived.
Benton brook, so named as early as 1799 and later called "Cannon" brook,
has its source in the south part of Alstead, and enters Surry at the northeast
corner, then flowing south enters the Ashuelot not far from the Gilsum line.
Thompson brook was known by that name as early as 1805, taking the name
from Dr. Samuel Thompson, who, at that time, lived near its banks. The
*This name appears in the early records, as follows : — ^Ashawhelock, Ashawelloc,
Asheurlit, Ashewelot, Ashewillot, Ashuellot, Ashuellott, Ashtierlot, Ashulott, Ashurlott,
Ashuwelot, Ashwilit, etc. The name Ashuelot "was originally written Nashua lot; the
Indian word nashue signifies in the midst, and was applied by them to a point or angular
piece of land lying hetween two branches of a stream or other water; ut means at. The
application of the word is here plain. The natives called the triangular peninsular formed
by the bend of the Connecticut and touched on the east by the smaller stream, nashue ut,
and the settlers, without inquiring into the specific meaning of the word, made it the
name of smaller stream. By omitting the initial n and with the introduction of 1 before
the termination, it makes a most musical appelation. The regret is that our fathers
did r.ot retain more of those apt and significant Indian names." Temple and Sheldon,
from Keene Hi.story, page 15.
10 History of Surry
brook rises in Alstead and flowing southward into Surry enters the Ashuelot
river near Shaw's corner.
Mack brook, another small stream from Alstead, enters Thompson brook a
few rods north of the old Holbrook tavern.
Scovell brook rises in the edge of Walpole, flows in an easterly course in
Surry and empties into the Ashuelot a mile south of the Alstead line. Henry
Scovell settled near its banks as early as the spring of 1784.
Harvey brook rises in the southeast corner of Walpole, flows easterly
through Surry and enters the Ashuelot above "Whoppanock" hill, receiving
its name from Capt. Thomas Harvey, who settled in that part of the town
about 1766.
Fuller brook, a small stream rising northwest of the village, flows in a
southeasterly direction and crosses the farm where Joshua Fuller settled
several years before the Revolution, and enters Harvey brook east of the
Beaver brook, so named as early as 1790, is a small stream that flows
through the marshy meadow land southeast of the village. Here was once
the home of beavers.
Smith brook crosses the highway at the foot of Sand hill, east of the old
home farm of Col. Jonathan Smith, Jr., — M. D. Carpenter place, 1922 — flows
s. e., and empties into the Ashuelot.
John S. Britton brook in the south part of the town, has its source near
Mine ledge and empties into the millpond at the south part of the town. It
was named from John S. Britton, who lived near this stream, on the old
Gilbert road. This was known as "Hayward's brook" in 1805.
Black brook has its source in the southwest part of Surry, and enters the
west part of Keene south of the old John Cole place.
Cole brook rises in the south part of the town, flows southerly near where
John Cole lived, and joins Black brook on the edge of Keene.
Of the springs in town but one is worthy of special mention, the one which
supplies the village with a good quality and quantity of pure spring water.
This spring is located west of the late Lewis F. Blake place, and natural
gravitation carries its waters to different parts of the village. In place of
the "old. oaken bucket" many of the people now living in town have spring
water piped to their buildings.
Wilbur hill is in the south part of the town; named for Amasa Wilbur, and
is situated largely on his farm.
Arrow hill is in the southwest corner of the town. Some 60 years ago an
Indian bow and arrow wei-e cut in the ledge on the hill by William Mason.
Mine hill, or Ridge hill, is also in the southwestern part of the town. Here
the Spaniards began excavation work before the Revolution.
Hedgehog hill, above and separated from the last named hill by the "gulch"
through which the Pollard road was built, was the home of the bear, and also
the porcupine.
Gilbert hill was named for Ebenezer Gilbert who early lived in town on the
Gilbei't road — now Cottage street.
History of Surry 11
McCurdy hill is a short distance north of where Samuel McCurdy settled
before the Revolution. This hill is conical in form, about 150 feet high, and
is composed largely of rock with several small boulders on top.
Kingsbury hill is on the main road between Surry and Keene, and was
named from William Kingsbury who lived near the foot of the hill. Dinah's
rock is by the roadside about half way up this hill.
Sand hill, also called Carter's hill. The first name has ever been appropri-
ate owing to the large amount of sand over which teams must pass. The
Carter family at one time lived at the foot of the hill, and their name was
given to it for several years. Smith brook crosses the road near the foot of
the hill.
Bear-Den hill is a conical shaped rocky hill about three quarters of a mile
southwesterly from the village. It is perhaps 300 feet high, and near its sum-
mit is a natural cave in which it is said bears took refuge in early times.
Several boulders have found lodgement on this elevation. Tradition says it
was named about 1850.
Meetinghouse hill is the highway just north of the old meeting-house.
Fuller hill was where Joshua Fuller settled north of the village, now the
Hollis W. Harvey homestead.
Harvey hill, on the Harvey road, was where Capt. Thomas Harvey settled
in 1766. E. H. Joslin now owns the Harvey lands.
Carpenter hill, on the Carpenter road which went nearly to the Walpole
town line, was where Jedidiah Carpenter settled about 1778.
Marvin hill in the northwest corner of the town was where John Marvin
Bald hill from its altitude and form may be classed next in importance to
Surry Mountain. It is an immense granite cone about 500 feet in height; on
its top was once a boulder a few feet in diameter.
Wilcox hill on which Asa Wilcox was an early settler is in the north part
of the town.
The town was originally heavily wooded; some of the principal forest trees
are the oak, sugar or rock maple, white maple, beech, birch, bass wood, ash,
elm, cherry, spruce hemlock, and pine. For more than seventy-five years wood
and timber from Surry Mountain and wood lots hav6 been hauled into Keene;
this has contributed largely to the wealth of the town. Fruit trees were form-
erly more abundant than in recent years; the higher land in the west part is
considered especially adapted to fruit culture. Of the smaller fruits the
blackberry, raspberry, blueberry and strawberry are' usually plentiful in
their season.
West of the Town hall, beyond the bridge which crosses the brook a few
rods from the steep bank and a rod or more south of the Harvey (or Joslin)
road, is a group of fine oak trees, each over one foot in diameter, and all ap-
parently coming from one root. These trees spread so as to form a cup
shaped hollow in which there is water through nearly all the summer months.
12 History of Surry
When full the surface of the water is two feet across and about the same
distance from the ground, and the pool is eighteen inches in depth.
The early settlers found wild animals in plenty. Especially numerous and
of great annoyance were the black bears. Wolves were often seen in early
days, also lynx and wild cat, deer and moose, raccoon and foxes, as well as
muskrat. Beavers, mink and otter were occasionally found,
Surry, like other towns in this vicinity, had its "experiences" with Bruin,
and several "bear stories" have come down to us. Frequently feeling the
pangs of hunger or the desire for a meal of fresh pork, bears would enter a
farm yard and attack the pig-sty, and attempt to carry off its occupant. In
three instances, at least. Bruin was unsuccessful, and in two instances it was
the bear that paid the "extreme penalty."
About 1790 when Henry Scovel was living on the Streeter road, a bear came
and took his pig and started for the hill northeast of the house. Mr. Scovell,
hearing the "squeals," ran and rescued his pig, but was obliged to climb a
tree for his own safety. Here he remained for several hours, closely guarded
by Bruin, till, by his whistling, he finally succeeded in calling Ezra Carpen-
ter's dogs who kept the bear on the defence, while he clambered down from
the tree, secured his gun and dispatched the brute.
Moses D. Field was quite a hunter and killed several bears. A very large
fat bear was discovered one day, and he and others followed its tracks on the
mountain and in the meadow. Several shots were fired, none of which ap-
peared to take effect, but finally in trying to climb the steep bank east of Mr.
Field's house (about 40 rods north of the old toll-gate) the beast fell, Mrs.
Field coming with more bullets she had run, another charge finished the
killing, and the bear was rolled down the hill to the meadow.
It is said that bears in early times lived on Hedgehog hill southeast of the
Everett E. Wilbur place; that a bear came there and got a pig from the pen.
Bruin was making all haste to get away, walking on his haunches, with the
"squealer" clasped to his breast, when discovered.
When Benjamin Merrifield was living in the southwest part of the town —
where Mrs. George L. Britton now lives — Mrs. Merrifield, an elderly woman,
went to the barn one day, and finding a bear there, killed it with a fire shovel.
Eight bears were killed by Jesse Dart and Capt. David Fuller one fall.
John Merriman, who settled in the edge of Walpole before the Revolution,
owned a 50 acre lot in Surry on which is a natural den or cave; he is said to
have killed several bears in this vicinity.
Probably the last bear seen in town was the one owned by James Davis
History of Surry 13
when he was living at the present C. H. Hodgkins' place. For a while he had
a cub chained to a tree near the road; sometime in 1844 he swapped for a
colt with a Mr. Sparhawk, whose father soon after was seriously injured by
the bear springing at him. The timely arrival of Mr. S. with a sled stake
and a "finish" of the cub was a finish of this incident.
Some of the most authentic tales of conditions as they existed in town be-
fore 1800 have come from the lips of Mrs. Lucy (Thompson) Hills, who was
born about 1766, and was a daughter of John Thompson who lived on the farm
of the late Charles W. Reed. The dwelling house at that time was standing
in the field some rods east of the present barns on this farm, and was just
over the line in the town of Alstead.
In her old age she took much delight in relating some of the incidents of
her childhood to the younger generation, and the younger generation have
passed those same stories down to us.
It was never safe at that time for one to travel at night without taking a
fire brand along to keep off" the bears and wolves; both were plentiful and
numerous, and a source of much annoyance and danger. The adjacent hills
provided a safe retreat for all wild animals. One day a cow came running
and bellowing to the Thompson house with a bear clinging to her back; the
women came out and drove the brute off.
When a child, Mrs, Hills went one day to a neighbors (where Leon A.
Hodgkins now lives), and, upon returning home at dusk, heard steps in the
path; on looking back, she discovered a wolf close at her heels. She began at
once jumping up and down, flapping her skirt and screaming at the top of her
voice; all this caused the creature to withdraw a little, and she repeated it
every few rods until reaching home with the wolf at her heels, she buTst open
the door and fell in a faint across its sill.
On another occasion she and her sister were berrying on the hill northeast
of the house when she saw fresh bear tracks. Her desire for the berries being
greater than her fear of a bear, she continued filling her pail, and, after re-
turning home without meeting his bearship, she told her sister what she had
seen, and the sister was greatly frightened.
This incident also had its happening in the north part of town toward the
close of the eighteenth century. A man and two boys were returning home
with a load of hay on which they had a quarter of beef. A pack of wolves,
scenting the meat, gave chase; to keep them at bay it was found necessary to
cut off and throw small pieces of the meat to the wolves. This was kept up
till they reached home in safety, but with the loss of a good portion of the
About 1851 William Kingsbury, the famous "fox hunter," shot a large
Canadian lynx on Surry Mountain, and received a state bounty.
A girl living, in the days of "long ago," in the north part, (now the Hodg-
14 History of Surry
kins place) on going out of doors for chips, discovered a young lynx near the
While Benjamin Carpenter, Sr., was living on the late S. H. Clement farm,
his daughter shot a wild-cat from off the ridge of the barn.
The migration of flocks of wild geese, going north in spring and south in
the fall, is occasionally seen at the present time, but their number has dimin-
ished yearly. It is not known that they made this town their home during
the summer.
The wild turkey was a valuable bird, and once lived in this vicinity. They
were usually found where they could feed upon nuts, the south side of a hill
being their haunt in winter. They have been extinct for fully seventy-five
Wild pigeons were once numerous. In the spring they came north in great
flocks, and during the summer were found in dense forests more generally
than elsewhere. Late in summer they would again congregate, and return
south. As late as 1840 great flocks would be heard in flight several seconds
before they could be seen. Now, so far as known, not one remains in the
United States. Early settlers of this town killed great numbers of them for
food; during the fall of 1816 — the cold year — they were of special value owing
to the almost total failure of crops.
Partridges have been hunted for years, and, although never very plentiful,
their numbers do not seem to decrease.
Other birds once found here were the eagle, hawk, cat owl, lark, blackbird,
wren, robin, cat-bird, martin, bobolink, king bird, song sparrow, swallow,
whip-poor-will, and several others.
Nearly all our streams formerly abounded with the fish common to the
waters of this vicinity, but, owing to dry seasons and other reasons, few of
the finny tribe now remain. The varieties found were the brook trout, pick-
erel, perch, shiner, sucker, minnow and cat-fish or horned pout. The common
eel was once quite plentiful in the river.
The Indian history of this town is 'exceedingly meager. What we here give
is largely from the pen of early writers in this vicinity; a few trustworthy
traditions that have been handed down, though possibly not wholly accurate,
are in general, fairly reliable.
The name of the tribe of Indians formerly inhabiting the Ashuelot valley
was Squawkheag — some times called "Ashuelot Indians." The territory oc-
cupied by the tribe extended northward to the headwaters of the Ashuelot
river, easterly to Mt. Monadnock, south to Miller's river, and several miles
west of the Connecticut river. This region was abandoned by the Indians
some years before the landing of the Pilgrims and it is not definitely known
whei-e they went when they left here, but they probably joined with those
higher up on the Connecticut river, or went to the St. Francis' tribe in Can-
ada. It is not known that there is any deed in existence by which the Indians
conveyed away this land, neither is it known that they ever complained of
losing their possessions.
At the great bend of the Connecticut river in the town of Hinsdale, near the
mouth of the Ashuelot was the "spearing place," an Indian village of the
Squawkheag tribe, from which place they ascended the Ashuelot river to its
In Swanzey there is conclusive evidence "that there was once a large settle-
ment of Indians at the Sand bank, on the southeast side of Ashuelot river
near Sawyer's Crossing. * * * * Traces of an irregular fortification inclos-
ing several acres of ground," existing in 1890 — Swanzey, N. H., History.
July 22, 1882, while Henry M. Darling was grading about his new set of
buildings (588 Court street in Keene), in removing a small knoll a few rods
west of the present barn, three Indian skeletons were unearthed, buried in a
sitting position, facing toward Grand Mt. Monadnock. This was three miles
south of Surry town line and 60 or 70 rods east of Ashuelot river.
An Indian arrowhead was found in the pasture northwest of W. F. Gates
house (in Keene) about 1900 — a few other Indian relics have in earlier tinies
been found in towns farther up the Ashuelot valley. »
The only Indian camping place in Surry of which we have any record was
at the extreme east point of the "plain," about 70 rods easterly of the village
cemetery, commanding a good view of the valley north and south. Since the
early history of this town this spot has been known as "Whoppanock," and is
mentioned in deeds as early as 1781.
There can -be no doubt that they (the Indians) were well acquainted
with all these hills and streams, hunting bears and wolves and deer
from Surry Mountain to Bear-Den (in Gilsum), and fishing up and
down the Ashuelot river. A few arrow-heads and other relics have
been occasionally found, • — From Gilsum History, 1881.
16 History of Surry
It is quite probable, that at a date prior to the settlement of this
town, these wandering sons of the forest made excursions over these
hills and followed up the streams, fishing from ponds and hunting in
the woods; but there is no evidence that they ever lived here for any
great length of time. Indian relics, such as arrow-heads, have been
found. — From Washington History, 1886.
"Far among the mountains spreading wide
By woodland and riverside,
The Indian village stood;
All was silent as a dream
Save the rushing of the stream
And the blue jay in the wood."
— Longfellow.
Early in the morning of April 23, 1746, a party of Indians — supposed to be
about 100 — appeared at the settlement of ''Upper Ashuelot" (now Keene) ;
Mrs. McKinney and John Bullard were killed near the fort; Nathan Blake
taken prisoner to Canada. The Indians surrounded the fort and the battle
raged until noon, nine of their number being killed. *Mr. Blake after being
pinioned was conducted by an Indian into the woods, and after travelling up
the valley about three miles, they came to a stony brook, the Indian stooping
to drink. As Blake's hands were not confined, he thought he could easily
take up a stone and beat out his brains. "He silently prayed for direction;
his next thought was, that he should always regret that he had killed an
Indian in that situation so he refrained. No particulars of his journey to
Canada have been obtained, except that he passed by Charlestown; at Mon-
treal he with another prisoner of the name of Warren, was compelled to run
the gauntlet." Mr. Blake was conducted through Surry, then over the hills
in what is now Alstead to old No. 4, from thence along the usual route taken
by the Indians, both befoi'e and after this period, which was to cross the
Connecticut river near the mouth of Black river, ascending that stream to its
headwaters; crossing over what is now Mount Holly, taking up the head-
waters of a branch of Otter Creek that descended to Lake Champlain; thence
by water to Montreal — about 235 miles from Keene.
Early in the spring of 1755 the Indians again began their ravages in this
valley, "So free from these raids had the country been for several years that
people had pushed out into the wilderness and taken up lands beyond the
protection of the forts. These advanced settlers, some of them miles away
from any fort or neighbors, wtei'e now in great peril." Several families in
this vicinity among them Mr. Peter Hayward an early settler of what is now
Surry, and Ebenezer Day his neighbor, hastened to the fort in Keene.
On the 30th of June following, an attack was again made on the fort at
*Takeii from Keene History — 1904. The small stony brook where the Indian took
a drink was on the farm of Harry F. Knight's about 40 rods east of his buildings where
a spring of good water comes out of the bank and flows down to the river. This farm
is on the east side of Surry west road, about 125 rods north of Four Corners in Keene,
formerly owned by Henry Ellis, Samuel P. and Calvin H. Ellis.
Indian History 17
Keene; the savages were beaten off, but in their retreat they killed many
cattle, burned several buildings and captured Benjamin Twitchell.
In the meadows, west and noi'th of Deacon Wilder's (later the Sun Tavern),
the Indians killed several oxen, a horse and colt — the latter was cut up and
the best pieces of meat carried off. Mr. Twitchell was conducted up the river
and probably spent his first night in captivity lashed to four stakes driven in
the ground on the meadow in the south part of Surry, on the farm formerly
owned by Edmund Woodward. In due course of time Mr. Twitchell was ran-
somed, later being put on board a vessel for Boston. He was taken sick, set
on shore and died in a few days.
"Peter Hayward was well known to the Indians as a dangerous foe.
In later times of quiet, a friendly Indian said that he lay at one time
concealed in the bushes where he saw Mr, Hayward and his dog pass by
on a log. He aimed his gun first at one and then at the other, but dared
not fire, knowing that if he killed either the other would certainly kill
him. It is remembered, that, after the Revolutionary war, an Indian
was lurking around for some time, and made inquiries for Col. Smith,
and it was understood at the time that Col. Smith killed him, as his
only means of saving his own life." — Gilsum History.
This Col. Smith was none other than Col. Jonathan Smith, Jr., who lived
for many years on the farm where George Crehore settled in 1827, now (No.
24) owned by Merrill D. Carpenter. More than sixty years ago Mr. Crehore
related an incident, which doubtless refers to the above Indian, approximately
as follows :
Soon after the Revolutionary war an Indian was discovered concealed
under the bridge at the foot of the hill south of where Edward H. Jos-
lin now (1920) lives. It was understood he came from a tribe in New
York state to avenge some deed that has not come down to us. One
evening soon after an Indian — supposed to be the same man — appeared
at Col. Smith's and opening the barn door fired a shot at the owner, but
missed his mark. Knowing his life was in danger the colonel immedi-
ately set a watch and shot the red-skin, and buried his body near the
bank of Smith brook, a few rods north of the present buildings, (No. 24
Mr. Crehore in tearing his barn down to rebuild in 1854 (?) discovered a
lead bullet imbedded in one of the rafters in the old barn. It was generally
thought at the time, to have been a ball shot by the Indian.
Another tradition states that not many years after Capt. Thomas Harvey
settled on his farm (No. 177 map), his daughters in going to the barn early
one morning discovered three or four Indians just leaving, having spent the
night in the hay-loft. They were, however, peaceable and caused no trouble.
* In October 1854, Amherst Hayward of Gilsum collected and placed in a
small book some data concerning his grandfather, Peter Hayward of Surry,
a portion of which reads as follows:
*This "small book" is now the property of Mrs. Caroline E. (Hayward) Smith, th&
wife of John A. Smith of Gilsum and a grand-daughter of Amherst Hayward, and came into
the hands of the compiler of this work after the mss. had been written.
18 History of Surry
"Peter Hayward (my grandfather) was the first man that began a
settlement in that town (Surry). This was soon after the close of the
Fi-ench and Indian War and before the Indians had done coming from
Canada to plunder, kill and burn the defenceless settlers of New Eng-
land in consequence of this, the families of Keene and vicinity had re-
peatedly to fly to the fort in that town for protection from these cruel
savages. Thus we find this family though five miles off were hurried
there in the year 1755 by an alarm of Indians in the neighborhood who
passed through Keene and killed one woman near the gate of fort.
Peter Hayward was with a company of men hunting them as they passed
into Swanzey, but the Indians escaped by them in the woods and took
one man prisoner in Keene and carried him to Canada."
A more full account of Peter Hayward and Ebenezer Day's (his neighbor)
escape to the fort is given in the History of Keene.
The town of Surry was chartered in 1769, and comprised territory severed
from the towns of Gilsum and Westmoreland.
Surry received about one-third of her territory from that part of the latter
town formerly known as "Westmoreland Leg," about two-thirds from Gilsum;
taking- that part of the town west from the top of the mountain.
In order to more fully appreciate the conditions which led up to the forma-
tion of this town, we must go back and review briefly a somewhat earlier his-
tory of this region. The following facts afford an explanation, without which,
much that is of interest in the granting, settlement and early history of Surry
will fail to be understood.
In 1614 the famous Capt. John Smith — an Englishman and founder of Vir-
ginia— appeared off the coast of New Hampshire, but it was not until 1623
that the first settlement was made by Edward Holton and his brother William
at Cocheco, now Dover, and about the same time David Thompson settled in
the vicinity of Portsmouth. The territory on which these early settlers lo-
cated came under the authority granted to the company of Laconia by the
Council of Plymouth in England. About 1622 Sir Ferdinando Gorges and
Capt. John Mason were high in office in this council, and procured a grant to
"all lands situated between the rivers Merrimack and Sagadahock." Some
years later this land was divided, and Gorges had the region east of the Pis-
cataqua river, while that west of said river, extending back some sixty miles,
went to Mason; the former received the name of Maine, and the latter was
called New Hampshire, after the County of Hampshire in England, where
Mason formerly resided.
Capt. Mason's land extended southward to the Msasachusetts Bay grant,
or to a point three English miles north of the river called Monomack, or
Merrimack, or "to the northward of any and every part thereof." He claimed
as far west as near the middle of Cheshire county, — from east to west. An
early grant describes the north boundary line of Massachusetts as beginning
near the mouth of the Merrimack river then running west parallel with the
river to the South sea, or Pacific ocean.
The Merrimack river at that time had been explored only a few miles in-
land, and its true course was unknown. The English authorities supposed the
general course to be easterly from source to its mouth. Had they known of
the angle in the river a few miles west of the present city of Lowell, Mass.,
where its course turns suddenly almost due north, it would have saved much
discord and bitter strife in later years. Moreover, this "angle" in the river
probably affects, indirectly, the granting and formation of every town in
Cheshire county, as will subsequently appear.
From 1628 until as late as 1691 grants of land were being made in New
England which clashed with former grants and not infrequently covered por-
tions of the same territory. Evidently the king and his advisers cared very
20 History of Surry
little about the true facts, nor did they make any effort, at least in some in-
stances, to rectify previous errors.
The boundary line between New Hampshire and Massachusetts was for a
long term of years disputed, and in fact not until about 1740 was it finally
settled, and then in favor of the former state. §
"The New Hampshire grantees, following the language of their grant,
claimed that the 'Southern Boundary of Said Province should begin at
the end three miles North from the Middle of the Channel of Merrimack
River where it turns into the Atlantic Ocean, and from thence should
run on a Straight Line West up into the Main Land until it meets with
His Majesty's other government.' That line starting at a point on the
shore three miles north of the mouth of the Merrimack, would cross
that river a little south of Reed's Ferry, pass north of Mount Monad-
nock, south of Keene, and strike the Connecticut river in the northern
part of Chesterfield." *
It would appear from the description given in the above grant that New
Hampshire's claim for her southern boundary line, was just and equitable, yet
to this, her sister state to the south would not acquiesce.
An early grant described the north boundary line of Massachusetts as
"beginning at the Sea three English miles north from the black Rocks
So called at the Mouth of the River Merrimack as it emptied it Self into
the Sea Sixty years ago thence running Parralel with the River as far
Northward as the Crotch or parting of the River, thence due North as
far as a certain tree Commonly known for more than Seventy Years
past by name of INDICOT'S TREE Standing three English miles
Northward of said Crotch or parting of Merrimack River, and from
thence due West to the South Sea!" *
Upon the aforesaid description, the boundary line between New Hampshire
and Massachusetts was finally established, substantially as at present. "Upon
that description the Massachusetts grantee claimed that the line beginning
three miles north of the mouth of the river was intended to run along that
side of the river, at the same distance from it, to the source of the main
stream; which gave them a strip three miles wide on the east side, as well as
one on the north side of the river." *
In 1652 the General Court of Massachusetts appointed a commission
to survey the boundary line between the two provinces. That commis-
sion, consisting of Capt. Simon Willard of Concord, Mass., and Capt.
Edward Johnson, with guides and assistants, accompanied by a com-
mittee of the general court and escorted by a squad of soldiers, sur-
veyed as far north as the "Weares," near the outlet of Lake Wini-
pisiogee. They there marked, at the head of a small island in the chan-
nel, what they claimed to be the northeast corner of Massachusetts, by
chiseling on the face of a rock — still to be seen — the initials of the
§In settling the diKpute New Hami)shire was given a tract of land fifty miles in length
by fourteen in breadth more than she had claimed.
*History of Keene.
Early History and Charter 21
names of the commissioners and the full name of "John Endicott Gov."
t A line running "due west" from that point strikes the Connecticut
river near the south line of Lebanon, N. H.*
The grantees and provincial authorities of Massachusetts clung tenaciously
to this version of the grant, while the New Hampshire authorities persistently-
held fast to the wording in their grant, and the controversy between the two
provinces continued year after year for a long period while the English au-
thorities refrained from acting. The inconsistency of the king in making
certain grants of land was certainly unfortunate. In this instance he granted
about 2000 square miles of land in southern N. H. to Capt. John Mason, and a
later grant gave Massachusetts her authority to also hold the same territory.
The feeling on the part of New Hampshire, at length became so in-
tense for ascertaining definitely her territorial jurisdiction, that it was
determined in 1733, to present a petition to his majesty, George II,
praying for the appointment of commissioners, whose duty it should be
to ascertain the respective boundaries of the two provinces. Accord-
ingly on February 9, 1736 His Majesty and Council, directed that com-
missioners should be appointed to mark out the dividing line between
the Provinces of the Massachusetts Bay, and New Hampshire, giving
Liberty to either Party therein who thought themselves aggrieved to
appeal therefrom to his Majestie in Council.
J In establishing the boundary line it was the opinion "That the
Northern Boundries of the Massachusetts Bay are and be a similar
curve line pursuing the Course of Merrimac River at three Miles Dis-
tance from the North side thereof, beginning at the Atlantic Ocean,
and ending at a Point due North of a Place, in the plan returned by said
commissioners, called Pautucket Falls, and a straight Line Drawn from
thence due West crossing the said River till it meets with His Majesty's
other Government." This report was probably submitted in 1738; both
Provinces appealed to His Majesty in Council.
The final decree of his Majesty fixing the boundary line, bears date
March 5th, 1740.**
During the time the petition of New Hampshire for the appointment of a
commission was pending in England, the General Court of Massachusetts, in
1735-36, granted over thirty townships between the Merrimac and Connecti-
cut rivers, which, afterward fell within the Province of New Hampshire. The
haste which the General Court of Massachusetts made, in granting in one day
about thirty townships, in this section, leaves no doubt of her purpose to hold
this land in that way, as a large majority of the grantees were from Massa-
tThe location of this chiseled rock — now called "ENDICOTT ROCK" — was unknown
for about 200 years. Twenty-five or thirty years ago the State of New Hampshire
built a substantial granite covering to protect this historic rock, — near the Weirs.
*History of Keene.
:j:A point three miles "due North" of a place "called Pautucket Falls" in the
Merrimack River, from where "a straight Line Drawn from thence due West" was at a
point where a "Pine Tree", called, "INDICOT'S TREE" was standing "for more than
Seventy Years past' ' in the south-east corner of the present town of Pelham, N. H. and
also in the north line of Dracut, Mass.
**Abridged from History of Charlestown.
History of Surry
chusetts. Each town had the contents of six miles square. Under a penalty
of forfeiture of their right, each settler was required to:
Build a Dwelling House of Eighteen feet Square and Seven feet Stud
at the Least on their Respective Home Lots and Fence in and Break
up for Plowing, or clear and Stock with English Grass Five acres of
Land within Three years next after their admittance and cause their
Respective Lots to be inhabited, and that the Grantees do within the
Space of three years from the time of their being Admitted Build and
finish a Convenient meeting House for the Public Worship of God, and
settle a Learned Orthodox Minister. Furthermore, each grantee shall
"give Security tr the Value of Forty Pounds to Perform the Condi-
tions," etc.**
A list of towns in this vicinity are given in the following table, present
name, date of incorporation, first called name, later name, etc.:
Burnet, Dec. 28, 1752.
Newton, or New Town, Dec. 28, 1752.
Number 4, Dec. 31, 1736.
Number 1, Nov. 30, 1736.
Boyle, Dec. 30, 1752, also called "Gillsom."
Upper Ashuelot, Feb. 21 (?) 1734.
Taken from Charlestown and Walpole.
Addison, Jan. 1, 1753.
Taken from Keene, Marlboro and Packers-
Monadnock No. 7, and later Limerick.
Taken from Keene, Gilsum, Stoddard and
Taken from Gilsum and Westmoreland.
Lower Ashuelot, 1734.
Number 3, also Great Falls and Bellows-
Number 2, 1738 (?), also called Great
Nov. 30, 1736 the General Court of Massachusetts accepted plots of four
townships laid out upon the east side of Connecticut river, which a little later
were numbered to correspond to the several forts. Chesterfield was called No.
1, Westmoreland No. 2, Walpole No. 3 and Charlestown No. 4.
The following were appointed to call the first meetings of the proprietors of
the above four townships, viz: Samuel Chamberlain of Westford for No. 1,
Nathaniel Harris for No. 2, John Flint for No. 3, and Thomas Wells for No.
4. A map of this region made prior to 1760 shows these four towns in form
diff'ering somewhat from the so-called "Blanchard and Langdon map" of 1761.
'*Abridged from History of Charlestown.
^The name of Packersfield was changed to NELSON, Oct. 1, 1814.
Early History and Charter 23
In the spring of 1741, embarked in four large canoes, the first settlers of
No. 2 (now Westmoreland), came slowly up the Connecticut river from North-
field, Mass. They were, Daniel How, Jethro Wheeler, Philip Alexander and
Thomas Cressen, all of whom settled in the Connecticut valley, or in that
vicinity. The old Indian trail ran up the river to No. 4 at this time, but to
the east, it still was an almost unbroken wilderness to the Merrimack river
The boundary line between Massachusetts Bay and the Province of New
Hampshire having been established in 1741, township No. 2 ^Vith others, fell
under the jurisdiction of the latter territory. Number 2, or Great Meadows
as it was the'n called, was intact as originally surveyed. The first settlers
who, on account of the Indian trouble had left the town in 1744-5 were now
(1750) returning and they, like others, found it necessary to secure a new
charter from the New Hampshire government for their township.
It may be noted, in not a single instance was the original name of a town-
ship in this vicinity retained in granting the new charters. Many of the
towns were named in honor of English friends of the Provincial Governor,
Benning Wentworth, Esq., of Portsmouth, N. H. In the case of Number 2, the
charter was granted Feb. 12, 1752, being incorporated under the name of
Westmoreland, in honor of Lord Westmoreland, an intimate friend of Gov.
Wentworth. The petition for this new charter, signed by Daniel How, Thomas
Chamberlain and forty others, is dated, "January 30th, 1750." J
Owing to the unsettled condition of the times, the depredations of the In-
dians, and other causes, the grantees were unable to fulfill the conditions of
the charter, and it was extended to June 11, 1760. In the meantime the town
was re-surveyed and a plan made which was completed March 18, 1752 — five
weeks after the town was incorporated. This survey was made by Caleb
Willard under the supervision of Josiah Bellows of Walpole and'Josiah Wil-
lard of Winchester — all kindred (so said) of Col. Benjamin Bellows, usually
called, the founder of Walpole.
This new "Bellows-Willard" survey discloses a plan of Westmoreland nearly
identical to that of the present, except the "Leg" which was taken off in the
chartering of Surry — 1769 — and instead of following, it was doubtless a wide
departure from the original survey of Number 2, which her citizens had ex-
pected. The new survey was not only of great moment to Westmoreland, but
also a contributive factor in the granting and formation of the town of Surry,
April 29, 1752, the following petition was forwarded to the Governor, by
the inhabitants of Westmoreland, but without avail:
* May it please your Excellency with the Honourable Counsil to Con-
desend to hear the humble Petition of the Propriators and Inhabitents,
of the Town of Westmoreland.
The Province of the Massachusetts Enjoying the land on this part of
this River (Connecticut) which they then Claim'd as their property, con-
tNone of the grantees under charter No. 2, were in any way ever connected with
the territory which later became Surry. In fact, the east line of No. 2 was probably
no farther east at that time, than Mine Hill.
*From Westmoreland, in D. Hamilton Hurd's history of Cheshire and Sullivan Counties
— 1886.
24 History of Surry
sonant with which supposed Title wee petetioned for this Township, and
being granted, wee immediately proceeded to a Settlement about Four-
teen years since, when by the Running the Line of the Provinces wee
fell within the Limitts of your Excellencys Government, and by Renewed
Petition made to Your Excellency for a Renewed grant of the Land, wee
have been favour'd with the same, but as wee Suspect not according to
the Intention of Your Excellency and Honourable Counsil, for Major
Willard and Mr. Bellows hath not Conform'd to our Original Grant from
the Massachusetts nor according to our Intention, which was to abide by
our Original Lines, which are at present destroy'd, for the upper line
is removed nearly Two milles lower down the River from whence our
grant first took place, in which lay our Meadows or entervails, with our
second divisions and all our Improvements on them whith the best part
of our land and extending our line two milles lower down Includeing
barren and Rockey Hills, no ways commoding the town, and then stretch-
ing the Line upon the north side of the Upper ashawhelcok, (now
Keene) which leaves us the barren mountains betwixt us, which Lyeth
so far distant from the Body of the Town, that will never Commode the
same, and these our Grievances wee fear will disable this town, either
for the maintaining the Gospel, or sufficient Inhabitants to withstand
the Indians, now wee prayeth for the Restoration and Confirmation of
our Original Lines.
We would advertise your Excellency and the Honble Counsil that
when Mr. Bellows went with a Petetion for Nobr 3 Called walpole, he
enter'd a number of names leaving out the names of the Old propriaty
of that Town, and particularly them that had Cleard part of their
land, and built also, Off'ering them but Eaqual Encouragement with
others never labouring there, and depriving them of their labour with-
out satisfaction for the Same, and he went in with his Petition which
being granted him, he is suppos'd to have purchas'd of them whose
names were inserted for a Small Consideration, and now will give but
the small Encouragement of fifty Acres of Upland to each Settler,
without any Entervail, and this Prejudices people against settleing
there, having before interrupted the former propriarty in their Settleing
and now discouraging them after great expence, which wee fear will be
Very detrimental to the Sittleing of his and our Town —
Neither petetion we for the additional grant of any other land par-
ticularly the farm formerly granted to Lieutenant Govr Taylor but only
for the bair Lines which wee Enjoyd until the late Lines were Ran by
the fore mention Gentlemen —
"We would further Certifie Your Excelency and the Honble Counsil
that we ware the first petetioners for land on this River, and have suf-
fer'd the greatest Losses from the enemy by fire and Sword, and have
hitherto stood the Heat and burthen of the day, and at last to be un-
done without the knowledge of Your Excellency together with the honble
Counsil, who if truly knowing and fully understanding the same, wee
hope from your now Goodness and Clemency will redress these our pres-
ent difficulties which wee groan under and which is submitted By Your
Early History and Charter 25
Excellencys humble Petetioners, who as in duty bound will ever Con-
tinue to pray for you. —
"In the name and by the] DANIEL HOW,
Consent of the Inhabitants i
& proprietors on the Spot, | JETHRO WHEELER.
"Benjamin Aldridg-e Joshua Chamberlin
Amos Davis Jedediah Chamberlin
Thomas Chamberlin Caleb How
Daniel How Junr Samuel How
John Warner Edward How
Jethro Wheeler Junr Abner How
Herrodiam Wheeler Simeon Alexander
Isaac Chamberlain Phillip Alexander
P. S. Mr. Bellows hath Layd out his Town about Nine Milles long
on the River but four milles wide at the Lower end, and but three milles
wide at the upper end —
And the four milles wide, & Two Milles in length is run down in to
our town that is the Occasion of our Grief —
"Westmoreland, April the 29th, 1752."
The injustice which led to this petition was clearly set forth and their
prayer should have been granted, yet their appeal was in vain, owing doubt-
less to the friendship between Col. Bellows and Gov. Wentworth. The pro-
prietors, grieved over the new boundary lines, cared little for that part of
Westmoreland, called the "Leg," which a few years later was severed in the
granting of Surry. In fact, so far as known, no objection whatever was made
when the latter town was incorporated. They, however, had all the meadow
land measured during the summer of 1752 at which time they, "computed one
acre on the 'Great River' (Connecticut), to be equal to two on the Ashuelot
river," with the "barren land and mountains betwixt."
In taking up that part of Surry which was severed from the town of Gilsum
we must first revert to the formation of the township originally called Boyle.
A petition was drawn up by William Lawrence, Thomas Read, and fifty-six
others at Groton, Mass., on March 16, 1752, and presented to Gov. Benning
Wentworth and his Council, praying for a charter of a tract of land yet un-
granted "which Lyes Northerly of the Upper Ashuelot (Keene) and West-
moreland and Easterly from Walepool Adjoyning to those towns, and extend
Eastward to make the Contints of Six miles Square." The Council unani-
mously advised the governor to make the grant, and Boyle was the name
given. The town, however, was not settled under this charter, and no record
has been found of any meeting of the grantees having been held and none of
them settled in this vicinity, so far as can be ascertained, and with the single
exception of Theodore Atkinson, the colony secretary, they all disappear from
the records of the town with this document. The depredations of the Indians
was the principal reason for the failure of the proprietors to fulfill the con-
ditions of the charter, and finally it was forfeited.
26 History of Surry
In 1760, Josiah Kilburn a wealthy manufacturer of Glastonbury, (yonn.,
hearing the township of Boyle was for sale, sent up men to look over the
ground. When they got here, they were taken in hand by agents of Col. Ben-
jamin Bellows, who first bewildered them by wandering in the woods, and then
kept them traveling for a day or two in Surry meadows. Finally being con-
vinced they had been taken "over a large tract of country, they returned and
reported that it was a very level town, without a stone large enough to throw
at a bird."
Encouraged by this report, Mr. Kilburn joined with Samuel Gilbert and
others in the purchase of 18,000 acres. May 1, 1761, from Benjamin Bellows of
Walpole. Mr. Bellows on March 24, 1761, had purchased of Rebecca Blanch-
ard, widow of Joseph Blanchard of Dunstable, Mass., twenty-six original
rights in Boyle for £67, 10s sterling money, and on March 28, four days later,
he purchased twenty-seven rights of Theodore Atkinson for which he paid
£60, 15s. Some portion of this 18,000 acres of land was situated in that part
of Boyle which later became Surry, but to what extent has not been ascer-
tained. The town of Boyle was rechartered July 13, 1763 and was named
The decade from 1760 to 1770 saw a large number emigrate hither from
Massachusetts and Connecticut. Those zealous hardy pioneers found their
land not all level, but much was too rocky, hilly and mountainous for tillage,
and covered with a dense forest of massive trees.
With a mountain on the east and high hills to the north and west, we can
readily see how both in Gilsum and Westmoreland they felt their isolation;
they were shut in from without and shut out from within, and scarcely a year
passed after Gilsum received her charter that some mention was not made in
town meeting about setting off that part of the town west of the mountain.
The settlers of Westmoreland Leg were similarly isolated from the activities
of their township, and on March 12, 1766 Westmoreland "Voted to set off the
people to Gilsum that Belong to the North East corner of this Town from
Walpole Corner to Keen Line." This seems to have hastened the movement
on the part of Gilsum people, as among the papers sent to the provincial as-
sembly with the petition for the new town are the following:
* Province of New Hampshire.
At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Gilsum meet at the
House of Mr. Jonathan Smiths in sd Town on Tuesday ye 26 of August
1766 being meet and duly formed Mr. Joseph Spensor Being chose Mod-
erator to Govern Sd Meetting Sd Inhabitants Voted to seet off the west
End of Sd Towne as farr East as the Mountain Range
a True Coppey of the Vote as it was then past
Test pr. me
Gilsum Septm ye 1st 1766. Obadiah Willcox,
Town Clack
The following is the petition for the new town:
* To His Excellency John Wentworth Esq. Captain General, Governour
''Taken from History of Gilsum.
Early History and Charter 27
&c in and over his Majestys Province of New Hampshire- The
Honble His Majesty's Council and House of Representatives for said
Province — ■
The Petition of the Subscribers, Inhabitants of the Westerly Part of
the Township of Gilsum and the Northeasterly Part of the Township of
Westmoreland in said Province Humby Sheweth :
That said Westerly part of Gilsum being seperated from the Easterly
Part of the Same Township by a long and impassable Mountain almost
thro the Township of said Gilsum Dividing the Same so as to leave
about one third part of the Lands of the Township of said Gilsum on
the Westerly side of said Mountain, and no convenient Communication
can be had with the Easterly Part of said Township, so very necessary
for the well Regulating and management of Town affairs; and the
Westerly part of said Gilsum being too Small in Contents of Land for a
Seperate and Distinct Town, Parish or Precinct, And whereas the
Northeasterly part of said Westmoreland being that part of said Town
Called Westmoreland Leg Lying at a Great Distance from and very
difficult Passage to the main Body of ye Town and Inhabitants of said
Westmoreland and also paying Large Taxes for the Support of the Min-
istry & other Town Charges, without being able to Receive any Benefit
or advantage therefrom And being adjoining to and conveniently Situate
to be joined and incorporated with said Westerly part of Gilsum there-
with to make one Seperate and Distinct Town &c.
Now your Petitioners humbly pray your Excellency and Honour that
Said Westerly part of Gilsum and Northeasterly part of Westmoreland:
(viz beginning at the Southeast corner of Walpole thence running
Southerly on a Straight Line to the North West corner of Keene thence
running Easterly on the Line of said Keene to the Southeast corner of
Westmoreland Leg so called and continuing the same Line Eighty Rods
East of Sd (last mention'd) corner thence running North two Hundred
and Sixty Rods, thence East Eighty Rods, thence on a North Line to
the North Line of said Township of Gilsum thence West on the Line of
Said Gilsum to the Northwest Corner of the Same thence South on the
Line between said Gilsum & Walpole to the first mentioned Bounds
that part of said Westmoreland & Gilsum included in the aforemen-
tioned Lines, may be taken off from ye aforesaid Towns of Westmore-
land & Gilsum, and be Erected made and Incorporated into one Sep-
erate & Destinct Town, Corporation & Body Politick with all the Pow-
ers, Priviledges and immunities that any town hath or by Law ought to
have in said Province or otherways as to your Excellency & Honours
seam fit and as in Duty bound shall Ever pray
Dated Gilsum July 4th A. D. 1768.
Obadiah Willcox Eliphalet Darte Beniaman Wheetney
Samuel Hall John Marvin Benjamin Whitney
Job Gleason Abel Allen William Barns — Barron
Joseph Spencer Joshua Fuller Charles Rice
Moses D. Field Joseph Mack Nathaniel Darte
28 History of Surry
Thomas Smith Jonathan Pareish Jonathan Smith
Ichabod Smith Peter Hayward Jonathan Smith, Jr.
Woolston Brockway
Of these petitioners the following were of Westmoreland Leg, the others
were of Gilsum: Samuel Hall, Peter Hayward, Benjamin Whitney, William
Barron, Charles Rice, Nathaniel Darte.
Thomas Harvey and some others were at that time living in town, but for
some reason did not sign the petition.
This petition was granted, and March 9, 1769 the following charter was
* "Anno Regni Regis Georgii Tei'tii Magnee Britannia Francia & Hibernia
"An act for erecting part of the Township of Gilsum and part of the
L. S. Township of Westmoreland in to a New Township by the name of
Whereas the westerly part of the Township of Gilsome is Separated
from the easterly part of said Township by a long impasable mountain
almost threw the Township dividing the same so as leaves about one
third part of the land thereof on the westerly side of said mountain and
no convenient communication can be had — and whereas the North east-
erly part of Westmoreland being that part of said Township called
Westmoreland leg Lying at a Grate Distance from the mane part of the
Settlements and the passage from one part to the other Being Very
Difficult and Being Very convenient to be Joyned to and incorporated
With Said Westerly part of Gilsum would be Sufficient for one Town
Distinct from the Towns: from whence they niay be So Severed all
which having been Represented by a Petetion of the aforesaid part of
Gilsum and the tracts being conceeded to by the Votes of the inhabitants
of Boath Said Townships and a Plan being agreed on for the Bounds of
the New proposed Township and it also Appearing to be of Publick
Servis Tending to advance the Settlements in those parts . . . There-
Be it inacted by the Govr. Council & Assembly that there be and here-
by is a New Township Erected Containing the parts of the Townships
aforesaid and Bounded as follows (Viz) : Beginning at the Southeast
Corner of Walpole and Running West ten D'g North on Walpole Line
twenty eight Chanes and fifty Links to a piller of Stones on Walpole
Line, thence South ten D'grees West two miles and forty seven Chanes
to a Piller of Stones on the Line of Keene, thence East five D'r South
(North ?) on Said Line of Keene three miles and Eighteen Chanes to
a hemlock tree & a heap of Stones, thence North four miles and Sixty
four Chanes to a Piller of Stones to the Line between Gilsum and Al-
*Taken from the Surry town Records.
Early History and Charter 29
stead, then Runs West five Degrs North on Alstead Line two miles &
twenty three Chanes to a piller of Stons on the Line of Walpole, thence
South two miles and Seventy Chanes on Said Walpole Line to the place
where it Begins
and the inhabitants of Said Tracts of Land and their Successors are
hereby incorporated into a town by the Name of SURRY to have Suc-
cession forever and enfranchised with all the Privileges, Rights and
communities which other Town in this Province by Law hold and in joy
to hold the Said inhabitants and their Successors forever
and Peter Hayward is hereby authorised to Call a meeting of Said in-
habitants to chuse all Necessary and Customary town officers, Giving
fourteen Days Notis of the time, place and Define of Such Meeting
and Every other Meeting which Shall be Annually held for that Pur-
pose Shall be on the Last Tuesday of March.
Province of New Hampshire
in the House of Representatives March ye 2d 1769
The foregoing Bill having been three times Read
Voted that it pass to be inacted
P. Oilman Speaker
In Council March 9th 1769
This Bill was Read a third time and Passed to be inacted
T. Atkinson Jnr Secretary
Assented to by J. Wintworth
A Coppy Examined T Atkinson Jnr Secretary."
The boundary lines of the town of Surry, as granted, were as described in
the charter and not according to the petition; thereafter Gilsum included only
what lies east of the division between the first and second ranges of hundred-
acre lots. Owing to the variation of the magnetic needle or other cause, the
boundary lines of Surry have since been slightly altered, at least, in some
places. We regret to find such a wide variation in the length of the lines be-
tween this and adjoining towns, in the several surveys.
The following item found in the Provincial Records at Concord, N. H., gives
the date, place and proprietor of the first tavern in that part of Westmore-
land, now Surry:
Westmoreland, January 28, 1765.
We the subscribers do in behalf of the town of Westmoreland in the
Province of New Hampshire and on the Request of many others who travel
this way do recommend and Appoint Peter Hayward to be Tavern Keeper in
sd town.
Samuel Minot '^ Selectmen
i °^
Edward How I Westmoreland.
The original Proprietors' record book of Gilsum and Surry in the hands of
the town clerk of Surry, is in a badly worn and dilapidated condition. A plan
of the town of Boyle is shown in this book, similar to the plan of Gilsum as
shown on page 21 in the history of Gilsum. The following records have been
taken from that book:
August 14, 1761, Benjamin Bellows of Walpole issued a warrant for
the first proprietors meeting, thus :
To Mr Clement Sumner, one of the Proprietors of the Township of
BOYLE in said Province; GREETING
WHEREAS Application hath been made to me the Subscriber, one of
his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the Province aforesaid by the
Owners of more than a Sixteenth Part of the common and undivided
Lands in the Township of BOYLE, in said Province, for the calling a
Meeting of the Proprietors aforesaid; and that the same maybe held at
the House of Mr. Peter Haywood (Hay ward), of Westmoreland, on the
Sixteenth of October next, at Ton of the Clock in the forenoon; and that
the following Articles might be inserted in the Warning, as
1st To chuse a Moderator.
2d To chuse a Proprietors Clerk.
3d To chuse a Collector to collect & gather in the Rates & Taxes;
and to chuse a Proprietors Treasurer.
4th To see if the Proprietors * * * the Lotts as they are laid out.
5th To see if the Proprietors * * * ee to raise any Sum or Sums
of Money, to be lodged in the hands of the Treasurer, to pay
Town Charges, or any other public matter that shall be agreed
6th To chuse a Committee * * * to transact any Affairs that shall
be needed.
7th To chuse Assessors, and to act any Matter or Thing to bring
forward settlement (?) of said Town.
Do in Consequence of such Application made to me,
Notify and Warn the Proprietors aforesaid, to meet at the House and
Place above mentioned; then and there, when met, and duly formed, to
act on the several Articles above mentioned, as the Occasion and Busi-
ness of the Meeting call for; and see that you the aforesaid Clement
Sunner have this my Warrant or Notification in the New Hampshire
News Papers, three Weeks successively, before the Day of holding said
Proprietor's Records 31
meeting, being the most likely Place to give the Proprietors Notice
thereof, and that you make Return of your Doings herein on the Day
Given under my Hand and Seal this 14th Day of August, A. D. One
Thousand Seven Hundred sixty one, and in the first year of his Majes-
ty's Reign.
Copia Vera, Clement Sumner. BENJAMN BELLOWS,
Justice of Peace."
No record of this meeting can be found.
The second meeting of the Proprietors was held in Hebron, Conn.
At a Town meeting of Boyle holden in Hebron on March the 9th 1762;
the following Persons were chosen, or voted for the present Year into
the public Offices of the said Town of Boyle. Josiah Killburn,
Moderator of Proprietor's Meeting.
Clement Sumner (of Kane — Keene) Town Clerk.
John Sterling Josiah Killburn Joseph Spencer, select Men. Josiah Kill-
burn Thomas Sumner Abner Mack, Assessors.
Joseph Mack, Collector. Abner Mack, Treasurer.
Test Joshua Dart Clk of sd Meeting
Copia Vera Pr Clement Sumner Proprietor's Clerk &c.
The third Proprietors meeting was held at Peter Hay ward's house.
The Proceedings & Votes of a legal Meeting of the Proprietors of the
Town of Boyle, held at the House of Mr Peter Hayward in Westmore-
land; September 16th 1762.
lest Voted, Mr Thomas Pitkins Moderator to govern said Meeting. —
2d Voted; Clement Sumner Proprietor's Clerk.
3d Voted; Joseph Mack, Collector.
4th Voted; Abner Mack, Treasurer.
5th Voted; Not to draw as the Lotts are already laid out.
6th Voted; To Size the Land of the Town of Boyle, in Order for a
Draught. —
7th Voted; Joseph Mack, Seth Haze and Abner Mack for a Com-
mittee to size said Land, and make a Report thereof to the
8th. Voted; To Raise the Sum of one Pound three Shillings Lawful
Money, on each Right to be paid to the Proprietor's Treasurer,
to defray the Charges of the Township of Boyle, that have
arisen or shall hereafter arise.
9th Voted; Clement Sumner Joseph Mack and Seth Haize a Com-
mittee to transact any affair that shall be needed.
•10th Voted; To adjourn the meeting till Wednesday the 23d instant.
And the said Meeting is accordingly adjourned and ap-
pointed to sit at the House of Mr Ephraim Dormant at the
town of Kane (Keene) on the sd Day
sign'd by Order.
P. Clement Sumner Pro: Clerk.
32 History of Surry
The fourth Proprietors meeting was held in Keene as noted.
At a Meeting of the Proprietors of the Town of Boyle, met, and as-
sembled, according to Adjournment: Septemr 23d 1762 at the House
of Mr Ephraim Dormant in the Town of Keen; the following Votes
were pased.
1st Voted; To draw the Lotts of the Town of Boyle as they are now
laid out and sized.
2d Voted; Joseph Spensor, Joseph Mack and Seth Haize to be the
select Men of the said Town of Boyle.
And further Voted;
That the above Joseph Spensor, Joseph Mack and Seth Haize
should be Assessors of the Township : and, that for the future
upon an Application made by Seven or more of the Proprie-
tors, to their Clerk for the calling a Proprietor's Meeting, he,
the said Clerk, shall set a Notification fourteen Days before
the Meeting, setting fourth the articles to be transacted in the
sd Meeting; which shall be Deem'd legal Warning, till the
Proprietors shall repeal this vote.
The above are a true Entry of the Votes
passed at the meeting within described.
Test Thos Pitkins moderator.
Sign'd by Order,
P Clement Sumner Pro: Clerk.
So far as known no other Proprietors meetings were held under the charter
of Boyle. The town was rechartered July 13, 1763, and by taking the first
syllable in the surname of two of the leading proprietors, Gilbert and Sumner,
we have a new and unique name for the new town, viz., GIL-SUM.
The fifth Proprietors meeting was held, at Hebron, Conn., thus:
At a legal meeting of The Proprietors of the Town of Boyle (but now
Gilsum) in the Province of New Hampshire. Holden at the House of
Capt. Ichabod Phelps in Hebron, in the County of Hartford and Colony
of Connecticut, on Tusday the 16 August 1763.
Being met and duly formed.
1. Chose Thos Pitkin, Jr., moderator of Sd meeting.
2. Chose Clement Sumner Proprietors Clerk.
3. Chose Thos Sumner, Clark for Sd meeting to transmit the votes to
Sd Clement Sumner.
4. Chose Samuel Gilbert, Esq. Dr. Wm Sumner & Thos Pitkin Jr.
Cessors, for Sd Propriety.
5. Chose Samuel Gilbert Treasurer.
6. Chose Thos Sumner, & Joshua Dart Collectors.
7. Voted to raise a Rate of one pound thirteen Shillings & Sixpense
lawful money of the Bay on each Right to defray the Charges of
Sd Township that have already arisen and Shall arise.
8. Voted that Sd money Shall be paid to the proprietors Treasurer in
the Space of Six weeks from the Dates hereof.
Proprietor's Records 33
9. Chose Samuel Gilbert Thomas Pitkin Joshua Dart a Committee to
ajust the accounts of Sd propriety.
10. Voted to draw the money out of the treasury by themselves or
their order to Defray Sd Charges.
11. Voted to adjurn Sd meeting "to the House of mr Benjn Buel in-
holder in Sd Hebron &c — till the 30 day of August Instent
1763 at one of the Clock in the afternoon.
The sixth Proprietors meeting was held, Aug. 30, 1763:
* At the adjourned meeting held at the inn of mr Benj. Buel at He-
bron, Conn., Thomas Pitkin was elected moderator «fe Clement Sumner
Prop. Clerk. The subject of dividing the land was the principal topic.
Joseph Mack, Clement Sumner and Ichabod Fisher, were chosen a com-
mittee to rectify a mistake in the "Ranging Table," as it appears "Some
Rights have drawn more & Some less than their real proportion." Each
share was to consist of 250 acres, and Jonathan Smith, Samuel Gilbert,
Thomas Sumner, Thomas Pitkin and Benjamin Sumner were a com-
mittee '-'to lay out the Common & undivided land." Thomas Pitkins
and Jonathan Smith were chosen "to Settle affairs with major Bellows."
From the records and deeds it becomes vei-y evident that land spec-
ulation was extensively carried on. Many prominent names, were of
men who had no intention of settling on their lands, but bought only to
sell again. Some, like Benjamin Bellows, owned whole townships. The
Gilberts and Sumners were not bona fide settlers, but simply land spec-
ulators. Capt. Gilbert, one for whom the town was named, probably
never came here at all; yet for a year or two, took the management of
affairs, almost entirely into his own hands, and that the actual settlers
were far from satisfied is plain from their records.
At this meeting it was also.
Voted, that the Proprietors' Clerk Shall have power to Call Proprie-
tors meetings upon the applycation of three or more of the Proprietors,
by Setting up Notifications, one at Woolston Brockways at Gilsum and
the other at Capt. Wymans in Keene 14 days before Sd meeting. Set-
ting forth in Sd warrant the time, place & Business of Sd meeting.
The sei^enth Proprietors meeting was held at the house of Jonathan Smith
in Gilsum (now, 1922, where Samuel Ball lives in Surry village) : thus:
Mar. 13, 1764. At a Legal meeting of the Proprietors of the Town of
Gilsum, in the Province of New Hampshire, holden at the dwelling house
of mr Jonathan Smith in Gilsum afore Sd, the following business was
transacted :
1 Art: Chose mr Woolston Brockway moderator to Govern Sd meet-
2 Art: Chose mr Obadiah Willcox Proprietors Clark.
3 Art: Chose Jonathan Smith, Woolston Brockway & Joseph Mack to
*Taken from Proprietors records, and also from History of Gilsum.
34 History of Surry
be a Committee to lay out and Clear necessary Rodes or high-
ways in Sd Gilsum.
Voted to dismiss 4 Art; viz. "to make a rate or assessment to defray
the Charges of Sd highway, and to purchase a proprietors
Voted to dismiss 5 Art; viz. "to Chuse a Collector or Collectors."
Voted to dismiss 6 Art; viz. "to Chuse a Treasurer."
Voted to dismiss 7 Art; viz. "to See if the Proprietors will alow any
thing for the work alraedy done towards Clearing necessary
Rodes in Sd Town."
Voted to dismiss the meeting.
Test Clement Sumner Proprietors
The eighth Proprietors meeting was held at Jonathan Smith's house:
July 16, 1764,
1 Art; Chose Jonathan Smith Moderator.
2 Art; To chuse a Committee to Treet and Setel with Capt. Samuel
Gilbert of hebron aboute a Sum of money that was paid to
the Rev. Clement Sumner of Keen (Keene) which sd pro-
prietors think hath no Just Right to and that sd Committee
agree and Setel with Sd Gilbert about a man or men whose
name or names ware Sent to be put into the Charter whose
name or names is suposed that he the Sd Gilbert Struck out
and put others in and that Sd Committee agree and Setel with
Sd Gilbert about the overplus Rights that fell in what was
Calld Masons patton ("the patent line") which Sd proprietors
think they have a Just Right to have and further that Sd
Committee Setel with the old Committee whitch Bought the
Town of Gilsum about the Six overplush Rights which the
Sd proprietors think they have a Right to have and make
their Return of the Same.
Thomas Pitkins, Jr. Peter Olcott and Jonathan Smith were chosen
said committee. Obadiah Willcox Prs Clk.
The ninth Proprietors meeting was held at Jonathan Smith's house:
Oct. 31, 1764, Josiah Kilburn, Moderator; Joseph Spensor, Obadiah
Willcox and Job Gleason Assessors; "chose Josiah Killburn, Joshua ful-
ler and Eliphalet Dart a committee to Receive and adjust accompts with
those that Do the worke on the Highways in Sd Town." The building
of roads in town was taken up for the first time this year; some
work, however, must have been done on the roads during 1763, as
noted in Art. 7, at the March meeting, of this year.
The tenth Proprietors meeting according to the old book did not take place
until Aug. 26, 1766, which seems hardly probable, as the ninth meeting was
Proprietor's Records 35
held nearly two years earlier. The records of the Proprietors meetings doubt-
less were kept on sheets of paper up to this time — according to the vote taken
on Mar. 13, 1764, — hence, it is possible the record of the meeting held during
1765 was lost or destroyed. At this meeting;
1st Chose, Ebenezer Killburn Moderator.
2d Chose, Ebenezer Dewey, Abel Allen, Joseph Spensor a Committee
to Lay out and Clear Highways in Sd Town.
3d Chose Ebenezer Dewey, Obadiah Willcox, Meedad Thomson a com-
mittee to Treat with the Town of Keen about a Highway Lead-
ing from the Town of Gilsum to Keen Meeting house.
The last Art. in the Warrant was to see, "if Sd Proprietors will be att
the Charge of Beating a Highway through to Keen Meeting House
whare Mr Killburn and Mr Hayward have marked it." No action taken
on this Art.
The eleventh Proprietors meeting was held at the house of Josiah Kill-
burn's in Sd Gilsum, Nov. 3, 1767, at which time Woolston Brockway was
chosen Moderator: Voted to establish the lines on the west side of the Moun-
tain where they now are, etc. Obadiah Willcox, Prop. Clerk.
The twelfth Proprietors meeting at Jonathan Smith's house:
Sept. 21, 1768. Chose, John Marvin Moderator; Chose, Obadiah Will-
cox, Jonathan Smith and John Marvin a committee to settle with Sam-
uel Gilbert; Chose, Obadiah Willcox and Joshua Dart to go and take ad-
vise of Lawyer Ollcot (of Charlestown) in the matter and make their
return. This was in connection with the disagreement between the pro-
prietors and Capt. Gilbert, previous mentioned. They evidentally felt
much aggrieved, thinking Capt. Gilbert had taken the lion's share for
. himself and his son-in-law. Rev. Clement Sumner of Keene, — from Gil-
sum History.
Prior to 1769, at which time Surry was incorporated, it appears that all
town business was transacted by the proprietors, without separate organiza-
The thirteenth meeting was held at the house of Jonathan Smith:
"Munday the ninth Day of January 1769,"
1st Chose Ebenezer Dewey Moderator. 2nd Chose Obadiah Willcox,
Woolston Brockway, Joshua Dart, John Marvin and Nathaniel Dart a
committee to Rectify the Proprietors Book. 3d Voted not to Exsept of
the Return of the Settlement with Capt. Samuel Gilbert. 4th Voted not
to Chuse a Committee to Settel with Capt. Gilbert. 5th Voted to pur-
chase paper for a proprietors Book.
Obadiah Willcox Proprietors Clark.
The fourteenth Proprietors meeting was held at the house of Joshua Dart
"in Surry" on Monday, Jan. 15, 1770:
1st Chose John Marvin Moderator.
2d Voted to "Exsept of the plan of Boyl now Gilsum in maner and
36 History of Surry
form as Surveyed and Returned By Caleb Willard, Surveyor of
Lands with an alowence of fore (4) acres to Each Hundred acres
for Highways."
3d Voted that each proprietor shall hold 250 acres of land.
Chose Obadiah Willcox, Jo^shua Dart and Ebenezer Killburn to
lay out to each share two Hundred and fifty acres.
Chose John Marvin to ascest the Clark in .Recording.
7th "Chose Thomas Harvey, Jonathan Smith, sr and Joshua Dart a
Committee to treet with westmore Land and walpole to measher
thir town Lines to See if they hant Got more than their Comple-
ment of Land."
Obadiah Willcox Proprietors
Began the Ranging Table after this.
The fifteenth meeting held at Jonathan Smith house, May 6, 1771, "at teen
of the Clock in the morning."
1st Chose Joshua Dart Moderator.
2nd Voted not to act — "to Chuse a proprietors Clark if need Be.
3d "Voted to Exsept of the report of the Committee," composed of
John Marvin Abel Allen and Ebenezer Dewey chosen to call
those persons that have received any money or other Speashe
Belonging to the proprietors of Gilsum to an account for the
same. It was also,
"Voted to measher the Town of Gilsum Exclusive of what masons
patton and Westmoreland takes off," and chose Jonathan Smith,
Ebenezer Killburn and Stephen Griswold a committee to meas-
ure said town and voted to employ Jeremiah Stiles as surveyor,
etc. It was also voted.
That half the proprietors meetings shall be held in Gilsum and
half in Surry, and that the warning shall be set up at Ebenezer
Dewey's and the usual place in Surry.
Chose Thomas Harvey and Ebenezer Killburn, Collectors.
Obadiah Willcox Propr Clerk.
The sixteenth proprietors meeting was held at the house of Josiah Kill-
burn in Gilsum, on Nov. 5, 1771 — no very important business was transacted.
' The boundai-y lines between Surry and adjoining towns have been peram-
bulated once in every seven years, for just how long has not been ascei'tained.
The following were taken early in the last century and are typical of those
taken in other years.
Surry and Westmoreland
Agreeable to the laws of New Hampshire the subscribers have per-
ambulated the line between Sui'iy and Westmoreland as follows, viz. —
Boundary Lines 37
Beginning at a beech tree in Keene line which is the southwest corner
of Surry, thence north nine degrees & thirty minutes east two miles and
an half & forty-eight rods to a stake & stones standing in Walpole line,
which is the northeast corner of Westmoreland, and have set up a stake
& stones every eighty rods which are numbered according to their dis-
N. B. The first stake is forty-eight rods from Surry Corner.
Nov. 1, 1800 Jonas Robbins, Surveyor.
Asa Hancock, Selectman of Surry.
William Britton, Selectman of Westmoreland.
Surry and Keene
Beginning at a beech tree which is the southeast (west) corner of
Surry and standing in the north line of Keene and runs from said cor-
ner of Surry East eight degrees 30 minutes North to a hemlock tree
which is the south east corner of Surry in the said line of Keene and
have marked a number of trees on said line and put the letters "T. L,"
on a number of said trees, also erected stakes and put stones round them
at the end of every quarter of a mile and put the letters "T, L." on the
Nov. 1, 1800. Joel Kingsbury, Surveyor.
Abel Blake & Ebenezer Robbins, Selectmen of Keene.
Asa Hancock & Sarel Hayward, Selectmen of Surry.
This day the towns of Gilsum and Surry met at the Northwest corner
of Gilsum and the Northeast corner of Surry and perambulated the line
between said towns to the Southwest corner of Gilsum and the South-
east corner of Surry, and renewed said lines.
Nov. 20, 1800.
Surry and Walpole
Course from Walpole Southeast corner, near Mr. J. Cheever Fowlers
in Surry, N. 42 ininutes, E. 1024 rods to the Northwest corner of Surry,
which course leaves the said original corner of Surry 12 rods 3 links to
the east. From said corner to the original northeast corner of Walpole,
course N. 42 minutes, E. 2120 rods, making in the whole 3144 rods or 9
miles 264 rods, stakes and stones placed every 80 rods on the Surry line.
Surveyed in Esq. John Hubbard, Surveyor.
Nov. & Dec. 1800.
Surry and Alstead
Began at the Northwest corner of Surry, which is the Southwest cor-
ner of the town of Alstead standing m the East line of Walpole: run-
ning East 290 rods to the County road leading to Walpole Bridge one
38 History of Surry
mile and 82 rods from said corner to the County Road leading, from
Surry to Alstead meeting house, one mile and 116 rods to the Thompson
brook (so called) said brook bears south 20 degrees west, 2 miles and
170 rods the whole length of the North line of Surry, to the northwest
corner of Gilsum.
Apr. 30, 1805.
A map of the town of Surry 1805 discovered in the office of Secretary of
State at Concord, 1922. From this map we give the following facts:
North — Surry and Alstead line ran east 810 rods.
East — Surry and Gilsum line ran south 1° east 1520 rods.
South — Surry and Keene line ran west 8° south 1154 I'ods.
West — *Surry and Westmoreland line ran north 10° east 840 rods.
North — Surry and Walpole line ran east 10° south 120 rods.
West — Surry and Walpole line ran north 1020 rods, to starting point.
"A Plan of the Town of Surry, N. H. Taken by actual survey
1805 and protracted by the scale of 200 rods to the inch.
Samuel Hills | Selectmen of Surry."
Asahel Harvey J
It is not our purpose to give a detailed account of the New Hampshire
Grants, or the Vermont Controversy, as it was called, but as Surry, with other
towns on the east side of the Connecticut river, was for a short time under
the authority of Vermont some mention should be made of the affair.
At the time the south boundary line of New Hampshire was established, in
1740, it was supposed that that line extended the same distance west as the
north line of Massachusetts, and New Hampshire claimed what is now Ver-
mont. In 1749 Gov. Benning Wentworth of New Hampshire granted the
first of 138 towns which he granted in Vermont and named it Bennington,
after himself. For more than a score of years prior to the Revolutionary
war New York also claimed the territory which is now the state of Vermont.
This dispute finally led up to the Westminster massacre which took place
March 13, 1775, when William French was killed, his being claimed to have
been the first blood shed in the war of the Revolution.
** During that War the "civil affairs in New Hampshire were in a
confused state; the courts were suspended and there was no adminis-
tration of justice. The inhabitants of some of the towns on the east
side of the Connecticut, at that time considered quite remote from the
center of political power in New Hampshire, became dissatisfied and
proposed to join the new state (of New Connecticut, alias Vermont),
the central power of which would be in the Connecticut valley. It was
*Note: "The distance of the line on Westmoreland Map adjoining Surry is marked
848 Rods and on this 840 Rods they ought to be alike; there were two surveys but
the latter disagreed with the former eight rods."
**Prom History of Keene.
New Hampshire Grants 39
claimed by many that the west line of New Hampshire was that of the
original grant to Capt. John Mason in 1629" and long known as the
"Masonian line" or the "Patent line."
When the legislature of the new state — which had adopted the name
of Vermont, but had not been admitted to the Union — met for the first
time at Windsor, Vt., on the 12th of March, 1778, sixteen towns on the
east side of the river asked to be admitted to that state, and they were
received. Public opinion in Cheshire county was divided and a conven-
tion of delegates from several of the towns met at Surry in January, to
discuss the situation.
At a town meeting in Surry Nov. 14, 1780, Woolston Brockway and Joshua
Darte were chosen delegates to go to a County Convention to be held at Wal-
pole on Nov. 15th inst to join with other delegates who represent the New
Hampshire Grants. (This corrects Keene History, page 260, which states
"Capt. Lemuel Holmes of Surry" was their delegate. Capt. Holmes was still
living in Walpole at that time.)
Another town meeting was held Jan. 10, 1781 at which time Woolston
Brockway was chosen a delegate to attend a convention at Charlestown, on
the 16th of that month. The town also voted at this meeting "that we will be
United with the Grants on the West Side of the River," and on Feb. 5th it
was voted to accept the report of convention.
The annual March meeting took place on the 27th of the month and this
was the last call under the authority of New Hampshire until the annual
meeting of March 26, 1782. The regular town officers were elected as usual
in 1781; the town then voted to accept the articles of Union between the state
of Vermont and the Grants on the east side of the river; also voted to send
Woolston Brockway as Representative to the Assembly to be held at Wind-
sor, Vt., on April 4, 1781. There were at least four men in town who went
on record at this meeting as being opposed to the vote and who stated, we con-
sider it, "a breach of peace of the United States, do hereby protest against the
vote of the Town." Signed by,
"Jonathan Smith, Ichabod Smith, William Russell and Asa Wilcox."
At the aforesaid 'meeting it was "voted to postpone said meeting until May
7, 1781" but from the town records the adjourned meeting never took place.
The State of Vermont called the next meeting in Surry, thus :
"State of Vermont,
Washington, s. s. Surry April 26, 1781.
"To the Constables or Select men of Surry: Whereas the General
Assembly of the State of Vermont at their Sessions at Windsor April
1781, Resolved that the Constables or Select men of the Several Tovims
of the County of Washington Shall warne the Inhabitants in there Re-
spective (?) Towns to meet at the usual places of holding Town meet-
ings in there Respective Towns on wedensday the Second Day of May
next in order to Qualify them to vote in Said meeting."
The meeting took place accordingly and John Marvin was chosen modera-
tor; Lemuel Holmes, selectman; Abel Allen, constable; Hiram Chapin, Eli-
History of Surry
phalet Dart and Obadiah Black (Blake), listers. The oath of Fidelity and
the Freemans oath was administered to several of said inhabitants.
A convention was held in Cornish in April 1781 and when the returns from
the towns on the east side of the river had been examined it was found the
following towns had accepted the terms of union with Vermont :
Acworth, Gilsum, Lincoln,
Alstead, Grafton, Lyman,
Bath Grantham, Lyme,
Cardigan, Gunthwait, Marlow,
Charlestown, Hanover, Newport,
Chesterfield, Haverhill, Piermont,
Claremont, Hinsdale, Plainfield,
Cornish, Lancaster, Richmond,
Croydon, Landaff, Saville,
Dorchester, Lebanon, Surry,
Dresden, Lempster, Westmoreland,
Morristown (now Franconia.) Walpole,
No returns were received from any towns on the east side of the river, re-
fusing to accept the union. Thirty-six Vermont towns favored and seven dis-
approved of the union.
The next town meeting took place June 11th when the town voted to pro-
cure five men to fill our "cota for the Defence of the Northern frounteers"
and each to receive "one pound pr month. Equal to Silver to be paid By the
The next and last call of a town meeting under the authority of the state
of Vermont took place July 23, 1781 when it was voted to hire three men to
guard the Frontier and to serve until Dec. 15th next. Also voted, "not raise
any money this year to repair the meeting house."
Feb. 19, 1778: Voted to recall all instructions given to Absalom Kingsbury
(of Alstead) and that he forthwith desist acting with the Assembly in the
State of New Hampshire, until further orders.
One of the first, most essential and expensive departments in the history
of nearly every township in New Hampshire has been that of roads and
bridges, or the highway department. Moreover, it has been a case of build-
ing or repairing roads in summer and breaking or rolling roads in winter.
During the entire existence of this town — and even before — the building
and repairing of roads and bridges has annually received due consideration.
Fortunately in this respect, Surry has a much less mileage of roads than
most towns, and comparatively few bridges to maintain — all small, however,
except one which spans the Ashuelot river.
The first settlers who came hither found this region a vast wilderness; a
dense forest of mammoth trees covered their land; their first habitation was
a rude hut or log cabin reached by a "bee line" on foot, next came a blazed
trail, or bridle path, then came the road, the highway, the turnpike and fin-
ally state highway. Doubtless the first roads were in many cases nearly
identical with an earlier bridle path, some of which were "laid out" while
others were "surveyed."
The earliest mention of "roads" is found in 1764 in the old Proprietors
Records of Gilsum and Surry, now in the hands of the Town Clerk of Surry.
Feb. 27, 1764, Clement Sumner, Proprietors Clerk (of Keene) issued a call
for a Meeting to "be holden at the house of mr. Jonathan Smith" who then
lived in that part of Gilsum, now Surry village. The 7th Art reads:
"to See if the Proprietors will alow any thing for the work already been
done towards Clearing necessary Roades in Sd Town?"
"Voted to dismiss the 7th article," they therefore received no recompense
for their services.
From this it would appear that roads were laid out as early as the fall of
1763, and there is reason to think at least some of them were in Surry valley.
Another Proprietors meeting was held at the above dwelling house on March
13th following at which time Art. 3 :
"Chose Jonathan Smith Woolston Brockway & Joseph Mack to
be a committee to lay out and Clear necessary Rodes or highways
in Sd Gilsum." Clement Sumner Proprietors Clerk."
The above committee made the following report:
"Gilsum April 16th and I7th 1764.
Then Laid out by the Proprietors Committee a Seartain Highway
Begining at the head or Ende of a Highway that Leads from Keen a
cross the Northeast Corner of Westmoreland To the Defident (Dividing)
Line Between the town of Sd Westmoreland and the Town of Sd Gilsum
Leading aCross the west End of Sd Gilsum to the Town of Allstead
42 History of Surry
Sd Highway is Laid out six Rods wide and whean it Begins as afore-
said To Run Boring on the Brinke of the hill three Rods of Sd High-
way to be fearly above the Decent of the hill till It falls onto the De-
fident Line Between Lots which Line runs North and South Being the
Line of the sixth Range * * * from whare it falls into Sd Line Run-
ing North * * * the moyety to be on the one Side and the other moyety
* * * the wedith on the other Side Sd Defident Line till It comes onto
the Northwest Corner of the Lott No: 7 thence Turning a Littel west
of the North a Crost the Lott No: 8 as the trees are marked and the
Breadth of Sd Highway is to go on that Side Sd marked trees on whitch
they are marked "with six Knotches on Sd trees are also to Shew that
Sd Highway is six Rods wide thence Runing Northerly by trees
Marked as aforesaid to the North Line of Sd Gilsum to Be and Remain
a Publick and open Highway for the futer or untill the Select men of
Sd town in thair aniell Successirous or Proprietors Comittee for that
purpose Shall for Suffecent Reasons make any alterations.
Woolston Brockway 1
Joseph Mack y ^
Jonathan Smith J
Test pr me Obadiah Willcox,
Porprietors Clark."
Here we have a lay-out, by marked trees, of the first road up the Ashuelot
valley to Alstead town line — nearly five years before the incorporation of
Surry. From Keene line it ran across the east end of Westmoreland Leg to
the old line of Gilsum, then crossing the west end of the latter town to Al-
stead. The portion thru Westmoreland was probably laid-out as early as
1763 by a committee from that town.
The next meeting of the Proprietors was held July 16th — the 5th Art:
"To see if Sd proprietors will alow aney thing for what has al Ready
Been Done towards Laying out Highways and Clearing Same in Sd
Town and make a Return of the Same," it was;
"Voted to Dismis the fifth Article."
The Dort Road
On June 1, 1765 the Proprietors laid out a road on the meadow which be-
gan "at contry rode between Mr. (Joshua) Fuller's and Mr. (Job) Gleson's."
This ran part of the way on the River bank, but probably this road was not
built as there was one laid out the next year running in nearly the same
place, thus: November 10, 1766; Highway laid out beginning at highway
that leads thru the west part of Gilsum, at North side of Joshua Fuller's
land, and running East on said Fuller's land to Obadiah Willcox's land; run-
ning North on said Willcox's to Eliphalet Dort's land; running North on
said Dort's land to Ichabod Smith's land; running North on said Smith's land
to River bank; turning North-West on Samuel Hall's land, formerly Joseph
Spencer's, to Moses Dickinson Field's; turning West and running by said
Field's land to first mentioned highway. This road was to be two rods wide,
Roads, Highways and Bridges 43
and is the "Dort road," so-called, but there is reason to think it ran farther
to the east, and north to near the river bank when built — than at present —
see map.
June 9, 1808 laid out a road east of Levi Fuller's Beginning just North of
where John Hill lives, then ran East, then North and then West to new^
Cheshire Turnpike road. Where this road ran North & South it was laid
out between the 6th. & 7th. Range and all of said road was on the 7th Range.
At a Proprietors meeting held at the house of Jonathan Smith, Aug. 26,
1766 an article in the Warrant to see :
"If Sd Proprietors will be att the Charge of Beeting a Highway through
to Keen Meeting House whare Mr Killburn and Mr Hayward have
marked it."
Whether any portion of this road was in the present town of Surry is un-
The first mention of roads after the incorporation of Surry came up in
town meeting, May 1, 1769 when it was voted to "Raise taxes in the Same
method as they Do in ConnetecuF' and also voted "to work at Highways By
the polls the year Ensuing." On June 14, 1770, it was:
Voted that the Selectmen should lay out and exchange or alter High-
ways and make report to the Town or by or sell as occasion shall Serve,
etc. Similar action was taken at next Annual meeting.
The Pent Road
On Sept. 5, 1770 the selectmen laid out a "Pent road" which ran easterly
across the meadow to the foot of the mountain where John Still lived.
This road was 1% rods wide and entered the present highway in a straight
line "within two rods north of said Brockway's house" where Geo. A. Hall
now lives. In 1782 it was voted to let Woolston Brockway have the liberty
to "Pen the Highway easterly to the meddow." May 28, 1785 that part of
the pent road leading across Woolston Brockway's land easterly of his house
was changed and in "lew thereof laid it out on the South side of John Brock-
way's land," 1^/^ rods wide. In 1796 Cushman Smith gave land from off his
farm, and between him and John Brockway to make still further change in
the west end of this pent road.
Owing to this being a "pent road" it received more attention in town meet-
ing during the first 30 years of its history than any other one road.
Year after year the distribution of the "herbage" and to see if it shall re-
main "pent" came up in town meeting.
This road as finally laid out entered the present highway by crossing the
farm of the late William Carpenter's home place (No. 38), and just above
the fence south of his buildings. In 1798 there were three or four "gates" on
this road.
March 31, 1771, Voted to raise 36 pounds lawful money to repair highways
in town, and allow "three Shiling the Day" in the spring and summer and
44 History of Surry
"two Shiling and six pence the Day in the fawl months" for work. Also that
"two yok of oxen Should be equal to a man" and a cart and plow should "be
one Shiling ye Day."
Oct. 1784. The town voted to accept a road laid out from John Reddings
to Ford Bates. The location of this road is not positively known.
The Carpenter Road
In Sept. 1770 it was voted to accept the Highway laid out to Mr. Wades
land. The records are obscure regarding this road and Mr. Wade.
As far as known Duren Wade who lived on "Carpenter hill" was the only
man of that name in town and as there was a road laid out to Duren's house
in Oct. 1771 it is presumed the first one was not. The latter road was two
rods wide and ran westerly from the "Great road" through land of Moses D.
Field and "south of Thomas Smith's land," — or the Perkins place. The
Kampe family now own that part of the Moses D. Field farm. Later this
was known as the "Carpenter road."
It was also voted at the Sept. 1770 meeting to "except" alterations in "the
middle highway * '* above Dug hill so that it should be two rods fairly above
the fall of the bank and continues but four rods wide," etc., till it got twenty
rods up against Mr. Brockway's land and then to widen out to its full breadth
(six rods).
The Great Road
In 1772 the town deemed it expedient that a careful and accurate survey
should be made of the road which ran through the entire length of the town.
A committee was chosen for that purpose and Jeremiah Stiles, an able sur-
veyor of Keene, was employed. Prior to 1806 this was the Main or "Great
road," as it was called, and was used by the old stage coach until about 1850.
In order to modernize this survey the following explanation is made:
Peter Hayward lived on the Samuel L. Newton place.
William Hayward lived on the Frank E. Ellis place.
Samuel Macordis (McCurdy) — Late Edmond Woodward place.
William Barron lived on Jasper N. Keller summer place.
Benj. Whitney's shop was at foot "Kingsbury hill."
Charles Rice was probably the M. D. Carpenter place.
Joshua Darts was the Oscar B. Deane place.
Westmoreland line, the wall north of O. B. Deane's home place.
The six rod road started just north of Francis F. Field's dwelling house.
Mack's old hovel, near James E. Harvey's dwelling house.
Joshua Fuller lived on Hollis W. Harvey place.
Skinner lived possibly on the George Malcolm place.
Ebenezer Daniels probably lived at or near where James V. Stillings
Moses D. Field lived where Allen L. Green now ownes.
Thomas Smith lived on the Perkins place.
Chapin's mill property, is now that of H. N. Scripture.
Joseph Mack's field was near the Holbrook tavern.
Roads, Highways and Bridges 45
The end of six rod road was just above the bridge where the road turned
N. W. and ran up the hill past Hodskins place to Alstead town line.
Jonathan Smith lived on the Samuel Ball place.
This survey in full was as follows:
Survey of the Road Thru Surry in 1772
"Whereas we the subscribers being appointed a committee to Survey
the Highway through the town of Surry, accordingly on the 29th of
Septemper A. D. 1772, we began at the town line South of Peter Hay-
wards and laid the road 4 rods wide 2 miles and 130 rods, which comes
to the Southwest corner of the homestead of Mr. Jonathan Smiths in
sd Surry, from thence we laid the road six rods wide three miles and
22 rods to the crotch of the road that leads to Alstead, from thence
we took the west road and laid it 4 rods wide to the town line, meaning
the line between Surry and Alstead, it being 102 rods, etc. Said road
is bounded as follows, viz.
"Beginning at a stake and stones set up for the west side of the high-
way in the town line, meaning the line between the town of Surry and
the town of Keene, from said stake, ran N. 4° W. 27 rods to a stake
standing partly between Peter Hay ward's house and barn; then W. 31"
N. 11 rods to a stake; then N. 13° E. 12 rods; then N. 24° E. 16 rods;
then N. 3° W. 20 rods; then N. 7" E. 14 rods to a stake standing 3 rods
north of the bridge that goes over the River and this road is laid out 4
rods wide on the north side of the bridge, and there is about 7 rods
south of the bridge encluded, or laid out for a ford way or watering
place so that this road is laid eleven rods wide up & down the river, or
where it crosses the river; then from the last mentioned stake, ran N.
36° W. 26 rods to a stake and stones then W. 18° N. 42 rods to a stake
or stump; then N. 15° W. 10 rods to a stake; then W. 17° N. 22 rods
to a great stone by William Haywards; then N. 3° W. 26 rods to a stone
by MaCordis (M'Curdy's); then N. 11° W. 15 rods to a great rock;
then N. 20° E. 20 rods to a heap of stones; then N. 37° E. 12 rods to a
corner; then N. 47° E. 12 rods to a corner; then N. 53° E. 12 rods; then
N. 21° E. 11 rods; then N. 7° W. 20 rods; then N. 16° W. 20 rods to a
heap of stones; then N. 20° W. 30 rods to a stake by Barrons; then N.
34° W. 28 rods to a great rock; then N. 40° W. 31 rods to a stake; then
N. 45° W. 22 rods to a corner; then N. 22° W. 12 rods to a stake by
Whitney's shop; then N. 8° W. 38 rods; then N. 13° E. 14 rods to a
stake near Charles Rice's; then N. 33° W. 30 rods to a corner; then N.
38° W. 22 rods to a corner; then N. 14° W. 8 rods; then N. 7° E. 36
rods to a hemloc; then N. 26° E. 12 rods; then N. 16° 30' W. 22 rods
to a hemloc; then N. 2° E. 22 rods to Joshua Darts; then N. 22° E. 8
rods; then N. 43° E. 8 rods to Westmoreland line.
Then N. 16° E. 8 rods; then N. 12 rods; then N. 1° W. 52 rods to
w'here the road begins to be six rods wide; then West one rod to a stake;
then N. 1° W. 103 rods to a stake; then N. 20° W. 45 rods to an old log;
then N. 26° W. 17 rods to a dry hemloc; then N. 15° W. 19 rods to a
hemloc with stones about it; then N. 4° W. 17 rods to a stake by Mack's
46 History of Surry
old hovel; then N. 10° W. 50 rods to a stake by Joshua Fuller's house;
then N. 11° W. 68 rods to a hemloc; then N. 34° W. 45 rods to a heap
of stones; then N. 32° W. 19 rods to a hemloc tree by Skinners; then
N. 4° 30' W. 36 rods to a maple stump with stones on it; then N. 4° E.
24 rods to a hemloc stump; then N. 19° E. 16 rods to a hemloc tree
against Mr. Daniels; then N. 1° 30' W. 68 rods to a heap of stones;
then N. 36° W. 26 rods to a corner; then N. 1° 30' E. 13 rods to a
pine stump with stones on it; then N. 48° W. 19 rods to a heap of stones
by Moses D. Field's house; then N. 15° W. 20 rods to a stump with
stones on it; then N. 20° E. 25 rods to a maple tree; then N. 6° E. 28
rods to a maple tree; then N. 50° E. 46 rods to a stump & stones on it
by Thomas Smith's; then N. 10° W. 19 rods to a beech; then N. 1° W. 18
rods to a great hemlock tree; then N. 4° W. 6 rods to a maple; then N.
8° W. 20 rods to a stone by Chapins; then N. 22° E. 14 rods to a maple;
then N. 30° E. 9 rods; then N. 31° E. 18 rods to a maple; then N. 29°
E. 16 rods; then N. 25° E. 12 rods to a beech tree; then N. 9° E. 10 rods
to a maple; then N. 2° E. 13 rods to a heap of stones; then N. 6° E. 6
rods to a hemloc; then N. 22 rods to a maple tree; then N. 12° W. 12
rods to a beech; then N. 22° W. 11 rods to a maple; then N. 4° E. 8 rods
to a maple; then N. 5° E. 11 rods to a maple; then N. 2° E. 8 rods to a
maple; then N. 2° W. 10 rods to a beech tree; then N. 19° W. 13 rods
to a maple; then N. 17° W. 18 rods to a great hemloc by Joseph Mack's
field; then N. 11° W. 11 rods to a maple tree whei'e the six rod road
ends; then N. 39° W. 7 rods to a maple tree; then W. 34° N. 15 rods
to a beech tree; then W. 31° N. 10 rods to a beech tree; then W. 19° N.
13 rods to a birch; then N. 38° W. 8 rods to a maple tree; then N. 34°
W. 13 rods to a hemloc; then N. 51° W. 8 rods to a beech; then W. 20°
N. 14 rods to a great birch; then W. 24° N. 12 rods to a beech tree;
then N. 38° W. 9 rods to a heap of stones in the town line, meaning the
line between Surry and Alstead, &c.
"N, B. It may be "Surveyed by Jeremiah Stiles, *
observed that
all the bounds Obadiah Willcox 1
are on the West Peter Hayward I. Committee."
side of the road, &c. Thomas Harvey
The Gilsum Road
Just when the road was first built up the river to Gilsum is unknown, but
some time prior to 1773, for in December of that year it was:
Voted to alter the road from Chapin's mills to Gilsum and except it by
the River.
In 1783 the "Gilsum road" was laid-out again: "Beginning at Gilsum Line
at the River and runs as the River runs until it comes to about seven rods
NOTE: The town records and a sheet of paper giving the atiove survey do not agree in
two or three jdaces ; the sheet is copied.
*In checking over this survey we find it was five miles, 152 rods from Keene line to the
"crotch of the road". The south end was two miles, 130 rods; we make it 2 miles 123 rods.
The north end was 3 miles, 22 rods; while we make it 3 miles 29 rods. The total, however,
is the same.
Roads, Highways and Bridges 47
west of the falle at the upper end of Chapin's mill-pond," — said highway to
be six rods wide at the beginning and taper off to four rods.
After a few years the above road was surveyed, as here given :
Plan of a Highway surveyed Feb. 2, 1789 from Gilsum Line to the High-
way that leads thro the town of Surry, one & % miles long;
Beginning at the line between Surry and Gilsum on a flat rock, then
N. 12° 30' W. 17 rods to a hemlock tree; then N. 23° W. 9 rods & V2
to a hemlock tree; then N. 55° (or 35°) W. 11 rods; then W. 33° N. 3
rods; then W. 10° N. 19 rods & V2; then W. 1° S. 9 & V2 rods; then
W. 8° S. 3 & 1/2 ? rods; then W. 28° S. 9 & V2 rods; then S. 43° W. 12
rods; then W. 36° S. 19 rods; then W. 24° S. 28 rods; then W. 11° S. 28
rods; then W. 20° S. 10 rods; then W. 10° S. 13 rods; then W. 12° N. 22
rods; then W. 17° N. 49 ? rods; then W. 3° N. 36 rods; then W. 15° S. 19
rods; then W. 15° S. 10 rods; then W. 8° S. 27 rods; then W. 11° N. 4
& 1/2 rods; then N. 41° W. 8 rods; then N. 27° W. 10 rods; then N. 16°
W. 18 rods; then N. 27° W. 44 rods; then W. 30° N. 8 rods; then W. 3°
S. 12 rods; then W. 20° N. 21 & h^ rods to the Highway that leads
throu the town of Surry. Said road is 3 rods wide,; the survey is taken
on the North side of Sd road.
Sylvaneus Hayward, Surveyor.
Nov. 9, 1869 Voted to layout and change the Gilsum road owing to the re-
cent freshet.
The Crane Road
This road was surveyed and accepted by the town in 1789, and ran from
the Gilsum road up the hill to Abiah Crane's buildings, — the Jackson Reed
farm. This road was laid out two rods wide.
The Thompson Road
On Sept. 7, 1799 this road was surveyed from Samuel Hills to Alstead line
and joined a road "lain out by the Selectmen of Alstead." It began,
"On the east side of the old road at a birch tree on the bank of the
brook, and ran North 17° E. 40 rods to a maple marked; thence N. 21°
E. 8 rods to a butternut tree marked; thence N. 7° E. 20 rods to Al-
stead line in Samuel Thompson's land" to the line of the road in Al-
Mr. Hodgkins now lives on the Samuel Hills place and the late Charles W.
Reed lived on the old farm of Dr. Samuel Thompson. Prior to 1799 the road
up this valley terminated at the Thompson buildings which at that time stood
in the field some ten rods east of the present barns on this farm.
Tradition says a "bridle path" ran northeasterly, and not far from the
"falls on Alstead hills," united with the highway which ran on the highland
easterly of this valley to Alstead Center.
The Ware Road
In 1789 a road was surveyed from the Gilsum road to Comfort Ware's
48 History of Surry
dwelling house — now known as the John Dustin place. His house- was only a
few rods from Gilsum line; the road came down the hill and intersected the
river road at mouth of Cannon brook, and was two rods wide.
The Kingsbury Road
This joined the Ware road, ran northward past James Kingsbury's house
near the extreme north-east corner of the town, and then in a northwesterly
course to Deacon David Reed's house in edge of Alstead. This road was laid
out about 1792.
The Reed Road
Prior to 1790 this was the main and direct highway from Surry to Alstead
Center. From what can be gleaned from the records and tradition, it ap-
pears that it was laid out as early as 1778; it began on the -north side of the
Gilsum road at the corner of the Crane (Jackson Reed) road and ran north-
erly up thru the pasture, west of the Asa Wilcox, Sr. house site, then norther-
ly past John Redding's place (Nathan D. Reed), and to Deacon David Reed's
house in edge of Alstead. In 1783 the south end was changed, beginning near
"Butlers Rock" ran east over Thompson's brook then north-easterly up the
hill where it intersected the earlier road, on the side hill east of the ftolbrook
tavern. This road was two rods wide.
Feb. 20, 1789 another survey was made with probably some slight altera-
tions, at which time it began at "a stake and stones a little North of where
Mr. John Hitchcock formerly had a tann house." Mar. 8, 1898 the town
voted to discontinue the Reed road, subject to gate and bars.
The Wilcox Road, Also Part of Reed Road
The survey of this road was made at the same time as the South end of the
Reed road — in 1778, and is so interwoven with the lay-out of the latter road,
that a description of both are given: Beginning at Thompson's brook, east-
erly thru Chapin's land (on or near Gilsum road) by marked trees to Abiah
Crane's land, then crossing Crane's and land of Josiah Cheney's in a north-
easterly course by marked trees to Asa Willcox's land, turning east by marked
trees in the line between Sd Willcox and sd Crane's land until it comes to
Abijah Bentons corner.
Said highway is laid out three rods wide, and on said Willcox's land.
The Smith Road
June 20, 1799 a pent road was laid out from Josiah Hendee's dwelling (the
plastered) house on Gilsum road east, then north up Benton (later called the
Cannon) brook, then crossing land of Jesse Jaquith to Stephen Smith's, where
Abijah Benton formerly lived.
The Streeter Road
When this road was originally laid out is uncertain, though probably about
1780. In 1794 a survey was made from "the County road near Thomas
Smith's barn" to the Walpole line at which time it was made two rods wide.
Roads, Highways and Bridges 49
This remained an open and public highway until the great freshet of 1869,
when owing to the expense of repairing the same, it was discontinued by a
vote at a town meeting March 8, 1870.
The Delevan Road
The town accepted this road March 1786; it ran from near the Henry
Scovell place on Streeter road north-west to the old Marvin road, and was
not in use many years. In 1798 the town paid Henry Scovell 20 shillings for
land damage, on account of this road.
The Marvin Road
Remains of this road can still be seen in the pasture north of the Streeter
road. It was the old road from Walpole to Alstead through Surry and was
opened probably as early as 1780.
The Proctor Road
This road crosses the northwest corner of the town from Walpole to Al-
stead; when first opened is unknown, but in 1836 a survey was made.
March 11, 1862, Voted to discontinue the "Proctor road."
The Carpenter Road
June 9, 1794 this road was surveyed, though a road covering at least a por-
tion of this highway was traveled as early as 1771. A short branch termin-
ated at the Aaron Carpenter place. There was a bridle path, or cart road
which ran from this road to the Merriam farm in Walpole— see map.
The west end of this road from Syl Smith's to Z. Streeters was laid out in
1805 and was "to be a Pent road for the present."
In 1868 Voted "to pass over" an Art. to Discontinue the Carpenter road.
March 8, 1887; Voted to discontinue this road.
The Perkins Road
William Perkins settled here 1794 and a road was probably laid out to his
buildings within a few years. The one from the Proctor road was surveyed
in 1836. There was a bridle path or cart road which the family used to some
extent prior to 1850 which started in the door-yard at the Holbrook tavern
and ran up the hill through the fields.
Jan. 30, 1747, Voted to discontinue the road from Walpole to Wm. Perkins
lane, so-called.
March 11, 1862, Voted to discontinue the Perkins road.
The Obadiah Willcox, Jr. Road
Ran from near the sugar-house on the "Holly Farm" up west through the
pasture and wood lot to where Obadiah Jr. formerly lived. No record of a
lay-out, or discontinuance of this road has been found; the supposition is that
it never was other than a private way to the buildings on the two farms.
The Joslin Road
This was known as the "Harvey road" until 1815, after Capt. Thomas Har-
50 History of Surry
vey the first settler in that part of the town. The date when it was first laid
out is unknown, but it was probably before 1770. In 1777, 3,000 soldiers
marched over this road on their way to the battle of Bennington.
Moses Hale surveyed it from the village to Walpole line. It varied in
width, from two to four rods wide at that time. It was voted, 1793, "to reduce
the Highway so far as it goes through Dellances land west of the meeting
house towards Capt. T. Harvey's and make the road two rods wide, and to
receive of said Dellance in lieu thereof a piece in addition to the burying
yard by said meeting house. The following is Hale's Survey:
Surry, June 3, 1793. Survey from Surry Village to Walpole town line;
Beginning at the Southeast corner of '-'Adonijah Marvin's dwelling
house; then ran W. 6° N. 30 rods — 8 links; then W. 13° N. 9 rods to an
elm tree; W. 1° N. 22 rods; W. 46° S. 9. & 1/2 rods; W. 27° N. 60 rods.
This part of the road is to be two rods wide. Then the road is to be
two & 1/2 rods wide. Then W. 41° N. 20 rods; N. 39" W. 10 rods; W.
41° N. 8 rods; W. 27° N. 8 & 1/2 rods; W. 22° N. 28 rods; W.
35° N. 7 rods; W. 8° N. 12 rods; N. 34° W. 10 rods; W. 34° N. 6 rods;
W. 21 ?° S. 11 rods to Mr. Allen's line, then the Highway is to be four
rods wide to the Walpole line.
Then S. 4° W. 20 rods; S. 11° W. 6 rods; S. 40° W. 10 rods; W. 21°
S. 64 rods; S. 46° W. 12 rods; S. 37° W. 12 rods; W. 20° S. 12 rods; W.
9° S. 26 rods to Capt. Harvey's house. Then, W. 5° S. 42 rods; W. 10°
N. 20 rods; N. 29° W. 20 rods; N. 36° W. 41 rods; N. 31° W. 50 rods to
Walpole line to a stake and stones by John Merriam's land on the North
side of the Road.
The above survey is on the North side of the Road, and we propose it
two rods wide to the Bound mentioned in the survey, then two and half
rods wide to the West line of Delevan Dellance's land, except in the fol-
lowing, viz. — the South line to run West 6° north 61 rods from the first
station that there may be room to cross the Brook, then 3 rods wide ten
rods up the hill, and from Delance's West line to Walpole line to be 4
rods wide.
The Fox-Lot Roap
Nearly mid-way between the Joslin and Carpenter roads is a 50 acre tract
of pasture land once owned by Oliver Fox of Fitchburg, Mass. A bridle path,
or cross-road was built between the two above roads prior to 1840 which not
only crossed the Fox lot, but was used by the inhabitants to some extent for
many years. This was never a "laid out road."
The Russell Road
This road runs from near Edward H. Joslin's to Alonzo F. Wilbur's. It
was laid out on May 12, 1779, beginning at the Main road that leads by Capt.
Harvey's and two rods west of his barn, then running south by the east side
of said Harvey's house, then on the east side of a wall to the southeast corner
of his plow field, then near the same course, east of "a great white rock near
^Adoni.iah Marvin's linuse stood on or near where Eihvard M. Britten livesi.
Roads, Highways and Bridges 51
the brook" theii to a hemlock tree across the brook, this road to be two rods
wide. Then turning southwesterly it runs to Ruf us Smith's land, this por-
tion to be three rods wide. Then running west on said Smith's land about
46 rods to the North-east corner of William Russell's land, then running same
course on Russell's land about 14 rods beyond the southeast cox'ner of Walpole,
where it comes "to a peak at Sd corner." This portion to be two rods wide.
Said highway to be and I'emain a "Pent-^way" for the term of three years.
The Asahel Harvey Road
On June 20, 1799 a public road was laid out from land of John Brockway's
(near No. 183) to Asahel Harvey's. In 1811 the town voted to grant a bridge
over Asahel Harvey's mill-pond. Oct. 1, 1811 the town paid Jonathan Harvey
$30.00 for building said bridge. June 3, 1817, voted to discontinue the road.
March 1826 Ichabod Ballou and others petitioned the town that this be made a
public highway — not granted. It was in use, however, especially in winter,
until after 1850. The bridge where it crossed the brook was high in the air.
The Main Road Resurveyed, March 26, 1803
We "then continued the old road to the north gate post at Isaac Monroe's
barnyard (now O. B. Deane's — No. 33) and ran north twelve degs east forty
rods to John Brockways welcrotch, the line there to be the west line of the
road." The "welcrotch" mentioned, without doubt refers to a well sweep, or
Old Oaken Bucket, at the well which is nearly opposite George A. Hall's
dwelling house, No. 34. The well is 35 feet deep and still in use.
No complete history of all old roads and highway's in the west part of
Surry, adjacent to Westmoreland can now be given, without much time and
research. Often the records are obscure, then again the land in places has
since been cultivated, thereby obliterating all trace of former location.
According to the records there have been three "trunk lines" — at least a
portion of the way — which crossed this part of the town from Keene to Wal-
pole, viz. the "Old County road," the "New County road," and the "Pollard
road." The two latter, at least, have been a portion of the "3rd New Hamp-
shire Turnpike" road.
The Old County Road
As early as "June ye 24, 1780" this road is mentioned — "that leads from
Keene to Walpole." From the latter town it crossed the highland through the
very northeast corner of Westmoreland, then entered Surry, near where
Philip Thomas, Jr. lived in 1858, continuing southeast past the old Town
Farm and several rods east of the southwest cemetery to the foot of the first
hill where it bore off, a little to the west of and parallel to the present road;
here the old road can still be followed through the pasture; then crossing the
field a few rods west of Walter H. Britton's barns, it entered the pi-esent
highway 20 or 25 rods south of said Britton's buildings, then ran in the
present road until at the dwelling house of the late George Lewis Britton,
where it bore to the west crossing his barn-yard, then on south through the
field and down the hill through the wood-lot parallel to and quite near the
present highway which it entered a little above the corner at the John Cole
52 History of Surry
place, continuing south past Cole's into Keene where it entered the present
road at the old "Goodnow tavern," where the widow of Emerson A. Winches-
ter now lives (1919).
That portion from John Cole's to Keene line was discontinued about 1825.
March 12, 1875, voted to discontinue that part of the Old County road from
Westmoreland line, past the Philip Thomas, Jr. place (No. 192) to near the
stone bridge on the Westmoreland road.
In 1780 a road was laid out in the southwest part of the town, beginning At
a red oak tree by the road that leads from Keene to Walpole, then running
as the trees are marked to Roger Conant's house. Said road is laid out on the
north side of the marked trees.
May 27, 1783, Voted to accept three roads laid out in the west part of
Surry; No. 1, Beginning at Westmoreland line by Asa Hancock's land, then
runs Northeasterly until it comes unto the corner of Abraham Smith's land,
then Northerly unto the Highway that leads from Keene to Walpole.
No. 2, Beginning at Roger Conant's land, then runs Westerly unto West-
moreland line.
No. 3, Also a road from the Main road by Phillip Britton's land south unto
William Britton's land.
No. 1, was probably the present Westmoreland road, southwest from near
the old Town Farm.
No. 2, There is some reason to believe this was the road from No. 211 to No.
112, in edge of Westmoreland.
No. 3 was the road west from the late George L. Britton's buildings to the
Foster place and on into Westmoreland. In March 1856, Voted to discontinue
that part of the highway leading from Hiram (Geo. L.) Britton's to the
Frank Foster place.
June ye 1780, Laid out a road beginning at the end of a road near Dr. Noah
Fuller's dwelling house in Westmoreland, then running southeasterly to the
road leading from Keene to Walpole near Jesse Dasson's house, then northerly
on land of Oliver Wright, Col. Bellows, Mr. Russell and Ezra Davis to the
road that leads to Capt. Thomas Harvey's. The exact location of this road
is not now known, though it probably began at the end of what is now known
as "The London road" in Westmoreland and ran in the same general course
as now, to where Alonzo F. Wilbur now lives.
The New County Road
This road was laid out in 1795 by the county committee. At a special town
meeting held Dec. 15, of that year it was voted to oppose a part of the new
road where it took "good land" of Stephen Bowker, Moses Brown, Mr. Das-
sance, Allen and Wright, although there was no opposition to the taking of
the land of Benjamin Merrifield. A portion of the old road as "it is now
traveled" was favored.
March 19, 1798 Voted to "View the new County road," also to exchange the
old road which runs through the land of Moses Brown for the new County
road. This road was built in 1797 & '98, and entered Surry direct from Wal-
pole, "then passed where Tyler Bissell (No. 190) was living 1858, on in a
southerly course a few rods east of the old town farm, and entered the Old
Roads, Highways and Bridges 53
County road at the foot of hill south of the cemetery. For nearly 25 years
this highway served the public and after the incorporation of the Third New
Hampshire Turnpike in 1799, it became an important stage route between
Boston and Montreal via. New Ipswich, Jaffrey, Marlboro and Keene to Wal-
pole, Bellows Falls, Rutland and Burlington. This road was discontinued as
a "turnpike" in 1822, and became a town road.
Nov. 3, 1868 it was Voted to discontinue that part of this highway from
Walpole line, past the old Tyler Bissell place to near the town farm.
March 15, 1819 Voted to oppose the new contemplated road in west part of
the town from Keene to Walpole.
The Pollard Road
Nov. 4, 1823. Voted to open and make the New County road, or the Pol-
lard road, so-called. An old paper describes this route as :
"Beginning at a popular tree standing on the south side of the Third
N. H. Turnpike road about 20 rods southeasterly of Col. Caleb Bellows
dwelling house in said Walpole and thence keeping southerly of said
Turnpike road to near the east line of Capt. Jonas Fay's land and thence
near the Whipple brook, so-called, to the said Turnpike road near the
dwelling house of Edward P. Rollins, thence southerly to near the
dwelling house of Joseph Mason, Jr., or in such other route or tract as
may be most advisable from said Fay's land to near said Mason's dwel-
ling house, thence easterly across said Turnpike road to Walpole line
near the dwelling house of Jonas Pollard in Surry, thence southerly
through a part of said Surry, through the notch, so-called to Keene line
in such route or track as may be deemed the most convenient, thence
through a part of said Keene, either to intersect the old Turnpike, at or
near Goodnow's tavern (widow Winchester's) or to the south and east
of said tavern, as may be thought most useful for the public."
The above road was built and those living in Surry who received a land
damage thereby were:
Jonas Pollard
$ 15.00
Philip Thomas
David Allen
Levi Hancock
Benj. Carpenter, Jr.
Benj. Carpenter
Royal Watkins
Dated at Charlestown, N. H.
Nov. 10, 1824.
From the Office of
George Olcott to
Total S128.35 Francis Holbrook, of Surry.
Jonas Pollard took the job of building a large part of this road, in Surry,
from which it became generally known as the "Pollard road," and though
somewhat hilly, is the most direct route from Keene to Walpole village. He
soon after opened a tavern at his dwelling house, sometimes called "The Half-
way-house," (the present Alonzo F. Wilbur place). This road cost more than
In 1810 a short road 19 V^ rods long was laid out southwest from the "stone
54 History of Surry
bridge" to join the Old County road with the road to Levi Hancock's house,
adjacent to the first school-house in the S. W. district.
The Summit Road
In 1833. Voted to raise $400.00 to build a new road laid out by a commit-
tee from the Court, to run from Keene to Westmoreland and which crossed
to southeast corner of Surry. Since the railroad was built, this has been
known as the "Summit road." From 1834 until 1844, Elijah Mason assumed
all care of this road for the sum of |10.00 per year and while the town derived
absolutely no benefit whatever it continued to keep the same in repair until
Nov. 5, 1878 when it was voted to petition the superior court for the county
to assume all care and responsibility of this road.
March 25 1799. Voted to continue the old road from J. Cheever Fowler's to
Widow Mary Dassance and to pay damages. The exact location of this road
is unknown, as is also the following which was laid out in 1784 by William
Barron and Nathan Hayward, which ran between Benjamin Carpenter's and
Capt. Sanger's and began at a beech tree north of the highway leading from
Keene to Walpole, thence northerly to corner of said Carpenter's and William
Russell, J!r. land to Capt. Sanger's land. Road to be two rods wide.
The old County road in the southwest part of the town from near the old
town farm to the foot of the hill near the John Cole place was changed in
1826 to its present location, as here given:
"Began at a stake and stones in Levi Hancock's pasture on the road
leading from Jonas Pollard's to David Allen's, running S. 54° W. 26
rods; then S. 41° 34 rods; then S. 6° E. 102 rods; on the old Turn-
pike, on the old road S. 8° W. 36 rods; then S. 8° E. 15 rods; then S.
26° E. 76 rods to the old Turnpike; then S. 20° E. 56 rods; then S. 10°
E. 80 rods to the old Turnpike; than S. 27° E. 80 rods; then S. 14° E.
76 rods to the foot of Mine Hill.
Surry May 18, 1826. Laid out three rods wide."
The Pond Road
The eai'ly records speak of this as "The Gilbert road," after Ebenezer Gil-
bert who settled near this road in 1786 and near where Luman Pond settled
before 1850. It was known as "The Pond road" from about that time until a
few years ago, then it came to be known as "Cottage street."
It is hardly pi'obable the original road ran in the same place as now and in
fact one change is known to have been made about 1835 (?) 150 rods or so
from the end in Surry valley where the road was moved a few rods farther
to the west to get a better grade.
The earliest record found giving some evidence of this road is:
Mar. 26, 1787; Voted, that a petition offered by Silvanus Hayward to
have the privilege of shutting up a road at the Towns pleasure, which
runs Eighty rods from the Main road west thru Sd Hayward's land.
At a Town Meeting held March 13, 1788;
Voted to accept a Highway from William Russell, Jr. to Silvanus Hay-
Roads, Highways and Bridges 55
ward's as in the survey. Also Voted, to re-consider the vote taken last
year Granting Silvanus Hayward the privelege of a road west from the
main road by said Hayward's dwelling house.
The following- is a lay-out of a highway made Dec. 27, 1787 which began
near Frederick R. Crane's buildings :
Beginning at the corner between Benjamin Carpenter, Jr. and Wil-
liam Russell, Jr. then running North two rods wide, one half on Sd
Carpenters land and one half on Sd Russells land to a poplar tree
marked on the north side; thence Easterly on Sd Carpenters land to
Ebenezer Gilberts land; then Easterly by marked trees to Col. Hunts
land; then thru the same to Col. Jonathan Smith, Jr. land; thence to
Silvanus Haywards, in a North-easterly course to a highway formerly
laid out.
On Dec. 25, 1807 this road was again laid out and ran from the John Cole
place on the old County road by old Mr. Benjamin Carpenter, Jr. (now the
Mrs. S. H. Clement's) place to Daniel Hayward's on the Great road. This
road was three rods wide and two miles and 62 rods long.
After the Pollard road was built it was voted March 8, 1825 "to pass over"
an article in the warrant to throw up the old road from Benjamin Carpenter,
Jr. to the Royal Watkins road, near the old Cole place. The exact time this
road was discontinued has not been ascertained. It entered the present high-
way west of F. R. Crane's dwelling house and crossed the door-yard east of
the Mrs. S. H. Clement's house.
The Wilbur Road
On Oct. 3, 1807 this road was surveyed from the north side of the school
house on the Great road near Maj. Nathan Hayward's (now Frank E. Ellis)
by Hercules Hayward's (the old Barney Wilbur) place, to the old County
road at the John Cole place. To be three rods wide, and was one mile and
237 rods long. No earlier layout has been found of this road, yet there is rea-
son to assume it was traveled to some extent prior to 1800; neither can we
ascertain the date at which the east end of this road was discontinued. The
west end from the Wilbur house to the highway was in use until after 1860.
The Stimpson Bridle Path
This ran from near the John Cole place southwesterly to the bridge over
the railroad at the Summit. An old Bridle path, or cart road, called the
Stimpson road. It was never a laid out road, although used as a cross-road
as early as 1825.
The Cheshire Turnpike
On June 8, 1804 a petition by Simeon Olcott Esq. of Charlestown and others
for a turnpike road from the mouth of the Black river in Springfield, Vt.,
through Charlestown, Langdon, Drewsville, Alstead, Surry to Keene was
"committed" in the New Hampshire Legislature. — K. S.
The Cheshire Turnpike was incorporated, Dec. 13, 1804, it ran up Surry
valley. On or about Aug. 1, 1841 the gates on the Cheshire turnpike were
thrown open and it became a "free road." The toviTi borrowed $600.00 of
Capt. Francis Holbrook to pay off the proprietors for Surry's interest. — K. S.
History of Surry
The Surry West Road
'* In 1770 a highway was laid out from the Four Corners in Keene to Surry
town line, and probably soon after was continued to near the dwelling house
of the late Edmond Woodward on the Great road. Leaving the present high-
way where W. F. Gate's dwelling house now stands in Keene, it bore north-
westerly and after passing three dwellings came out at the old Daniel Darling
(the late G. D. Gillis') buildings. Passing northerly on the west side of this
house, it entered the pasture, then northeast by another house site and a
large rock where the South Toll Gate formerly hung; continuing into Surry;
thence noi'th, then more westerly around west of the mill pond to the Wilbur
road; thence east on this road to the Great Road, — a few rods north of
F. E. Ellis' barn.
The town changed the above road in 1789; running north on the west line
of Peter Hayward's farm, then northeast "by the Widow (Sarah) Hayward
& Sarel Hayward saw mill," crossing their mill-dam thence northerly, pass-
ing on the east side of their house to the present highway.
Surry, February 2, 1789. Silv. Hayward, Surveyor.
June 19, 1804 this road was re-laid by the selectmen from the mill-dam to
the Great road, thus :
Beginning at the south-west corner of Nathan Hayward's Milldam, then
ran N. 1" E. 50 rods to the south-west corner of Nathan Hayward's
House, then N. 19" E. 15 rods to the Great Road. This road was two
rods wide except at the buildings where it is only 1% rods.
On May 8, 1801 & Nov. 5, 1805 the town of Keene laid out the present high-
way from W. F. Gates house northward thru "Nigger Hollow" to Surry town
line, and this was instrumental in a petition for a "bridle road," thus:
Surry, Sept. 9, 1806. For the accommodation of the inhabitants in this
vicinity the following request was made, "that the Town would grant
them a Bridle road from Major Nathan Haywards Mill-dam to meet
the road which the Selectmen of Keene laid out last Autumn near
Nathan Carpenter's," etc. Signed by;
Dr. Philip Monroe
Thomas Redding
Amasa Carpenter
Hercules Hayward
Benj. Carpenter
Oliver Wright
John Norris
Samuel Sawyer
Moses Haselton
Aaron Estabrook
Jonathan Smith
Nov. 15, 1807. Voted to lay
three rods wide, and the same
Nathan Hayward
Eliphalet Dort
John Cole
Levi Hancock
Eli Dort
Elizar Wright
Abner Skinner
Phinehas Wheelock, Jr.
Samuel Allen
Abijah Finney
Daniel Hayward
out the road in the South part of the town
to be finished and opened by Nov. 1, 1808.
Jonathan Skinner
John McCurdy
John Thayer
Charles Hayward
Erastus Benton
Abijah Benton
Gaylord Wilcox
James McCurdy
Elijah Norris
Benjamin Smith
Aaron Hayward
*Aiiiiual Report of City of Keene for 1913.
Roads, Highways and Bridges 57
As there is no reference to this being made a "Bridle road" after the above
"petition," it doubtless when finished became an open and public highway,
remaining as such to the present day.
The Austin Road
This began near the south abutment of the "Great Bridge" and runs up the
west side and to the top of south part of Surry Mountain, where the McCurdy
family owned land which was later owned by Thomas Austin and where he
lived many years.
The first mention of this road — July 31, 1781. Voted, to not except a high-
way through Samuel M'Curdy's land up the west side of the mountain.
Mar. 25, 1783. "Voted to excuse Mr. Samuel M'Curdy and his sons
from their highway tax for 1782 and 1783 on account of their making
the road up the Mountain to Gilsum" line.
At the request of James M'Curdy this road was laid out by the town Sept.
29, 1789 and accepted soon after. It is described as beginning "at a Black
Burch staddle on or near Gilsum line on the Mountain" then runs southwest-
erly by James' house down the Mountain to Peter Hayward's line, then "to
a white tree on the Great Road at the Bridge"; the said road is two rods wide
and the trees are "marked with two notches."
This road was not discontinued until March 8, 1898, subject to gate and
bars, although for many years previous it had been little used.
The M'Curdy Road
This is the extreme north end of Surry East road. It ran northward across
the meadow above the Great Bridge. The selectmen laid this road out in
1783 two rods wide and it was always "to be a pent or bridle road." and not
to be passable except by gates and bars. This road ran across James M'Curdy's
land to the "southeastwardly corner of William Hayward's land." It has
been an open and public highway for possibly 100 years.
The Great Road
This road was re-sui'veyed and several slight changes made July 3, 1794.
March 30, 1784. Voted to clear the Main road, also to dispose of a strip of
land lying in the highway, beginning at Mr. Brockways corner by Darts shop
and making his fence straight with Mr. Brockway's fence at the corner, and
to take no more of the Road there, and then to narrow off until it comes to a
point at Mr (Jonathan ?) Smith's fence by his house, also;
Voted to leave the matter with the Selectmen to see how much land shall be
taken from Mr. Smith, supposing they will take some land lying against the
East end of the meeting-house.
Pond Road
Apr. ye 21, 1788, A plan of a highway laid out in Surry; Beginning at a
stake and stones on the West line of the highway that leads through the
Town a little North of Sylvaneus Hay wards house, then runs W. 7° S. 14
rods; then W. 43° S. 10 rods; then 3° S. 9 rods; then W. 10° W. W. 42 rods
58 History of Surry
where it meets a Highway laid out to Benjamin Carpenter, Jr. Said road to
be two rods wide.
The Great Road
The following is a survey of the present road from the Dry-Bridge (near
Goosberry Rock), south to near F. E. Ellis' buildings; — the old road ran west
of present house on the Woodward farm and intersected the present road at
Goosberry rock. When first opened this road crossed a small dry gulch near
the noi'th end over which a bridge of wood was built, and which was known
as the "Dry bridge." It is frequently called by that name to this day, yet on
March 12, 1812 Edmond Wetherbee bid off the job of building a road of stone
and gravel at the Dry bridge by Goosberry rock for |23.00; the culvert to be
built of stone, and the road-way to be as wide "as the plank now on this
bridge." The survey:
Surry April 17, 1804.
This day laid out a Highway at the south Butment of the new Bridge
on the Road lately laid out by the Slectmen and the Towns Committee,
Ran South 2° west 34 rods to a stake; Then south 8° west 12 rods to a
stake; Then south 10° west 14 rods to a stake; Then east 31° south 24
rods into the old road at the bottom of the burying yard Hill. Said
road to be four rods wide and the above described line to be the center,
Asahel Harvey, Nathan Estabrook, Selectmen. Eli Dort, T. Clei'k.
Sept. 9, 1806; Voted: Not take any shares in the Cheshire Turnpike coi'-
poration as a town.
March 3, 1803. "Voted to have a Turnpike road through this Town."
March 26, 1803. Voted to straighten the road through town; At the south
part of town, through land of John M'Curdy, Samuel M'Curdy and Daniel
Day, thence north to Goosberry rock; Also a change from Isaac Monroe's
barnyard "North 40 rods to John Brockways well."
March 10, 1908, the town voted to raise $86.00 and gain "State Aid." This
was soon followed by building the state road through the valley from the
Keene town line. A state highway patrolman has been engaged on this and
the Gilsum road for the past ten or more years.
The Great Road or Surry East Road in Keene
March 5, 1754. A road two rods wide was laid out "Up the river" which
began at Ash Swamp road (now West street in Keene) and extended to land
of Ebenezer Day's, who lived where Nils Johnson now (1922) lives, it being
the first farm south of No. 251 — see map. — Keene Records.
March 4, 1760. A road was laid out and accepted by the town of Keene
which began at the south side of Ebenezer Day's land, then extended under
the Mountain, through Peter Rice's land to the town line of Westmoreland,
now Surry.
In 1784 the town of Keene laid out a road two i-ods wide which began at
the road near Asahel Blake's and ran from thence on or near land of Nathan
Blake, John Day, Hannaniah Hall and William Hayward's land to the town
Roads, Highways and Bridges 59
line. — Keene Records. Possibly this was the road which ran just west of the
Darling house No. 247.
There are also numerous trails and wood roads in various parts of the
town of which no mention is made.
1858 an attempt was made to build a road around the hill from William
Kingsbury's cider mill (No. 20) to near the clay-pit but nothing was done.
The Great Bridge
The Great bridge over the river near No. 1, is the most noted of any in
town. The date when the first was erected here has not been ascertained, but
in 1771 it was voted to build a new bridge near "the old one," hence, the old
one probably was built as early as 1762. Bridges have been built over the
river at two points within the memory of those now living. The "lower" site
was in use around 1850 and is more direct, but slightly longer than the
"upper" location which is about 60 feet across.
On Oct. 2, 1783 the town bought land -of the Hayward's for the new bridge,
and later that year voted to accept the new bridge over Ashuelot river.
June 3, 1793. Voted to raise 40 pounds before October 1st next, to build
a bridge. We cannot explain this vote unless we suppose the Great bridge
had been carried away by ice or high water, as the structure was only ten
years old.
From 1805 until 1840 the Cheshire Turnpike corporation had charge of this
bridge. Feb. 1824, a great freshet carried off this bridge as noted in — K. S.
Tradition says there was a "truss bridge" at the present spot till 1848.
Then a new one was built at the lower site having supports in the middle of
the river. In ten years this became decayed and in 1859 a new one of the
"Wilder pattern" was built on the upper site. The present one was built
about 1890.
Dec. 13, 1773. Voted to get 1000 feet of plank for bridges for next year.
In 1779 a bridge was built near the "White rock" over Harvey's brook,
south of Edward H. Joslin's.
Butler's Rock Bridge
The first bridge was built here about 1789, and in 1810 it was voted to
accept a new bridge built by Asa Wilcox on the road leading to John Red-
ding's house. No. 139.
The Capt. Holbrook Bridge
1801. Voted to finish the bridge between Asa Wolcox place and Samuel
The Joslin Road Bridge
March 1798. Voted to accept the new bridge on "Harvey road," built by
Samuel Allen. Probably until this time teams forded the brook.
60 History of Surr^
AsAHEL Harvey Bridge
March 12, 1811. Voted to grant a bridge over Asahel Harvey's mill pond.
This vi^as at No. 174. A bridge vv^as maintained here until about 1850.
The Stone Bridge
The old records speak of the bridge near No. 201, as the "stone bridge."
This, however, is little more than a culvert.
The Dry Bridge
March 26, 1803. The town voted to straighten the road in the south part
of town — near No. 15. In 1804 the new "Dry bridge" is mentioned in the
records as being near "Goosberry rock."
March 10, 1812. Edmund Wetherbee took the job of building "a stone and
gravel bridge" near Goosberry rock for $23.00; the same to be built as wide
as the plank are now on said bridge.
The Rogers Bridge
William Hayward had a saw mill here in 1784 and some years later it ap-
pears the road was laid out over his mill dam, but no record to this effect has
been discovered. There has been a bridge here for over 130 years.
March 9, 1915. Voted to raise |500.00 to build a concrete bridge by the
Rogers mill-pond — No. 5, map.
The first census of which we have any knowledge was taken in 1767 — two
years before the birth of Surry. It is interesting to note the population taken
at that time of adjoining towns. Alstead, 130; Gilsum, 128; Keene, 430;
Walpole, 308 and Westmoreland, 391. The latter town and Gilsum lost por-
tions of their people when Surry was incorporated in 1769.
shows the
of Surry:
1773 ■.
. . 208
1850 . . .
. . 556
1775 .
. . 215
1860 . . .
. . 389
1790 .
. . 448
1870 . . .
. . 318
1800 .
. . 569
1880 . . .
. . 315
1806 .
. . 558
1890 . . .
. . 270
1810 .
. . 564
1900 . . .
. . 250
1820 .
. . 520
1910 . . .
. . 213
1830 .
. . 539
1920 . . .
. . 200
1840 .
. . 481
Census of Surry 1773:
Married men, 16 to 60 30
Unmarried men, 16 to 60 22
Boys, under 16 years 52
Men 60 years and over 2
Married females 32
Unmarried females 70
Total 208
Widows . .
Slaves, Male .
Revolutionary war census of Surry taken Sept. 30, 1775 :
Males under 16 years of age 59
Males from 16 years of age to 50 37
Males over 50 years of age 8
Persons serving in the army 7
All females in town 104
Total 215
62 History of Surry
Heads of Families — Surry
Free White
Head of Family Males-16 or over- Males Females
Including Under 16 Including Head
Head of Family
Allen, Abel
Allen, Abel Jr.
Allen, Phinehas
Barron, William
Barron, William Jr.
Baxter, Simon
Benton, Abijah
Bliss, Abner
Britton, Phillip
Brockway, Esther
Brockway, John
Brown, Moses
Carpenter, Benjamin
Carpenter, Benjamin Jr.
Carpenter, Charles
Carpenter, Jedediah
Carpenter, Jedediah Jr.
Carpenter, Jonathan
Crane, Abiah
Crandel, Edward
Darling, David
Dart, Eli
Dart, Eliphalet
Dart, Nathaniel
Dasance, Jesse
Delance, Delevan
Everett, Thomas
Field, Moses D.
Fowler, Cheever
Fuller, Levi
Gilbert, Ebenezer
Hancock, Asa
Hancock, Levi
Harvey, Thomas
Haywood, Nathan
. 1
Haywood, Peter
Haywood, Sarah
Hills, Samuel
Holmes, Asa
Holmes, Lemuel
Humphrey, James
Isham, Benjamin
Population Census
Head of Family-
Free White
Males-16 or over-
Including Under
Head of Family
McCurdy, James 2
McCurdy, John 2
McCurdy, Samuel 1
McCurdy, Samuel Jr. 2
Merrifield, Benjamin 1
Marvin, John 2
Marvin, John Jr. 2
Munroe,. Phillip 3
Phillips, Reuben 1
Prentice, Reuben 1
Reding, John 1
Reed, David 1
Rice, Phinehas 1
Riggs, Samuel 1
Robertson, Jonathan 3
Russell, William 1
Scovel, Henry 1
Skinner, Abner 2
Smith, Abraham 1
Smith, Abraham Jr. 1
Smith, Daniel 1
Smith, Ichabod 1
Smith, Jonathan 2
Smith, Samuel 3
Smith, Stephen 2
Smith, Thomas* 2
Smith, Thomas, Jr. 1
Streater, Zebulon 1
Washburn, Caleb 1
Washburn, Simeon 1
Wetherbee, Tabitha
Wilbore, Phillip 1
Willcox, Asa 1
Willcox, Obadiah 3
Willcox, Obadiah Jr. 1
Wright, Eleazer 1
Wright, Oliver 1
Total males, 16 years or over
Total males under 16 years
Total females
Including Head
Total population 448
All free white people — no slaves or colored people.
History of Surry
Taken in the Summer of 1806
Rev. Parley Howe
Died Aug. 18, 1808
ALLEN, Abel Jr.
ALLEN, Samuel
William Brockway
ALLEN, Phineas
ALLEN, David
Age Wife
73 Elizabeth (Chapin)
Died Nov. 13, 1820
49 Susannah (Wilbur)
16 Susannah
10 Mary
8 Elizabeth
37 Mary (Holmes)
16 (Possibly Woolston
48 Rachel (Puffer?)
10 Asenath
4 Rachel
Sally (Sarah)
Jemima Barron
Died July 25, 1810
31 Achsah (Dart)
1 Achsah
Died Aug, 10, 1808.
Amos, b. Apr. 1807 (after this Census was taken) d. July 8, 1808.
NOTE: This census coverf? several months and is not absolutely correct in all details,
as births and deaths are inchided.
Population Census
Age Wife
BUNDY, Isaac
32 Anna (d. June 1807)
Samuel Baxter
Hiram Holmes
BENTON, Abijah
54 Rebecca (Field)
Abijah, Jr.
8 Rebecca
BENTON, Erastus
31 Permela (Hathorn)
Erastus Jr.
BUNDY, Elias
52 Susan (who d. 1806)
10 Annis
59 Margaret (Noney)
16 Nancy
Zeuba Howe
COLE, John
38 Polly (Bemis)
Died Oct. 4, 1807.
15 Betsey
8 Polly
45 Sarah (Thompson)
16 Sarah
14 Rebekah
2 Lovisa
History of Surry
COOK, Charles
CLARK, Samuel
39 Mary
15 Nancy
7 Lucinda
Betsey (Fisk)
CARPENTER, Benjamin, Sr. 76 Joanna (Hayward)
CARPENTER, Benjamin, Jr.
39 Molly (Rice)
14 Polly
Mary (Peck)
45 Ruth (Hayward)
20 Sally
18 Sybil
CRANE, Experience
Died Mar. 27, 1814
22 Sina
32 Betty (Chapin)
6 Ruth
2 Hannah
Joanna Chapin
39 Mary (Thompson)
6 Polly
4 Candace
Population Census
David Reed, Jr.
Aaron Reed
DART, Eliphalet
FINNEY, Abijah
FOWLER, J. Cheever
FULLER, Joshua
FIELD, (Moses who d.
Died Feb. 6, 1807
GE Wife
DART, Sarah (Thayer)
Died Jan. 18, 1819
22 Abigail Wheelock
15 Sally Holmes
Nancy Harvey
65 Anna (Field)
Died Sept. 18, 1812.
41 Joanna (Newton)
16 Joanna
14 Thankful
12 Azuba
2 Mima
DAWES, Jeptha
68 Mary
Died June 3, 1807
35 Hannah (Follett)
12 Lurena
? Esther (Holmes)
49 Lydia (Stearns)
16 Betsey
7 Naomi
79 Joanna (Taylor)
1805.) FIELD, Molly (Hayward) 41
10 Patience i3
Esther 8
Rizpah 4
History of Surry
FIELD, Moses D.
Alexander Grout
Jeremiah Chickrew
HARVEY, Thomas
Daniel Abbott
HOLMES, Lemuel
GE Wife
44 Mary (Benton)
11 Nancy
Hannah Brockway
63 Patience (Smith)
22 Eunice
39 Lucinda 34
12 Avis 14
56 Ellen 60
21 Sophia (married to Mr. Hamil-
ton) 18
Patty 16
45 Lyna (Harvey)
18 Sally Estabrook
Sally Chickrew
Nabby Chickrew
66 Grace (Willey)
7 Lucy Abbott
Betsey Abbott
Lucy Abbott
Lyna Abbott
67 Abigail
HARDY, Daniel
David W.
Daniel S.
Luman P.
Population Census
Age Wife
56 Elizabeth
19 Persis
11 Lydia
6 Elizabeth
53 Polly (Daws)
11 Lucy
9 Mille (or Milla)
HILLS, Samuel
40 Lucy (Thomson)
13 Lucy
Isaac Cobb
2 weeks
John Brown
Abel Puffer
HARVEY, Asahel
42 Eunice (Chamberlain)
7 Eunice
29 Allice (Kendrick)
Anna Kendrick
Mercy Kendrick
HAYWARD, Hercules
32 Rhoda (Flint) 38
4 Lorinda 9
2 Sally 7
Caroline born Mar. 1807.
History of Surry
52 Sarah (Smith)
11 Experience
HASKINS, Dr. Calvin
29 Rhoda (Field)
4 mos. Patty B.
HILL, John
67 Lydia (Fuller)
26 Hannah (Fuller)
25 Hannah (White Dana)
Cyrus H.
4 Grace
Phebe Dana b. Mar. 6, 1807
HARVEY, Jonathan
32 Roxalana (Baxter)
7 Roxalana
Simon B.
Joel Crandel
*HOWE, Rev. Perley
43 Zeruiah
INGALS, Joseph 31
Adopted Child
Nelly Wetherbee
LOCKE, Jonathan S.
Ralph E. Smith
23 Nancy (Bates)
♦NOTE — Rev. Mr. Howe's family has been added to the list by the writer.
ISHAM, Benjamin d. 1802
Sylvester Smith
MACK, Reuel
McCURDY, Samuel
Alvin Carpenter
McCURDY, James
MONRO, Philip
William Munro
Population Census
ISHAM, Martha
Lydia (Ordway)
Elizabeth Rasor
Sarah (Watts)
6 mos.
85 Elizabeth (Mooty)
16 Rachel Carpenter
54 Margarett
23 Polly (Mary)
17 Peggy
50 Betsey (Briggs)
16 Rhoda
12 Lucy
10 Betsey (the poet)
8 Theda
12 Clarissa Peterson
History of Surry
Husband Age
MONRO, Isaac 39
Mary (Sweetser)
Isaac Newcomb, b. Jan. 18, 1794;
d. May 18, 1795
Isaac Newton 7
Betsey Sweetser
Bethana (Barron)
Caroline (Beckwit
Benjamin Britton
Eunice Wildbore
NORRIS, Elijah
Anna (Kendrick)
Joanna (Skinner)
Population Census
PERKINS, William
POND, Philester
READ, David
Nathan Daggett
RITTER, William
ROBINSON, Jonathan
GE Wife
39 Betsey
17 Betsey
13 Rachel
10 Sally
6 Martha
8 mos.
(Lived alone)
50 Abigail (Daggett)
17 Abigail
5 Sally (Sarah)
51 Mehitabel (Webster)
Lucy Redding
55 Pamela (Rice)
12 Polly
Dinah Armstrong
59 Ruth
Joanna Wildbore
53 Betsey (Chadwick)
20 Dolly
8 Suky
History of Surry
Daniel Robinson
Stephen Hendee
SMITH, Benjamin
Richard Merriam
SKINNER, Jonathan S.
SMITH, Cushman
Children (Cont)
58 Hannah
67 Susanna (Smith)
Jerusha (Knight)
36 Azubah
7 Sophronia
2 Azubah
SMITH, Ichabod
SMITH, Jonathan
Amherst Hayward
Sylvester Bliss
64 Lydia (Wilcox)
Sarah Dolph
62 Huldah (Hayward)
18 Emelia Hayward
SMITH, Daniel
Sybil (Hayward)
Thomas Jefferson
11 mos.
Nabby Ann
Elisheba Smith
Amoranceana Jones
Population Census
SAWYER, Samuel
Samuel Jr.
John B. Carlton
39 Sarah (Wheelock ?)
7 Sally
3 Hannahappuck (Happy)
Mr, Sawyer has had 6 children; the following died as follows:
Betsey, b. May 16, 1801; d. Apr. 14, 1806.
Maria, b. Dec. 31, 1805; d. Jan. 11, 1806.
STONE, David
27 Asenath (Willey)
3 Laura
1 Abigail
2 mos.
Died Nov. 8, 1807
Hepzibah 1
The same day that Mrs. Thayer died, also died their infant child, born after
this Census was taken.
Residents ^
Aaron Esterbrook Rachel Hayward
Benjamin Slyfield
Susannah (Allen)
11 Hannah
9 Susannah
8 Betsey
History of Surry
Age Wife
32 Polly (Stocker)
Emery Bragg
2 Sally Stocker
55 Keziah
Josiah Stiles
13 Lora Wells
Ruggles S. Wadkins
67 Tabitha (Harvey)
31 Tabitha
SMITH, Abraham
87 Ruth
THOMAS, Dudley
WILCOX, Gaylord
John Talcott
William Porter
37 Sally (Staples)
Mary Thomas
37 Orinda (Carpenter) 29
Mary Lovisa, b. Sept. 2, 1805
d. Oct. 7, 1806
11 Susannah Smith 15
50 Dinah (Loveland)
22 Dinah
25 Nelly (Wetherbee)
Mary Thompson
Population Census
John W.
WRIGHT, Elizer
Jesse D.
WRIGHT, Oliver
A bi j ah
Thomas T.
VvILCOX, Obediah
Age Wife
24 Peggy (Hennessy ?)
56 Catherine (Dassance)
20 Sally
17 Catherine
46 Mehitable (Trowbridge)
52 Elenor
14 Nella
11 Betsey
9 Fanna
Sarah (Talcott)
Total 558
History of Surry
Voters in Surry 1825
The following is a list
1825 — from an old check
John M.
, Abijah
, Adoniram
, Benjamin
, John S.
* Britton
, James
*Carpenter, Charles
*Carpenter, Benjamin
♦Carpenter, Benj. Jr.
♦Carpenter, Ezra
Carpenter, Luman
♦Carpenter, Seth
Carpenter, Warren
♦Chase, Bradford
♦Crane, Ichabod
♦Crane, Joshua
♦Daggett, Otis
♦Davis, Jonathan B.
*Dort, Eli
♦Dort, Elihu
*Dort, Eliphalet
Dwinell, Lruther
Surry, Mar. 8, 1825,
of voters in Surry at the Annual March meeting in
list: Those who voted are marked *
♦Field, Cyrus *Norris, Elijah
Field, Eliphaz
Perkins, William
♦Pollard, Jonas
Reed, Obadiah
Ritter, William
♦Robbins, Jeremiah
♦Robinson, Jonathan
♦Robinson, Jona,, Jr.
♦Robinson, Samuel
♦Ross, Emerson
♦ Shaw, David
♦Smith, Sylvester
♦Smith, Willard
♦Stone, David
♦Streeter, Jesse
♦Thomas, Philip
♦Watkins, Royal
Ward, Nahum
Whitcomb, David
♦Whitcomh, Enoch
♦Whitcomb, Silas
Wilbur, Amasa
Wilbur, Alvah
Wilder, Isaiah
♦WiTley, Joseph
♦Webster, Benjamin E.
Withington. Stephen
♦Willard, Joshua
♦Willcox, Asa
♦WiTlcox, Asa, Jr.
Wright, Elizur
♦Wright, Moses
Wright, Oliver
♦Wright, William
'■'Hatch, James
Hancock, Levi
Hancock, Silas
Haile, John
*Hall, Seth
Harvey, Jonathan
♦Harvey, Jona. Jr.
♦Harvey, Asahel
♦Haws, Daniel
♦ Hayward, Nathan
Hayward, Peter
Hixon, Elkana
♦Hill, Moses
♦Hills, Samuel
♦Hills, Samuel, Jr.
♦Holbrook, Francis
Howe, Perley
♦Humphrey, Thomas
♦Isham, Timothy
♦Jenning, William
♦Johnson, Augustus
♦Johnson, Charles
Joslin, John
♦Joslin, Luke
♦Joslin, Peter
♦Kingsbury, James
♦Knight, Benjamin
♦Knight, Joseph
Livermore, John
Loveland, Aaron, Jr.
May, John
♦Monroe, Philip
Francis Holbrook
Sylvester Smith
Samuel Robinson
Select 7nen of Surry.
Population Census . 79
The following summary is taken from The New Hampshire Sentinel:
Number of horses and mules, 103. Neat stock, 565. Sheep, 1684. Swine,
122. Bushels oats, 4,472. Wheat, 541. Barley, 240. Rye, 590. Buck-wheat,
six. Corn, 2,346. Potatoes, 15,840. Pounds wool, 3,774. Tons hay, 1,295.
Pounds maple sugar, 5,399. Valuation of dairy produce, $3,799.00. Grist-
mills, one. Saw mills, one. Retail stores, one. — 1840.
The U. S. census of Sui-ry for 1850, taken by Isaac Sturtevant of Keene,
August 8, 9, 10, of that year, was a most complete census, and the following
is the order in which a condensed report appears: Name (head of family),
age; acres in farm and valuation; names of wife, children, and other mem-
bers of the household, with age of each; birthplace is New Hampshire unless
otherwise stated; agricultural pursuits predominate; other occupations are
ABBOTT, DANIEL, 52, 250, $3,000; Mrs. Daniel, 53; Thomas 19^ Henry 17;
Joseph 14; Mary Ann 9; Lucy Abbott 53.; Louisa Leonard 19.
ADAMS, Mrs. ELECTA (Morton-Purcell) , 42, — , — ; Julia A. 15; Mary 12;
Ella Frances 2.
ALLEN, DAVID Jr., 31, 120 $1,500; Mrs. David 34; David, Sr. 74; Mrs.
David Sr. 68; children of David Sr., Azubah 38; Elvira 35; Eliza 33;
George W. Nash 14.
ALLEN, JOSEPH, 73, b. Mass., — , $400; Mrs. Joseph 69, b. Mass.; Rev.
Samuel H. Partridge 23, clergyman; Charlotte A. Gould 9.
ALLEN, JOSEPH, 2nd, 52, 120, $1700; Mrs. Joseph 50; William H. H. 20;
Francis A. 15; Lucy A. 11; George W. 8; John H. 6; Andrew Jackson
23; Susannah Britton 63.
ALLEN, MRS. RACHEL, 89, 53, $1200; Rachel 60; Roxana 49; Cyrus Bemis
AUSTIN, THOMAS, 55, 95, $1200; Mrs. Thomas 50; Wesley 22; Kendall 13;
Charles 11.
BALLOU, ICHABOD, 61, a carpenter, — , $500; Mrs. Ichabod 60; Nancy 27;
Harvey 24; Clarinda 20.
BENTON, ABIJAH, 52^ 50, $700; Mrs. Abijah 47; Jane 16; George 15; Mar-
tha 11; Josephine 8; Phebe Crandall 70.
BENTON, FRANKLIN, 33, a blacksmith, — , — ; Mrs. Franklin 38, Franklin
G. 9; Martha E. 6; Augusta 3 mos.; Elizabeth Benton 76.
BISSELL, TYLER, 50, b. Conn., 70, $800; Mrs. Tyler 50, b. Vt.; Maria 19, b.
Vt; Mary 17, b. Vt.; Ellen 15, b. Vt.; Albert 10; Edward 8; Henry 6.
BLAKE, GEORGE, 59, 425, $5000; Mrs: George 48; Francis 28; Mrs. Fran-
cis 24; William Hubbard 29, emp. in factory; Mrs. William Hubbard
25; Mary (?) Aldrich 50; John Keyes 10; Michael Costello 20, b. Ire-
BLAKE, HENRY, 31, 50, $1200; Mrs. Henry 29; George H. 7; Aaron H. 4;
Albert 11 mos; C. Augustus Blake 29; Dinah Wilcox 92, b. Conn.
BLAKE, JOSHUA D., 34, 100, $1400; Mrs. Joshua D. 29; Oscar B. 10; Ira
E. 7; Abby J. 5; Mary L. 2.
NOTE : A few additions and t-orrections have been made to the original paper.
80 History of Surry
BRITT, WILLARD 43, — , $300; Mrs. Willard 39; Frances J. 11; Lucius B.
9; Caroline F. 7; Charles W. 5; Herbert S. 3; Miss Pamelia (C ?)
Britt 31, sister of Willard.
BRITTON, BENJAMIN M. 39, — , — ; Mrs. Benjamin M. 29; Mrs. Melia
Fisher, 58, b. Mass.; Harriet C. Fisher 18, b. N. Y.
BRITTON, BRADLEY, 41, 170, $2800; Mrs. Bradley 30; Marshall B. 14;
George W. 13; Charles E. 5; Elbridge W. 1; Harmon Britton 25, a half
brother to Bradley; Mrs. Rhoda Pond 6*5, mother of Mrs. Britton.
BRITTON, CHARLES, 27, — , — ; Mrs. Charles 27, b. Vt.; Sabra M. Tufts
10, b. Vt.; Celuda J. 9, b. Vt.; Sidney D. 4, Vt., children of Mrs B.
BRITTON, HENRY (called, Harry), 47, — , $100; Mrs. Henry 54; Henry A.
18; Mrs. Ruhamah Davis 69.
BRITTON, HIRAM 36, 130, $1500; Mrs. Hiram 30; George L. 14; Mrs. Re-
lief Britton 65; Miss Relief Britton 30, mother and sister of Hiram.
BRITTON, JAMES G. 30, — , — ; Mrs. James G. 30; Mrs. Mercy Brown 65
George Brown 40, lived in same dwelling as James G. Britton.
BROOKS, LEVI, 60, b. Mass., a carpenter, — , $600; Mrs. Levi 47, b. Mass.
Elizabeth M. 17; Eli Brooks 22.
BURGESS, WILLIAM J. 24, b. Me., — , — ; Mrs. William J. 24, b. Ireland
John W. 5 mos.
CARPENTER, ARIEL (sometimes called Royal), 60, — , — ; Mrs. Ariel 52
Irene 25, b. Vt.; John 13; Haskell 8.
CARPENTER, BENJAMIN Jr. 62, 100, $2000; Mrs. Benjamin 55; Benjamin
W. 18; Mrs. Sally Wilbur 57; Lewis C. Shelley 21.
CARPENTER, LEWIS, 40, — , $1000; Mrs. Lewis 35;.Alden 15; Wallace 11;
Ella 3; Bellows Emerson 21.
CARPENTER, WARREN 46, 200, $1700; Mrs. Warren 34; Albert B. 12;
Charles Milan 8; Sarah E. 2 mos; Miss Lovisa 48, a sister of Warren.
CARPENTER, WILLARD, 46, — , — ; Mrs. Willard; Curtis 19; James 16;
Ira 12; George H. 10; Bennett 8; Louisa E. 6; Dennis 1; Amos Streeter
CARPENTER, WILLIAM, 36, 225, $4000; Mrs. William 29; Luman M. 11;
Josephine A. 9; Ellen M. 8; Jasper H. 6; Mason A. 4; Frank DeW. 2;
Eugene R. 9 mos.; Ezra Carpenter 76, the father of William.
CASWELL, ALFRED, 45, b. R. I., saw mill, 1500; Mrs. Alfred 39, b. R. I.;
M. Jane 15, b. Mass.; Nathan 10, b. Mass.; David Edward, 6, b. Mass.;
Almira P. 3; Daniel Carpenter 41, grist mill, $1500.
COTTON, LEWIS L. 26, 14, $700— a carpenter; Mrs. Lewis L. 20; Myron
Lewis 8 mos.; Eliza Britton 13.
GRAIN, EBENEZER Jr. 32, — , — ; Mrs. Ebenezer Jr. 30; Julia 7; Hannah
5; Albert 3; Louisa 1.
GRAIN, GILBERT 36, 80, $1800; Mrs. Gilbert 34; Jane 8; Charles 6; Fred-
erick R. 4; Frank P. 3; Ebenezer Grain Sr. 69,
GRAIN, LEANDER 40, 83, $1500; Mrs. Leander 38; Harriet 15; Eleanor
13; Martha 11; Sarah 9; Helen 7.
CRANE, ICHABOD 66, — , $400; no further record.
CREHORE, GEORGE, 37, 257 $3500; Mrs. George 45; Harriet 19; George
17; Roxana 16; Lewis 15; Asahel 13; Mary J. 11; Charles 9.
Population Census 81
CROSBY, BENJAMIN C. 25, — , §300; Mrs. Benjamin C. 27; Emily 2.
GUSHING, DAVID, 43, 25, $500; Mrs. David 43; Lucy M. 14.
GUSHING, JOHN A. 41, b. Mass., — , — ; Mrs. John A. 39; Sarah J. 16; Pam-
elia A. 14; Ellen E. 12; Susan E. 9; Frances L. 6; John W. 1; Mary
Wilbur 25
DORT, ELIPHALET, 61, 100, $2000; Mrs. Eliphalet 55; Obed G. 22; Mary
E. 17; William Dort 26; Mrs. William 23, son of Eliphalet.
DURRELL, LEVI, 39, 190, $2800; Mrs. Levi 39; Martha J. 12; Caroline 9;
Lucy A. 6; Lucius H. Jones 10.
DUSTIN, JOHN, 59, 170, $1000; Mrs. John 55; John Rogers 9.
ELLIS, HENRY T. 40, 350, $4000; Mrs. Henry T. 30; Charlotte 15; Julia
3; Sarah 1; Francis Wright 18; George Purcell 11.
FIELD, ELIPHAZ, 65, 3000, $3000; Mrs. Eliphaz 65; Lucia 27; Patrick
Murphy 65, b. Ii'eland.
FIELD, JONATHAN R. 36, — , — ; Mrs. Jonathan R. 34; George W. 7;
Francis F. 5; Mary Purcell 14; Seth Morton 72, b. Mass.
FOSTER, B. FRANKLIN, 35, 105, $1200; Mrs. B. Franklin 35, b. Vt.; Amos
16; Eunice 15; Adin 13; Esther 11; Addison 9; Alson 7; Hannah 5;
Anson 3.
FOSTER, JOHN, 40, 100, S1600; Mrs. John 27; Lucy A. Cannon 8; George
F. Cannon 6; Charles H. Cannon 4.
FOSTER, JOHN 2d, 37, b. Mass., 4, $600; Mrs. John 31; Sarah B. 7; George
H. 5.
HALL, HENRY B., 45, — , — ; Mrs. Henry B. 47.
HARTWELL, ELIJAH HOLBROOK, 46, 120, $2000; Mrs. E. Holbrook 42;
Francis J. Hartwell 15, nephew; Miss Harriet Markham 19.
HARVEY, JONATHAN, 78, 300, $1700; Mrs. Nancy B. Whitman 34, dau.
of Mr. H; George Whitman 8.
HARVEY, JONATHAN Jr., 51, 350, $4500; Mrs. Jonathan Jr. 48; Soph-
ronia A. 29; George K. 21; Persis E. 17; Sarah H. 14; Charles Davis
HAYWARD, PETER, 56, 220, $4000; Mrs. Peter, 53; Martha 21; Sarah 17;
Henry 15; George 13; Margaret Baxter 18; Luther Dwinell 47.
HILLS, BENJAMIN, 56, 300, $4000; Mrs. Benjamin 49; Julia A. 13; Susan
E. 9; widow Lucy Hills 84, b. Mass.; Levi S. Leonard 27; Mary A.
Mullory 22, b. Ireland.
HODGKINS, JOHN N. 45, — , — ; Mrs. John N. 40; George 12; John 10;
Orrin (?) 5. i
HOLBROOK, ELIJAH, 41, 250, $3500; inn-holder; Mrs. Elijah 38; Louisa
17; Francis 10; Mary 7; George 5; Frederick 3; Charles 10 mos.; Han-
nah Murphy 20, b. Ireland; Addison Smith 32, b. Vt.
HOLBROOK, FRANCIS, 66, 187, $4000; inn-keeper; Mrs. Francis 51; George
W. 31; Mrs. George W. 29; Mary Harvey 40; Lucinda Holden 18, b.
Vt. ; Lorenzo D. Holden 22; Daniel Emerson 45.
HORTON, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, 38, b. Vt., — , — ; Mrs. Benj. F. 40;
George 11; Mary 9; Sovina Relief 7; Stephen Withington 76, father of
Mrs. Horton.
82 History of Surry
HURD, HARVEY, 33, 16, |500; Mrs. Harvey 33, b. Mass.; George H. 7;
Sarah 5; Lucia 3.
ISHAM, TIMOTHY, 56, — , — ; Mrs. Timothy 50; Elmina 13; Martha Ellen
11; Charles H. 7.
JOHNSON, AUGUSTUS, 70, 50, $1400; Mrs. Augustus 67; George 20; Lewis
27; Henry 20?
JOHNSON, GEORGE, 43, 170, §2500; Mrs. George 44; Mary A. 17, b. Mass.;
George B. 14; Henry E. 11; Theodocia E. 9; Olinda M. 5; the last four
all b. in Vt.
JOSLIN, GEORGE, 46, 185, $3000; Mrs. George 30; Lucy 20; Juliaette 18;
Sarah 15; George Henry 13; Charles 11; Hei'bert 8; William 1.
JOSLIN, JOHN, 50, 276, |3500; Mrs. John 38; Ellen 16; John 14; Mary 12;
Edward H. 8; Georgiana 3.
KINGSBURY, JOSIAH, 42, 190, $3000; Mrs. Josiah 40, b. Mass.; Edward
A. 11; George B. 10; Edward R. Carter 37, b. Mass.; William Baker
35, b. Mass.
KINGSBURY, WILLIAM, 45, 15, $400; Mrs. William 40; David Stone, father
of Mrs. K.
MASON, ELIJAH, 58, b. Mass.; 200, $2500; Mrs. Elijah 49; Elijah B. 24;
Christopher A. 20; Columbus A. 20; William P. 18; Allen P. 15; also,
George Mason 26; John Mason 24; Samuel Mason 16; Fanny Mason
14; Henry Mason 13, children of the brother of Elijah, whose widow
he married.
PERKINS, WILLIAM, 60, 140, $1500; Mrs. William 52; Sarah 26; George
20; James 17; Rosetta 14; Charles H. 11; Mrs. Elizabeth Perkins 78,
b. Mass.
POND, LUMAN, 49, 35, $500; Mrs. Luman 40; Aaron 16; Elizabeth 14;
Martha 12; Sarah 10; Aurilla 2.
RANDALL, CALVIN, 45, 140, $2000; Mrs. Calvin 35; Lovisa 9; George H. 4;
Joshua Davis 82; Mrs. Joshua Davis 81, parents of Mrs. R.; John Cole
51; George (or N.) W. Manley 15.
REED, NATHAN D., 47, 60, $1500; Mrs. Nathan D. 41; George Milton 15;
Charles Warren 10; Martha A. 8; Sarah R. 3.
ROBINSON, JONATHAN JR., 52, 475, $4000; Mrs. Jonathan Jr. 48; Charles
D. 26; Helen E. 25; Louisa M. 23; Adaline A. 21; Henry J. 19; John
C. 18; William S. 16; Daniel W. 14; Samuel F. 12; S. Martha 11;
George H. 9; Frederick E. 5; Miss Phebe Simmons 49 b. Vt. colored;
David Nash 27.
RUGG, SEWALL, 38, b. Mass., 75, $800; Mrs. Sewall 36; Sewall F. 12;
Charles 6; Mary S. 7 mos.; Mary Adams 5; also living in same house,
but a separate family, Philemon Wright 70, b. Mass.; Mrs. Philemon
68 b. Mass.; Mary Wright 35 b. Mass., dau. of Philemon; James Wright
30, b. Mass.
SHAW, HORACE B., 37, 256, $2500; Mrs. Horace B. 21; David Shaw 77, the
father of Horace B.; Henry Purcell 18; Fred A. Newcomb 7 b. Mass.;
Mary Byrnes 14 b. Mass.
SHELLEY, ELISHA, 28, 71, $1000; Mrs. Elisha 30; Geo. Fuller 11; Charles
Lincoln 8.
Population Census 83
SMITH, SYLVESTER, 70, b. Mass.?, 65, $1200; Mrs. Sylvester 45.
STEVENS, ALMOND, 45, a trader, — , $500; Mrs. Almond 45, b. Mass.;
George A. 15; Holland Stevens 35, bro. of Almond.
STONE, PHILANDER, 44, 65, $700; Mrs. Philander 38; Abby A. 15; Mary
S. 13; Rufus 11; Sarah E. 9; George W. 4; Charles G. 2; Cornelius
Coburn 58, a shoemaker.
STREETER, WILLARD, 33, 114, $1400; Mrs. Willard 38; Hermon O. 7; Miss
Nancy Carpenter, 33, sister of Mrs. Willard.
TYLER, DEAN, 60, — , — ; Mrs. Dean 49; John S. 16; Julia 14.
THOMAS, PHILIP, 71, 30, $600; Louisa Walton 40, house-keeper.
THOMAS, PHILIP Jr., 43, 25, $300; Mrs. Philip 42.
WHEELOCK, Mrs. Ann 67, — , — .
WHJTCOMB, DAVID, 68, b. Mass., 75, $1000; Mrs. David 60, b. Mass.; Al-
fred 41; Mrs. Sarah Whitcomb 89, b. Mass.
WHITNEY, SAMUEL, 30, b. Mass., a tanner, 65, $1000; Mrs. Samuel 22, b.
Vt.; Charles E. 3 mos.
WILBUR, BARNEY, 34, 85, $1000; Mrs. Barney 33; Nelly C. 10; William B.
7; Hannah R. 5; Harriet I. 4; Esther M. 1.
WILBUR, CHANDLER, 39, — , — ; Mrs. Chandler 37, b. Vt.; Henry L. 14;
Caroline 12; Nancy 12; Mandana 8; Chandler 6; George 3.
WILCOX, ASA Jr., 69, a wheelwright; Mrs. Asa Jr., 55; John A. 25, a tan-
WILCOX, GEORGE, 41, a wheelwright, — , $1000; Mrs. George 32; Henry
18; C. Wharton 16; Nancy A. 7; Mary E. 9 mos.
WILCOX, HOLLIS, 40, 100, $1400; Mrs. Hollis 36; Sarah L. 16; George H.
13; W. Wallace 11; E. Jane 4 mos.; Mrs. Orinda Nourse 72, mother of
WOODWARD, EDMOND, 45, 150, $2500; Mrs. Edmond 42; Louisa 19; Brad-
ley 16; Sarah 14; Lewis 11; John 9; Linda Pond 45.
WRIGHT, WILLIAM, 58, 70, $1000; Sally 65; Catherine 56, sisters of
NOTE — The above census, as a rule, is given just as taken by the Ass't
Marshal wthout being verfiied; several errors have been discovered, and most
probable there are others.
DANIEL CARPENTER; grist mill; water power; 12000 bush, grain; two
men emp.; valuation of property $1500.
ALFRED CASWELL; saw mill; 100,000 ft. logs annually; water power;
two men emp.; valuation of property $1500.
"CASWELL & CARPENTER"; bobbins; (the above men formed this com-
pany) ; water power; 60 cords birch; two men emp.; valuation of prop-
erty $200.
FRANCIS BENTON; blacksmith; iron and steel worker; two men; hand
power; valuation of property $500.
SAMUEL WHITNEY, tanner; 1000 hides annually; horse power; two men
emp.; valuation of property
History of Surry
ASA WILCOX, wheelwright; §125.00 oak and ash timber annually used; hand
power; l^/^ men emp.; valuation of property §500.
GEORGE WILCOX, wheelwright; oak, ash and other timber annually used,
|200; hand power; two men employed; valuation of property
Live stock in Surry June 1, 1850; Horses 105; Work oxen 98; Milch cows
189; Sheep 2373; Swine 125.
For the year ending June 1, 1850; lbs. butter 15500; lbs. cheese 8340; lbs.
maple sugar 13855; lbs. honey and beeswax 610. Lbs. wool for the year 6091.
Town paupers, two; four schools in town; 166 pupils.
Anderson, Anders
Ball, Samuel
Ball, Ernest W.
Britton, Carl E.
Britton, Charles H.
Britton, Edward M.
Britton, Emma J.
Britton, Erving W.
Britton, George E.
Britton, Prank C. (ab.)
Br;tton, Bertha M.
Britton. Mary E.
Britton, Sabrina W.
Britton, Waldo L.
Britton, Wallace R.
Britton, Walter H,
Carpenter, Earl R.
Carpenter, Ernest W.
Carpenter, Prank D. W.
Carpenter, Marion G.
Carpenter, Mason A.
Carpenter, Lucy M.
Cole, Augustus M.
Conley, George B.
Conley, John W.,
Grain, Frederick R.
Grain, Gertrude J.
Grain, Gladys M.
Grain, Grace M.
Grain, Herbert R.
Grain, Maude G.
Grain, Melissa C.
Voters in Surry 1922
Grain, Robert M.
Curtis, Leon I.
Davis, Elmer W. S.
Davis, Loren A.
Davis, William O.
Ellis, Emma A.
Ellis, Frank E.
Emmons, Hattie R.
Field, Francis P.
Field, Theodore, G.
French, Clarence H.
French, Frank E.
French, Margaret M.
Green, Allen L.
Guillow, Edward J.
Hall, George A.
Harvey, Ellen H.
Harvey, Elizabeth E.
Harvey, Hollis W.
Harvey, James E.
Harvey, Minnie
Hodgkins, Elizabeth C.
Hoclgkins, Leon A.
Joslin, Edward H.
Joslln, George H.
Keller. Jasper N.
Keller, Betty C.
Kingsbury, Frank B.
Kingsbury, Mabel H.
Lewis, Melville C.
Macumber, Charles
Malcomb, George
Mason, Frank E. B.
Martin, Frederick W.
Morine, William S.
Nesmith, Frank E.
Newton, Elsworth S. •
Newton, Harold A.
Newton, Samuel L.
Perkins, Adalaide A.
Perkins, Clarence E.
Pomeroy, Prank E.
Porter, Henry P.
Porter, Kate H.
Porter, Myron H.
Ray, George W. (ab.)
Reed, Mary L.
Royce, Elisha
Richardson, Fred E.
Scripture, Ellen H.
Scripture, Harrison N.
Scripture, Harrie E.
Smith, Frank L.
Stillings. Grace E.
Stillings, James V.
Townsend, Lester E.
Wilbur, Alonzo P.
Population Census
Wilbur, Clifford A.
Wilbur, Everett E.
Wilbur, Florence B.
Wilbur, Ina M.
Wilbur, Willard E.
Wheeler, Clifford 0.
Harrie E. Scripture,
George Malcolm,
Leon A. Hodgkins,
Wheeler, Perley W.
Wilcox, Helen J.
Supervisors of the
Sept. 4, 1922.
Before 1850 Surry village contained three or four taverns, three stores, six
blacksmith shops, three shoe shops and one hat shop, post-office, school, church,
cemetery and 25 dwelling houses. (The shops were not all running at the
same time).
This was the business end of the town between 1800 and 1850. There were
three blacksmith shops, two wheelwright shops, tannery, two cider mills, store,
three taverns, the first post-office in town, school-house, fulling, saw and grist
mill , four of which were water-power mills.
The grievances which led to the Revolutionary war are well known and need
not be reviewed in connection with the part which Surry took in that conflict.
Paul Revere made his memorable ride from Boston to Concord on the night
of April 18th, 1775.
"A hurry of hoofs in a village street,
A shape in the moonlight, a bulk in the dark,
And beneath, from the pebbles, in passing, a spark
Struck out by a steed flying fearless and fleet."
The battles of Lexington and Concord took place the 19th, the first blood
shed in the war of the Revolution. The alarm was spread by express messen-
gers in all directions, bells were rung and neighbor sent word to neighbor.
So swift were those messengers that they reached New Ipswich, 60 miles
away, in the afternoon of the same day. There was no road, it is said, this
side of that town except a bridle path through the woods marked by trees, yet
Keene was reached during the afternoon of the 20th, and Surry, 96 miles from
Boston, before night fall.
During the winter of 1774-5 the people of Surry and other towns were in a
state of unrest; the dark war clouds appeared to rise higher and higher as
spring came on; hostilities appeared inevitable. Yet, during this suspense
and anxiety, the inhabitants stood firm and loyal with the colonies.
The news of Concord fight reached this town by a man riding a fleet horse,
bearing a red flag and crying the alarm as he went. *William Barron, Sr.,
living in the south part of Surry, had nearly finished his day's work of build-
ing a wall on the west side of the road opposite his dwelling house when the
messenger passed. Mr. Barron immediately unyoked his oxen and early the
next morning joined the Keene company which marched for the field of action.
It is impossible to give a complete and satisfactory list and history of all
the Revolutionary soldiers who served from Surry, or those who resided in
town prior to and after the war.
Aug. 25, 1775, the Provincial Congress "recomended to the Select
Men of the several Towns, ... to take an exact Number of the
Inhabitants of their respective Districts, including every soul in the
Same," also to "return the Number of the Fire Arms in their respective
Districts fit for use, and the Number wanting to compleet one for every
person capable of using them, . . . adding there to the Quantity of
Powder in each place."
*William Barron Sr. lived where J. N. Keller now lives. This and other items have
been given by a descendant, C. E. Barron of Westminster, Mass.
Surry During The Revolutionary War 87
In compliance with this request Surry returned the following:
New Hampshire, Cheshire County, Surry, Sept. ye 13, a. d. 1775 in
obedience to the Honorable Provincial Congress we have taken an exact
account of the inhabitants of said Surry and other things Recommended
by said Congress;
Males under 16 59
Males from 16 years old to 50 37
All males above 50 years old 8
Persons gone in the army 7
All females 104
Total 215
Guns 23
Powder 5 Wt,
Guns wanted 22
On March 14th 1776 the General Congress passed a resolution:
"That it be recommended to the several Assemblies, Conventions and
Councils, or Committees of Safety of the United Colonies, immediately
to cause all persons to be disarmed, within their respective Colonies, who
are notoriously disaffected to the cause of AMERICA."
The above resolutions were received in New Hampshire, and on April 12th
the following "Declaration" or "Association Test" was transmitted to the
selectmen of the towns throughout the whole colony of New Hampshire by
the "Committee of Safety" of which Meshech Weare was chairman:
The Declaration.
Every man above twenty-one years of age in Surry and Gilsum signed this
DECLARATION, and all but four Tories in Alstead, viz.: Simon Baxter, Sr.,
Samuel Chandler, John Thomson and Samuel Miller. The Baxter and Thom-
son families were later connected with Surry history.
Names of those in Surry who signed the Association Test:
Woolston Brockway Moses Ware
Joshua Darte, Sr, John Marvin
Samuel Smith Delevarn Debelance (Delance)
Nathan Hayward Abel Allen
Jonathan Carpenter Eliphalet Darte
Jonathan Smith, Sr. Ebenezer Daniels
Abia Crane Moses Dickinson Field
Jonathan Smith, Jr. Obadiah Wilcox, Jr.
88 History of Surry
Samuel McCurdy Thomas Redding
John McCurdy Tristey (Trusty) Chapins
William Hayward Job Gleason, Sr,
Joseph Whitney Job Gleason, Jr.
Joshua Darte, Jr. Abner Skinner
Nathaniel Darte Aaron Chapin
Thomas Smith Hiram Chapin
Peter Hayward Cornelius Smith
Ichabod Smith Thomas Harvey
Obadiah Wilcox, Sr. Joshua Fuller, Jr.
Joshua Fuller, Sr. Nathan Carpenter
Thomas Darte Benjamin Carpenter, Sr.
William Barron Charles Rice Total 42
Province of
Cheshire S. S., Surry, May 31st A. D. 1776.
New Hampshire J
In compliance with the within Requiest we have offered the same to
Every person Required and no one has Refused to sign it.
Obadiah Wilcox ^
Thomas Harvey [. SelecUnen.
Thomas Darte I
It is local history that thirteen influential men in Keene at that time were
"Tories," and strongly opposed to any resistance to England's rule, and these
men had great influence in that, and surrounding towns. According to the
returns, 8,199 persons in the colony of New Hampshire signed this "Test,"
while only 773 persons refused to sign.
The following was taken from Surry town records :
Jan. 31, 1777. "Voted to Raise the Sum of teen pounds to purchase a Town
Stock of Powder."
Feb. 10. Voted that "the committee of Safety Stand till our next March
meeting." Also voted that no person or persons complained of "as
Being Enemical to the Cuntry" shall be convicted until a hearing can
be held.
March 19. Voted to raise 154 pounds to hire five men to go into the Con-
cinental Army for three years. Also that each man shall be allowed
ten pounds for a years service in the war, and so in porportion for a
shorter or longer period.
March 25. The following were chosen a "Committee of Safety": — Joshua
Darte, Woolston Brockway, Thomas Darte, Moses Dickinson Field and
Jonathan Smith, Jr.
March 31. Voted that the town pay 24 pounds bounty in addition to that
paid by the State for each man who has or may enlist in the service
for three years; also chose, Woolston Brockway, Jonathan Smith, Sr.,
Peter Hayward, Thomas Darte and Joshua Fuller, Sr. to assist the
Oflficers in raising men to go into the service.
Surry During The Revolutionary War 89
June 16. Voted to choose five men according to law to state things as they
are, — viz., Woolston Brockway, Peter Hayward, Joshua Fuller, Sr.,
Abel Allen and William Barron; also voted that Samuel Fuller shall
be allowed as the rest wei'e if he serves a man out of Siirry.
March 31, 1778. Voted that the Selectmen be the Committee of Safety for
the year insuing.
July 5, 1779. Voted that John McCurdy go and hire two men for the Con-
tinental Service.
June 26, 1780. Voted "fhat Each man that has Don a turn in the Service be
alowed at the Rate of teen pounds a year, Equal to wheat at five Shil-
lings pr Bushell or other Grain of its equal,"
July 10. Voted not to allow men who have served in the war before coming
to town any pay.
Aug. 31. Voted to allow the militia as well as the Continental soldiers for
services at Bennington, for the present year A d 1780:
*Moses D. Field £2-05-0 Benjamin Carpenter, Sr. £2-10-0
Eliphalet Darte 2-05-0 Thomas Smith 2-10-0
John McCurdy 2-05-0 Samuel Smith 2-10-0
William Hayward 2-05-0 Asa Wilcox, Sr. 2-10-0
Jonathan Smith, Jr. 2-05-0 Justus Darte 2-10-0
Feb. 5, 1781. Chose Capt. Thomas Harvey, Jonathan Smith, Jr., and Ensign
Hiram Chapin to be a committee to hire three men to serve three years
or during the war, in the Continental army.
June 11. Voted to give the five men we have to furnish as our cota for the
defence of the Northern frontier one pound pr month, equal to silver,
to be paid by the town, and Capt. Thomas Harvey, Dea. Lemuel
Holmes and Jonathan Smith, Jr. were chosen a committee to procure
the five men; also voted to give Stephen Carpenter his rate of £14-05-0
§and to give or discharge Job Gleason for 100 pounds.
July 23. Voted to hire three men to go to guard the Frontier and serve until
Dec. 15th next.
May 29, 1782. Voted to raise three soldiers for the Continental army, and to
give theiii:
For one years service, 20 one year old heifers.
For two years service, 20 two year old heifers.
For three years service, 20 three year old heifers.
Also chose Capt. Jonathan Smith, Lieut. John McCurdy and Lieut.
Moses Dickinson Field as a committee to hire Sd soldiers.
July 4. Voted that Ichabod Smith have £30 for the higher of Darius Smeed,
and to be excused from paying anything towards hiring soldiers for
this year.
** The two following undated accounts have been found among the loose pa-
pers in the town and as they appear of interest, a copy follows :
*This list of men who served at Bennington is not found in N. H. State Papers.
§This sum was doubtless for service in the war.
''*Miss Minnie Harvey of Surry has in her hands the above papers.
History of Surry
a Return of Bounties paid to Soldiers at the Cambridge Alarm
in the Year 1775 for Seven men £ 70
for the year Service in 1775
for the year Service in 1776
for the year 1777 for three men to serve three years 172
and two men to Bennington
The above was paid in Lawful Silver money
For the year 1778 — paid in paper money ....
for the year 1779 — paid in paper money ....
for the year 1780 — paid in paper
for the year 1781, for four men, paid in hard money
6 men going to Royalston (Vt.) 124
The State of New Hampshire Dr
to sundries
. 0
. 0
: 0
: 0
: 0
: 0
: 0
to John McCurdy Seven pounds paid to ... in 1776.
to Simon Baxter £60 paid to Walton in 1777.
to John McCurdy £1-10 paid to dellance 1777.
to Joshua Fuller acct £6-00 Losses at Bennington.
to John McCurdy £12-00 S. Fuller 1777.
to Eliphalet Darte £1-10 paid to S. Hayward 1777.
to John Marvin £1-00 J. Carpenter 1782.
to Eliphalet Darte £4-0-0 Asa Willcox 1777.
to Nathan Carpenter £6-0-0 Nathan Hayward 1777.
to Jona Smith £2-14-4 Jona Carpenter 1777.
Abijah Benton's accompt against the State for loses Sustained in the
Retreat from Quebec to Crown point is £5-10-0
To Jonathan Smith £2.
Attested by Capt. Harvey.
To the amt of . . Rob (Role) in favor of the town of Surry com-
manded Capt. Page— Or To Capt. Smith 1800 dollars in 1780—
paid Samuel Willard.
to the amt of . . Role on Royalston (Vt.) expedition in 1780, for
sixteen men and horses and their expense £5-02-6.
Probably seven Surry men served at the Cambridge Alarm, some of whom
were in the battle of Bunker Hill. They were in Capt. Jeremiah Stiles' com-
pany of Keene and in Col. Paul Dudley Sargent's regiment, Aug. 1st. 1775.
The names of six of those men are given in Keene History, viz: — Elijah
Benton, Thomas Dart and his brother Roger Dart, Joshua Fuller, Nathan
Hayward and Charles Rice who was wounded in that battle. Jonathan Smith,
Jr. who enl. May 12, 1775; dis. Oct. 16, 1775, in Capt. Nathan Folsom's com-
pany. Col. Joseph Blanchard's regiment was probably the other Surry man.
In September, 1776, the New Hampshire Assembly passed the "Military
act" which provided for the organization of all male persons, (with certain
exceptions), into "Training Bands" and an "Alarm List." The former com-
prised able bodied male persons from 16 to 50 years of age, and the latter all
males from 16 to 65 years of age, not included in the Training Band. When-
Surry During The Revolutionary War 91
ever there was occasion, an alarm was given by firing three guns in succes-
sion; by beating drums, or by beacons.
As soon as the weather conditions were favorable in the spring of 1777 the
British army made preparation to march south toward Ticonderoga. About
the first of May express riders came into New Hampshire giving information
of this movement; the state Committee of Safety immediately sent orders to
the colonels of the militia in Cheshire county to raise as many men from the
"Militia as possible and march them to Ticonderoga" which was in great dan-
ger. Capt. Davis Howlett of Keene, with Elisha Mack of Gilsum as first lieu-
tenant, was in command of the first company in Col. Samuel Ashley's regi-
ment. The fifty men which formed this company were called together, en-
listed and marched May 7th. This proved to be a false alarm and the soldiers
returned home in about 40 days without an opportunity to engage in battle
with the enemy.
The following Surry men were in this company, possibly there were others:
Jonathan Carpenter, Joshua Darte, Josiah Darte, Obadiah Wilcox, Jr., and
Jesse Darte went as fifer.
The troops who returned from Ticonderoga had scarcely been discharged,
when express riders again came with tidings of the actual approach of Bur-
goyne's army. The New Hampshire militia and all available men were has-
tily called out to again march to reinforce the Continental army at Ticon-
deroga. *
Elisha Mack of Gilsum was appointed captain of a company that was
raised out of Col. Samuel Ashley's regiment, with Ebenezer Kilburn as first
lieutenant. This company was composed almost wholly of men from Surry
and Gilsum, and marched June 28, 1777.
** They marched to Black River (in Vt.), 50 miles when they were met by
an express rider with the information that this alarm also was false and the
company returned home and were discharged July 3d after a march of 100
miles. The next day an express rider came with orders to march "with all
speed for Ticonderoga." Capt. Mack immediately started with some new men
and many of those who had been discharged the previous day. This time they
went as far as §Col. James Mead's on Otter creek when they met the Contin-
ental army on the retreat, it having evacuated Ticonderoga, whereupon Capt.
Mack and his company returned, arriving home July 10th, after a march of
150 miles.
The following "pay roll" of Capt. Mack's company is taken from New
Hampshire State Papers, with additional "remarks" by the writer:
(Capt. Elisha Mack's Co.)
Pay roll of Capt. Elisha Mack's Company raised out of Col. (Samuel)
Ashley's regiment of militia June 1777 for reinforcing the Contin-
ental army at Ticonderoga; marched to Black river 50 miles where we
were ordered to return home where we arrived July 3rd. On the 4th we
were ordered again for Ticonderoga and marched as far as Col. Mead's
at Otter creek at which place we met part of the army on their retreat,
on which we returned home where we arrived the 10th.
*Ticoncleroga is usually written, "Ti", or "Old Ti".
**They marched via. Oharlestown and the famous "Crown Point" route. This trip
probably terminated within the present township of Cavendish.
§Col.' James Mead resided near Center Rutland, Vt., and on Otter creek.
92 History of Surry
in in
1-1 1-1
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Surry During The Revolutionary War 93
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94 History of Surry
The total 58 men received for services, £217 : 03 : 03.
The ninth company, under Col. Moses Nichols of Amherst marched from
New Hampshire July 22, 1777 and joined the Continental army at Saratoga.
This company was in the battle of Bennington, Aug. 16th, and three of its
members were killed, one of whom was Joshua Fuller, Jr. of Surry. Surry
men in that company were:
Moses D. Field, 2nd Lieut. Job Gleason, Private.
Samuel Fuller, Sergt. Samuel Hall, Private.
Asa Wilcox, Sr., Corpl. John Redding, Private.
Nathan Hayward, Corpl. Jonathan Smith, Jr., Private.
Joshua Fuller, Jr., Private.
This company was discharged Sept. 22, and was paid for two months
and two days' services. It is said that during the battle of Bennington Sam-
uel Fuller got out of powder and was in search of more, when he discovered
his father's powder horn and found it to be on the lifeless body of his brother
Joshua, Jr. So far as known, he was the only Surry man to fall in battle
during the Revolutionary war. He was 22 years of age.
It is a well authenticated tradition that the boom of the cannon at the bat-
tle of Bennington was distinctly heard by men in Surry who were at work
reaping rye on the "Hartwell lot," so called, only a few rods from the south-
east corner of Walpole.
Tradition says that 3000 Revolutionary soldiers marched from Surry val-
ley up the Joslin road on their way to the battle and when they came to the
John Merriam farm in the edge of Walpole they drank his well dry.*
The following alphabetical list has been compiled of soldiers who lived in
Surry, prior to, during, or after the Revolutionary war, together with a few
men living elsewhere, but whose services were credited to this town. The
facts are given as complete as possible, yet no pretense is made that this is
the entire list, or that errors do not appear:
ADAMS. Thomas was b. about 1750; d. 1826 in Surry; must'd in Sept. 21,
1776 in Capt. Abijah Smith's Co. was taken out of Col. Enoch Hale's Reg. and
put into Col. Nahum Baldwin's Reg. He was at the battle of White Plains
Oct. 28, 1776 and was dismissed early in Dec. on that year; also enl. as a
private Dec. 5, 1776 in Capt. Francis Town's Co. Col. David Oilman's Reg.
and served 3 mos. and 8 days. Enl. for 3 years, or during the war in Capt.
Daniel Livermore's Co. Col. Alexander Scammon's Reg., Apr. 9, 1777, and
deserted Apr. 10, 1777. Possibly he was the "Sargt." of Charlestown, N. H.
who was in the service in Massachusetts.
-|- ADAMS. Peter a negro, was credited to Surry, though it is not known
he ever lived in town. He was 5 feet 10 inches tall; enl. June 11, 1778 in Col.
Benj. Bellows' Reg. and went to R. I. and returned in one month; enl. again
July 17, 1778 in Capt. Peter Drown's Co. Col. Stephen Peabody's Reg. and
dis. Dec. 30, 1778. He and John Still (q v) served in same Co. at R. I.
-I- ALLEN. Abel, Jr. b. 1756; d. 1839; enl. June 28, 1777; dis. July 10,
1777; a private in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co. which marched for "Ti." (q v).
*George Akirich speaks of this incident on page 331 in his history of Walpole.
NOTE: The plus sign (-|-) indicates the soldier served from Surry..
Surry During The Revolutionary War 95
It is claimed he went to the battle of Bennington with his ox team and car-
ried provisions for the soldiers. He was on the pension roll in 1829 and
received a pension for services as a private in a N. H. Reg. during the Rev.
ALLEN. Phinehas, b. 1758; d. 1815 in Surry; served as a private in a
Conn. Co.
-|- BARRON. William, Sr., (this name is frequently written, "Barnes");
he came to Surry several years before the War; d. 1797. No record of the
service of William Barron, Sr. has been found among the State Papers, yet
it is a well established family tradition that he not only was in the service but
his patriotism was above most others of the time; that upon hearing the news
of the battle at Concord he immediately prepared for the conflict and marched
with the Keene company "on that Friday morning, the 21st of April, 1775"
under the command of Capt. Isaac W^man. Gen. Griffin in his History of
Keene (page 174) states there were four men in that company "still to be
accounted for." Charles Rice who was living a third of a mile beyond Mr,
Barron's house is known to have been in the company, and there seems no
reasonable doubt but one of those four unknown men of whom Gen. Griffin
mentions was William Barron, Sr. of Surry. He was, however, a private in
Capt. Elisha Mack's company which marched for old "Ti," in 1777; enl. June
28, dnd dis. July 10th.
-|- BARRON. William, Jr., b. 1765 in Surry; d. 1851 in Leominster,
Mass. His service has not been discovered in the rolls. There is, however,
no doubt but that he served in the Rev. war. He was on the pension roll in
1833, and again in 1840 at which time he was living in Gilsum. It is said he
enl'd. for 6 months when but 16 years of age, in Capt. Peter Page's Co., Col.
Walbridge's Reg.
BAXTER. Simon, Jr., b. 1753; d. 1817; enl. from Alstead in Capt. Samuel
Wetherbee's Co. Col. Isaac Wyman's Reg. to join the Northern army in Can-
ada. Mustered in July 16, 1776; dis. Aug. 20, 1776. He was allowed £2:05:0
for going to Cambridge, prior to 1782. He rem. to Surry a few years after
the close of the war, where he spent the remainder of his life. Probably for
service in the militia he was known as "Capt. Baxter."
-I- BENTON. Abijah; b. 1752; d. 1823, Surry. He was a drummer in
the service in Oct. 1775; also in Capt. Jason Wait's Co., Timothy Bedel's Reg.
in Feb. 1776, which Reg. contained 8 companies and was ordered to join the
Northern army for Canada. His Co. was mustered in Jan. 1776 and he was
made drummer. In Feb. he rec'd. £4:19:0 for services. His name appears
on the pension roll in 1818 as a private who served in a N. H. Reg. in the
Contl. army. A grand-daughter, Louisa (Benton) Norton, says he served
seven years and was at the battle of Bennington, and was drum major at
Yorktown and Williamsburg when Lord Cornwall surrendered to Gen. Wash-
ington. John Langdon Britton, a grandson, was drum major on the same
battlefield, Williamsburg, during the Civil war. It is possible he is the man
mentioned on the pension roll in 1818 as res. in Strafford Co.
John Langdon Britton, a grand-son of Benton, was drum major at Wil-
liamsburg during the Civil war.
96 History of Surry
BENTON. Adoniram; b. 1763; d. 1842 in Surry; enl. in a Conn. Co. and
res. 1818 in Cheshire Co. and rec'd a pension for services, as a private.
-|- BENTON. Elijah, b. 1760; d. 1841.=^= Enl. July 14, 1775 as pri. in
Capt. Jeremiah Stiles' Co., Col. Paul Dudley Sargent's Reg. On the same day
he enl., four other Surry men also entered the service — Nathan Hayward,
Thomas Dart, Roger Dart and Joshua Fuller.* It is said he served four years
in the Rev. war.
BLAKE. Obadiah, Jr., b. 1753; was of Keene, but came to Surry as early
as 1781 at which time he was chosen one of the "Listers." He was Corpl. in
Capt. Davis Howlett's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg. which marched from
N. H. May 7, 1777; dis. June 17, 1777 and served 1 mo. 11 days.
BLISS. Abner, b. 1752 in Tolland, Conn.; lived in Gilsum, Surry and d.
in Alstead 1812; was a physician. He enl. as a private June 28, 1777; dis.
July 10, 1777; in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co. which marched to the relief of Ti.
- - BONNE Y. Jacob, was of Charlestown, N. H. but enl. from Surry Apr.
19, 1777, age 38, in Capt. Isaac Farwell's Co.; CoL Joseph Cilley's Reg. and
John Stark's Brigade. His enl. also given as May 20, 1777. He was dis.
July 17, 1778 and died the same month. His name is also found in the 1st
N. H. Regt. with that of Joshua Church, Anthony Oilman and Samuel Lus-
:omb of Surry.
BROCKWAY. William; this man is doubtless William Wolston Brock-
way, son of Wolston Brockway of Surry, and the same man who signed the
Association Test in Westmoreland 1776, and from which town he entered the
war. Enl. Oct. 21, 1776; dis. Nov. 16, 1776 in Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg.
BUNDY. Elias, b. 1754; d. . He enl. from Walpole June 28, 1777; dis.
July 9, 1777; was in Co., which his bro. Isaac was Sergt. ; Col. Benjamin Bel-
lows Regt. which marched to the relief of Ti. He res. in Walpole till 1790 or
later and in 1806 was living in Surry.
-j- CAREY. Arthur, of Keene served from Surry; enl. Dec. 5, 1776;
served three mos. and 8 days in Capt. Francis Town's Co., David Oilman's
Reg. Was at the battle of Trenton Dec. 26, and at Princeton Jan. 3, 1777.
Enl. again June 15, 1778 in Capt. Simon Marston's Co. Col. Stephen Pea-
body's Reg., but was reported, "sick and did not join." Later he joined an-
other Co. in the same Reg., July 7, 1778 and went to Providence for the de-
fence of Rhode Island, and was under the command of Gen. Sullivan; dis.
Dec. 30, 1778. He re-enl. July 1779 in Col. Mooney's Reg. for the defen. of
R. I.; credited to Surry; though probably never lived in town.
-j- CARPENTER. Benjamin, Sr., b. 1729; d. Landgrove, Vt., June 1820.
He lived in Surry many years and enl. June 28, 1777; dis. July 10, 1777 in
Capt. Elisha Mack's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg. which went to the relief
of old Ti. Served from Surry.
-!- CARPENTER. Benjamin, Jr., b. 1760; d. 1838 in Surry. His service
was from Surry and same as that of his father, q v. He enl. again 1780; age
20; was mustered in by Maj. William Scott; dis. Dec. 17, 1780; served 5 mo.
29 d.
*It is iiii|i()ssil)Ie for the writer to state if Elijah Benton, Thomas Dart and Joshua
Fuller, were the senior or junior, as both father and son of the same name were living
in town at tht- time, and were of war age.
Surry During The Revolutionary War 97
CARPENTEH. David, b. 1759; d. 1845 in Keene; when about 16 he vol.
and joined the Cont. army and was at the surrender of Burgoyne and several
battles, and one of the guards at the execution of Major Andre. He lived at
Landgrove, Vt. for 18 years; res. in Surry 1823 and rem. to Keene where he
died. (See Carpenter Memorial and History of Keene.)
-j- CARPENTER. Jonathan; he d. in Surry June 14, 1832; possibly he
was the Jonathan b. in Ashford, Conn. Apr. 11, 1752 — Carpenter Mem. q v.
He enl. July 4, 1777; dis. July 10, 1777, was in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co.; Col.
Samuel Ashley's Reg. which went to relief of old Ti. He was also a private
from May 7, 1777 until June 23, 1777 in Capt. Davis Howlet's Co., which
marched from Keene on May 7th, in which Co. was Obadiah Wilcox, Josiah
Dart and Nathan Hayward, also of Surry. He re-enl. July 26, 1782 as Sergt.;
dis. Oct. 15, 1782, in a Co. in command of Capt. Jonathan Smith, Jr. of Surry.
CARPENTER. Nathan, b. about 1750; res. Surry 1776 till 1789 when he
rem. to Keene and probably then to Jay, N. Y. Enl. July 3, 1780 from Wal-
pole; dis. Dec. 4, 1780; in the Continental army. He was on the pay roll of
Capt. William Humphrey's Co. in Northern army — no date given.
-|- ? CARPENTER. Stephen, son of Benjamin Sr. lived in Westmoreland
and Surry. June 11, 1781 the town voted to "give Stephen Carpenter his
rate of £14:05:0." For what this payment was made is not known, but there
is reason to suspect that it was for some service in the Revolutionary war.
CONANT. Roger, was of Surry and also of Westmoreland in which town
he was living 1776 and signed the Association Test. He is probably the Roger
Conant, b. June 22, 1748 in Bridgewater, Mass. and d. in Westmoreland in
1821 — Conant Genealogy, q v. Enl. from Westmoreland, May 7, 1777 in Capt.
Waitstill Scott's Co.; Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg. which was sent to Ti., and
was appointed corporal in that Co. This proved to be a false alarm, and the
Co. soon returned home and were dis. June 21, 1777.
-|- CHAPIN. Hiram, b. 1747; d. 1783 in Surry. Enl. Oct. 21, 1776; dis.
Nov. 16, 1776; was an ensign in Capt. Reuben Alexander's Co., Col. Samuel
Ashley's Reg.; which marched to reinforce the Contl. army at Ti.
-|- CHAPIN. Justus, b. 1753; d. 1825. Enl. Sept. 22, 1776; dis. early in
Dec. of that year; was in Capt. John Houghton's Co., Col. Nahum Baldwin's
Reg.; was in the battle of White Plains, Oct. 28, 1776.
-|- CHURCH. Joshua, he was of Surry and enl. March 18, 1777; 1st. N.
H. Reg.; age 33; was in Capt. Jonas Wait's Co., Col. Timothy Bedell's Reg.;
also in Capt. Nathan Hutchins' Co., Col. Joseph Cilley's Reg. and was at Ti.
His name also appears as enl. from Chester, N. Y., June 21, 1777. Date of his
dis. Apr. 30, 1780.
-|- CRANE (CRAIN). Abiah, b. 1751; d. 1805 in Surry; was in Capt.
John Houghton's Co., Col. Baldwin's Reg., Sept. 22, 1776; also Corpl. May 7^
1777; dis. June 16, 1777 in Capt. Davis Howlet's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's
Reg., which marched to reinf. the Contl. army at Ti. He is also called "Capt."'
in this Co. His name is written, "Abia," "Abiel" and "Abiah."
-I- DART (DARTE). Eliphalet, b. 1741; d. 1821 in Surry. His name
appears in a list with others to whom the town voted Aug. 31, 1780 to pay
£2:05:0 "for services at Bennington." No other record of his service in the
98 History of Surry
Rev. war has been found, and from the foregoing there is no reason to doubt
that he was in the war at Bennington for a short time from Surry.
-|- ? DART (DARTE). Jesse, b. 1758; d. 1829 in Gilsum. Although it
is not positively known, yet there is reason to think Jesse lived in Surry prior
to his settling in Gilsum in 1780. He enl. July 4, 1777; dis. July 10, 1777;
in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co. Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg. which was sent for
the relief of old Ti., but saw no actual service, except 150 miles of travel. He
also was a fifer in Capt. Davis Howlett's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg. and
served from May 7, 1777, and for about 40 days, thereafter; dis. June 16.
-1- DART (DARTE). Joshua, Sr., b. 1727; d. possibly in Weathersfield,
Vt. where he was living in 1790. He enl. May 7, 1777; dis. in June after a
service of about 40 days; in Capt. Davis Howlett's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's
-|- DART (DARTE). Josiah, b. 1759; d. possibly in Weathersfield, Vt.,
where he was living in 1790. He enl. May 7, 1777 in Capt. Davis Howlett's
Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg.; served about 40 days. Re-enl. July 4, 1777;
dis. July 10, 1777; in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg.
-j- DART (DARTE). Justus, b. 1757; went, possibly to Weathersfield.
He was a fifer, enl. July 14, 1776 in Capt. Samuel Wetherbee's Co., Col. Isaac
Wyman's Reg.; was at Haverhill on the Conn, river (in N. H.) ; was also at
Mount Independence Nov. 5, 1776 in the same Co.; enl. again June 28, 1777;
dis. July 3, 1777; in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co. raised out of Col. Samuel Ash-
ley's Reg. to reinforce the Contl army at old Ti. By a vote of the town, Aug.
31, 1780, he was paid £2:10:0, for services at Bennington.
-|- DART (DARTE). Nathaniel, b. 1738; when and where he d. has not
been ascertained, but his family are buried in Surry. Enl. Oct. 21, 1776; dis.
Nov. 16, 1776; in Reuben Alexander's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg. which
marched to re-inf. the Contl army at Ti.
-|- DART. Roger, b. 1756; rem. about 1785 to Gilsum where he was in
1790. He enl. with his bro. Thomas Jr., July 14, 1775; in Capt. Jeremiah
Stiles' Co., Col. Paul Dudley Sargent's Reg. and served in Mass.; re-enl. Oct.
6, 1775 in the same Co. and Reg. He enl. again as drummer June 28, 1777;
dis. July 10, 1777 in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg. which
marched to the relief of Ti. His name is also in the Mass. rolls.
-|- DART. Thomas, Sr. b. 1724; d. 1792 prob. in Gilsum. Enl. June 28,
1777; dis. July 3, 1777; in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg.
which was sent to Ti. He served on the "Committee of Safety" in Surry in
-|- DART. Thomas, Jr. b. 1754; rem. to Gilsum about 1786; thence to
New Keene, N. Y., where he may have died. Enl. with his bro. Roger July
14, 1775; in Jeremiah Stiles' Co., Col. Paul Dudley Sargent's Reg. He is said
to have been in the battle of Bunker Hill. Re-enl. June 28, 1777; dis. July
3, 1777; in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg. which marched
to Ti. The name of Thomas Dart of Surry appears as a private in the Mass.
rolls and is probably this man.
-I- DART. Thomas, 3rd., from whence he came and whither he went has
Surry During The Revolutionary War 99
not been learned. He enl. June 28, 1777; dis. July 10, 1777 in Capt. Elisha
Mack's Co., raised out of Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg. and served in same Co.
with Thomas Sr. and Thomas Jr. Served, probably from Surry.
DASSANCE. Martin, was a bro. of Jesse; both were in Keene in 1779,
and in 1784 both were of Surry. Martin lived here till 1788, and may have
rem. to Shrewsbury, Vt., where a "Martin Deasanee" is found in 1790. Mar-
tin enl. in Capt. Davis- Howlett's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg. which
marched May 7, 1777 for the relief of Ti.; dis. June 24, 1777; serv. 1 mo., 18
DASSANCE, Jesse, b. 1747; d. 1796 in Surry. He enl. from Keene Apr.
21, 1775 in Capt. Jeremiah Stiles' Co., Col. Paul Dudley Sargent's Reg. and
was one of 30 men in that Co. who marched "on that Friday morning," only
two days after the opening of the war. He enl. again in Capt. Davis How-
lett's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg. which marched from Keene May 7, 1777
for the relief of Ti. He rem. to Surry after the war and was taxed there in
-1- DELLANCE (DELELANCE). Delevan (Delavarne), b. Champlain,
N. Y. prob.; d. in Essex, N. Y. Enl. June 28, 1777; dis. July 10, 1777; was
sergt. in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg. which marched
for the relief of old Ti.; res. in Surry 1771-1795, or later.
-j- DODGE. Thomas; he lived in Acworth after the war and rem. thence
to Dorset, Vt. ; served from Surry, but so far as known never lived in the
town. Entered the service in Apr. 1777 and enl. May 14, 1777, at 15 years
of age for three years; in Capt. Isaac Farwell's Co., Col. John Stark's Brig-
ade and was with the Reg. at Valley Forge. He was a fifer. Oct. 24, 1783,
Thomas Dodge of Charlestown applied to the state for the town of Surry to
refund him certain "Bounty Money" for three years' service — 1777 to 1780.
DURANT. Joshua — of Huguenot descent — lived in Surry for a short time,
after the war. Enl. Apr. 21, 1775 at the Lexington alarm in Capt. Joseph
Whitcomb's Co. of Swanzey, for eight months; re-enl. and served for one year;
enl. again -from Keene July 22, 1777 in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co., and was in
the battle of Bennington; joined Capt. Nehemiah Houghton's Co., Col. Nichols
Reg, June 29, 1780 as ensign. Served at West Point under Gen. Arnold; was
dis, Oct. 21, 1780; was afterwards captain of the militia.
-I- FIELD. Moses D., b. 1742; d. 1828 in Surry. He was on the "Com-
mittee of Safety" in Surry in 1777; enl. July 4, 1777; dis. July 9, 1777 in
Capt. Elisha Mack's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg. for the alarm at Ti. ;
enl. again July 22, 1777 in the Ninth Co., as 2nd Lieut, under Col. Moses
Nichols of Amherst and which joined the Contl. army at Saratoga. This Co.
was in the battle of Bennington, Aug. 16, 1777; dis. Sept. 27, 1777. During
this service he was in Gen. John Stark's Brigade. Aug. 31, 1780 the town
voted to pay Moses D. Field £2:05:0, "for services at Bennington." His name
is in a list of officers in Col. Moses Nichols Reg. Gen. John Stark's Brigade as
a lieutenant — July 18, 1777 to Sept. 27, 1777.
FIELD. Thomas, served from Keene; later lived in Surry, then ret. to
Keene again. It is probable he is the "Thomas Field formerly of Keene" who
d. at Whitesboro, N. Y., Feb. 7, 1836; aged 86 years. He was in Capt. Isaac
100 History of Surry
Davis' Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg. which marched from Keene in Oct.
1776 to reinforce Gen. Gates, and ret. home early in Nov.
-|- FITZGERALD, Michael, enl. from Nottingham; mustered in for three
years, or during the w^ar, Apr. 3, 1777 in Col. John Maclary's Reg.; re-enl.
July 6, 1779 for one year from Pelham. He enl. again March 8, 1780 in 2nd
N. H. Reg. for "during the war" and was credited to Thomas Smith of Surry.
He deserted the same year. Never lived in town.
- - FOSTER. Joseph, of Surry, enl. July 10, 1780; dis. Dec. 17, 1780;
service, 6 mos.; he was with Benjamin Carpenter, Sr. q v. Was drafted in
July 1782 for six months' service. It is possible he may be the Joseph Fos-
ter, a Rev. soldier, mentioned in "History of Marlboro" and "History of Sul-
livan," N. H.
§ FOWLER. Joshua Cheever, b. 1757; d. 1813 in Springfield, Vt.; enl.
from Lunenburg, Mass., and came to Surry about 1780 or '81, and where he
lived for 25 years, or so thereafter. He enl. Apr. 25, 1775 as a private in
Capt. John Fuller's Co., Col. Asa Whitcomb's Reg.; was on the roll Aug. 1775;
also for Co. receipts for wages, Aug. and Sept. 1775, dated at Prospect Hill.
He also was a private in Capt. Joseph Bellows' Co., served nine days under
Major Bridge with the Northern army, which company marched Aug. 22,
1777 on the alarm at Bennington at the urgent request of Gen. John Stark
and Col. Warner; re-enl. in Capt. Nathaniel Carter's Co., Col. Job Cushing's
Worcester Co. Reg., enl. Sept. 17, 1777; dis. Oct. 23, 1777; served one mo. 15
days at the Northward, including time to walk home. Roll dated at Leomin-
ster, Mass. It is said he was around Boston, when the Contl. army was under
the command of Gen. Washington, and at Saratoga when Gen. Burgoyne
surrendered, 1777.
FULLER. David, b. 1760; d. possibly in Keene, N. Y. where he was liv-
ing in 1841 (Gilsum History states he d. in Jay, N. Y.) David Fuller enl.
from Hanover, N. H. July 8, 1780; dis. Oct. following — thus far, we have been
unable to verify and connect this Hanover David Fuller, positively, with our
David Fuller of Surry, who was at the time 20 years of age. A more dili-
gent search may reveal the identity of the Hanover soldier, who served in
Capt. Nehemiah Houghton's Co., Col. Nichols' Reg. and was at West Point
Aug. 4, 1780. Our David Fuller lived in Surry; rem. to Gilsum where he was
captain of the militia, and from there to New York state.
-|- FULLER. Joshua, Sr., b. 1727; d. 1816 in Surry. In 1777 by a vote
of the town, he with others was chosen a committee, "according to law, to
state things as they were." Enl. as a private, June 28, 1777; dis. July 3,
1777, in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co., raised out of Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg.
Four of his sons were in the service.
-|- FULLER. Joshua, Jr., b. 1755; killed in battle of Bennington, Aug.
16, 1777. He enl. as a private, July 14, 1775 in Capt. Jereiniah Stile's Co.
Col. Paul Dudley Sargent's Reg., and served in Mass.; re-enl. Oct. 21, 1776;
dis. Nov. 16, 1776 and was in Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg. He enl. again in
July 1777 in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co. which marched to join the Continental
§Mr. Fowler was called, .Joshua, .Toshua Cheever, J. Cheever, and Cheever.
Surry During The Revolutionary War 101
army at Saratoga, and whose company was in the battle of Bennington, where
Joshua was killed. His name also appears as a private in Mass. roll.
* FULLER. Levi, b. 1762; d. 1822 in Surry. He enl. 1777 from Walpole
in Capt. John Gregg's Co., Col. Alexander Scammel's Reg. in the Contl. army.
He served as a private, though possibly as a lieutenant.
-|- FULLER. Samuel, b. 1752; d. probably in Vt. ; said to have been liv-
ing in Reading, that state, in 1800. He enl. in Capt. William Humphrey's Co.
Joshua Wingate'^ Reg., which marched from Cheshire Co. Oct. 1776 to Ti.
Also said to have been a private in Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg. the same year.
Captain Humphrey was a Winchester man and, although Samuel Fuller was
a Surry soldier, yet there is reason to think he served as a man from the
latter town. § Later he was a sergt. in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co., Col. Moses
Nichols' Reg. which marched to Saratoga, and was in the battle of Benning-
ton, Aug. 16, 1777. He also enl. July 4, 1777; dis. July 10, 1777 in Capt.
Elisha Mack's Co., which marched to the relief of Ti.
- - OILMAN. Anthony, was of Charlestown, but credited to Surry. Noth-
ing is known of his life, except what is here given. He enl. at 29 years of
age, June 2, 1777 in Capt. Nathaniel Hutchins' Co., Col. Joseph Cilley's Reg.;
went to Ti. and remained until the approach of Gen. Burgoyne in July 1777;
was also in Capt. Livermore's Co. in the 1st N. H. Reg. and was taken pris-
oner. Return, dated Feb. 15, 1781.
GLEASON. Job, b. 1754; he may have removed to Thomlinson (now Graf-
ton), Vt., where a man of the same name was living 1790. Enl. July 22, 1777
in 9th Co. under Capt. Elisha Mack and Col. Moses Nichols which marched
that day and joined the Contl. army at Saratoga, and was in the battle of
Bennington, Aug. 16th, and was dis. Sept. 23, 1777. He re-enl. Oct. 21, 1777
as a private in Capt. Reuben Alexander's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg.,
which marched from Cheshire Co. at the request of Gen. Gates to reinf. the
Contl. army at Ti. Several other Surry men were in this company. The town
voted June 11, 1781 to give or dischai'ge Job Gleason for £100.
HALL. Samuel, b. 1732; d. 1790 in Keene. Lived in Surry 1768-69; was
one who signed the petition for the incorporation of Surry. He enl. May 15,
1775 from Rockingham, Vt., in Capt. Jeremiah Stiles' Co., Col. Paul Dudley
Sargent's Reg. and was at the battle of Bunker Hill. He was in the service
again in 1776 and '77, from Keene. — Keene History.
HANCOCK. Levi, b. 1761; d. 1836 in Surry. He enl. as a private in a
Mass. Reg. in Rev. war and received a pension in 1833 for his services. He
settled in Surry as early as 1790.
-|- HARVEY. Thomas, b. 1740; d. 1826 in Surry. "He served three years
in the old French war" — K. S., — before he came to New Hampshire. Enl. as
a private in 3rd Co. 2nd Conn. Reg. Apr. 1, 1758; dis. Nov. 18, 1758; re-enl.
Apr. 2, 1759 as a private in Spencer's Co. of the 2nd Conn. Reg.; and mus-
tered out Nov. 30, 1759. Again enl. Apr. 4, 1760 in 2nd Conn. Reg., with his
brother John Harvey; dis. Nov. 22, 1760.
*Levi Fuller was a Surry boy, but served from Walpole.
§Thi.s belief is tonfirmed in the early part of this chapter, when the town voted — -
June 16, 1777 — to allow Samuel Fuller the same as others if he serve as a man out of
Surry. Ze})ulon Streeter was in the same Co.
102 History of Surry
Thomas Harvey sett, in Surry 1766. He volunteered and was appointed
captain of a Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg. which marched to the relief of
Ti.; enl. June 29, 1777; dis. July 11, 1777, being on the staff of Col. Samuel
Ashley. A prominent and patriotic man of Surry for many years.
-I- HAYWARD. Nathan, b. 1754; d. 1818. Enl. July 14, 1775 with other
Surry men in Capt. Jeremiah Stile's Co., Col. Paul Dudley Sargent's Reg.
which marched to the alarm at Cambridge, Mass. His name is given in the
Mass. roll as a private from Surry. Enl. again Oct. 28, 1776 in Capt. John
Houghton's Co., Col. Nahum Baldwin's Reg. and was at White Plains. Re-
enl. May 7, 1777; dis. June 16, 1777 in Capt. Davis Howlett's Co., Col. Samuel
Ashley's Reg. which marched to reinf the Contl army at Ti. Enl. again June
28, 1777; dis. July 10, 1777 in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's
Reg. which went to the relief of Ti. On July 22, following he again entered
the service as corpl. in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co., Col. Moses Nichol's Reg.
which marched and joined the Contl army at Saratoga. He was in the battle
of Bennington, Aug. 16, and was dis. Sept. 23, 1777. He afterwards was ap-
pointed major in the state militia; a loyal patriot who saw more service than
any other man in town.
GILBERT. Ebenezer, b. 1760; d. in Walpole 1829, from which town he
probably served in the war. He lived in Surry from 1783 until 1796-97.
Served as a corporal July 14, 1780 until Oct. 21, 1780 in Capt. Nehemiah
Houghton's Co., Col. Moses Nichols' Reg. raised for West Point; served 3 mo.
9 days; travel to Springfield 84 miles and 220 miles home. Joshua Durant,
David Fuller and others were in this Co.
-|- HAYWARD.* Peter, b. 1725; d. 1791 in Surry. Peter Hawood (Hay-
ward) was in Capt. Josiah Willard, Jr.'s Co. at Ashuelott (now Keene) in
the old French and Indian war — Keene History, pages 80-81, and Massachu-
setts archives. Enl. July 4, 1777; dis. July 10, 1777 in Capt. Elisha Mack's
Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg. which marched to the relief of Ti. By a vote
of the town, in 1777 he with others was chosen on a committee to assist in
raising men to go into the service, etc. It is said that Peter Hayward was at
Bunker Hill, wearing a leather apron and taking his dog with him. See Gil-
sum Historji, p. 39.
-I- HAYWARD.* Silvanus, b. 1757; d. 1817 in Gilsum. Enl. June 28,
1777; dis. July 10, 1777, in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's
Reg. which went to the relief of Ti.
-|- HAYWARD. William, b. 1737; d. 1785. He enl. in a Co., under the
command of Lieut. Col. Josiah Willard, in Col. Joseph Blanchard's Reg.,
raised for an expedition against Crown Point, N. Y., in 1776. Aug. 31, 1780
by a vote of the town he received £2:05:0 "for services at Bennington."
-I- HAYWARD, William, b. 1759; d. 1812-13. When between 15 and 16
(with his parents' consent) enl. in Rev. war as a fifer; was taken prisoner at
Ft. Washington with 2700 others, and with many others was placed on a Brit-
ish prison ship where he suffered greatly for want of food, and from cruel
treatment but just lived to reach home. He became so exasperated against
the British that he enlisted from Fryeburg, Me. in the 1812 war (al-
''This name is frequently written Howard in the records.
Surry During The Revolutionary War 103
though past the draft age) and went with the army to the Canada frontier;
thence aboard Chancy's fleet on Lake Ontario; was taken sick with bilious
diarrhoea, set on shore at Sacketts Harbor, and after travelling a few miles in
N. Y. state was seized with "typhus fever" and soon died. He wrote a letter
to his friends in Surry and thus it was ascertained where he died.
— Taken from the Amherst Hayward Family Record, written in Oct. 1854.
-|- HEATON. Jonathan, b. 1750; was of a Keene family; in 1776 he was
of the Keene Co.; also given as of Surry. If he lived in Surry at all it was
only for a short period. He served with Joshua Dart, q v.; July 14, 1776, was
in Capt. Samuel Wetherbee's Co., Col. Isaac Wyman's Regt. and was in the
Northern army at Haverhill, N. H. — up the Conn, river.
HOLMES. Lemuel, b. 1739; served in the Rev. war from Walpole and
came to Surry as early as 1781; rem. from town about 1810 and said to have
d. in Vt. While a res. here he was one of the most prominent men, not only
in town but in this part of the state. He enl. from Walpole Apr. 21, 1775 as
a lieut. in Capt. Jeremiah Stiles' Co., Col. Paul Dudley Sargent's Reg. which
marched on that day from Keene. Was a lieut. in a Co. of Rangers, served
from Jan. 1, 1776 until the 1st of Sept. 1776 when he was appointed capt. by
Gen. Washington, but before receiving his commission he was taken prisoner,
Nov. 16, 1776 at Fort Washington and carried to N. Y. where he remained in
captivity until Sept. 20, 1778. Capt. Holmes first service was for 3 mos.;
was in Capt. Thos. Knowlton's Co. of Rangers, and after Capts. K. and Brown
were killed he was appointed capt. by Gen. W. and served on the Harlem lines
till taken prisoner, Nov. 16; he also enl. from West Point, Sept. 1781 in Col.
Samuel Canfield's Reg.
For his loss at Ft. Washington, Capt. Holmes was paid £20:8:0. — State
ISHAM. Benjamin, b. 1758; d. 1802 in Surry. He enl. from Alstead June
27, 1780; dis. Dec. 17, 1780. He was on the pay roll in 1780 for service in
the Contl army at Worcester. Travel 93 miles, and an allowance of £335:0:0
for blanket, etc.
JOSLIN. Peter, b. 1759; d. 1837 in Surry. He served in the Rev. war in
Mass., and at the time of his death was on the pension roll. He came to town
from Walpole about 1810 and settled on the Capt. Harvey farm.
KILBURN. Joel, b. in Hebron, Conn.; d. in Royalton, Vt. He res. in Gil-
sum, but rem. before the Rev. war to Royalton, Vt. where his family were
while he was in the service; he returned to N. H. and lived in Surry for sev-
eral years then ret. to Royalton again in 1793. — From Gilsum History.
He was taxed in Surry in 1788, and possibly is the Joel Kilburn who was
living in Jerico, Vt. in 1790. He enl. June 28, 1777; dis. July 10, 1777 in
Capt. Elisha Mack's Co. which marched to the relief of Ti.
-|- KING. John, enl. July 15, 1775 in Capt. Richard Shortbridge's Co.
and Enoch Poors Reg.; dis. Aug. 1, 1775; 5 ft. 7 in. high; blue eyes and light
hair. He re-enl. and was absent from his Reg. Jan. 1, 1776 on account of
sickness; re-enl. July 15, 1777 under Maj. Timothy Ellis, Col. Moses Nichol's
Reg. ,and was at the battle of Bennington Aug. 16, 1777. He enl. again July
104 History of Surry
15, 177'J, for one year, but afterwards changed it to, "for during the war.''
During a portion of this service he was "of Surry."
KNIGHT. Elijah, b. 1756 ;d. in Keene 1842, at which time he was on the
pension roll for services as a private in the Vermont militia during the Rev.
war. He came to Surry in 1819 from Rockingham (Bellows Falls), Vt.; "was
prominent in all military affairs in the Connecticut valley"; lieut. and capt.
of the Rockingham Co. in the state militia, and lieut. -col. of the Reg.; was in
command of the state troops in the expedition to Guilford, 1784; first lawyer
in R. and judge of probate in 1815, etc. Kept tavern in Surry and was first
postmaster in this town.
-|- LISCOMB. Samuel. Was of Charlestown, but served from Surry;
enl. 1777 in Benjamin Bellows' Reg. and Jan. 10, 1778 was "on command in
Armory" at Albany, N. Y. at which time he was 27 years of age; 5 ft. 7 in.
high; dark complexion, hair and eyes; also said to have been in Col. Joseph
Cilley's Reg. at the time; was in the army as late as Feb. 6, 1781, though go-
ing then from Charlestown. June 13, 1794 he petitioned with others for state
land. His name is also spelled LUSCOMB.
MACK. Joseph, Jr. Enl. Aug. 31, 1779 from Alstead for one year, to fill
up the Contl. army. No further record of Joseph Jr. has been found; Joseph
Sr. lived in Surry and rem. to Alstead; hence the son must have lived in
Surry when a young lad. Joseph Mack, either father or son, was over 21
yeai's of age in 1776 and signed the Test with Nathan Mack and other Al-
stead men.
MACK. Nathan. Another son of Joseph, Sr. was of Alstead; enl. June
28, 1777; dis. July 2, 1777, in Capt. Amos Shepard's Co., Col. Benjamin Bel-
lows' Reg. which marched to Fort Ti. during those strenuous days of '77. He
doubtless also lived in Surry with his parents, before the war.
MARVIN. Giles, b. 1751; d. in Alstead 1801. He came to town with
his parents prior to the Rev. war, and rem. to Alstead where he lived; he enl.
as a private May 7, 1777; dis. June 21, 1777; in Capt. Christopher Wibber's
Co., Col. Benjamin Bellows' Reg. He served from Alstead.
-|- McCURDY. John, b. 1750; d. 1839 in Concord, Vt. Aug. 31, 1780 by
a vote of the town he was paid £2:05:0 for services at Bennington. He was
a Surry tavern-keeper for many years, and his service must have been from
-|- McCURDY. Samuel. It is unknown to the compiler whether this was
the father or son of this name. Both were in Surry and of suitable age to
enter during the excitement of the alarm at Ti. There is not the least doubt
but he served from Surry. Enl. June 28, 1777; dis. July 3, 1777; was in
Capt. Elisha Mack's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg. which marched to rein-
force the Contl. army at Ti.
NOURSE. Daniel, b. 1760; d. 1845 in Acworth; enl. from Westboro, Mass.
as a private in Capt. Seth Morse's Co. of militia, Col. Ward's Reg. which
marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775; served 14 days. He settled in Ac-
worth 1785; was in Surry for a few years circa 1830; married and ret. td
Surry During The Revolutionary War 105
PAGE. Lemuel, b. 1757; d. 1822 in Surry, to which place he moved in
1817. He "enlisted into the army six times, which made nearly a continuous
service during the Revolution." — History of Rindge. He was a fifer, in the
service and became a major musician, and usually was called Maj. Lem. Page.
He was fifer in Capt. Nathan Hale's Co. which marched to Cambridge at the
time of the Lexington fight Apr. 19, 1775. Re-enl. and was in Capt. Philip
Thomas' Co., Col. James Reed's Reg. Aug. 1, 1775. In a list of articles lost
at the battle of Bunker Hill, Lem Page lost "one shagge great coat." He was
fifer in Capt. Salmon Stone's Co., Col. Enoch Hale's Reg. which marched from
N. H. June 29, 1777 to Ti. Re-enl. again in Capt. Daniel Rand's Co., Col.
Daniel Moore's Reg. and was dis. at Saratoga Oct. 18, 1777, etc.
— Rindge History.
PERRY. Silas, b. 1763; d. in Keene 1852. He was a private in the Contl.
army in Mass. during the Rev.- war. About 1810 he rem. from Westminster,
Mass. to N. H. and probably settled in the south part of Surry, only a short
distance from Keene line; after a few years he rem. over the line into Keene.
He was on the N. H. pension roll 1832-'40. *In his old age he entertained a
younger generation by relating his experiences in the war; frequently an al-
lowance of horse meat was their portion, and in order to get the boys into
good fighting trim before entering a battle, the soldiers were given a quan-
tit of rum and gun-powder. This may have contributed to his physical con-
dition, for he lived to be more than 89 years of age.
-i- REDDING. John, b. 1754; d. 1814 in Surry. Enl. June 28, 1777; dis.
July 10, 1777, in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg. which
marched to the relief of Ti. Re-enl. in 9th Co. in Col. Moses Nichols' Reg.
which joined the Northern Contl. army at Saratoga July 22, 1777 and this
Reg. was in the battle of Bennington. He is very probably identical with
the "John Reden," who was in Capt. Davis Hewlett's Co., Col. Samuel Ash-
ley's Reg. which marched from N. H, May 7, 1777, which marched to Ti., and
was dis. June 23, 1777, serving 1 mo., 17 days.
REED. David, b. 1756; d. in Alstead 1819. The farm where he lived &r
many years was just over the line in the edge of Alstead;- whether he actual-
ly ever lived in Surry has not been ascertained, yet his name is in Surry 1790
census; he owned land in this town; attended worship here and in the census
of Surry in 1806 he and his family are again given as res. of Surry. He was
of Rehoboth, Mass. and his service in the war was from that state. Possibly
he was the David Reed who was a private in Capt. John Homer's Co., Col.
Jonathan Reed's 1st Reg. of Guards; served from Apr. 1, 1778 until July 3,
1778, at Cambridge, Mass.
-|- RICE. Charles, b. unk. ; come to that part of Westmoreland, now
Surry, as early as the spring of 1760 where he lived until 1777, or later. Mr.
Rice and his neighbor, William Barron, Sr. enl. Apr. 21, 1775 in Capt. Jere-
miah Stiles' Co., Col. Paul Dudley Sargent's Reg. Rice remained with the
Reg. and was in the battle of Bunker Hill, where he received a severe wound
in his breast, from which he suffered for many years. During the alarm
from Ticonderoga he enl. June 28, 1777; dis. July 10, 1777, in Capt. Elisha
''Related l)y William B. Reed of Keene when more than 90 years of age.
106 History of Surry
Mack's Co. He lived in Sullivan some years. He rec'd. a pension in 1795;
an invalid; was a private in Gen. Stark's Reg.
RITTER (or RUTTER). William, b. 1747; d. in Surry 1827; a Revolu-
tionary soldier and a veteran in the war of 1756 — K. S. He came to Surry as
early as 1803, probably from Lunenburg, Mass. Enl. Apr. 25, 1775 as a pri-
vate from Lunenburg for eight months in Capt. John Fuller's Co., Col. Asa
Whitcomb's Reg. which was merged into the Contl. army commanded by Gen.
Washington around Boston; re-enl. for nine months in Capt. Joseph Bellows'
Co., under the command of Maj. Ebenezer Bridge which marched from Lun-
enburg Aug. 22, 1777 on the alarm of Bennington. He possibly saw other
ROBINSON. Jonathan, b. 1753; d. in Surry 1838. A native of Andover,
Mass. from which state he served; removing to Surry as early as 1790, where
he was an honored and respected business man and citizen until his death.
He was a private in Capt. Benjamin Farnum's Co. — which presumably was at
the battle of Bunker Hill. He also was in Capt. Charles Furbush's Co. and
Nov. 21, 1775, received a coat, with others, from the government.
RUSSELL. William, b. 1751; came to Surry from Rindge about 1779 and
rem. to Westmoreland as early as 1784 and where he was living in 1790. He
enl. from Rindge July 1776 in Capt. Joseph Parker's Co., Col. Isaac Wyman's
Reg. which "remained in the vicinity of Ticonderoga about five months, and
suffered much from sickness."
-|- SKINNER. Abner, b. 1739, came to Surry before the Rev. war and
served from this town; in 1810 he was living at Hartland, Vt. Enl. June 28,
1777; dis. July 10, 1777, was appointed 2nd lieut. in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co.,
Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg. which marched to the relief of Ti.
-[- SMEED. Darius. Little is known of this soldier. He probably never
lived in this town, but served as a substitute. He was recruited in July 1782
for a period of three years, and was mustered in by Benj. Ellis.
-j- SMITH. Ichabod, b. 1742; d. in Surry 1807; enl. from here June 28,
1777; dis. July 10, 1777; in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's
Reg. which marched to the relief of Ti.
SMITH. Jonathan, Sr., b. 1715; d. in Surry 1786; a very early settler; he
and three of his sons signed the petition July 4, 1768 fpr the incorporation of
Surry, where he lived until death. Although more than 61 years of age,
his zeal and patriotism overcame his age during the urgent call for men to
reinforce the Contl. army at Ticonderoga and he enl. as a private June 28,
1777; dis. July 10, 1777, in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's
Reg. His four sons, Jonathan, Jr., Ichabod, Thomas and Samuel were in the
service from Surry, also four of his sons-in-law, Abner Skinner, Moses D.
Field, Abia Crane and Nathan Hayward.
-I- SMITH. Jonathan, Jr., b. 1744; d. in Rockingham, Vt. 1822. A prom-
inent man in town for many years; entered the state militia and finally was
appointed major in the 21st Reg. N. H. militia, then in 1788, lieut. -col. of the
same regiment. Enl. May 12, 1775; dis. Oct. 16, 1777, in Capt. Nathan Fol-
som's 9th Co., Col. Joseph Blancherd's Reg. He enl. again as private June
28, 1777; dis. July 3, 1777, in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's
Surry During The Revolutionary War 107
Reg. which marched to the relief of Ti. Re-enl. in 9th Co., under Col. Moses
Nichols' which marched and joined the Northern army July 22, 1777 and was
in the battle of Bennington, Aug. 16, 1777. He received by a vote of the town
£2:05:0 for services at Bennington. He again entered the service during the
summer of 1782 and was appointed capt. of a Co. under Col. Ellis, to rein-
force the troops already on the upper Connecticut for the protection of the
northwestern frontier.
-|- SMITH. Samuel. Came to town with his parents; was a lieut. in
1783 and appointed capt. in the state militia in 1785; he was the home boy
and succeeded his father as tavern-keeper in Surry. He and his son, Samuel,
Jr., may have rem. to Brownington, Vt. soon after 1800. Enl. June 28,
1777; dis. July 10, 1777; sergt. in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co., Col. Samuel
Ashley's Reg. which marched to the relief of Ti. Aug. 31, 1780 the town
voted to pay Samuel Smith, with others, for services at Bennington — hence,
he must have been in that battle. It is said he was with Capt. Lemuel Holmes
and both were taken prisoners at Fort Washington, Nov. 16, 1776.
-I- SMITH. Thomas, b. 1740; d. in Surry 1802. Enl. June 28, 1777; dis.
July 3, 1777, in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg. which
marched to the relief of Ti. The town also paid him as it did his two
brothers, Jonathan, Jr., and Capt. Samuel, for services at Bennington. At a
council at Exeter May 17, 1791 he was appointed Postrider on the first route
out of Keene in place of Ozias Silsby, who declined said office.
SPENCER. Joseph. Was of Bolton, Conn., where he was m. in 1753; set-
tled here as early as 1768 and signed the petition for the new town of Surry.
Enl. from Charlestown (probably early in 1776) in Capt. Thomas Knowlton's
Co. of Rangers and taken prisoner (possibly at same time Capt. Lemuel
Holmes was taken — Nov. 16, 1776) at Fort Washington, and died a prisoner
of war, Nov. 2, 1777. *
SPENCER. Joseph, Jr., b. 1756, came to town with his parents and rem.
with them to Charlestown. Enl. from that town May 7, 1777; dis. June 18,
1777 in Col. Benjamin Bellows' Reg. Re-enl. June 28, 1777; dis. July 9, 1777,
in Capt. Abel Walker's Co. Also said to have been in Capt. Uriah Wilcox's
STILL. John. Came to Surry as early as 1769, but I'em. to Walpole. Enl.
May 7, 1777; dis. June 13, 1777, in Capt. Christopher Webber's Co., Col. Ben-
jamin Bellows' Reg. which marched to reinforce the Northern Contl. army at
Ti. Re-enl. June 11, 1778; dis. at Rhode Island Jan. 5, 1779, in Capt. Simon
Marston's Co., Col. Stephen Peabody's Reg. His height, 5 ft. 6 in., and com-
plexion red. He was a recruit from Walpole Feb. 19, 1781.
STREETER. Zebulon, b. 1739; d. in Surry 1808. From Warwick, Mass.
he rem. to Winchester, N. H. about 1770, thence to Surry in 1777. Enl. in
Capt. William Humphrey's Co. as a private during the summer of 1776 which
was ordered to reinforce the Northern Contl. army wherever it may be found.
WETHERBEE. Abijah, b. 1761; d. in Sullivan 1840. He was of Lunen-
burg, Mass.; lived in several towns in Cheshire Co. after the Rev. war; came
*Just who Joseph and Joseph Spencer, Jr. were in Charlestown in 1790 has not been
108 History of Surry
to Surry as early as 1803 and rem. 12 or 15 years later. It is said he served
for more than three years in the Rev, war from Mass., and was at Valley
Forge from Dec. 1777 until May 1778. He was on the N. H. pension roll in
WHEELOCK. Phinehas, b. 1731; d. 1807, buried in Surry. He was paid
for his loss in going to the alarm of Royalton, Vt., £1:4:0 — State Papers.
From what town he served is unknown.
WHITCOMB. Enoch, b. 1760; d. in Surry 1841. He settled in Surry 1819
rem. from Rindge. He was of Bolton, Mass., from which state he served in
the war. Enl. 1776 and served five months; was drafted in 1778. Was on
the pension roll in 1840; res. Surry.
WHITNEY. Benjamin. Was in what is now Surry as early as July 1768
when he signed the petition for the new town. He may be the same as men-
tioned in Keene, as coming from Marlboro, Mass. He rem. prior to 1776 and
settled in Westminster, Vt., where he probably was living in 1790. Enl. May
1, 1775; dis. Aug. 1, 1775, in Capt. William Walker's Co., Col. James Reed's
Reg. Gilsiim History states he was at the battle of Bunker Hill.
-|- WHITNEY. Joseph. Doubtless kindred of Benjamin q. v. came to
town 1771 and after living here possibly 10 years rem. to Westmoreland.
Enl. from here June 28, 1777; dis. July 10, 1777, was appointed corpi. in
Capt. Elisha Mack's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg. which went to the relief
of Ti. He rec'd. a pension 1818 for services as a private in Massachusetts.
WILBORE. Philip. Was in Surry 1788-90. He came from and returned
to Westmoreland. He enl. as a private June 29, 1777; dis. July 11, 1777 in
John Cole's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg. which marched to the relief of Ti.
Elisha and Nathaniel Wilbur were also in the same Co. from Westmoreland.
-I- * WILCOX. Obadiah, Jr. Enl. May 7, 1777; dis. June 16, 1777, was
appointed sergt. in Capt. Davis Howlett's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg.
which marched for Ti. § Obadiah Wilcox enl. July 4, 1777; dis. July 10, 1777
as a private in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg. which
marched to reinforce the Contl. army at Ti.
-|- WILCOX, Asa, b. 1756; d. 1840 in Surry. He came to town with his
parents at an early date; was on the pension roll 1832-1840. Enl. July 4,
1777; dis. July 10, 1777, a private in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co., Col. Samuel
Ashley's Reg. which went to the alarm at Ti. • Re-enl. as a corpl. in 9th Co.,
Col. Moses Nichols' Reg. which marched from N. H. and joined the Contl.
army at Saratoga July 22, 1777, which was in the battle of Bennington. He
*It must b(> remembered there were four meu named ''Obadiah Wilcox'' living iu Surry
and Gilsum during the Rev. war. Obadiah Sr. of Gilsum, b. about 1719; d. 1780 and
his son Obadiah. b. about 1743; d. 1776. Owing to the date of death, the sou could not have
been, in the war in 1777, and his father, a man of about 60 years of age, then living in
a more remote part of Gilsum, is hardly thought to have entered the service. It is reasonable
to suppose that this "sergeant" was Obadiah, Jr. of Surry, yet there appears no way in
which to iirove this.
§This Obadiah was doubtless of Surry, but whether the father, or the son has not been
established. This call for soldiers came only a few days following a previous call, during
the alarm and exciting days for men to reinforce the fort at Ticonderoga ; not only the young
men, but men of mature years immediately left their farms and within a few hours were
on the march for that imi)ortant station. Our Obadiah Sr. was b. 172-1; d. 1810 and
his son was b. 17.51 ; d. 1797 — under the conditions, this man may have been either the
father or son, of Surry.
The senior Obadiah of Surry was a cousin of the senior, of Gilsum.
Surry During The Revolutionary War 109
received by a vote of the town, Aug, 31, 1780 £2:10:0 for services at Ben-
nington. He was on the pension roll in 1831, as a corpL, but his age is er-
roneously given as 78 years.
WILCOX. John. Enl. Sept. 23, 1777; dis. Oct. 24, 1777; marched from
Cornish, N. H., and joined the Contl. army under Gen. Gates near Saratoga.
While it is possible, yet it is not known this man had any connection whatever
with the Surry family of this name. There was, however, a John Wilcox,
son of Obadiah Sr., of Surry, b. 1753 who d. here in 1798, of whom but little
is known. Possibly as a young man he worked in Cornish and enlisted from
that town.
WILLARD. Joshua, b. about 1760; d. in Gilsum (?) 1836. Little is known
of this man, he was "a revolutionary pensioner, also from Surry." — Gilsum
History. Possibly he is the Joshua Willard who rem. 1778 from Grafton,
Mass. and settled in Fitzwilliam. He came to Surry as early as 1820.
-|- WILLARD. Samuel. Appears to have been of Winchester but to
have served from Surry. Under account of sundries from Surry against the
state of New Hampshire, as noted in the early portion of this chapter, there
is one for 1800 dollars, paid to Samuel Willard. Another evidence of his hav-
ing served from Surry is found on a sheet of paper found in the town pa-
pers, thus: "Wenchester July ye 5th 1780 Reed of Samuel Smith of Surry
nineteen Hundred & fifty Dollars which I Reed for three mounth Services
I Say Reed By me Samuel Willard."
WILLEY. Barnabas. Was in Conn. 1747; settled here as early as 1767
and about five years later removed to Walpole where he enl. with other Wal-
pole men, July 3, 1777; dis. July 9, 1777 in Col. Benjamin Bellows' Reg. which
marched to the alarm of Ti. He was also a private at Ti., Oct. 1776.
WRIGHT. Moses, b. 1763; d. in Surry 1815. Probably the same of Wal-
pole who enl. May 7, 1777; dis. June 13, 1777 in Capt. Christopher Wibber's
Co., Col. Benjamin Bellows' Reg.
During the year of 1777 the soldiers from this part of Cheshire county, with
those from towns to the south and southeast, marched and remarched through
Keene and Charlestown (No. 4), then over the famous Crown Point road,
which ran up the Black river (Vt.) valley; over the Green mountain ridge
thi'ough what is now the town of Mt. Holly, then following down the east
branch of the Otter Creek, through Clarendon, Rutland, Proctor and Brandon
to Lake Champlain. *
The small Continental army that had been stationed near Lake Champlain
abandoned their stores and fortresses early in July 1777 and retreated to
Fort Edwards, by way of Hubbardton and Castleton, Vt. At Hubbardton the
New Hampshire boys were overtaken by the enemy in large numbers and
lost heavily in killed, wounded and prisoners. §
Soon after several Surry men entered the 9th company in Col. Moses Nich-
ols' regiment which joined the Continental army at Saratoga, N. Y., July
*The Crown Point road was cut through the Vermont wilderness about 1758 by Gen.
Jeffery Amherst and several hundred New Hampshire soldiers during the French and
Indian war.
§Gen. Griffin gives a vivid account of this campaign in the History of Keene.
110 History of Surry
22nd, and these men with others from Surry were in the battle of Benning-
ton. It is claimed that Nichols' regiment took a prominent part in that bat-
tle, and Ensign Moses D. Field, a Surry soldier, shot Col. Baum.
The following was written by Phinehas Field of East Charlmont, Mass., to
a local paper in September 1877:
Mr. Editor: — In returning from Bennington celebration, I came by
way of Surry, N. H., and there called on Jonathan R. Field, a grandson
of Ensign Moses D. PMeld, who testified to the accuracy of those state-
ments made by me as published in your paper of the 20th inst., and he
related to me some additional incidents connected with that memorable
battle in which Ensign Field was an actor. The 15th was a rainy day,
and as he and Capt. Mack of Gilsum, N. H., were on a reconnaissance
they came to a puddle in the road, where they parted to the right and
left to avoid it, and just before they closed again, a bullet struck the
water in the middle of the road. As they were passing on Ensign Field
discovered an Indian crawling on the ground in the woods and not far
from them, and appraised Capt. Mack and they both watched the In-
dian until they saw him raise his head when both fired and the Indian
fell. The day after the battle Ensign Field found where the Indian
was buried, it was near the place where he was killed, and he dug down
to the body hoping to find his musket but there was nothing buried with
him. It was ascertained that he was a Sacham, and was shot through
the breast.
While the British were retreating Ensign Field followed on their
flank in the woods, and seeing a soldier stoop to pick up something he
had dropped, fired at him, and the soldier pitched forward and fell to
the ground. This particular act was always spoken of as a cause of
regret, and Jonathan R. Field said, "My grandfather never related the
incidents of that battle without shedding tears." Ensign Field brought
home an ornament of solid silver about the weight of a dollar; it was
the representation of the Savior on the cross, and about three inches in
length. This ornament and his grandfather's powder horn, marked
with his initials, were stolen from Jonathan R. Field a few years since.
Local tradition states that at the battle of Bennington, "Ensign Field had
thirteen bullets, that he shot them all, and each one told." It is also stated
the Americans broke ranks and each man took the best position he could
during that battle.
The late George K. Harvey remembered hearing Asa Wilcox, Sr., telling
about the battle of Bennington :
"The Americans were behind a stone wall beyond which was an open field
and woods. The Hessians in the field finally broke. Gen. Stark jumped on
the stone wall and shouted: 'For God's sake boys, come on'; you could have
heard him a mile."
Mr. Wilcox would cry like a child when telling about that battle.
Militia 111
The following items have been found among the town papers :
"Rec d of the Town of Suri-y, —
Three Cattle Containing Twelve hundred and twenty lb by the hand
of Ebenr Swan it Being in part pay for your Quota of Beef for ye year
1780 John Millen D. C.
Reed of the Select men of Surry for the use of the Contenant one
Thousand three hundi-ed and Eighty weight of Beef, I Say Reed by me
John Millen D. C.
Keen November ye 9, 1780
Surry December 8th 1780
Then Reed of the Select men of Surry Two Beef Cattle Laid at
three Hundred & an half Each Reed pr me for the use of the State
John Millen D. C.
Surry June 1781 Then Reed of the Select men of Surry five pounds
of the new Emesion money in part for my Servis in the army in year
1780 I Say Reed by me Benj. Carpenter"
State of New Hampshire.
Of the militia companies in Surry but little can be gleaned, as neither town
records nor state papers throw much light on the subject. Just when the
first company was formed in town, or who were the local officers and men in
that company has not been learned. Doubtless a company was organized
between 1770 and 1775. Surry, like other towns in this vicinity, was a part
of the 6th regiment, under Col. Josiah Willard of Winchester, Lt.-Col. Ben-
jamin Bellows of Walpole and Majors Josiah Willard, Jr., of Keene, and
Breed Batcheller of Packersfield (Nelson). The militia company was kept
up in town until about 1850.
After the war of the Revolution, this State like others kept up a mili-
tary system requiring all able-bodied men to appear "armed and equip-
ped," twice a year in their own towns, and once in regimental Muster,
wherever summoned in the bounds of the Regiment. These gatherings
were known as "May Training," "Fall Training," and "Muster." They
were always occasions of great hilarity and more or less drunkenness.
As late as 1830, "every man drew a gill of rum for the occasion." And
still later, every new officer chosen was expected to, "treat the com-
pany," and was insulted as "hoggish" if he declined to do so. It was
largely those "training-day" disorders that stimulated the early tem-
perance movement. — Abridge from Gilsum History.
The following field officers were recommended in 1784 for appointment in
the newly formed regiment taken from the 6th N. H. Militia; which was
made the 21st Regiment. The men were recommended by the selectmen of
112 History of Surry
Hinsdale, Chesterfield, Westmoreland and Surry and were confirmed by the
state legislature: viz.
f Col. Samuel King of Chesterfield.
Lt.-Col. George Aldrich of Westmoreland.
1784, Dec. 14 j 1st Maj. Joseph Burt of Westmoreland.
I 2nd Maj. Jonathan Smith, Jr. of Surry.
f Col. George Aldrich of Westmoreland.
I Lt.-Col. Joseph Burt of Westmoreland.
1785, Oct. 22 ] 1st Maj. Jonathan Smith, Jr. of Surry.
I 2nd Maj. Ebenezer Britton of Westmoreland.
No appointments appear to have been made in 1786. The old officers prob-
ably were retained in their respective positions in the 21st regiment. Joseph
Burt resigned as lieutenant colonel Jan. 15, 1787.
( Col. George Aldrich of Westmoreland.
Lt.-Col. Jonathan Smith, Jr. of Surry.
1787 and 1788. : 1st Maj. Ebenezer Britton of Westmoreland.
i;^ 2nd Maj. Benjamin Haskell of Chesterfield.
— From State Papers.
We find no complete list of officers in this regiment after 1788. March 27,
1793, Samuel Smith, Esq. of Surry was appointed major of 20th Reg. Cyrus
Field of Surry was. adjutant of the 20th Reg. N. H. Militia, 1824-25.
From the town records the following Surry men appear to have been hon-
ored with a "title," doubtless in most cases from service in the state militia:
Capt. Thomas Harvey, 1778, probably for his service in Rev. war; Ensign
Hiram Chapin, 1781; Capt. Lemuel Holmes, 1782; Capt. Jonathan Smith, Jr.,
1782; Lieut. Moses D. Field, 1782; Lieut. Samuel Smith, 1783; Ensign Asa
Wilcox; Capt. Samuel Smith, 1785; Lieut. Simon Baxter, 1787; Ensign Jona-
than Reade, 1787; Lieut. Nathan Hayward, 1788; Maj. Benjamin Kimball,
1788; Capt. Jonathan Robinson, 1793; Lieut. John McCurdy, 1783; Capt.
Simon Baxter, 1801; Capt. Nathan Estabrook, 1801; Capt. Calvin Hayward,
1802; Capt. Asa Wilcox, Jr., 1808; Capt. Charles Bond, 1809; Capt. Elijah
Fuller, 1820.
Others who appear to have been captains of the Surry company were:
Francis Holbbrook, Eliphalet Dort, Warren Carpenter, Henry (Harry)
Britton, Charles A. Britton, Franklin B. Benton, Asa Wilcox, Horace B. Shaw,
Lewis L. Cotton and Joshua D. Blake.
The only list of men, thus far discovered, belonging to Surry militia com-
pany has been found on a single sheet of paper among the old town records,
a copy of which follows :
"Surry October 12, 1808
To the Select men of Surry this may Certify that the following Sol-
diers did militia duty in fourth Company and twentyeth Regiment the
11th of this instant Viz.
*John Norris
Aaron Hay ward
Edward Wetherbee
Jonathan Locke
Erastus Benton
Cyrus Field
Horace Baxter
James Britton
Maynard Kidder
Asa Wilcox, Jr.
David Kent
Ralph Smith
Warren Hardy
Ira White
Ichabod Crane
Obadiah Reed
Aaron Reed
James Redding
Samuel Mack
John T. Wilcox
Eliphaz Field
Gaylord Wilcox
Daniel Stratton
Artemas ( ? ) Parmeter
Daniel Smith, Jr.
Alvin Carpenter
Francis Hetton
David Reed, Jr.
Sylvester Bliss
Hollis Munroe
John B. Carlton
John G. McCurdy
John Thayer
Abel Munroe
Obadiah Redding
Luther Carpenter
Benjamin Britton
John S. Britton
Jesse Wright
Abel Allen, Jr.
William Wright
Philip Thomas
Otis Hancock
David Stone
Joel Crandall
Ezra Carpenter
Ariel Carpenter
Joel Carpenter
Timothy Isham
William Perkins, Jr.
Sylvester Smith
Samuel Smith, Capt.
Thomas McCurdy
Benjamin Carpenter 3d
George Baxter
Nathaniel Wilbur
Martin Doyle
Amherst Hayward
Eliphalet Dort
Officers (?)
Soldiers Named that Did military Duty Oct. 11, 1808."
Notice: The soldiers of the 4th company, 20th regiment (Surry)
are requested to meet at Capt. Robinsons tavern on Friday April 2,
1841, at 7 P. M. to choose officers of said company,
Joshua D. Blake, Capt. — Keene Sentinel.
The following taken from Keene Sentinel, Oct. 11, 1849, will in a measure
explain the conditions which led to the repealing of our state militia law in
Musters: — The 20th, Regt. muster was held at Surry, Thursday Oct.
4th. It rained most of the day; the troops were hastily reviewed by
Gen. Dickinson and inspected by Maj. Dudley. The latter addressed
the remains of the old 20th, in defence of the present militia system.
"There was quite a falling off in number of soldiers."
For the first time Surry Infantry, under Capt. Charles A. Britton
came out in uniform. The gamblers of Boston were on hand in large
numbers; some quarrelling and fighting took place the night before.
*NOTE: The names in the above are spelled as we think they should be, not as they
appear in the original record.
114 History of Surry
between the blacklegs and soldiers, in which two of the latter were
somewhat hurt. From old people it said a soldier named Balch from
Keene received a blow in the face from a bell by a gambler which pealed
the skin off and fell over 'his nose. So angry were the soldiers over
this incident, the gamblers were so severely handled they were com-
pelled to leave town. As an example, one incident is here given.
Levi Britton of Westmoreland, while passing near the barn-yard of
the village hotel met one of the black-legs, whom he picked up by the
"seat of his pants and nap of the neck and pitched him head first into
several inches of water and filth to the joy and amusement of the sol-
The morale of the old time Muster had for years been on the decline
in all parts of the state; this was the last muster held in Surry.
One or two musters were held on the plane northeast of the Bradley Britton
buildings, and others on the plane east of the old hotel in the village.
An article by W. S. Briggs of Keene to the Sentinel 1882 gives some inter-
esting facts regarding the New Hampshire militia in 1834. The following is
an extract of his article :
On training days, all males from 18 to 45 were required to train.
Each man was required to be equipped according to law for militia
duty and inspection. Training day was the 1st Tuesday in May that
year — 1834. The equipment was: Gun, ramrod, bayonet, belt and cart-
ridge box (for 24 cartridges), priming-wire and brush, two spare flints,
knapsack and canteen. The penalty for being without the above equip-
ment was as follows: Gun .80c; ramrod .20c; bayonet, scabbard and
belt .25c; flints .02c; priming-wire and brush .10c; cai'tridge box .25c;
knapsack .20c; canteen .10c; gun not cleaned .50c: If loaded with ball
12.00; If absent $2.00.
WAR OF 1812
After the treaty of peace had been signed between the United States and
Great Britain in 1783, animosity still prevailed between the two nations, and
each complained that the other had violated the terms of the treaty. The
British naval officers were especially zealous in their outrageous and insulting
conduct toward American seamen, capturing and confiscating our merchant
vessels, all of which created antagonism in the minds of the American peo-
ple. The Jay treaty, which was ratified during the closing years of the
eighteenth century temporarily quieted conditions.
England, however, continued her aggression without apology or redress
until the American government, becoming convinced of her hostile intentions,
finally made preparations for conflict. An extra session of congress was
called in November 1811 by President Madison, who recommended our prep-
aration for war.
"At length, in the early part of 1812, insults having been added to in-
juries, by the assumed mistress of the ocean, the American Congress,
convinced that there was no hope of a change of policy on the part of
that haughty power, and that a resort to arms was the only alternative
for maintaining our rights, sustaining the national honor, and protect-
ing our citizens, on the 18th day of June 1812, passed an Act declaring
war against Great Britain." — N. H. State Papers.
The few Surry men who entered this conflict, so far as known, saw no ac-
tive service except guard duty for a few months, mostly around Portsmouth,
N. H.
The names of the following men connected with this town have been com-
piled, and there may have been others of whom we have no record:
? ABBOTT. Daniel. Enl. May 25, 1814 and served until July 2, 1814, in
the roll of Capt. Andrew Pierce's Co. "He went to aid in suppressing the
outbreak near Lake Champlain in 1812, and was never heard from again," is
the statement received by the compiler. From what town he entered the ser-
vice has not been ascertained, but his family were living in 1806 with Capt.
Thomas Harvey, as per census.
-I- BAXTER. George of Surry. Enl. Sept. 25, 1814 for 60 days; was ap-
pointed corpl. in Capt. James M. Warner's Co. * Son of Capt. Simon Baxter,
*t'apt. Warner was of Acworth. Most of the Surry men were in his Co.
-|The plus mark indicates the men enlisted from Surry.
116 History of Surry
-j- BECKWITH. Aseph of Surry. Enl. Sept. 25, 1814 for 60 days; dis.
Nov. 17, 1814, in Capt. James M. Warner's Co., Lieut. Col. John Steele's Reg.
-|- CARPENTER. Willard, b. 1794; son of Amasa of Surry; enl. Sept.
25, 1814 for 60 days in Capt. James M. Warner's Co., Lt. Col. John Steele's
DART. David, b. 1793; d. 1841; enl. from Gilsum Sept. 25, 1814 for 60
days in Capt. James M. Warner's Co., Lt. Col. John Steele's Reg. His father
and grandfather lived in Surry.
-!- FULLER. Silas, b. 1795; enl. from Surry Sept. 25, 1814 for 60 days
in Capt. James M. Warner's Co., Lt. Col. John Steele's Reg.
HALL. Jonathan Jr., b. 1782; d. 1852; enl. from Westmoreland, Sept. 25,
1814 for 60 days; dis. Oct. 12 1814, in Capt. James M. Warner's Co., Lt. CoL
John Steele's Reg. He res. in Surry for a few years.
MARVIN. John Jr., of Surry and Alstead. Enl. from A. Sept. 25, 1814
for 60 days in Capt. James M. Warner's Co., Lt. Col. John Steele's Reg.
SCOVELL. Frederick, b. 1786; rem. from Surry to Walpole from which
town he enl. Sept. 26, 1814 for 60 days in Capt. Josiah Bellows' Co., as. a pri-
-j- SMITH. Sylvester. Lived in Surry from the time he was a young lad.
Enl. as a sergt. Sept. 20, 1814 for three months and was on the roll of Capt.
Oliver Warren's Co. Betsey, his widow, was on the pension roll at the time
of her death. He d. in Surry Aug. 18, 1863, aged 84 years.
-I- WETHERBEE. Edmund, b. 1785; of Surry and enl. Sept. 25, 1814
for 60 days; dis. Nov. 7, 1814 in Capt. James M. Warner's Co., Lt. Col. John
Steele's Reg.
WRIGHT. Philemon, b. 1782; d. 1864 in Keene. He lived in Surry for a
few years about the middle of the last century. He was in the battle of Tip-
pecanoe. In relating his experience in that battle to a gentleman now living,
he said after the battle was over: Gen. Harrison (?) standing by inquired if
he was wounded. "No, sir," was Mr. Wright's reply. "Well, what is the
blood I see?" An examination proved a ball had entered and lodged in his
thigh where it remained for many years. He was on pension roll 1840. He
was Sergt. in Burton's 4th Inf. in Regular army.
The War of the Rebellion, or Civil war, opened with an assault upon Fort
Sumter on the 12th of April 1861, and came to a close on the 9th of April
1865, after more than a million citizens had been engaged in the struggle, in-
volving an expenditure of an enormous sum of money and causing misery,
suffering and death to hundreds of thousands of the bravest young men of
the land.
It was a struggle between the Northern and Southern states in our Union;
War of the Rebellion 1 1 7
a conflict between freedom and slavery; between right and wrong; a grave
and vital question which could not escape settlement sooner or later, for the
United States could not remain divided into free and slave states. The laws
of our country had been conceived in a spirit of liberty and justice, intending
that all men should have equal rights in civil life, regardless of nationality,
race or creed.
The law requiring military duty in New Hampshire was repealed in 1850,
therefore when the outbreak came, this state had no military organization to
put into the field, except a few companies from the larger towns.
The South, however, for several years prior to 1861, had been quietly but
rapidly making all preparations for the coming conflict. In the early months
of that year, one after another of the Southern states passed the "ordinance
of secession" and a Southern Confederacy was formed. Finally the smould-
ering fire burst into flames at Fort Sumter on April 12th.
During the early years of the war the feeling was bitter between the Noi'th
and South and the press and many New Hampshire citizens were divided in
their opinions. Probably a fourth of the voters in Surry at that time were
more or less in sympathy with the South. One prominent man in the north
part of the town was reported to have said:
"If the boys come back at all, he hoped they would come in boxes."
The town had no flag during the early part of the war to show her loyalty
for the common cause. Finally two young ladies with a subscription paper
went about town and not long after a large handsome flag was displayed over
the village street.
The following has been taken from the Town Records :
1861, Sept. 21, "To see if the town will vote to raise money to aid in
Supporting the families of Volunteers in the town of Surry that
have, or may hereafter enlist in the Service of the United
States." Voted : to raise $200.00 to aid in supporting the fam-
ilies of volunteers.
• 1862, Aug. 9. The town voted to pay a bounty of 8125.00 to men who
shall Volunteer in the United States Service.
1863, Jan. 3. Voted to raise $750.00 to pay for men to fill the quota of
the town. Also, voted to pay a bounty of $125.00 to each man
who may be drafted.
1863, Aug. 22. Voted to pay $300.00 to every man who is drafted into
the service, or who may serve from this town.
1864, Aug. 31. Voted to pay $600.00 to Volunteers from this town, for
one years service; to pay $800.00 for two years service, and to
pay $1000.00 for three years service in the war. Also, voted to
pay men who are not citizens of this town, $100.00 for one year;
$200.00 for two years, and $300.00 for three years service in the
118 History of Surry
An old letter found among the town records reads as follows:
Camp Nelson, Ky. Dec. 23rd, 1863.
To the Selectmen of Surry,
Gentlemen :
I understand that your town has not as yet been able to fill her
quota under the last call for three hundred thousand more. There are
some in the Company who would like to re-enlist and be credited to the
town that is paying the highest bounty. I understand that they can be
credited to any town that has not filled her "quota." Now if you will
please send documents so that these men will be sure of the bounty, I
think I can procure some six men that would like to be credited to your
Please answer immediately. Direct to Capt. J. N. Jones, Co. F. 6th,
N. H. Vols., Camp Nelson, Ky.
I am, yours truly,
* J. N. Jones,
Capt. Co. F. 6th, N. H. Vols.
The following is a list of men who served from Surry, or were resident of
the town, either before or after the Civil war. Those who served from, or
were credited to this town are marked thus (-|-) :
ABBOTT, Joseph B.; b. in Surry; during the war was in the sanitary com-
mission for four years; lived in Richmond, N. H.; later in Keene and was
county commissioner of Cheshire county for several years.
* ALLEN, Francis A. Co. E. 4th Reg. N. H. Vols.; b. Peterborough, N. H.;
age 26; res. Manchester; enl. Aug. 27, '61; must, in Sept. 18, 1861, as priv.;
re-enl. Feb. 15, '64; must, in Feb. 28, '64; wound. May 22, '64, near Bermuda
Hundred, Va.; disch. disab. Oct. 24, '64, Philadelphia, Pa. Died Aug. 20,
1889, Portsmouth, N. H. Son of Joseph Allen and lived in Surry when a
young man.
-I- ALLEN, George W. Co, I. 9th, Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. N. H,; age 22;
res. Surry; credited to Surry; enl. Dec. 15, 1863; must, in Dec. 15, '63, as
priv.; wd. June 7, '64, Cold Harbor, Va.; tr. to Co. I. 6 N. H. V., June 1, '65;
must, out July 17, '65. P. 0. ad., Claremont, N. H. He was a younger
brother of Francis, above, and lived in Surry when a young lad; in 1884-5 he
was employed by the old Cheshire Railroad Co. and res. in North Walpole
near the top of "Tucker hill."
*Capt. Josiah N. Jones, res. at Portsmouth, N. H. in recent years, and now, (1919) in
Lawrence, Mass. He is President of 6th Reg. N. H. Vet. Association.
*The major part of the Civil war history is from the "Revised Register of the Soldiers and
Sailors of New Hampshire in the WAR OF THE REBELLION, 1861 — 1866. Puhlished
and prepared by authority of the legislature, by Augustus D. Ayling, adjutant general. 1895."
Abbreviations used : — App. — ^Appointed ; Art. — Artillery ; Asst. — Assistant ; Capt. — Cap-
tain ; Cav. — Cavalry; Co. — Company; Col. — Colonel; Corpl. — Corporal; Dis. — Disease; Disab.
— Disability; Disch. — Discharged; Enl. — Enlisted; Gen.^ — General; Tnf. — Infantry; Ijt. —
Lieutenant;" Maj. — Major; Mis. — Missing; P. O. ad. — Post-office address, last known; Priv.
— Private; Pro.' — Promoted; Re-enl. — Re-enlisted; Reg. — Regiment; Res. — Residence; Sergt.
— Sergeant; Tm. ex. — Term expired; Tr.— Transferred ; U. S. A. — United States army;
Unas'd. — Unassigned; V. — Volunteer; V. R. C. — Veteran Reserve Corps; Wd — "Wounded;
Wds. — Wounds.
War of the Rebellion 119
-|- ALLEN, John Henry. Co. H. 1st Reg. N. H. V. Heavy Art.; b. in
Surry; age 20; credit. Surry; enl. Sept. 2, '64, for 1 yr.; must, in Sept. 2, '64,
as priv.; must, out June 15, '65. He was brother of the two above named
soldiers, and the youngest in the family. He became a M. E. clergyman after
the war, and had charges in Mass., R. I. and Conn. He died at East Hart-
ford, Conn., May 20, 1910.
AUSTIN, Charles F. Co. G. 1st Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. in Surry; age 21;
res. Keene; enl. Apr. 21, '61; must, in May 2, '61, as a priv.; must, out Aug.
9, '61. Also, Co. A. 2nd Reg.; enl. Sept. 12, '61; must, in Sept. 17, 61, as
priv.; mis. May 9, '64, Swift Creek, Va.; gained from mis. May il, '64; wd.
June 9, '64, Cold Harbor, Va.; disch. Sept. 14, '64, Concord, tm. ex. He was
son of Thomas who lived on top South end of mountain.
AUSTIN, Kendall. Co. A 5th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; drafted; b. Surry; age
26; res. Alstead; credited to Alstead; draf. Sept. 30, '63; must, in do.; priv.;
mis. Aug. 25, '64, Ream's Station, Va.; ret'd.; must, out June 28, '65. He
was an older brother of Charles F., above; lived many years in East Alstead;
died there 1919.
BEMIS, Charles R. Co. B. 5th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; substitute; b. N. H.;
cred. to Temple; age 30; enl. Sept. 5, '64; disch. dis. July 15, '65. Probably
the man of that name who lived in Surry about 1885; single.
BENTON, Franklin Gardner. Co. A. 14th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. Surry;
age 21; res. Keene, cred. to Keene; enl. Aug. 29, '62; must, in Sept. 22, '62, as
priv.; disch. disab. Dec. 12, '64, Washington, D. C. Died dis. June 23, '81,
Keene. A son of Franklin B. Benton of Surry.
BIGELOW, Hiram Philemon; enl. Co. K. 8th Reg. Vt. Inf., as a priv.;
cred. to Moretown, Vt.; disch. at Burlington, Vt. June 28, 1865. The officer in
making out his discharge papers wrote his name incorrectly, as given above.
His name, however, until several years after the war was "Horace" P. Bige-
low. He res. in Surry a year or two about 1872; rem. thence to Acworth and
now* in Keene or Swanzey. He was b. at Gilmanton Iron Works, N. H., May
24, 1849.
-I- BISSELL, Albert E. Co. I^ 9th, Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. in Pelham, N.
H.; age 21; cred. to Surry; enl. Aug. 12, '62; must, in Aug. 15, '62, as Priv.;
app. Corp.; wd. July 23, '64, Petersburg, Va. Died of wds. Oct. 9, '64, Wash-
ington, D. C. Bur'd in Surry. Son of Tyler.
BLACK, Summer W.— Co. He was b. in Chesterfield, N. H., abt. 1819 and
d. at Harpers Ferry, Va. during the early part of the war. As his war
record is not found in N. H., possibly he served from Mass. His wid. lived
in Marlboro, N. H. and drew a pension within recent years.
-|- BLAKE, Aaron Herbert. Co. I. 9th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. Surry; age
18; res. Surry and cred. to Surry; enl. Dec. 15, '63; must, in Dec. 15, '63, as
priv.; tr. to Co. I. 6th N. H. V., June 1, '65; disch. July 8, '65, Annapolis, Md.
Son of Henry B. Died in Keene 1911.
-I- BLAKE, Ira E. Co. B. 14th, N. H. V. Inf.; b. in Surry; age 19; res.
Walpole, cred. to Surry; enl. Aug. 9, '62; must, in Sept. 22, '62, as priv.;
must, out July 8, '65. Died in Surry 1877. Son of Joshua D.
120 History of Surr\
BLAKE, John A. Co. A. 2nd Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. Keene; age 20; res.
Gilsum; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for three mos.; not must, in; paid by state; re-enl.
May 22, '61, for 3 yrs.; must, in May 31, '61, as priv. ; capt'd. June 30, '62,
White Oak Swamp, Va.; exch.; wd. sev. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.; disch.
disab. June 7, '64, David's Isl., N. Y. H. He lived in Surry after the war;
rem. to Keene where he died, 1904.
BRITTON, Bradford. Co. E. 6th N. H. V. Inf.; b. Chesterfield; age 45;
res. and enl. from Chesterfield; enl. Nov. 19, '61, as a muse, (drummer);
disch. disab. June 16, '62, at New Berne, N. C. In order to enter the ser-
vice he erroneously gave his age as 45, when in reality it should have been
54 years. He was the oldest man in his company. He lived in Surry several
years prior to the war. Died in Hinsdale, Feb. 2, 1887.
-I- BRITTON, Charles E. Co. I. 9th N. H. V. Inf.; b. in Walpole; age 19;
res. and cred. to Surry; enl. Dec. 15, '63; must, in Dec. 15, '63, as priv. Died
Alexandria, Va., July 30, '64; bur. in Surry. Son of Bradley.
-|- BRITTON, Frederick Frost. Co. F. 14th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. Rox-
bury, Mass.; res. Keene and cred. to Surry; age 21; enl. Sept. 1, 1862; must,
in Sept. 23, as priv.; wound. Sept. 19, '64, Opequan, Va.; dis. July 6, '65; res.
Surry, Wisconsin; Springfield, Mass., where he died unm. Son of John Lang-
don, below.
-I- BRITTON, John Langdon. Co. A. 2nd Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. Chester-
field; age 42; res. and cred. to Surry; enl. Aug. 18, '61; must, in Aug. 18, '61,
as muse; app. principal muse, Oct. 10, '61; disch. disab. June 13, '62, Wil-
liamsburg, Va. Also, Co. F. 13th Reg. V. R. C; cred. to Surry; enl. Dec. 15,
'63; must, in Dec. 15, '63, as priv.; disch. disab. May 27, '65, at Concord. Also,
Cheshire Light Guard in State Service; res. Surry; enl. on or before Apr. 26,
'61, at Keene, as muse. He res. in Surry many years; was a brother of Brad-
ford and father of Frederick. He was 56 years of age at time of his enl. He
died in Keene 1898; bur. in Surry.
BRITTON, Levi. Co. A. 18th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. in Westmoreland; age
44; cred. to Alstead; enl. Sept. 3, '64, for 1 yr. ; must, in Sept. 13, '64, as priv.;
must, out May 6, '65. He lived in Surry for a few years prior to the war;
rem. to Alstead.
BROWN, Boardwin. Co. F. 14th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. Stowe, Mass.; age
44; res. and cred. to Keene; enl. Sept. 1, '62; must, in Sept. 23, '62, as priv.;
disch. disab. Jan. 30, '64, Washington, D. C. Lived in Surry for several years
prior to the war, then in Keene, where he died, 1867, aged 60 years.
BURGESS, William. Co. C. 14th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; substitute; b. Rox-
bury, Mass.; res. Surry; cred. to New Durham, N. H.; enl. Aug. 13, '63;
must, in Aug. 14, '63, as priv.; must, out July 8, '65. He was an old sailor,
lived in Surry and rem. to Walpole. Name also, "William J. Burgess."
CALDWELL, Charles W. Co. E. 5th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. in Alstead;
age 19; res. and cred. to Alstead; enl. Sept. 18, '61; must, in Oct 19, '61, as
priv.; disch. disab. May 15, '62, He res. in Surry after the war for several
CALDWELL, Daniel F. Co. G. 1st Reg. V. Inf.; b. Nashua; age 24; res.
Alstead; enl. Apr. 24, '61; must, in May 2, '61, as priv.; must, out Aug. 9, '61.
War of the Rebellion 121
Also Co. B. 14th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; res. Walpole; cred. to Alstead; enl. Aug,
25, '62; must, in Sept. 22, '62, as priv. ; must out July 8, '65. He was a son
of Joseph Caldwell of Alstead, and brother of Charles W. and Joseph W., q v.
He res. at the Toll-gate place in Surry after his marriage to the widow of
Hiram Britton.
CALDWELL, Joseph W. Co. B. 14th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. Londonderry,
N. H.; age 23; res. Walpole; cred. to Alstead; enl. Aug. 25, '62; must, in Sept.
22, '62, as priv.; disch, disab. Apr. 4, '64, Philadelphia, Pa. He res. Gilsum,
Surry and now in Keene (1919).
-i- CARPENTER, Haskell. Unas'd. 1st Reg. N. H. V. Cav.; b. Surry
age 22; cred. to Surry; enl. Mar. 28, '65, for 1 yr.; must, in Mar. 28, '65, as
priv.; dis. May 6, '65, Gallop's Isl., Boston Har., Mass. He res. in Surry and
Swanzey. Died Feb. 26, 1894 in Chesterfield, N. H.
CLEMENT, Benjamin F. Co. E. 6th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. Knox, Me.;
age 42; res. Keene; rem. to Swanzey; enl. Nov. 9, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61,
as priv.; disch. disab. Feb. 6, '63, Alexander, Va. Also, Co. I. 13th Reg. V.
R. C; res. Keene; cred. to Seekonk, Mass.; enl. Sept. 2, '64; must, in Sept. 2,
'64; as priv.; disch. disab. Dec. 20, '64, Gallop's Isl., Boston Har., Mass, He
rem. to Surry soon after the war and lived some years later ret. to Maine and
died in Halldale, that state, Aug. 2, 1885, age 66 years. He was more than six
feet — ^the tallest man in his Co. (in the 6th Reg).
CONVERSE, Stillman A. Co. H. 1st Reg. N. H. V. Hvy. Artly.; b. and
cred. to Gilsum; age 21; enl. Sept. 2, '64, for 1 yr.; must, in Sept. 2, '64, as
Priv.; must, out June 15, '65. Died July 14, 1883, Hartford, Conn. He lived
in Surry before the war.
CRAFTS, Francis T. Co. K. 3rd Mass. Vol. Inf.; b. Boston, Mass. and res.
S. 1917-1921 (during summers); res. (1923) 28 Blue Hill Ave., Mattapan,
Mass. He enl. for nine mos, 1862; mustered out in June 1863; served in
North Carolina; was in Kinston, Whitehall and Goldsborough battles and
minor skirmishes,
DARLING, Lewis Dwight. Co. I. 9th Reg. Vol.; served three years; enl.
Aug. 18, 1862, see family record. He d. Keene Jan. 9, 1922.
-|- DAVIS, Bethuel J. Co. A. 14th Reg, N, H, V, Inf.; b. Gilsum; age 27;
res. and cred. to Surry; enl. Aug. 13, '62; must, in Sept. 22, '62, as corpl.;
must, out July 8, '65. After war, res. Surry, Keene, Bellows Falls ,Vt. ; died
Grand Rapids, Mich., Jan. 21, 1893.
DORT, Obed G. Co. E, 6th Reg, N, H, V, Inf.; b, Surry; age 33; res. and
cred, to Keene; app, capt. Nov, 30, '61; must, in to date Nov. 28, '61; app.
maj. Apr. 22, '62; resigned Sept. 24, '62. Res. before, during and after the
war in Keene where he died 1908.
EMERSON, Bellows. Co. B. 14th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. res. and cred. to
Walpole; age 32; enl. Sept 13, '62; must, in Sept. 22, '62, as priv.; disch. disab.
Feb. 5, '63, Poolesville, Md. Supposed identical with Bellows Emerson in
Cheshire Light Guard; res. Walpole; enl. Apr. 25, '61, at Keene as priv.; dis.
by request of governor. May 31, '61. He lived in Surry before the war; rem.
to Ashburnham, Mass., where he died quite suddenly, before 1876.
122 History of Surry
EMERSON, Quincy A. Co. A. 2nd Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. and res. at Wal-
pole; age 19; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by state; re-enl.
May 22, '61, for 3 yrs.; must, in May 31, '61, as priv.; re-enl. and must, in
Jan. 1, '64; app. corpl. July 1, '64; sergt. Feb. 1, '65; must, out Dec. 19, '65.
He worked in Surry when a young man and in Keene. He was living in Ash-
burnham, Mass., at the time his brother Bellows died.
FAY, Asa Ball. Co. C. 34th Reg. Mass. V. Inf.; b. Northborough, Mass.,
1838; d. there 1919; lived in Surry several yrs. He served as 1st lieut.; enl.
Aug. 1862; dis. at exp. of service, June 16, 1865.
-I- GAGE, William. Co. F. 6th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. Montreal, Can.;
age 28; res. Keene; enl. Nov. 30, '61; must, in Dec. 3, '61 as priv.; app. corpl.;
re-enl. and must, in Jan. 4, '64; cred. to Surry; must, out July 17, '65. He
res. in Surry before the war, and after at Springfield, Vt., where he died May
18, 1917. He saw much service and was in many battles with his Reg.
GAY, John P. Co. H. 5th Reg. Mass. Inf.; b. in Acworth; age 23; enl. at
West Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 10, '62, as priv. for 9 mos.; dis. at Windham,
Mass., July 2, '63. He res. after war in Surry, and now (1923) in Keene.
HALL, James G. Co. D. 13th Reg. N. Y. Vol. Inf.; b. Surry; age 28; en-
rolled Apr. 23, '61 at Saratoga Springs, N. Y. for two years; disch. at Albany,
N. Y. June 18, '63; light; blue eyes; 5 ft. 10 in. He res. in Saratoga Springs
and in Westmoreland where he died Jan. 24, 1906.
HARMON, Thomas L. Born in Boston; enl. 36th N. Y. Inf. Apr. 20, '61;
re-enl. Oct. 25, '62, in 13th Mass. Battery; app. sergt.; 2nd lieut. May 25, '63, '
in 55th Mass. Reg.; promoted to 1st lieut. then capt. He resigned June 3,
'65, on acct. of disab. Capt. Harmon came to Surry 1884 and was propr. of
village hotel.
HARTWELL, William H. Co. I. 9th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. Langdon; age
18; cred. to Keene; enl. Aug. 8, '62; must, in Aug. 15, '62, as priv. app. corpl.
Dec. 10, '62; sergt. May 1, '63; captd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church,
Va.; released Feb. 28, '65; disch. June 12, '65, Baltimore, Md. When a young
lad he res. in Surry with his uncle; after the war, at Kirkwood, 111., and 1919
at Santa Barbara, Cal.
HOLBROOK, George Wood. Born in Surry, 1819; d. in Keene, 1877. He
res. in Surry and was in the service of the government during the Civil war;
was appointed Deputy United States marshal during that period.
HOLBROOK, Samuel Francis. Co. A. 2nd Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. in Surry;
age 21; res. and enl. Keene; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by
state; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs.; must, in May 31, '61, as priv.; app.
corpl. Jan. 1, '63; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.; app. sergt. July 2, '63;
re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64, as priv.; cred. to Walpole; app. 1st lieut.
June 24, '64; capt. Co. G. Apr. 1, '65; must, out Dec. 19, '65. Res. in Keene
and died there in 1894.
-|- HORTON, George G. Co. E. 2nd Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. Surry; age
21; enL Aug. 26, '61; must, in Sept. 17, '61, as priv.; deserted June 20, '62, at
Seven Pines, Va. He was discovered and returned to Surry after the war,
War of the Rebellion 123
with a bewildered and unstable mind, with apparently little knowledge of his
previous whereabouts. Those who knew him before and after the war, did
not as a rule, consider him responsible for the crime of deserting the service.
He lived and died in Surry, 1902.
HOWARD, Horace W. Co. H. 8th Reg. Vt. Vol. Inf.; b. Gilsum, Mar. 22,
1840; while at work at Townshend, Vt. enl. from that town Jan. 8, 1862 for
three years; must, in at Brattleboro; re-enl. at New Iberia, La., Jan. 5 (or
March 5), 1864; a priv.; promoted to corpl. July 1, 1864; dis. at Burlington,
Vt., July 10, 1865. Res. in Surry, 1875-76, and again, 1922, also at Alstead
and Gilsum. Mr. Howard states: "We re-enlisted on the field of battle with-
in a short distance from the enemy, in the same company and regiment; at
New Iberia, La."
HOWARD, John Jackson. Co. I. 9th Reg. N. H .V. Inf.; b. in Surry, Mar.
8, 1834; d. small-pox, Washington, D. C, Feb. 20, 1864; res. in Gilsum and
Sullivan. He was a cousin to Horace W. Howard.
ISHAM, Charles H. Co. A. 2nd Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. Surry; age 18; res.
and cred. Walpole; enl. May 1, '61, 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by state; re-
enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs.; must, in May 31, '61, as priv.; wd. June 25, '62,
Oak Grove, Va.; disch. disab. Feb. 20, '63, N. Y. City. He res. Baldwinsville,
Mass.; went to National Soldiers' Home, Hampton, Va., where he died, 1916.
-I- JOSLIN, Herbert H. Co. H. 1st Reg. N. H. V. Hvy. Artly.; b. Surry;
age 22; cred. to Surry; enl. Sept. 3, '64, for 1 yr.; must, in Sept. 3, '64, as
priv.; must, out, Concord, N. H., June 15, '65. He rem. after the war to
Farmington, Penn.
-|- JOSLIN, John K. Co. A. 2nd Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. in Surry; age 25;
res. and cred. to Surry; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos.; not must, in; paid by
state; re-enl. May 22, '61, for 3 yrs.; must in May 31, '61, as priv.; app. corpl.
Sept. 1, '61; must out June 21, '64. He rem. west after the war and res. in
Mo. and Kansas; died in the Soldiers' Home in Kansas, 1914? He was a
cousin of Herbert H. Joslin, see above. His name is erroneously spelled "Jos-
lyn" in the N. H. Register.
-|- KENNEY, Chancey. Co. A. 14th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. Bethlehem, N.
H.; age 29; res. and cred. to Surry; enl. Aug. 13, '62; must in Sept. 22, '62,
as priv. ; must, out July 8, '65. He res. in Surry before and after the war, and
later rem. to Springfield, Vt.
-|- KENNEY, William Riley. Unas'd. in 14th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b.
Richmond, N. H.; age 18; res. and cred. to Surry; enl. Apr. 4, '65, for 1 yr.;
must, in Apr. 4, '65, as priv.; dis. May 6, '65, Gallop's Isl., Boston Har.
Mass. He saw no actual service. Res. after the war in Surry where he died,
1898. He and Chancey, above, were brothers.
KENYON, David Y. Co. B, 14th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. Middlebury, Vt.;
age 26; res. Walpole; cred. Alstead; enl. Aug. 27, '62; must, in Sept. 24, '62,
as priv.; wd. Sept. 19, '64, Opequan, Va.; must, out July 8, '65. After war he
res. Keene and Surry where he died from accident, 1906.
-I- KINGSBURY, Edward A. Co. E. 6th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. and cred.
to Surry; age 22; enl. Nov. 5, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as priv.; disch. disab.
124 History OF Surry
Jan. 29, '63, Alexandria, Va. Also enl. from Surry; Co. H., N. H. V., hvy.
artly., Sept. 2, '64, for 1 yr. ; must, in Sept. 2, '64, as corpl.; must, out June
15, '65, at Concord, N. H. Res. after war in Georgetown, Mich., Acworth, and
(1919), Keene.
KINGSBURY, W. Henry. Co. C. 14th Reg. N. H. Inf.; b. Keene; age 37;
enl. Feb. 16, 1865 for 1 yr. ; must, out July 8, 1865; res. in Surry, Keene and
Westmoreland where he d. 1895.
MONROE, Dr. Nahum P. A native of Surry and who settled in Bangor,
Me., is said to have served in the Civil war.
MOODY, James S. A native of Landaff, N. H., served in the old Sixth
Mass. Vols., also in Co. C. 50th Mass. Vols.; d. Sept. 5, 1892, at National Sol-
diers' Home at Togus, Me. He lived in Surry, 1843-44.
-- PEABODY, Chauncy M. Unas'd. 1st Reg. N. H. V. Cavl.; b. Bran-
don, N. Y. ; age 19; cred. to Surry; enl. Feb. 28, '65, for 1 yr. ; must, in Feb.
28, '65, as priv.; d. dis. Apr. 2, '65, Pleasant Valley, Md. Nothing further is
known of this soldier who served from this town.
PIKE, Henry A. Co. E. 13th Reg. Vt. V. Inf.; enl. as priv. for nine mos.;
was in battle of Gettysburg, and dis. at close of the war. He rem. from
Stowe, Vt. to Surry 1891, and where he lived until death, 1912. His death
removed from the town the last resident Civil war veteran.
POND, Aaron B. Co. K. 1st Mass. Hvy. Artlry. A son of Luman Pond
and res. in Surry in early life. He res. in Mass. for a time and some years
prior to 1895 res. in Keene.
RAHN, William. Co. G. 6th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. New York; age "44";
res. and cred. Keene; enl. Dec. 5, '61; must, in Dec. 5, '61, as priv.; disch. Apr.
23, '63, New Berne, N. C. Also, Co. B. 13th Reg. V. R. C; b. New York; age
"44"; cred. to Keene; enl. Dec. 23, '63; must, in Dec. 23, '63, as priv.; dis. Nov.
15, '65, Boston, Mass. He rem. to Surry about 1854 and a yr. later sett, in
Keene where he died 1873.
ROBBINS, Isaiah Jr. Co. F. 5th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; drafted; b. Surry;
age 23; res. and cred. to Keene; entd. service Oct. 9, '63; must, in Oct. 9, '63,
as priv.; wd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va.; disch. disab. May 28, '65, Man-
chester, N. H. Also 1 Unattchd. Co. Mass. Cav. (became Read's Co. 3, Mass.
Cav.) ; b. Surry; age 22; res. Keene; enl. Sept. 27, '61, for 3 yrs.; must, in
Sept. 27, '61, as corpl. disch. disab. July 15, '62, New Orleans, La. He sett, in
Nashua, N. H., where he died 1908.
RUGG, Charles E. Co. I. 9th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. Surry; age 18; cred.
to Keene; enl. Aug. 8, '62; must, in Aug. 16, '62, as priv.; app. sergt.; Q.
M. sergt. Feb. 13, '64; must, out June 10, '65. Died in Keene Oct. 31, '66.
RUGG, Sewall F. Co. E. 14th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. in Keene; age 26; res.
and cred. to Keene; enl. Feb. 17, '65, for 1 yr. ; must, in Feb. 17, '65, as priv.;
must, out July 8, '65. He res. in Surry when a young man and brother of
Charles E., above. He now res. (1919) in Chesterfield. He served as clerk
to the regimental quartermaster, Fred C. Webster. Died Nov. 9, 1922, at
Chesterfield, N. H.
War of the Rebellion 125
-|- SMITH, James H. Co. E. 6th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. Orange, Mass.;
age 20; res. and cred. to Keene; enl. Nov. 9, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as
priv.; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va.; disch. disab. Dec. 28, '63. He re-enl. Co.
24th Reg. V. R. C; cred. to Surry; age 23; enl. Sept. 2, '64; must, in Sept.
2, '64, as priv.; disch. Nov. 14, '65, Washington, D. C. Res. after war in
Keene and died 1914 in Swanzey.
-I- SPAULDING, Henry D. Co. A. 14th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. Sullivan;
age 23; res. and cred. to Surry; enl. Aug. 13, '62; must, in Sept. 22, '62, as
priv. Died dis. July 11, '64, Natchez, Miss. He res. in Surry a few yrs. prior
to his enl.
STONE, Rufus H. Born in Surry; enl. in 21st Reg. Mass. V. Inf. He
came home to Surry, was taken sick with small-pox and died Feb. 24, 1864;
age 26 yrs.
TOWNSEND, Charles P. Of Alstead; was capt. of 77th Artillery Battery,
Ohio, Vol. He was living at, and enlisted from, Richfield, 0.
WHITMAN, George H. Co. A. 2nd Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. Richmond; age
19; enl. Apr. 25, '61, for 3 mos. ; not must, in; paid by state; re-enl. May 22,
'61, for 3 yrs.; must, in May 31, '61, as priv.; captd. July 21, '61, Bull Run,
Va.; disch. disab. Oct. 18, '62. Also, Co. C. 2nd R. I. Cav.; res. Richmond; age
20; enl. Dec. 11, '62, for three yrs.; must, in Dec. 12, '62, as priv.; tr. to 1st
La. Cav. Aug. 24, '63; to Co. K. 3rd R. I. Cav. Jan. 14, '64; app. corpl.; app.
sergt.; disch. disab. July 5, '65. He res. in Surry before and after the war and
died there 1867 from dis. contracted in the war.
WILBUR, Chandler A. Co. C. 14th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. Surry; res. and
cred. to Walpole; enl. Aug. 18, '62; must, in Sept. 22, '62, as priv.; trn. to
Co. F. Nov. 1, '62; disch. disab. May 23, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. He re-enl. Co. A.
1st Reg. N. H. V. Cav.; cred. to Walpole; enl. Mar. 15, '64; must, in Mar. 15,
'64, as priv.; must, out July 15, '65. Res. Orford, N. H.; rem. to Troy, N. H.,
where he died.
WILBUR, George F. Co. B. 1st Reg. N. H. V. Cav.; b. 1848; age 18; res.
and cred. Jaffrey; enl. Mar. 29, '64; must, in Mar. 29, '64; as priv.; captd.
Dec. 21, '64, Lacey's Springs, Va.; paroled Feb. 17, '65; must, out July 15, '65.
Died in Walpole, Apr. 22, '73. He lived in Surry during early life with his
parents, and brothers. Chandler A. and Henry L., who served in the war.
WILBUR, Henry L. Co. F. 14th Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. Surry; age 26; res.
and cred. to Winchester, N. H.; enl. Aug. 14, '62; must, in Sept. 23, '62, as
priv.; disch. disab. Aug. 25, '63, Concord, N. H. After the war he res. in
Swanzey, Surry for many years, then in edge of Keene where he died very
suddenly, 1902. The officer who made out his discharge paper at the close of
his service in the war wrote his name "Wilber," a form which Mr. Wilber
afterward used.
WILDER, Daniel. Co. B. 9th Reg. Vt. V. Inf.; b. E. Wallingford, Vt.; age
19; enl. June 16, '62; disch. June 22, '65, Burlington, Vt. He rem. from Wal-
lingsford to Surry, 1881, and to Keene 1900, where he now (1920) resides.
WOODWARD, John A. Co. G. 14th N. H. V. Inf.; b. Surry; age 21; res.
126 History of Surry
Surry; cred. to Keene; enl. Aug. 27, '62; must, in Sept. 24, '62, as corpl. Died
of disease Aug. 18, *64, New York City.
-|- WRIGHT, William H. Co. I. 3rd Reg. N. H. V. Inf.; b. Norwich
Mass.; age 25; res. and cred. to Surry; enl. Aug. 21, '61; must, in Aug. 24,
'61, as priv. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64, from Keene; app. corpl. June 26,
'64; sergt. Mar. 21, '65; must, out July 20, '65. He came to Surry before the
war and continued to res. here until 1904 when he met instant death by a
falling tree.
WYMAN, Samuel E. Co. B. 14th N. H. V. Inf.; res. Walpole; age 31; enl.
July 28, '62; must, in Sept. 22, '62, as priv.; dis. at Concord, Oct. 15, 1862. In
the N. H. Register he is given as credited to Walpole, but from a paper found
among other town papers, his receipt shows he received on Sept. 26, 1862,
$125.00 from the selectmen of Surry for services as a volunteer for a term
of three years. He probably was unfit for service as he was discharged in
Oct. as stated.
The following residents of Surry were on the U. S. pension roll in 1883 :
I. John A. Blake received |18.00 per month.
11. Fred'k F. Britton received $14.00 per month.
III. Henry L. Wilber received $14.00 per month.
IV. William H. Wright received $8.00 per month.
V. Mrs. Betsey Smith received $8.00 per month. (1812 war).
The following interesting account abridged of John Langdon Britton (in-
cluding his picture) appeared in the Boston Globe, Mar. 27, 1894:
At 89.
John Langdon Britton of Springfield, at 56 went to War as a Drummer,
and still drums for the Veterans of the G. A. R.
A remarkable case of longevity is that of John Langdon Britton of
this city, who dances the Highland Fling at 89, and plays the reveille
on the drum. He was born in Chesterfield, N. H., April 25, 1805; was
son of a cobbler and farmer, who named him for John Langdon, an
early governor of New Hampshire.
His early school days were spent in Surry; he finished his education
under the rule of Prof. Edward P. Harris in Chesterfield, academy,
whom he remembered as an argus-eyed pedagogue. In those days boys
were obliged to milk the cows, feed the pigs and carry in enough wood
to keep the fires roaring, all of which was a small part of the things
that went under the common category of doing "chores for one's board."
He picked up his goods and chatties and went to Boston when a
young man, where he worked in an iron industry. Later he followed
the same calling in some of the suburb towns of the city — in all for a
period of nearly 25 years.
While living in Boston he saw Lafayette lay the corner stone of
Bunker Hill monument, and later, when the women raised money to
War of the Rebellion 127
build the monument higher, ,he heard the oration of Daniel Webster.
In 1861, he says :
"I enlisted in Co. A. 2nd Regiment New Hampshire Vol. Infantry,
and went to war as a drummer, participating in the battle of Wil-
liamsburg. Late in Dec. 1861, while camping with Gen, Hooker's brig-
ade at Hilltop on the Potomac river, my tent was blown over in the
night, which left me exposed to the weather. With me were two drum-
mers and a fifer who were N. H. boys. The wetting which I received
made me lame, so that I now have to carry a cane. Henry White and
Henry Holton, my companions in the tent, came down with the malarial
fever as a result of the exposure, and the former died within three
"In 1862 I was honorably discharged on account of lameness, and re-
enlisted, 1863 in Co. F. 13th Reg. Veteran Reserve Corps, which was
stationed at Concord, N. H. After Lee surrendered I was honorably
discharged for disability, and have since received a pension of $16.00
per month. I was promoted to drum major of Hooker's brigade, which
was composed of the 1st and 11th Massachusetts regiments; the 2nd N.
H. regiment, and the 26th Pennsylvania.
"The morning after the battle of Williamsburg, I was detailed with
others to pick up the dead and bear them to their resting places.
"I saw there three dead rebels in the entrenchment that Washington
dug when he seized Yorktown. At that time the entrenchment was very
pronounced showing plainly Washington's manner of throwing up de-
"Abijah Benton (of Surry), my grandfather, was drum major under
Washington at Yorktown ^nd Williamsburg. He taught me to play
the drum when I was 10 years old. Years ago I taught the Harvard
college students to dance as well as teaching dancing classes in Boston,
Roxbury, Brighton and Clinton. Then I went to California and taught
dancing, but after a time returned to Surry, where I conducted a farm
until two years ago, when I came to Springfield, where I have since
lived at 163 Florence St., with my son, Frederick H. Britton, who also
went to the war.
"Most everybody in Boston and vicinity in those days knew John
Britton, where I beat the drum for 25 years in independent companies.
For some time I belonged to the Ancient and Honorable artillery com-
pany and several times played the drum for that organization.
"I was taught to dance the Highland fling, the sailors' hornpipe asd
the minuet on a theatre stage in Boston by Walburn, who was after-
wards manager of the Drury Lane theatre, London. He was given a
benefit, at which I made my first appearance as a public dancer."
By a special act of congress in Dec. 1896, Maj. Britton was granted a pen-
sion of $30.00 per month. During the national encampment of the G. A. R.
in Boston in 1896, he marched in the parade over the entire length of the
route. He died in Keene, May 3, 1898, and was buried in Surry.
The following was written by a Surry soldier, some years since, of his per-
128 History of Surry
sonal experience in the defence of the city of Washington, dui'ing the last
year of the war:
"When I enlisted in 1864, we all expected to be ordered to the front
at Petersburg, but on arriving at Washington, our regiment — the 1st
N. H. Heavy Artillery — was ordered to report at Fort Slocum, one of
the forts in the defences of Washington, taking the place in part of an
older artillery regiment which was sent to join the Army of the Poto-
mac, and here we remained in the different fortifications until the close
of the war. Our duties consisted in guarding the forts about the city
and drilling, both in infantry and artillery; this was much less stren-
uous than active service near the enemy. It became evident in the win-
ter of '64-'65, that the war was nearing the end, which came early in
April. It was a glad day for the Northern army, and I think for the
Southern as well for we could now return to our homes and friends.
"Immediately following Lee's surrender, the orders came to each of
the forts surrounding the city of Washington — some thirty in number —
to celebrate the event by firing a salute of 34 guns. One for each of
the states of the re-united Union. The first fort to take hand in this
glorious celebration was one several miles below the city, on the Mary-
land side of the Potomac; then the next took up the salute, and so on,
until it came our turn, and then it jumped the Potomac river and con-
tinued down the other side past Alexandria, and finally died at the last
fort below that city.
"On the evening of April 14th occurred the saddest event and the
greatest tragedy of the whole war — the assassination of our president,
whom the boys in Blue had come to love as a father. How well I recall
the intense excitement; the indignation and deep sorrow which per-
vaded the army and nation. Each fort about the city was notified soon
after the event and at eleven p. m., the men were ordered to leave the
barracks and enter the forts and remain until morning.
"The first thought of the authorities was that a large number of con-
spirators might have entered Washington secretly with designs upon
the lives of all our officials. The next morning came orders to place
guards at short intervals on the rifle pits leading from fort to fort with
instructions to allow no one to pass out on any pretext whatever; which
orders remained in force for about three days.
"On the day of the president's funeral, I obtained leave of absence
for a short time and was one of the procession which passed in at the
eastern front of the capitol, past the casket, and out at the western. It
was a solemn and impressive scene.
"The war now over, steps were taken for the disbanding of the troops.
The Army of the Potomac began assembling in the vicinity of Wash-
ington soon bein'g followed by that of Gen. Sherman. It has long been
the custom of nations to celebrate the return of its victorious armies in
some impressive manner, and so it was determined at this time that
each army should pass in general review on Pennsylvania avenue from
the capitol to past the reviewing stand in front of the White House.
"On May the 20th the Army of the Potomac occupied the day, and
World War 129
made a splendid appearance; on the day following the army of Gen.
Sherman. The latter it was my pleasure to witness. Well do I remem-
ber standing on the steps of the Treasury building and seeing Gen.
Sherman, accompanied by his staff, all finely mounted, advance up the
avenue at the head of his army. It was an inspiring sight, never to be
forgotten by me. I soon changed my position for one opposite the
reviewing stand which was in front of the White House. As each
brigade approached led by its band, the band would file out one side and
play martial music while its brigade passed. One Wisconsin regiment
carried the noted war eagle, "Old Abe," who had participated in many
battles, and now reposes in stuffed form in the state capitol of Wiscon-
"On the reviewing stand were many of the leading men of the na-
tion: Generals Grant, Sherman, Hooker, Hancock, Jefferson C. Davis
and others; also President Johnson, Secretary Seward, Stanton, Wells
and many other members of the president's cabinet, and members of
the diplomatic corps representing their countries in Washington. This
review was a fitting termination of the war, and has its place in our
country's great historical events.
"In September 1915, half a century later, Civil war veterans from
all parts of our country once again, and for the last time, passed in
review over that same avenue. One of the men who enlisted from
Surry participated in this last review, and he is the author of the rem-
iniscences above." — E. A. K., Keene.
The causes which forced the United States to enter this war in 1917 are
too well known for a review here. It came after years of preparation on the
part of Kaiser William II, the barbaric war lord of Germany and his Pots-
dam associates; after they had plundered, raped and slaughtered Belgium
and part of France; after they had deliberately crucified Great Britain; after
they had through their spy and pro-German system conceived a plan for the
invasion of the United States; after they had defied and insulted our nation,
and murdered its citizens, only to be finally crushed by the bravery and valor
of the boys in khaki.
The following is a list of men connected with this town who served in the
World war, although some enlisted from and were credited to other places :
BRITTON, Frank Clark. Son of Edward M.; b. in Surry Aug. 9, 1898;
enl. May 9, 1917 from Surry as a private in the Field Artillery at Ft. Ethan
Allen, Vt. ; trans, to Ft. Sam Houston, Tex., where he arr. May 19, and \Hhere
he was in training until sent to Camp Merritt, N. J.; embarked Apr. 22, 1918
on the transport Huron, at which time he was a member of the Headquarters,,
3rd Artillery Brigade, 3rd Division of Regulars.
This boat was disabled and returned to port in two or three days; Apr. 29,
he re-embarked on the transport Kroonland and landed at St. Nazaire,
France May 13; were sent to Guer, Fr. and immediately went into training;
July 1, was trans, to the 76th Field Artillery and sent to the front. Entered
130 History of Surry
action at Chezy July 6th; on Aug. 2, was relieved and sent to Grandecourt —
a rest camp — for two weeks.
He entered the St. Mihiel sector about Sept. 2, where he remained in action
until the 27th, then transferred to the Argonne Forest, and where he re-
mained in action until the armistice was signed, Nov. 11, 1918. On Nov. 12,
the artillery was sent forward to Mayen, Germany and here he remained un-
til Jan. 8, when on account of disability he was sent to the hospital.
May 27, he embarked on the transport Susquehanna at Bordeaux, France,
and arrived at Newport News, Va., June 9, and was discharged at Camp
Devens, Mass., June 21, 1919. He was engaged in the Second Battle of
Mai-ne; St. Mihiel and Argonne Forest. Res. Surry.
GRAIN, Robert Mason. Son of Herbert R. Grain; b. in Surry July 24,
1893; enl. from Springfield, Mass., July 25, 1918 in Go. H. 74th Reg. 12th Di-
vision; an instructor in wrestling; was stationed at Gamp Devens, Mass.,
during his brief service; was dis. Feb. 24, 1919, and returned to Surry, where
he has lived practically all his life.
DURANT, Lewis Agustard. Son of Joseph Durant, b. in Troy, N. H., Feb.
1, 1886. He was in the service; went overseas, was cook in the Headquar-
ters camp while in France. He res. in Surry a few years. Res. 1919 in Gil-
sum where he is employed in a steam saw mill. (The writer has failed in his
attempt to get a more complete record of this man's service).
DURANT, William Napoleon. Son of Joseph Durant; b. in Harrisville,
Feb. 12, 1895. He was drafted in W. W. and ent. U. S. service at Keene, June
28, 1918; sent to Camp Devens, Mass.; thence to Gamp Upton, N. Y., Dec.
1918 where was in training until he returned to Camp Devens where he was
dis. May 28, 1919. He saw no actual service. Res. 1920 in Keene, and in this
town prior to the war. Is a brother of Lewis A., above.
JACKSON, Lewis Edward, Son of Edward E. Jackson; b. in Grafton, Vt.,
Aug. 24, 1890. He was registered while living at Okanogan, Wash. He re-
turned East in 1917 and early in 1918 came to Surry where he res. until
drafted, Aug. 29, 1918, from Okanogan; entered the service at Bellows Falls
and went to Camp Devens, where he was placed in the Depot Brigade; in Oc-
tober was trans, to the Veterinary Corps, Camp Hill, Newport News, Va. On
Nov. 1, 1918 went on a transport to St. Nazaire, France with a ship load of
671 horses, 300 men and 25 Veterinai-y men. He returned to America soon
after and arrived at Newport News, Va., Dec. 23, 1918; was dis. from the
service Jan. 9, 1919. Has since res. at Keene and Springfield, Vt.
KELLER, Ralph Henshaw. Son of Jasper N. Keller; b. at Ogden, Utah,
June 18, 1879; he ent. the W. W. as a Vol.; was commissioned 1st Lieut. Sig-
\nal Reserve Corps, June 22, 1917; ent. active service July 20, at Camp Vail,
Little Silver, N. J.; Oct. 5, trans, to Gamp. Devens, Mass., and took com-
mand Go. E. 401 Telegraph Battalion; Oct. 14, ordered to Hoboken, N. J.;
embarked 17th, on the transport Pastores and arrived at St. Nazaire, Fr. Nov.
1, then immediately sent to Paris. Here Capt. Keller was placed on the staff
of the chief signal officer. He was engineer and supervised the building of
World War 131
long distance telegraph and telephone lines from the base ports to Tours,
Chaumont and Paris.
July 24, 1918, he was ordered to report to the chief signal officer, 1st Amer-
ican army in the Chateau Thierry sector; Jan. 15, was trans, to Marseilles,
Fr. as chief signal officer of Base Section No. 6. He embarked at Brest on the
transport Leviathan, May 22, 1919, and arrived at Hoboken, N. J.; was mus-
tered out of service May 25, as major of Signal Corps U. S. Army. He was
engaged during the St. Mihiel and Argonne Forest operations.
The following is from Col. Hitt's recommendation of Capt. Keller for pro-
motion :
1. During the St. Mihiel operation this officer was in charge of the
operations division of the office of the chief signal officer, 1st Army, and
was responsible for the excellent and rapid construction of the wire
lines necessary to carry out this operation. He showed tact and execu-
tive ability in the manner in which he handled the two Telegraph Battal-
ions and one Field Signal Battalion under his direction and a knowl-
edge of practical telephone engineering that moi'e than qualifies him to
hold the next higher grade.
2. During the Argonne-Meuse operations this officer's knowledge and
practical ability were of the greatest service in the rearrangement of
the wire lines of the 2nd French Army and the efficient operation of the
telephone and telegraph plant at Army Headquarters.
Maj. Keller has been a res. of Surry since 1916, where he spends several
weeks during each year.
PERKINS, Clarence Edgar. Son of Charles Wallace Perkins; b. in Surry,
July 31, 1895; enl. from Surry June 15, 1918 and entered the Dartmouth
college detachment where he was assigned to the Motor Transport Corps; was
trans, to Camp Joseph E. Johnston at Jacksonville, Fla., where he arrived
Aug. 22; then sent to Camp Merritt (near Hoboken), N. J., where he arrived
Sept. 12; on 23rd embarked on the transport. Great Northern, and arrived
at Brest, France, Sept. 30, at which time he was a private in the M. T. C. He
entered active service Oct. 8, transporting by motor truck, hospital and quar-
termaster's supplies, usually in charge of a five-ton Packard truck. Frequent-
ly he was in constant service from 15 to 22 hours daily, in and near Longers,
Fr., and where he remained until about Nov. 3, when taken ill, and sent to
the hospital, thence to the Casualty camp at Toul, then trans, to the 159th
Infantry, 40th Division. He embarked Mar. 23, at Bordeaux, France, on the
transport Edgar F. Leukenbach and arrived at Hoboken Apr. 6, and was dis-
charged at Camp Devens, Mass., Apr. 17, 1919 as a private; Casual M. T.
C, 517, Co. A. 159th Infantry, 40th Division. Returned to Surry.
STILLINGS, Lee Chamberlain. Son of Samuel V. Stillings; b. in Keene,
Oct. 7, 1869; came to Surry when a child and resided here until a young man.
He was graduated in 1893 from the University of Vermont with the degree
of M. D. For several years he was in practice in Philadelphia and in the
merchant marine service, acting in foreign countries. On the outbreak of
the World war he volunteered Apr. 15, 1917; being credited to Alstead, the
home of his wife; he was appointed captain of the Medical Corps May 27,
132 History of Surry
1917; assigned to active service June 24; was at Plattsburg, N. Y., and other
camps, his last assignment being at Camp Pike, Arkansas, where he was chief
of service at the base hospital. Capt. Stillings was discharged from the ser-
vice in August 1919, and on Oct. 9th, following he was commissioned major.
He is now (1920) stationed at Parkview, Penn., in the U. S. Public Health
Service, as surgeon in charge of the Government hospital.
The following is from Col. L. A. Fuller's recommendations of Capt. L. C.
Stillings for promotion:
Capt. Lee C. Stillings, M. C.
He was assigned to active service June 24, 1917, his original assign-
ment being at Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y. In civil life Capt. Stillings
was an expert in internal medicine and Neuro-psychiatry.
He has been prominently identified in three public institutions, for the
cure of nervous and mental diseases. These are : Pennsylvania State
hospital, Danville, Penn., Northern Michigan asylum, Travis City,
Mich., and Channing hospital, Boston, Mass. Since entering the ser-
vice Capt. Stillings has received an intensive course in mental and ner-
vous diseases at the Neurological institute, New York City. Capt. Stil-
lings joined for duty at the base hospital. Camp Pike, Ark., June 6,
1918. Upon arriving at that station he was assigned as chief of neuro-
psychiatric service, and president of the S. C. D. board, as well as be-
ing camp examiner in nervous and mental diseases. He has continued
in this assignment and has given complete satisfaction. In the hand-
ling of the mental and nervous examinations of prisoners, Capt. Still-
ings has performed with rare judgment and executive ability, co-oper-
ating well with all officers concerned, both in the hospital and camp.
By L. A. Fuller, colonel. Medical Corps, and commanding officer of
the base hospital. Camp Pike, June 9, 1919; to The Surgeon General,
U. S. Army, Washington, D. C.
STILLINGS, James Vinton. A brother of preceding, served as chainnan of
the Liberty Loan drive in Surry, during the World war.
PORTER, Miss Kate H. She was in charge of the Red Cross work in town
during and after the war.
Surry's loyalty during the World war in loans has been furnished by James
V. Stillings, Chairman Liberty Loan committee :
First Loan, $350.00 subscribed. No quota asked.
Second " 1700.00
Third " 13,450.00 Quota, $4000.00. No. subscribers, 49.
Fourth " 10,300.00 " 8100.00. " " 37.
Fifth " 10,550.00 " " " 28.
During the fall of 1921 a drive was made in Cheshire county for the new
Elliot Community hospital at Keene. James V. Stillings was appointed cap-
tain of Surry team. The result of the campaign follows:
Surry's quota, $1500.00; amount subscribed, $1516.00; No. subscribers, 44.
* Moderator.
Town Clerk
Peter Hay ward
Obadiah Wilcox
John Marvin
Joshua Darte
Obadiah Wilcox
Joshua Darte
Obadiah Wilcox
Joshua Darte
John Marvin
Joshua Darte
John Marvin
Joshua Darte
John Marvin
Obadiah Wilcox
Thomas Darte
Obadiah Wilcox
Thomas Darte
Obadiah Wilcox
John Marvin
Obadiah Wilcox
John Marvin
Obadiah Wilcox
John Marvin
Obadiah Wilcox
John Marvin
Obadiah Wilcox
John Marvin.
Lemuel Holmes
Thomas Harvey
Lemuel Holmes
Obadiah Wilcox
Lemuel Holmes
Thomas Harvey
Lemuel Holmes
John Marvin
Lemuel Holmes
Thomas Harvey
. Lemuel Holmes
Obadiah Wilcox
Obadiah Wilcox
Zebulon Streeter
Obadiah Wilcox
Lemuel Holmes
Jonathan Carpenter
Lemuel Holmes
Jonathan Carpenter
Lemuel Holmes
Jonathan Carpenter
Lemuel Holmes
Jonathan Carpenter
John McCurdy
Jonathan Carpenter
Lemuel Holmes
Eli Dart
Lemuel Holmes
Eli Dart
John McCurdy
Eli Dart
John McCurdy
Eli Dart
John McCurdy
Eli Dart
Asa Hancock
Eli Dart
Lemuel Holmes
Eli Dart
Nathan Estabrook
Eli Dart
Nathan Estabrook
Eli Dart
Nathan Estabrook
Eli Dart
Obadiah Wilcox
The Selectmen
The Selectmen
Not given
Joshua Darte
Not given
Not given
Not given
Obadiah Wilcox
Obadiah Wilcox
Obadiah Wilcox
Obadiah Wilcox
Obadiah Wilcox
Lemuel Holmes
Lemuel Holmes
Lemuel Holmes
Lemuel Holmes
Lemuel Holmes
Lemuel Holmes
Obadiah WMlcox
Obadiah Wilcox
Jonathan Carpenter
Jonathan Carpenter
Jonathan Carpenter
Jonathan Carpenter
Jonathan Robinson
Jonathan Robinson
Jonathan Robinson
Jonathan Robinson
Jonathan Robinsoii
Samuel Allen
Samuel Allen
Samuel Allen
Samuel Allen
Samuel Allen
Samuel Allen
*The moderator elected at the annual March meeting is here given.
History of Surry
1805. Asahel Harvey
1806. Ashahel Harvey
1807. Asahel Harvey
1808. Asahel Harvey
1809. Samuel Hills
1810. Asahel Harvey
1811. Asahel Harvey
1812. Samuel Hills
1813. Samuel Hills
1814. Samuel Hills
1815. Samuel Hills
1816. David Shaw
1817. David Shaw
1818. David Shaw
1819. Elijah Fuller
1820. Elijah Fuller
1821. Samuel Hills
1822. Francis Holbrook
1823. Francis Holbrook
1824. Francis Holbrook
1825. Francis Holbrook
1826. Francis Holbrook
1827. Francis Holbrook
1828. Jonathan E. Davis
1829. Jonathan Robinson, Jr.
1830. Jonathan Robinson, Jr.
1831. Sylvester Smith *
1832. Jonathan Robinson, Jr.
1833. Francis Holbrook
1834. Jonathan Robinson, Jr.
1835. Jonathan Robinson, Jr.
1836. Francis Holbrook
1837. Benjamin Hills
1838. Benjamin Hills
1839. Benjamin Hills
1840. Benjamin Hills
1841. Benjamin Hills
1842. Francis Holbrook
1843. James Davis
1844. Henry Britton
1845. Addison Smith
1846. Benjamin Hills
1847. Francis Holbrook
1848. Benjamin Hills
1849. Benjamin Hills
1850. George W. Holbrook
Town Clerk.
Eli Dart
Samuel Allen
Eli Dart
Samuel Allen
Eli Dart
Samuel Allen
Eli Dart
Samuel Allen
Eli Dart
Samuel Allen
Eli Dart
Samuel Allen
Samuel Allen
Samuel Allen
Samuel Allen
Elijah Fuller
Elijah Fuller
Elijah Fuller
Elijah Fuller
Elijah Fuller
Elijah Fuller
Samuel Hills
Asahel Harvey
Asahel Harvey
Asahel Harvey
Asahel Harvey
Asahel Harvey
Asahel Harvey
Asahel Harvey
Asahel Harvey
Asahel Harvey
Asahel Harvey
Asahel Harvey
Asahel Harvey
Samuel Robinson
Samuel Robinson
Benjamin Hills
let Dort
Chaiies Johnson
an Robinson,
Jr. Benjamin Hills
an Robinson,
Jr. Benjamin Hills
an Robinson,
Jr. Francis Holbrook
; B. Shaw
Francis Holbrook
; B. Shaw
Jonathan Robinson, Jr
let Dort
Hollis Wilcox
let Dort
Elijah Holbrook
let Dort
Elijah Holbrook
let Dort
Hollis Wilcox
let Dort
Henry T. Ellis
let Dort
Elijah H. Hartwell
let Dort
Arvin Britton
let Dort
Jonathan Harvey, Jr.
let Dort
Henry T. Ellis
*Sylvester Smitli who was elected declined to serve and Jonathan Robinson, Jr., was
elected in his place.
Town Officers
Town Clerk
Geoi-ge W. Holbrook
Eliphalet Dort
Almond Stevens
Joseph Allen, 2d
Eliphalet Dort
Jonathan Harvey, Jr.
Elijah Holbrook
Eliphalet Dort
Almond Stevens
Elijah Holbrook
Eliphalet Dort
Almond Stevens
Nathan D. Reed
George K. Harvey
Joshua D. Blake
George W. Holbrook
Eliphalet Dort
Almond Stevens
George W. Holbrook
William H. Porter
George K. Harvey
George K. Harvey
William H. Porter
George K. Harvey
George W. Holbrook
William H. Porter
Willard Streeter
Isaac Brown
Hollis Wilcox
Willard Streeter
Isaac Brown
Hollis Wilcox
Hollis Wilcox
George W. Holbrook
William H. Porter
George Wilcox
Isaac Brown
William H. Porter
George Wilcox
George W. Holbrook
William H. Porter
George Wilcox
George K. Harvey
William H. Porter
George Wilcox
George W. Holbrook
William H. Porter
George Wilcox
George K. Harvey
William H. Porter
George Wilcox
George K. Harvey
William H. Porter
George Wilcox
George K. Harvey
William H. Porter
George Wilcox
George K. Harvey
William H. Porter
George K. Harvey
George K. Harvey
William H. Porter
Hollis Wilcox
Isaac Brown
William H. Porter
Willard Streeter
Isaac Brown
Hollis Wilcox
Hermon 0. Streeter
Isaac Brown
William H. Porter
Hermon 0. Streeter
Isaac Brown
William H. Porter
William H. Porter
Isaac Brown
William H. Porter
William H. Porter
George K. Harvey
William H. Porter
William H. Porter
George K. Harvey
William H. Porter
William H. Porter
Asa B. Fay
William H. Porter
William H. Porter
George K. Harvey
William H. Porter
William H. Porter
George K. Harvey
William H. Porter
William H. Porter
George K. Harvey
William H. Porter
William H. Porter
George K. Harvey
William H. Porter
George K. Harvey
John H. Rogers
Wesley F. Wilbur
Mason A. Carpenter
George K. Harvey
Wesley F. Wilbur
Mason A. Carpenter
George • K. Harvey
Wesley F. Wilbur
George B. Britton
George K. Harvey
^William H, Porter
George B. Britton
George K. Harvey
Wesley F. Wilbur
George B. Britton
George K. Harvey
fLaForest J. Carpenter
William H. Porter
George K. Harvey
Wesley F. Wilbur
William H. Porter
John H. Rogers
§W^esley F. Wilbur
Frank E. Nesmith
John H. Rogers
Cyrus Kingsbury
George K. Harvey
George K. Harvey
Cyrus Kingsbury
George K. Harvey
George K. Harvey
Cyrus Kingsbury
George K. Harvey
*Mr. Porter declinetl and Wesley F. Wilbur was then elected Town Clerk.
tMr. Carpenter resigned and Cyrus Kingsbury apiminted Mar. 2;i, 1H89.
§Mr. Wilbur removed from town and Cyrus Kingsbury appointed Sept. 3, 1891.
History of Surry
George K.
George K.
George K.
Mason A.
Mason A.
Mason A.
MasQn A.
Mason A.
Hollis W.
Mollis W.
Hollis W.
Hollis W.
Hollis W.
Hollis W.
Hollis W.
Hollis W.
Hollis W.
Hollis W.
Hollis W.
Hollis W.
Hollis W.
Hollis W.
Hollis W.
Hollis W.
Hollis W.
Hollis W.
Hollis W.
Hollis W.
George K. Harvey
George K. Harvey
George K. Harvey
Luman M. Carpenter
Luman M. Carpenter
Luman M. Carpenter
* Luman M. Carpenter
George B. Britton
George B. Britton
George B. Britton
George B. Britton
George B. Britton
George B. Britton
George B. Britton
Frank E. Nesmith
George B. Britton
George B. Britton
George B. Britton
Frank E. Nesmith
Frank E. Nesmith
Frank E. Nesmith
Frank E. Nesmith
Sidney J. Wilder
Sidney J. Wilder
§ Sidney J. Wilder
Hollis W. Harvey
Hollis W. Harvey
James E. Harvey
1769. Obadiah Wilcox
John Marvin
Peter Hayw^ard
1770. John Marvin
Joshua Dart
Peter Hayw^ard
1771. John Marvin
Obadiah Wilcox
Thomas Harvey
1772. Obadiah Wilcox
Peter Hayw^ard
Thomas Harvey
1773. Joshua Darte
Obadiah Wilcox
John Marvin
1774. John Marvin
Joshua Dart
Eliphalet Dart
1775. Obadiah Wilcox
John Marvin
Eliphalet Dart
1776. Obadiah Wilcox
Thomas Harvey
Thomas Dart
*Mr. Carpenter deceased, George B. Britton appointed July 27, ]901.
tMr. Kingsbiiry resigned, Myron H. Porter appointed Oct. 4, 1909.
§Mr. Wilder declined and TTollis W. Harvey was elected.
Town Officers
1777. Joshua Dart
Obadiah Wilcox
Thomas Dart
1778. John Marvin
Thomas Harvey
Hiram Chapin
1779. Obadiah Wilcox
Thomas Harvey
Hiram Chapin
1780. John Marvin
Joshua Dart
Moses D. Field
1781. William Russell
Thomas Harvey
Peter Hayward
1782. Lemuel Holmes
John Marvin
Moses D. Field
1783. Thomas Harvey
William Barron
Joshua Fuller
1784. William Barron
Jonathan Reed
Nathan Hayward
1785. Thomas Harvey
Obadiah Wilcox
Jonathan Reed
1786. Thomas Harvey
William Barron
Moses D. Field
1787. Thomas Harvey
William Barron
Asa Hancock
1788. Obadiah Wilcox
Nathan Hayward
Asa Hancock
Philip Monroe
Jonathan Carpenter
1789. Jonathan Carpenter
Nathan Hayward
Zebulon Streeter
1790. Lemuel Holmes
Jonathan Carpenter
Nathan Hayward
SELECTMEN— Continued.
1791. Jonathan Carpenter
Levi Fuller
John McCurdy
1792. Jonathan Carpenter
Levi Fuller
John McCurdy
1793. Thomas Harvey
Samuel Hills
Asa Wilcox
1794. Lemuel Holmes
Jonathan Carpenter
Samuel Hills
1795. Jonathan Carpenter
Sainuel Hills
Nathan Hayward
1796. Samuel Hills
Nathan Hayward
Asa Hancock
1797. Samuel Hills
Nathan Hayward
Asahel Harvey
1798. Samuel Hills
Nathan Hayward
Asahel Harvey
1799. Samuel Hills
Nathan Hayward
Calvin Hayward
1800. Samuel Hills
Asa Hancock
Sarel Hayward
1801. Jonathan Robinson
Sarel Hayward
Samuel Hills
1802. Samuel Hills
Nathan Estabrook
Calvin Hayward
1803. Samuel Hills
Asahel Harvey
Nathan Estabrook
1804. Nathan Estabrook
Asahel Harvey
Simon Baxter
1805. Samuel Hills
Asahel Harvey
Benjamin Carpenter, Jr.
History of Surry
SELECTMEN— Continued.
1806. Samuel Hills
Asahel Harvey
Benjamin Carpenter, Jr.
1807. Samuel Hills
Asahel Harvey
Eli Dort
1808. Samuel Hills
Asahel Harvey
Eli Dort
1809. Samuel Hills
Eli Dort
Levi Hancock
1810. Samuel Hills
Eli Dort
Levi Hancock
1811. Samuel Hills
Eli Dort
John Thayer
1812. Samuel Hills
Eli Dort
Levi Hancock
1813. Samuel Hills
Eli Dort
Levi Hancock
1814. Samuel Hills
Eli Dort
Jonas Pollard
1815. Samuel Hills
Jonas Pollard
David Shaw
1816. Jonas Pollard
David Shaw
Francis Holbrook
1817. Jonas Pollard
David Shaw
Francis Holbrook
1818. Jonas Pollard
David Shaw
Isaac Field
1819. Eli Dort
Royal Watkins
Josiah Knight
1820. Francis Holbrook
Sylvester Smith
IcHabod Crane
1821. Francis Holbrook
Sylvester Smith
Jonas Pollard
1822. FrAncis Holbrook
Sylvester Smith
Jonas Pollard
1823. Francis Holbrook
Sylvester Smith
Samuel Robinson
1824. Francis Holbrook
Sylvester Smith
Samuel Robinson
1825. Francis Holbrook
Samuel Robinson
Benjamin Carpenter, Jr.
1826. Francis Holbrook
Benjamin Carpenter, Jr.
Peter Hayward
1827. Francis Holbrook
Sylvester Smith
Benjamin Carpenter, Jr.
1828. Francis Holbrook
Jonathan E. Davis
Jonathan Robinson, Jr.
1829. Francis Holbrook
Samuel Robinson
Peter Hayward
1830. Francis Holbrook
Samuel Robinson
Benjamin Carpenter, Jr.
1831. Francis Holbrook
Samuel Robinson
William Perkins
1832. Francis Holbrook
Sylvester Smith
Peter Hayward
1833. Samuel Robinson
Peter Hayward
Benjamin Hills
Town Officers
SELECTMEN— Continued.
1834. Samuel Robinson
Benjamin Hills
Peter Hayward
1835. Samuel Robinson
Jonathan Robinson, Jr.
Mollis Wilcox
1836. Francis Holbrook
Hollis Wilcox
Warren Carpenter
1837. Samuel Robinson
George Crehore
Jonathan Harvey, Jr.
1838. Samuel Robinson
Daniel Abbott
Eliphaz Field
1839. Samuel Robinson
Benjamin Hills
Peter Hayward
1840. Benjamin Hills
Jonathan Robinson
Daniel Abbott
1841. Jonathan Robinson
Benjamin Hills
Peter Hayward
1842. Francis Holbrook
Sylvester Smith
Peter Hayward
1843. Hollis Wilcox
Eliphaz Field
Henry T. Ellis
1844. Hollis Wilcox
Henry T. Ellis
Peter Hayward
1845. Henry T. Ellis
Elijah Holbrook
Nathan D. Reed
1846. Elijah Holbrook
Nathan D. Reed
William Carpenter
1847. Nathan D. Reed
William Carpenter
Henry T. Ellis
1848. Nathan D. Reed
George Wilcox
Almond Stevens
1849. Peter Hayward
Bradley Britton
Henry T. Ellis
1850. Elijah Holbrook
Hollis Wilcox
Eliphalet Dort
1851. Elijah Holbrook
Hollis Wilcox
William Carpenter
1852. Jonathan Robinson
Daniel Abbott
Edmund Woodward
1853. Elijah Holbrook
William Carpenter
Isaac Brown
1854. Elijah Holbrook
Henry T. Ellis
Hiram Britton
1855. Hollis Wilcox
Nathan D. Reed
I. Sumner Wilder
1856. Nathan D. Reed
Hollis Wilcox
Willard Streeter
1857. Edmund Woodward
I. Sumner Wilder
Josiah Kingsbury
1858. Edmund Woodward
I. Sumner Wilder
Daniel Abbott
1859. Henry T. Ellis
George W. Holbrook
Calvin Randall
1860. Nathan D. Reed
George W. Holbrook
Calvin Randall
1861. Nathan D. Reed
George W. Holbrook
Calvin Randall
History of Surry
SELECTMEN— Continued.
George W. Holbrook
George K. Harvey
Bradley Britton
HoUis Wilcox
George K. Harvey
Calvin Randall
George W. Holbrook
George K. Harvey
Bradley Britton
George W. Holbrook
George K. Harvey
Henry T. Ellis
I. Sumner Wilder
George C. Hubbard
Joshua D. Blake
George K. Harvey
George C. Hubbard
George Wilcox
1868. George Wilcox
George K. Harvey
Amos H. Carter
1869. George K. Harvey
Joshua D. Blake
Henry T. Ellis
1870. Henry T. Ellis
William H. Porter
Francis F. Field
1871. Henry T. Ellis
Luman M. Carpenter
Harrison N. Scripture
1872. Hollis Wilcox
Luman M. Carpenter
William L. Kingsbury
1873. Hollis Wilcox
Luman M. Carpenter
William L. Kingsbury
1874. Hollis Wilcox
Luman M. Carpenter
George K. Harvey
1875. Luman M. Carpenter
Henry T. Ellis
Isaac Brown
1876. George K. Harvey
Joshua D. Blake
Frederick R. Grain
1877. George K. Harvey
Joshua D. Blake
Francis F. Field
1878. George K. Harvey
Francis F. Field
Mason A. Carpenter
1879. Harrison N. Scripture
Mason A. Carpenter
John H. Rogers
1880. John H. Rogers
Luman M. Carpenter
Stephen H. Clement
1881. Luman M. Carpenter
John H. Rogers
Stephen H. Clement
1882. Mason A. Carpenter
Luman M. Carpenter
Frank E. Ellis
1883. Myron H. Porter
Charles H. Blake
William H. Porter
1884. Luman M. Carpenter
John H. Rogers
James D. Carter
1885. Harrison N. Scripture
Stephen H. Clement
Frank DeW. Carpenter
1886. Luman M. Carpenter
George K, Harvey
George M. Hodgkins
1887. George K. Harvey
Luman M. Carpenter
Frank E. Ellis
1888. George K. Harvey
Luman M. Carpenter
Frank E. Nesmith
1889. George K. Harvey
Frank E. Nesmith
Luman M. Carpenter
Town Officers
SELECTMEN— Continued.
1890. Luman M. Carpenter
George K. Harvey
Daniel Wilder
1891. Luman M. Carpenter
Daniel Wilder
Stephen H. Clement
1892. Frank E. Nesmith
Stephen H. Clement
Otis W. Kingsbury
1893. Frank E. Nesmith
Stephen H. Clement
Otis W. Kingsbury
1894. Frank E. Nesmith
Stephen H. Clement
Myron H. Porter
1895. Frank E. Nesmith
Stephen H. Clement
Myron H. Porter
1896. Frank E. Nesmith
Stephen H. Clement
Fred'k R. Crain
1897. Frank E. Nesmith
Fred'k R. Crain
Harrison N. Scripture
1898. Frank E. Nesmith
Fred'k R. Crain
Harrison N. Scripture
1899. Frank E. Nesmith
Fred'k R. Crain
Harrison N. Scripture
1900. Frank E. Nesmith
Harrison N. Scripture
Stephen H. Clement
1901. Mason A. Carpenter
Stephen H. Clement
Frank E. Nesmith
1902. Mason A. Carpenter
Sidney J. Wilder
Myron H. Porter
1903. Harrison N. Scripture
Fred'k R. Crain
Stephen H. Clement
1904. Harrison N. Scripture
Fred'k R. Crain
Stephen H. Clement
1905. Harrison N. Scripture
Stephen H. Clement
Hollis W. Harvey
1906. Harrison N. Scripture
Stephen H. Clement
Hollis W. Harvey
1907. Frank E. Nesmith
Stephen H. Clement
Hollis W. Harvey
1908. Frank E. Nesmith
Stephen H. Clement
Hollis W. Harvey
1909. Harrison N. Scripture
Hollis W. Harvey
Leon A. Hodgkins
1910. Frank E. Nesmith
Hollis W. Harvey
Leon H. Hodgkins
1911. Frank E. Nesmith
Hollis W. Harvey
Leon. A. Hodgkins
1912. Hollis W. Harvey
Sidney J. Wilder
Leon A. Hodgkins
1913. Hollis W. Harvey
Sidney J. Wilder
Leon A. Hodgkins
1914. Hollis W. Harvey
Sidney J. Wilder
Weston E. Wilbur
1915. Hollis W. Harvey
Sidney J. Wilder
Clarence H. French
1916. Hollis W. Harvey
Clarence H. French
James V. Stillings
1917. Hollis W. Harvey
Clarence H. French
James V. Stillings
History of Surry
SELECTMEN— Continued.
1918. Hollis W. Harvey
Clarence H. French
James V. Stillings
1919. Hiram F. Newell
Mason A. Carpenter
George Malcolm
1920. Samuel Ball
Merrill D. Carpenter
George B. Conley
1921. Samuel Ball, fS yrs.
George B. Conley, 2 yrs.
Frank B. Kingsbury, 1 yr.
1922. Hollis W. Harvey, 3 yrs.
Samuel Ball, 2 yrs.
George B. Conley 1 yr.
The first evidence of Surry being represented in the legislature was at the
"Fourth Provincial Congress" which met at Exeter, May 17, 1775, when Tim-
ithy Ellis of Keene was a delegate from "Keen & Surry," according to Gil-
sum History. From that time, until 1827, Surry was classed with other
towns in sending a representative to the general court. Surry sent her own
representative nearly every year from 1827 until 1878 when the amended con-
stitution went into effect and representatives were elected bienially in No-
vember, in the even years, beginning with 1878.
The following men have sei'ved as representative;
Timothy Ellis of Keen, for Keene and Surry.
Nathaniel S. Prentice of Alstead
Obadiah Wilcox of Surry
Absalom Kingsbury of Alstead
Jonathan Royce of Marlow
Jonathan Smith, Sr., of Surry
Woolston Brockway of Surry at Vt.
Absalom Kingsbury of Alstead
Lemuel Holmes of Surry
Nathaniel S. Prentice of Alstead
'86, '87.' Lemuel Holmes of Surry
Jonathan Reed of Surry
'90, '91, '92. Lemuel Holmes of Surry*
Roswell Hubbard of Sullivan
John McCurdy of Surry
'97, '01, '03. David Blish of Gilsum
'98, '00. Jonathan Robinson of Surry
Zadock Hurd of Gilsum
'04. Jonathan Robinson of Surry
'07, '11. Samuel Whitney of Gilsum
for Alstead, Surry and Marlow.
Surry, and Gilsum.
Gilsum and Sullivan.
tin roniiiliaiue with an att of the lii'Kislaturc, passed Feb. 1921. one selectman will
be elected annually to serve for three years. March, 1921, Samuel Ball was elected
for three years: (Jeoree B. Conlev, 1\vo and Frank H. Kingrsburv for one year.
*Ijemuel Holmes was a member of the Oouncil in 1792, '93.
Town Officers
'08. Asa Wilcox, Sr. of Surry
Robert Lane Hurd of Gilsum
'12, '14, '16. Samuel Hills of Surry
'15. David Blish of Gilsum
Jonathan Pease of Gilsum
Elijah Fuller of Surry
'21, '23. John Hammond of Gilsum
'22, '24. Sylvester Smith of Surry
Luther Whitney of Gilsum
Francis Holbrook of Surry
'28, 36. Francis Holbrook. 1853, '54, '63. George W. Holbrook.
'30. Samuel Robinson. 1855, '56. Henry T. Ellis.
'32. Benjamin Hills. 1857, '58. Joseph Allen, 2d.
'39, '42, '52, '60, '61, '62, none sent. 1859. George Wilcox.
'35, '40. Peter Hayward.
'38. Jonathan Robinson, Jr
Daniel Abbott.
George Crehore.
'45, '59. George Wilcox.
'47, '75. Hollis Wilcox.
'49. Elijah Holbrook.
'51. Nathan D. Reed.
1864, '65. George W. Holbrook.
1866, '67, '79. George K. Harvey.
1868, '69. William H. Porter.
1870. Jonathan R. Field.
1871, '72. Geo. Milton Reed.
1873, '74. Isaac Brown.
1876, '77. Asa B. Fay.*
1878. Francis F. Field.
Harrison N. Scripture of Surry, also elected for Sullivan and Roxbury,
Daniel Willard Rugg of Sullivan, also for Surry and Roxbury.
David B. Nims of Roxbury, also for Surry and Sullivan.
Mason A. Carpenter of Surry, also for Sullivan and Roxbury.
Frederick R. Grain of Surry. 1908. Stephen H. Clement of Surry.
None elected. 1910, 1912, none elected.
Frank E. Nesmith. 1914. Frederick R. Grain of Surry.
Mason A. Carpenter of Surry. 1916. None elected.
1900, 1902 none elected. 1918. Frank E. Nesmith.
Edward J. Guillow of Surry. 1920. None elected.
None elected. 1922. Samuel Ball to serve, 1923-24.
In early days the office of town Constable was one of great importance and
one man at least was chosen at each annual meeting. Their duties were
similar to the present deputy sheriff. They represented the majesty of the
law, and were charged with serving of summons. Frequently the constable
was chosen the tax collector. The following men have served as constable in
1769. Nathaniel Dart 1774.
1770. Abel Allen
1771. William Hayward
1772. William Barron 1777.
1773. Peter Hayward 1778.
Thomas Harvey
1775. Thomas Darte
1776. Jonathan Smith
Joshua Fuller
Moses D. Field
*In accordance with the Constitutional Convention amendment of 1.S76 the sessions of the
Legislature were made 1 ianiuial from that time.
History of Surry
CONSTABLES— Continued.
1779. Eliphalet Darte
1780. Not given
1781. Zebulon Streeter
1782. Zebulon Streeter *
1783. Samuel Smith
1784. Jeremiah Chapin **
1785. John McCurdy
1786. Nathan Hayward
1787. Levi Fuller
1788. Delevan Delance
Asa Hancock
1789. Delevan Delance
Asa Hancock
1790. James McCurdy
1791. John Brockway
1792. Philip Monroe
1793. Moses Field
1794. Daniel Smith ***
1795. Stephen Smith
1796. Stephen Smith
1797. Cushman Smith
1798. Calvin Hayward
1799. Philip Monroe
1800. Philip Monroe
1801. Philip Monroe
1802. Philip Monroe
1803. Philip Monroe
1804. Levi Fuller
1805. Simon Baxter
1806. Jonathan Harvey
1807. Jonathan Harvey
1808. Jonathan Harvey
1809. Isaac Bundy
1810. Isaac Bundy
1811. Jeremiah Robbins
1812. Jeremiah Robbins
1813. Jeremiah Robbins
1814. Jeremiah Robbins §
1815. William Baxter §§
1816. William Baxter
1817. William Baxter
1818. James Ingals f.
1819. Cyrus Field
1820. James Redding
1821. William Baxter
1822. Jonas Pollard
1823. Jonas Pollard
1824. Cyrus Field
1825. William Baxter
1826. William Baxter
1827. Jonathan Robinson Jr.
1828. Jonathan Robinson, Jr.
1829. Benjamin Hills
1830. Benjamin Hills
1831. Benjamin Hills
1832. Ichabod Ballou
1833. Benjamin Hills
1834. Benjamin Hills
1835. Daniel Allen
1836. Ichabod Ballou
1837. Benjamin Hills
1838. Benjamin Hills
1839. Joshua D. Blake
1840. Benjamin Hills
1841. Benjamin Hills
1842. Eliphalet Dort
1843. Henry Britton
1844. Henry Britton
1845. Henry Britton
1846. Benjamin Hills
1847. Elijah Holbrook
1848. Henry Britton
1849. Benjamin Hills
1850. George W. Holbrcok
1851. George W. Holbrook
1852. Bradley Britton
1853. Philander Stone
1854. None given
1855. Andrew J. Allen
1856. Andrew J. Allen
*In 1782, Mr. Streeter was dismissed and Abner Skinner and Ichabod Smith chosen.
**1784, Chapin rem. from town and Abiah Crane appointed.
***1704 Elijah Norri.s was appointed in place of Mr. Smith.
§1814 .Jeremiah Robbins was paid $7. .50 for services in 1815. William Baxter gave $5.60
for the itrivilege of being appointed constable, and tax collector. For several years
thereafter, the oflice of constable was soURht after by the voters, and as late as 1819,
Cyrus Field paid .50c to the town for the privilege.
tMr. Ingals was elected in 18 18, but did not iinalify, and William Baxter was elected
in his stead.
Town Officers
CONSTABLES— Continued.
William Kingsbuiy
Samuel H. Poole
Samuel H. Poole
-'63, none given
. 1900.
Samuel H. Poole
Samuel H. Poole
Samuel H. Poole
-'73, none given
Alonzo F. Wilbur
Charles G. Crain
None given?
Samuel H. Poole
Samuel H. Poole
-'91, none given
Ernest W. Carpenter
Ernest W. Carpenter
-'95. Charles A. Blake *§
Frank DeW. Carpenter
Ernest W. Carpenter
Ernest W. Carpenter
Ernest W. Carpenter
Ernest W. Carpenter
None given
Charles L. Kimmins
-'03, none given
Mason A. Carpenter *
Mason A. Carpenter
Mason A. Carpenter
Sidney J. Wilder
Orman L. Blake
Melville C. Lewis
Henry A. Pike
Herbert R. Crain
'13 none given
Weston E. Wilbur
Clifton G. Chambers
Melville C. Lewis
Melville C. Lewis
Frank C. Britton
Nov. 5, 1878, the first supervisors of the check list were elected, who served
two years. The following have served in that office:
Asa B. Fay, Joshua D. Blake, Cyrus Kingsbury, Charles Wharton Wilcox,
Harrison N. Scripture, John A. Blake, Charles A. Blake, George L. Britton,
Myron H. Porter, LaForest J. Carpenter, G. Milton Reed, John H. Rogers,
George B. Britton, Charles F. Britton, Daniel Wilder, Arthur M, Carpenter,
Charles H. Britton, Archie G. Wilder, Hollis W. Harvey, Henry A. Pike,
Alonzo F. Wilbur, John W. Conley, William T. Olds, Edward M. Britton,
Hiram F. Newell, Samuel L. Newton, Henry P. Porter, George B. Conley,
Lewis C. Buntlin, Frank E. Ellis, George H. Joslin, Leon A. Hodgkins, George
Malcolm, Harrie E. Scripture.
This board, consisting of three members, appears to have been established
in 1900. Each member serves for a period of three years, one being elected
each year. The following have served on the board :
Mason A. Carpnter, Warren E. Pierce, Harrison N. Scripture, Frank E.
Nesmith, Frank E. Ellis, Sidney J. Wilder, Hollis W. Harvey, Hiram F.
Newell, Henry A. Pike, Stephen H. Clement, Edward M. Britton, Melville C.
Lewis, Leon A. Hodgkins. Since about 1910 the health officer has received
his appointment from the state board of health.
'■■§From 1894 to 1905, men served to some extent as constable and police officer.
History of Surry
The Fifth Provincial Congress met at Exeter, N. H., Dec. 21, 1775, and
since that date they have been termed "Constitutional Convention," all of
which have convened at Concord.
Nathaniel Sartile Prentice of Alstead was a delegate from Alstead, Surry
and Marlow in 1775. Surry sent no delegate in 1778 and 1781. Lemuel
Holmes of Surry was a delegate from Surry, Gilsum and Sullivan, 1791.
George K, Harvey of Surry was a delegate in 1889 from Surry, Sullivan and
The following table gives the Number, Date and Delegate from Surry:
Fifth Provincial Congress Dec. 21, 1775
2nd, Consti'al Convention June 10, 1778
Nathaniel S. Prentice, of Al-
Surry sent no delegate.
Surry sent no delegate.
Lemuel Holmes, of Surry.
Francis Holbrook, of Surry.
George K. Harvey, " "
George K, Harvey, " "
Stephen H. Clement, of
* Hiram F. Newell, of Surry.
Mason A. Carpentei', of
The tenth constitutional convention, was adjourned in 1918 on account of
the World war, but was recalled, Jan. 13, 1920. Recalled again Feb. 1923.
Men were first chosen to fill the office of Sexton at the annual Town Meet-
ing Mar. 4, 1788, although not always annually chosen thereafter, the men
then in office appear to have "held over" from one year to another.
Prior to 1800 no more than two men were chosen annually to fill this office,
but later and for some years four were annually chosen — one for each ceme-
tery in town. The village sexton also had the care of the old meeting house
for many years. In 1796 Delevan Delance, Jr. was chosen to sweep and care
for the Meeting House for which he received a salary of |2.00 for the year.
In 1800 the salary was $2.50; in 1807, |4.00, and in 1813 $4.50 per annum.
After the church bell had been presented to the town, in addition to car-
ing for the meeting house, the village sexton for many years rang the bell
each week day at noon and nine o'clock in the evening.
For nearly 50 years Benjamin C. Crosby filled the office of village sexton
and rang the church bell twice each day a good portion of that time.
*Hiram F. Newell, of Surry has been a delegate at three conventions from three seperate
towns — from Alstead in 1889; from Keene, 1902; and from Surry in 1912 — -an honor no
other man in this state thus far has attained.
Town Officers 147
The following- is a list of the village sextons as far as ascertained:
Phinehas Allen— 1788, '97, '98, 1800, '01, '02, '03 to '15, '17, '18, '22, to '26.
John Marvin, Jr.— 1788, '90, '92.
Delevan Delance— 1793. Delevan Balance, Jr., 1794, '95, '96.
Samuel Allen— 1799.
Aaron Hayw^ard — 1816.
Augustus Johnson — 1819.
Abijah Benton— 1820, '21, '30.
James Britton — 1827.
George Allen— 1828, '29, '30, '31, '32, '33, '34, '35, '36, '37, '38.
Otis Daggett— 1839.
Holland Stevens— 1840.
Ichabod Ballou— 1841, '42, '43, '44, '45, '46, '47, '48.
Benjamin C. Crosby — 1849, '50, '52 and until nearly the time of his death
in 1898.
William Carpenter — 1851.
Edward M. Britton has been sexton during recent years.
An incomplete list of sextons at the South cemetery:
Samuel M'Curdy— 1790, '92, '93, 1802.
Samuel M'Curdy, Jr.— 1794, '95, '96, '97, '98, '99, 1800.
Elias Hayward— 1801.
Capt. Calvin Hayward— 1803, '04, '05, '06 and to 1813.
Nathan Hayward— 1814, '16, '17, '19, '20, '26, '27, '28, '29, '30.
Nathan Hayward, Jr. — 1818.
Lemuel Page— 1821, '22.
Eliphaz Field— 1823, '24, '25, '31, and to 1843.
Edmond Woodward— 1844, '45, '46, '47, '48, '57, '61.
Jonathan R. Field— 1849, '50, '51, '52, '53, '54, '55, '56.
David Shaw— 1815.
Sextons were not chosen for this part of the town after about 1861.
The Sextons for the South-West cemetery as far as known were:
Levi Hancock— 1800, '10, '11, '12, '13, '14.
David Allen— 1815, '16, '17.
Benjamin Britton — 1818, '19.
William Wright— 1820, '21, '22, '23, '24, '25, '26, '27, '28, '29.
Daniel Allen— 1831, '32, '39.
Moses Wright— 1833, '34, '35, '36, '37.
Hiram Britton— 1838, '40, '41, '42, '43, '44, '45, '46, '54, '55.
David Allen, Jr.— 1847, '48, '50, '51, '52, '53.
Philip Thomas, Jr.— 1849.
Calvin Wright— 1856.
Chauncy N. Kenney— 1861, '62.
No sextons appear to have been chosen for this cemetery after 1862.
The sextons chosen for the small cemetery on Pond road — sometimes called
the "Carpenter Grave-yard," as far as known, were:
Benjamin Carpenter, Jr.— 1836, '37, '38, '43, '61.
History of Surry
Seth Carpenter— 1839, '40, '42.
John S. Britton— 1841.
Benjamin Carpenter— 1844, '45, '46, '47, '48, '49, '50, '51.
Elisha Shelly— 1852, '53, '54.
Benjamin W. Carpenter— 1855, '56, '62.
Probably no one chosen after 1862.
Until about 1819 Phinehas Allen was usually chosen "to sweep and care for
the meeting house," after which Widow Rachel Allen assumed the responsi-
bility for a few years for which she received $4.50 per year. In 1832 Amos
Streeter was the caretaker and John Wheelock in 1833 for which he received
^1.45 for his services.
Not having access to the government records our list of postmasters is
subject to errors, yet we feel it is fairly complete. The offices are even more
uncomplete. The following records are from Keene Sentinel, New Hamp-
shire Register and tradition.
About March 1, 1821, Judge Elijah Knight was appointed the first post-
master and his dwelling house. No. 135, served as a post-office. Prior to
that time letters were sent to the Keene post-office, and if not called for,
wei"e advertised in the Sentinel.
Judge Elijah Knight,
No. 135.
about 1832.
Capt. Thomas Humphrey,
" 68.
then Mrs. H. un
Capt. Eliphalet Dort,
" 98?
Charles Johnson,
" 68?
John Johnson,
" 68?
Arvin Britton,
" 47.
Jonathan Harvey, Jr.,
" 73.
Capt. Almond Stevens,
" 47.
Warren Carpenter,
" 55.'
Dr. William H. Porter,
" 70.
Marshall B. Britton,
" 47.
Edwin A. Kenyon,
" 47 & 58.
Marshall B. Britton,
" 58.
Edwin A. Kenyon,
" 58.
Dr. William H. Porter,
" 70.
Wesley F. Wilbur,
" 46.
Feb. 14,
Dr. William H. Porter,
" 70.
Wesley F. Wilbur,
" 46.
Luman M. Carpenter,
" 46.
Mary Ethel Britton,
" 43.
Jan. 16, 1832, Henry Estey appears to have taken the oath, as postmaster
of Surry. This was the day Capt. Humphrey died. Jonathan Robinson, Jr.,
is said to have served as postmaster for a few months. — Family trad.
Town Topics
No complete list of those holding this office is at hand, nor is the time of
service in most cases known. Several held the office for many years, and in
only a general way should the date be considered.
Obadiah Wilcox, before 1780.
Lemuel Holmes, before 1785.
John McCurdy, 1793.
Jonathan Robinson, Sr. 1801.
Asa Wilcox, app'd Dec. 1808.
Samuel Hills, app'd Jan. 1811.
David Shaw, app'd Sept. 1815.
Francis Holbrook, 1827.
Sylvester Smith, 1828.
Jonathan Robinson, Jr., 1833.
Benjamin Carpenter, Jr., 1833.
Samuel Robinson, 1833.
Mason A. Carpenter, 1895.
Samuel (Seward, Jr.
Elijah Knight, before
Eliphalet Dort,
Nathan D. Reed,
George W. Holbrook,
Joseph Allen,
George K. Harvey,
William H. Porter,
Horace Wilcox,
George C. Hubbard,
John H. Rogers,
i^ermon O. Streeter,
Hiram F. Newell,
Four men in town held the office in 1834-35, and five in 1857-58.
Shaw was Deputy Sheriff, 1816-21 and George W. Holbrook, in 1866.
During the early history of Surry the annual town meeting took place on
the last Tuesday in March. This was inconvenient, owing to its lateness in
the spring, for the town officers to transact the town business. Finally, on
March 4, 1784, it was voted to petition the General Court for a right to hold
"our annual town meeting earlier in the month of March." An act passed in
General Assembly, April 13, 1784, states: "The Annual Town Meeting in
Surry in the future shall be held on the first Monday in March."
This act changing the meeting from a Tuesday to a Monday was the cause
of confusion in the annual March meeting in 1788, which was called in the
warrant, to be held on "Tuesday March 4th 1788" instead of Monday March
3rd, thus making the meeting one day late.
Capt. Thomas Harvey and William Barron were selectmen and posted the
warrant. Lemuel Holmes was town clerk and Levi Fuller, constable that
year, yet none of these men discovered the error in the date until too late.
The town held the meeting according to the warrant and transacted the
usual amount of business. They also voted to send a petition to the state
legislature imploring the court to pass an act making the transactions of this
meeting legal.
150 History of Surry
At the June session the state passed the following act:
In the year of our Lord, One Thousand, Seven Hundred and
"An Act to make valid the proceedings of a Town Meeting
L. S. holden in Surry in the County of Cheshire on Tuesday the
fourth day of March last, which by law should have been
holden on Monday the third day of March aforesaid.
"Whereas a petition has been presented to this Court showing that
the annual town meeting in the Town of Surry aforesaid, was by mis-
take notified and holden in said town on Tuesday the fourth day of
March last, which by law should have been holden on Monday the third
of March aforesaid, and the prayer thereof was, that the same might be
made valid — which prayer appearing reasonable, —
Therefore be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representa-
tive in General Court convened, that the said meeting and all and every
of the votes and transactions of the same be and hereby are established
and rendered valid, to all intents and purposes as tho the said meeting
had been held on Monday the day appointed by law for holding the
June 12, 1788. In the House of Representative.
Thos. Bartlett, Speaker.
In the Senate the 13th of June 1788.
John Langdon, President."
The town records do not state all that was said and done during the annual
town meeting in 1788. There is, however, reason to suspect the voters were
inclined to retaliate in consequence of the "late town meeting" as they elected
a new set of town officers that year — two constables and five selectmen — the
first and only time in the whole history of the town when so many selectmen
were elected.
It was a common custom in the early days in many towns "to warn out of
town" any people who moved in and owned no real estate, for fear they might
later become a "town charge." In many instances those people soon after left
town, but some remained and became useful and respected citizens in their
adopted town. Moreover, no one need feel embarrassed if they should find
some remote ancestor who received a "warning." If many more had only
received warnings, this history would have been far more complete. The fol-
lowing is from the town records :
Warrant to warn people out of town:
Cheshire s. s. To Daniel Smith
State of New Hampshire Constable of the Town
Oct. 18, 1794. of Surry in sd County.
Town Topics 151
Whereas Jeptha Daws & Marah his wife, and Seth Daws; William
Hartwell & Polly his wife, and Lucy Hartwell; Samuel Shipman &
Unice (Eunice) his wife, and Chloe Shipman & Ebenezer Shipman their
children; Timothy Pierce and his wife, Hannah Pierce, William Pierce
& Phebe Pierce their children; Lucy Marvin, Isabel Marvin and Tilly
Marvin; Charles Rice & Miriam Rice his wife, Susanna Rice and
Charles Rice, Jr. their children; Jeremiah Ingraham & Zilpha Igra-
ham his wife, and Mary Corless have come into the town of Surry to
reside and their circumstances are such that some or all of them may
become Chargeable to said town of Surry hereafter and we the Select-
men after mutual consideration . Look upon it for the safety of said
town to Warn all the above named persons to depart the same imme-
diately to the towns from whence they came. There are therefore in
the name of the State of New Hampshire to require you the said Con-
stable of Surry immediately to warn each one of them to depart the said
town of Surry to the towns from whence they come from.
Hereof fail not and make returns of this warrant with your doings
thereon to Thomas Sparhawk, Esq. Clerk for said County, as you will
answer your neglect at your peril.
Given under our hand and seal this 18th day of October A. D. 1794.
Lemuel Holmes "i
Jono Carpenter j^ Selectmen of Surry.
Samuel Hills !
At least one of the above men continued to reside in town, Jeremiah Ingra-
ham, who appears to have been a doctor and on May 1, 1797, he presented a
bill of expense to the town "for doctoring Nancy Robb."
Samuel Smith, Constable of Surry on March 16, 1784 "warned" the follow-
ing persons to immediately depart out of the town:
Amaziah Spencer & Eleanor his wife, and Daniel Spencer their son;
Calvin Bates and Mehitable Hilyard. Also, James Reed, Mary Reed
and Thomas Townsend, all transient persons now in town — Dec. 3, 1784.
This Indenture Made this Second Day of March and In the thirteenth
year of the Independence of America, Anno domini one Thousand Seven
Hundred and Eighty Nine.
Between Zebulon Streeter and Jonathan Carpenter Selectmen of
Surry in the County of Cheshire and State of New Hampshire on the
one part and Nathan Hayward of Surry in the County and State Afore-
said of the other part; witnesseth that the Selectmen by the Licence of
two of the Justices of this State of New Hampshire and County of
Cheshire whose names are hereunto Written According to the Laws of
this State in that Case made and provided have put placed, and Bound
and by these presents do place and Bind John Parmiter a poore Boy
of Sd Surry whoo is both Father and mother less So that it was neces-
sary and our Oaths Oblige us to take notise of the Complaint of the
Said Boy to us the Selectmen of Surry and wee the Selectmen by these
152 History of Surry
do bind him as aforesaid to be an Apprentice with him, the Said Nathan
Hayward, and as such to serve him the said Nathan Hayward and his
wife Sarah Hayward untill the said John Permitter Shall Come to the
age of twenty one years which will be in the year of our Lord, one thou-
sand Seven Hundred and Ninety four which time the Apprentisship;
his said master and mistress shall faithfully and diligently serve their
Lawfull Commands all times according to his utmost ability carefully
and diligently obey; he shall not Commit fornification nor contract
matrimony or at any time absent himself from his Said masters ser-
vice without his consent and Shall not waste or Imbzzle his masters
goods nor wittingly nor willingly do anything whereby his master may
be damaged but in all things behave himself as a good and faithfull ap-
prentice ought to do during the aforesaid term; and the aforesaid Na-
than Hayward on his part for himself his Heirs Executors and Admin-
istrators doth hereby promise and covenant to and with the said Select-
men and every of them theirs and Every of theirs Executors and Ad-
ministrators and theirs and of every of their Successors for the time be-
ing that the said Nathan Hayward shall find for and allow unto the
said apprentice sufficient met drink apparel washing Lodging and and
Other things necessary and meet for an apprentice durin the afore
term and Shall also teach and Learn to Read and write well and also
Teach and Learn or Cause to be taught and Lernt: If he be capable
of Learning the five Common fundimental Rules of arithmetick (viz)
Numeration, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplacation and Divition;
and at the expiration of the term of said apprenticeship Will give to
the said Apprentice Two good suite of Aparel One suitable for working
days and one suitable for Sabath days and other Publick Days and
Shall also pay and deliver unto the said Apprentice Six pounds LaAvfull
moneys worth of neat Cattle at the apprisal of Indifferent men.
In witness whereof wee the Said parties have here unto Set our
hands and Seals the day and year above Written —
Signed Sealed and Delivered
In presents of
Zebulon Streeter, Lemuel Holmes,
Jonathan Carpenter John Brockway
Nathan Hayward.
Lemuel Holmes, Justice peace.
Thos Baker, Justice peace.
It is interesting to note that this boy ran away from his master in less
than three months after this long and binding contract had been signed — viz.
on May 25, 1789.
This Indenture Made this Thirty first day of January in the year of
our Lord one thoufand Seven Hundred and ninety eight, between Leon-
ard Rufsell (son of Wm. Russell), of Fryeburg in the county of York
and commonwealth of Mafsachufetts (now Maine) Gentleman on the
Town Topics 153
one Part, And Robert Lane Hurd of Gilfum in the county of Chefhire
and State of New Hampshire gentleman on the other part. Wetnefseth,
that the Said Leonard Rufseli by and with the confent of the said Wil-
liam Rufsell his said Father hath let and committed himself an appren-
tife unto the said Robert Lane Hurd to learn his trade and Myftery of
a Cordwainer and Bootmaker, to serve from Day of the date hereof for
and during the Term of six years the date aforesaid Next ensuing and
to be compleat and ended. During all which Term the said apprentice,
his said Master shall faithfully serve, his Secrets keep; his lawful! com-
mands gladly everywhere obey, at Cards, dice or any other unlawful
game he shall not play, he shall not abfent himself from his said Maf-
ters Service by day or by night without his leave, he shall not haunt Ale
houfes or taverns, he shall not commit Fornication or contract Matri-
mony during said Term but in all things behave himself as a good and
faithfull apprentice.
And the said Robert Lane Hurd Doth hereby covenant and agree to
Learn the said Apprentice the Art trade and Myftery of a Cordwainer
and Bootmaker by the best means he may or Can if the said Apprentice
be able to learn, and to learn him to read write and Cypher sufficiently
for Such an apprentice and to find him with good Boarding, bedding,
Cloathing and wafhing during said Term, and Doctring and Nurfing in
cafe of sicknefs, and at the end of said Term to give unto the said ap-
prentice two good New suits of Cloathing one for every day, and the
other Suitable for Holy day and two Shirts Suitable for every day and
one good fine shirt suitable for Publick days with Stockings and Shoes
suitable for such an apprentice. And to give him a pair of oxen not
to exceed eight years old well Built and proportioned to meafure in the
ufual place of girt six feet. Int witnefs whereof the parties have here-
unto interchangeably set their hands and Seals the day and year above
Signed, Sealed and delivered Robert Lane Hurd,
in the presence of us,
Rhoda Hayward,
Seneh Hayward.
(Robert L. Hurd lived many years in Gilsum and finally moved to the West
where he died).
In all the annals of the poor and needy of this town probably no case is
more woi'thy of sympathy than that of Mrs. Gerish Pulsifer and her six chil-
dren who came into Surry in June 1813. She later was taken ill with the
spotted fever and was obliged to apply to the Selectmen for assistance, and
they in tui*h applied to the town of Acwoi'th, where she formerly lived, for
her support and maintenance, as the following will appear:
"Surry, Dec. 22d 1813
To the Selectmen of the town of Acworth
GentleiTien —
"We hei-eby inform you that the family of Garish Pulsifer whom we
154 History of Surry
are informed have a legal settlement in said Acworth are maintained
at the expense of this town; that his wife is sick and under the care of
A Physician and like to be very expensive and that they are under ex-
tremely indigent circumstances. We therefore hope you will immedi-
ately acquaint us with your pleasure in this matter and very much
Gentlemen your hum. Servants
Samuel Hills
Eli Dort I. Selectmen of Surry."
Levi Hancock J
"Acworth, N. H., December 30th 1813,
To the Selectmen of the town of Surry, N. H.
Gentlemen ;
"Agreeable to your request by a Letter dated December 22nd 1813 Re-
specting Garish Pulifers family, we would inform you that the said
Pulsifer never gained a legal Settlement in this town. We are with
Gentlemen, your Humble Servants,
Levi Hayward "1 Selectmen of
Gawin Gilmore J Acworth."
Mrs. Pulsifer appeared before Samuel Hills, justice of the peace of Surry,
early in March 1814, and under oath made the following statement which
has been found among the town paers :
"Affidavit of Betty Pulsifer:
"I Betty Pulsifer of lawful age testify and say that on the last friday
in February (28,) in the year 1794 Simon Ingals, my father-in-law who
married my Mother, with his family & myself & others moved into Ac-
worth from Andover in Massachusetts — I being sixteen years old the
28 day of said Feb. — I further testify that within a few days after our
arrival at said Acworth I went to live with Col. John Dunkin (Duncan)
of said Acworth and never lived with my said father in law afterward.
I further say that I lived in said Acworth from the said friday in 1794
untill the 28th day of Feb. 1797 when I was lawfully Married to Garish
Pulsifer — I being nineteen years of age that day — who came to said Ac-
worth in the month of June in the year 1796, that we lived in said Ac-
worth untill June 1799 when we moved into Alstead where we lived un-
till August 1802 when we removed into Langdon where we lived untill
March 1803, from where we then returned to said Acworth where we
lived from the afore said March 1803 untill September 1807 in which
Month we moved from the Afore said Acworth in New Hampshire into
the State of Vermont and there lived untill I with my children — six in
number — my husband being in the army — came into Surry in the
month of June, 1813 — where I maintained myself & Children untill I
was taken sick at the hous of Widow Lydia Macks in the Month of Dec.
Town Topics 155
last — I then being very sick and having no means of support whatever,
either for my self or children, applied and obtained assistance of the
town of Surry, both for myself and children, one of whom being also
very sick (and died) with a fever — I further testify that during all the
term in which I lived in Acworth aforesaid I was not warned out —
"Cheshire Ss f March 7th 1814 These the within named Betty Pul-
j sifer made Solemn Oath that the foregoing affa-
davit by her subscribed is just and true —
before me Samuel Hills Justice peace."
The following notice was received from the Clerk of the Court of Common
Pleas at Keene:
"Cheshire Ss Circuit Court
of Common Pleas
"Thereby certify that Betsey Fish was warned out of the town of
Acworth, as appears by a warrant on file, dated, January 26, 1795 —
Served March 2d 1795, and Received at the Clerks Office March 11th
S. Hale, Clerk."
Not long after the selectmen of Surry had obtained the foregoing testi-
mony, they sent the following notice to Acworth:
"Surry, N. H. April 23d 1814
To the Selectmen of the Town of Acworth,
Gentlemen —
We hereby inform you that we have ascertained that Betsy Fish,
now Betsy Pulsifer came to live in said Acworth in the Month of Feb-
ruary 1794 and by a certificate of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of
Common Pleas, we find that she was warned of said Acworth by a war-
rant on file dated January 26th 1795; Served March 2d 1795 and reed at
said Clerks office March 11, 1795 — Therefore Gentlemen you undoubt-
edly are sencable, that as the warrant was not served and returned
within a year according to law, is of no consequence and that said Betsy
now has a legal settlement in Acworth to which you will please attend
and much oblige,
Gent' your Humble Servants —
Samuel Hills "i
Eli Dort j. Selectmen of Surry."
Jonas Pollard J
In 1815 Mrs. Betsey Ingals the mother of Betsey Pulsifer made the fol-
lowing statement to which she and a witness placed their signatures :
"I Betsey Ingals of lawful age testify and say that Simeon Ingals my
Husband, myself, my daughter Betsey Fish, now Betsey Pulsifer and
others of my Family moved into Acworth in the State of Newhamp-
156 History of Surry
shire about the 20th of February 1794, that we moved into a House near
Mr. Mitchell's mills where we lived about a month, we then moved into
Mr. Perkin's House about a mile and a half distant on the next morn-
ing after John Mitchel's fix'st child was born —
Alstead, February 10, 1815,
Rhoda Ingals. Her
Betsey X Ingals
As will be seen the town was at some considerable expense, for those times,
on account of this family. Dr. Thomas D. Brooks' account for attending Mrs.
Pulsifer and family from Dec. 16, 1813 until Jan. 13, 1814 and "For keeping
the little girl one week," amounting to $33.59.
Jeremiah Robbins' account for providing for the support of Mrs. Betsey
Pulsifer and four of her children, from Dec. 18, 1813, until March 12, 1814,
was $93.72 which bill also included; Brandy, one bushel of rye, two quarts
ginn, one gallon cider brandy, two quarts W. I. Rum, furniture clothing, etc.
Mr. Robbins' account to the town of Surry for the support of Mrs. Betsey
Pulsifer, Lucinda Pulsifer, John Pulsifer and Jonathan Pulsifer, and for
clothing, etc., between April 1, 1814 and Feb. 14, 1815 amounted to |77.83 —
making a total expenditure to the town of at least, |205.14.
From the following, it appears the town of Surry and the town of Acworth
were later involved in a lawsuit over the expense of Mrs. Pulsifer and family:
"State of New Hamp- To Betsey Pulsifer, David Fish,
shire — Cheshire S s Betsey Ingals — Greeting: —
"You are hereby required in the name of the State aforesaid to ap-
pear at the Circuit Court of Common pleas to be holden in Keene in
said County on the third Tuesday of March next to testify what you
know relative to a case then and there to be heard and tried betwixt the
town of Surry as plaintiff and the town of Acworth as defendant
"Hereof fail not as you will answer your default under the pains and
penaltis of the law in that behalf made and provid'
Dated at Surry the fifteenth day of February Ad 1815
Saml Hills Justice peace."
Surry, Dec. 6, 1819.
"To the Selectmen o'f the Town of Surry:
Gentlemen: — We, the undersign inhabitants of the tewn of Surry,
request that a meeting be called to transact the following business :
1st. To choose a Moderator to govern said meeting.
2nd. To see if the town will choose delegates to meet delegates from other
towns in the County of Cheshire at the Court House in Keene on
Tuesday, the 21st instant, for the purpose of expi'essing the sense
of the County with respect to the toleration of slavery in the con-
Town Topics 157
templated state of Missouri, or in any other state hereafter to be
admitted into the Union.
Samuel Allen Peter Joslin
Pei-ley Howe Cyrus Field
Samuel Robinson Obadiah Redding
Jonathan Robinson Levi Fuller
Elijah Fuller Theadore Monroe."
Dec. 15th, 1819, the meeting opened according to the Warrant:
1st. Chose Rev. Perley Howe Moderator.
Ind. Voted to send delegates to Keene.
3rd Chose Rev. Perley Howe, Jonathan Robinson Esq., and Dr. Philip
Monroe as delegates to meet other delegates of the County at Keene
on Tuesday the 21st instant."
An Inventory of Scales, Beams, Weights and Measures,
The property of the town of Surry in 1822.
One Scale beam
Dry Measure.
' Fifty-six pound weight
One Half bushel
' Twenty eight " "
" Peck
' Fourteen
" Half Peck
" Seven - "
" Two Quart
' Small scale beam
" One Quart
' Four pound weight
Liquor Measure.
' Two
' One
One Gallon measure, copper
' Half
" Two Quart, pewter
' Quarter "
" One
' Two Oz.
" One Pint "
' One "
" Half "
" Half "
" Gill
One hopper and two seals.
Received the above articles of the town of Surry,
Mar. 13, 1822, Eliphalet Dort.
Bounties paid by the State during 1832-33.
1832, Sept. 22, To Benjamin M. Britton for one red fox .25
" Nov. 5, " John S. Britton " " " " .25
" Dec. 17, " Danien Allen " three " " .75
1833, Jan. 28, " Daniel R. Emerson " one " " .25
" Feb. 22, " Jonathan Robbins " " " " .25
About 1852 William Kingsbui'y was paid for killing
one Canadian Lynx (amount unknown)
(The animal was killed on top of Surry mountain)
158 History of Surry
The following paper has been found; sent out in 1837 to New Hampshire
towns, requesting a reply to each question :
"To the President of the Temperance Society of Surry in the County
of Cheshire, N. H.
"Sir: — At a convention of the Temperance Societies, in the towns of
Wakefield, Effingham, Tamworth, and Ossipee, holden at Osssipee, on
the 24th of October 1837, the following qquestions were prepared; and
you are desired to insert correct answers to the same, and the name of
your town in the first question, — obtain if convenient, signatures of a
majority of your selectment thereto, and forward the same to James
Wilson, Jr. Esq. of Keene, Titus Brown, Esq. of Francistown, or John
Scammon, Esq. of Stratham, as soon as convenient, and free the ex-
pense to them.
Alvah H. Sawyer, Secretary. Josiah H. Hobbs, Chairman.
1 What sum was expended in the town of SURRY for the support of
paupers, during the year 1837? Answer — $140.00.
2 What proportion of that amount resulted directly, or indirectly,
from intemperance? Answer — Not any.
3 What were the number of paupers in said town, at the time said
accounts were made up? Answer — Three persons.
4 How many of that number were rendered paupers, either directly
or indirectly, by intemperance? Answer — Not any.
5 What number of gallons of ardent spirits, were sold in your town,
during the year ending Oct. 1st, 1837? Answer — Not known.
6 What, at that time, were the number of stores and taverns? An-
swer— Five taverns, and no store.
7 What, at that time, were the number of stores and taverns, at which
ardent spirits were sold? Answer — All five.
8 What number of deaths have occurred in said town, from intem-
perance, during two years, prior to Oct. 1, 1837? Answer — Not
9 Is the cause of temperance, advancing, stationary, or retrograde, in
said town? Answer — Advancing.
October 13, 1823, David Carpenter who owned and lived on the late Lewis
F. Blake farm (No. 35 map) sold a spring right on his farm about 120 rods
westerly of his buildings — for §20.00. Only four men formerly were inter-
ested in the company. Enoch Whitcomb, who lived on the present Edward
H. Wright farm, purchased 1/4 right. Otis Daggett, who lived where George
B. Britton now lives, purchased 1/4 right. John May lived in the present
parsonage had 1/6 right and Samuel Robinson who lived at the village hotel
Town Topics 159
had 1/3 right. This spring now supplies water at the following places — see
map— Nos. 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 52, 54 and 59;— 13 families.
In the cove on the meadow east of the highway near the top of "Sand hill,"
and south of Surry picnic grove, there was formerly an old beaver dam.
George Crehore, while ditching this land about 1855, found buried in the
muck old logs as sound as when placed there by the beavers many years
earlier and still retaining their teeth marks. Beaver brook runs through this
It was a common custom around 1800, for each man to mark his sheep and
cattle, and have the town clerk make record of the same on the town books.
The following have been taken :
July 13, 1795, Abner Hayward had for his mark, a hole in the right ear
and a square crop off the same. Jonathan Robinson had a half crop on
the under side of the right ear. Charles Carpenter had a hole in both
Feb. 22, 1796, Daniel Streeter had for his mark, a hole in both ears
and a slit in the end of the right ear. Apr. 18, 1796 John McCurdy had
for his sheep, half crop on the under side of the right ear and bob
tail and for horned cattle, a half crop on the under side of the right ear.
Feb. 23, 1797, Sarel Hayward had for horned cattle, "W H" on the
horn, and for sheep a square crop off the left ear.
May 31, 1798, Josiah Hendee had a half -penny on the under side of each
ear and a slot on the upper side of the right ear. Moses Haselton had
a square crop off the right ear and a slit in the end of the same.
June 8, 1798, Abner Skinner had a half crop on the under side of the
left ear. June 11, 1799, Niram (Adoniram) Benton had a square crop
off the right ear and a swallow tail on the end of the left ear.
May 5, 1804, Joseph Ingals had for cattle and sheep, a square cropp off
the right ear and a slit in the left ear.
Oct. 19, 1810, Jeremiah Robbins had for cattle and sheep, a square crop
off the right ear and a slit in the left ear.
Apr. 15, 1817, William Baxter had for sheep and lambs, the letter B
inserted on their foreheads with a branding iron.
A Fire company was organized in Surry in July 1911, at which time a
small chemical fire engine was purchased. The following officers were elected:
Chief, Mason A. Carpenter; captain, Hollis W. Harvey; lieutenants, Leon A.
Hodgskins George N. Conley, Frank E. Ellis, Stephen H. Clement; assist-
160 History of Surry
ants, Sidney J. Wilder, Edward M. Britton, Herbert R. Grain, Archie G.
Wilder, Henry P. Porter and George B. Conley; sec. and treas., Frank E.
The town has been defendant in several lawsuits: In 1789 with J. Cheever
Fowler over his paying tax for support of the minister. In 1811, with the
town of Westmoreland over the support of Widow Sarah Wilbur. Darius
Porter of Alstead claimed damage, 1883, for running off the highway near
Scripture's mill. Another was the Kellogg case in 1921.
1764, Feb. 27: At a proprietors' meeting held at Jonathan Smith's house:
Voted to dismiss the Art., "to See if the Proprietors will alow any thing
for work already done towards Clearing necessary Rodes in Sd Town"
of Gilsum. — P. R.
1764, Oct. 16: "Voted that one warning Set up at the house of Mr. Jonathan
Smiths in Sd Town Shall Be Sufficient warning for the fueter." This
was at No. 61. —P. R.
1769, Mar. 9: By an Act of the State Legislature the town of SURRY was
incorporated. — State Papers.
1769, May 1 : The town of Surry voted to build a Pound in the most conven-
ient place; accordingly it was "agreed to Buld one at the Botum of the
Hill North of Mr. Jonathan Smiths." However, it was never built and
the matter came up in numerous subsequent town meetings for over 50
years, but so far as known, no POUND was ever actually built.
1771, May 6: Voted that half of the Proprietors' meetings shall be held in
Surry and half held in Gilsum.
1774, Mar. 29: Voted to shut up swine by the 5th Day of April next.
1775, Mar. 28: Again voted to build a pound.
1778, July 14: The following business was transacted in town meeting:
1. Voted to choose a: moderator.
2. Voted to hire a candidate to preach.
3. Voted to re-consider the last vote.
4. Voted to adjourn until Sept. 10th next.
Sept. 10: Met according to adjournment.
1. Chose a moderator.
2. Voted to dissolve said meeting.
1780: The usual way of "Calling a Town Meeting." The Town Clerk noti-
fied the Constable in the following manner:
*Froni K. S. — N. H. Sentinel, or Keene Sentinel; P. R. — Proprietors Records; T. R. —
Town Records; Tra. — Tradition.
Miscellaneous Items 161
"In the name of the Government and People of this State you are Re-
quired to Notify and Warn all the inhabitants of the Town of Surry
Qualified by Law to Vote in Town meetings to assemble and meet at
the meeting- house in Sd Surry on" etc. This was followed by date of
the meeting the articles in the warrant, then closed in this form:
"Hereof fail not as you will answer your Default at your Perril and
make Due Return of your Doings to the Selectmen of Sd Surry."
1780, July 10: Voted not to allow men who have served in the war before
coming to this town any pay. — T. R.
1781 : The town voted to accept of the articles of union between the State of
Vermont and the grants (towns so voting) on the east side of the
Connecticut river. Four Surry men went on record as protesting
against the action of the town in this matter.
1784, or earlier : Lemuel Holmes was appointed Justice of Peace in Surry.
In 1834, Capt. F. Holbrook, Benjamin Carpenter, Samuel and Jona-
than Robinson, Jr., held the office.
1786, Mar. 6: Voted "that Swine Run at Large Weel Yoaked and Ringed, ac-
cording to law."
1787, Mar. 5 : Town meeting opened in the meeting-house, then voted to ad-
journ to the house of Capt. Samuel Smith for one hour. After further
town business it was voted to adjourn to the meeting-house where more
business was transacted, then voted to adjourn again to the house of
Capt. Smith's again. The town Records do not state the cause of the
numerous "adjournments" in a single day. We believe, however, it was
on account of the cold and unheated condition of the meeting-house,
though possibly some desired a mug of flip from Capt. Smith's bar who
was an innkeeper at No. 61 at that time. . — T, R.
1788, Jan.: Voted to petition the town of Alstead to annex a portion of their
town to Surry. Alstead declined. — T. R.
1789, Mar. 2: Voted that Woolston Brockway, Capt. Thomas Harvey and
Nathaniel Dart be a committee to examine into the circumstances of
Dinah Armstrong being brought into Surry. This is the earliest record
we find of Old Dinah who remained in town until her death, 1812, and
was supported much of the time by the town. — T. R.
1789, May 25: John Parmenter, an indented servant boy, age 16 years, ran
away from Nathan Hayward.
1790, May 8: John Crane was Post Rider from Keene, through Surry, Al-
stead and other towns further north.
1792, Oct. : Voted not to have the Small Pox carried on in this town by enoc-
ulation. — T. R.
1794 : Voted to purchase three books for records of the town of Surry. Chose
Jonathan Carpenter, Lemuel Holmes and Obadiah Willcox a commit-
tee to examine the old records and transcribe them if needed. — T. R.
1795, Jan. 1: An act took effect, having passed in congress Feb. 20, 1794,
abolishing the currency of pounds, shillings and pence and from that
162 History of Surry
date accounts were kept in dollars, dimes and cents, yet the older gen-
eration clung- to the old custom for many years.
1796, Oct. 20: This certifies that the Selectmen of Surry Gave Ichabod Smith
of Surry the Liberty of Chusing a Master over himself to take care
of his affairs and the man or men that he should appoint should be the
man, and that should end the controversy. And Immediately he chose
himself and Called Evidence of it. — T. R.
1797, Nov. : Voted not to allow the account of Dr. Hosmer for doctoring
Nancy Baley, not the account of Dr. Jeremiah Ingraham for doctoring
Miss Nancy Robb. — T. R.
1798, Apr. 9 : Voted to pay a bounty of 20c on old crow and 06c on crow
black-birds. — T. R.
1798: About this time Alanson Carpenter and two other young "sports" in
town took the old "Whipping Post" and dropped it into the well by the
Great Road, near No. 34. It stood at the end of the Lane east of No.
35. The boys soon after suddenly left town for a vacation. — Tra.
1799, Mar. 23: WANTED immediately, a Post-Rider to circulate this paper
in the towns of Surry, Alstead, Marlow, Washington Stoddard, Sul-
livan, Packersfield, Hancock, Dublin, etc, — K. S. Vol. 1; No. 1.
1799, Mar. 30: The oldest man cannot recollect such a winter. Snow since
the middle of last November and the Mail sleigh from Boston to Wal-
pole has passed through this town 18 weeks successively. — K. S.
1799, July 4 : Rev. Perley Howe delivered an oration in Surry. — K. S.
1799, Sept. 5 : Moses & Zenas Field dissolved partnership this day.
1799, Oct. 26: Eldad Skinner & Sylvester Skinner dissolved partnership.
1800, Mar. : The following men were elected to various offices :
Chose: Zebulon Streeter, Sealer of Leather.
Gaylord Wilcox, Samuel Allen and Levi Fuller Fence Viewers.
Lieut. Asa Wilcox and Samuel Allen, Corders of Wood.
John Stiles, Surveyor of Lumber.
Moses Field and James McCurdy, Tything men.
Capt. Nathan Hayward, Pound Keeper & his barn & yard, a
" Daniel Smith, Sylvester Skinner, James Britton and Paul Clark
Hog Reave. (There seems to have been a custom to choose at
least one of the men to fill this office, from those who had
recently moved into town, or a young stripling of 21).
" School Committee: Asa Holmes in North District; Philip Mon-
roe, Middle; William Barron, South, and Levi Hancock, South-
1801, Mar. 26: "Voted to set up two poor gii'ls at the lowest bidder which
are thrown on the Town of Surry." The meeting adjourned to the
house of Jonathan Robinson (the village hotel) where a girl of seven
(Sally DeWolf^ or Dwoolf) was sold to Hercules Hayward for $16.00
to keep until she was 18 years of age. A girl of five (Polly DeWolf)
Miscellaneous Items 163
was sold to Josiah Hendee for $28.50 to keep until she was 18 years
of age. Evidently Mr. Hayward found too much "Wolf-ship" in his
young boarder as 29 weeks later he requested the town to relieve him
of further obligations and the town returned him $8.00.
1801, Oct. 24: Mrs. Monroe died in Surry, aged 76 years. She left 11 chil-
dren, 56 grand-children and six great-grand-children.
1801, Dec. 11: Voted that the house of Benjamin Carpenter, Jr., be provided
a place to have the Small-pox, with the privilege of him and his wife
being inoculated. Also voted that Mr. Fuller's family can have the
Small-pox at home.
1802, Jan. 2: "About 30 persons are under the operation of Small Pox in
Surry; we understand the disease is light." — K. S.
1802, Mar. 1 : Voted to sell Phebe Crandall — a town pauper — to the lowest
bidder and William Perkins bid her off to keep in sickness and in health
for one year for §19.00. Her sister Polly was also sold under same
conditions before this date and until her death.
1803, Jan. 25: A boy named John Brockway ran away from Levi Fuller, his
guardian; a reward of "one cent" is offered for his return. — K. S.
1803, The town voted to purchase a set of "Weights and Measures."
1803, Apr. 9: Richard Razor a boy 17; "stout build"; ran away from John
McCurdy. For his return a reward of $4.00 is offered. — K. S.
1803, Dec. 17 : Dearborn Emerson ran Mail stage from Boston, via. Groton,
Keene to Walpole twice each week; fare from Keene to Boston, $4.50.
1804, For work on the highway the town had a bill for "One Gallon of Rum."
1806, Apr. : Cushman Smith was arrested for passing counterfeit money, and
was released on bail; absconded and a reward of $50.00 was offered
for his apprehension.
1807, May 23 : "Rapid Travelling" — The stage now leaves Boston three times
a week at 4 A. M., and arrives at Keene at 8 P. M. the same day — 83
miles — ; the next day it reaches Hanover, N. H. — K. S.
1809, Mar. 14: The following from the town records:
1. Chose Samuel Hills, moderator.
2. " Eli Dart, town clerk.
3. Voted to adjourn for half an hour then to meet at this place — met
4. Voted to adjourn to the house of John Norris — met accordingly.
5. Voted to adjourn to the meeting house — met accordingly. The
election of further town officers then took place. Later the same
day, again voted to adjourn for one hour, then to meet at this
place — met accordingly.
6. Voted that the town purchase a supply of Powder, Lead and Flints.
1809: When the first settlers came here, and even until after this date, the
only "good farming land" in town was on the hills and no one consid-
ered the sandy plain or wet marshy meadows of any great value. A
man could have purchased all the latter land he wished for $1.25 per
164 History of Surry
acre. This explains why so many "hill farms" now abandoned are
found in town. — Tra.
1810, Sept. 3: The town paid John Chandler, or Asa Wilcox, S28.00 for build-
ing the bridge by Jonathan Lock's mill on the Redding road, near the
"Butler Rock."
"This certifies that Delevan Delance Jr. of Surry and Anna Blish of
Gilsum have bin Published as the law directs — and their intention of
Marriage has ben Publickly forbidden by Eunice Wilcox of Surry."
Eli Darte T. Clerk
(Note — No date is found on this notice, but Eli Dart was town clerk
between 1795 and 1811).
1811, Mar. 12: The annual town meeting for the first time opened "with
prayer" by Rev. Perley Howe.
1811, Aug.: The town was involved in a law-suit with Westmoreland over
the support of Widow Sarah Wilbur, a town charge.
1812, June 3 : Voted to allow Major Nathan Hayward S12.55 for the care of
Dinah Armstrong in her last sickness.
1812, June 3 : Voted to allow a bill of $1.75 to John Thayer for making a
coffin for Dinah Armstrong.
1814, Mar.: Jeremiah Robbins was appointed overseer and his dwelling a
"Work-house and House of Correction" to be under the care of the
selectmen. Jonas Pollard was appointed from 1815 to 1825.
1814, Oct. 1 : A letter was in Keene P. O. for "Asa Wilcox, Wheal-write of
Surry." — K. S.
1815: Voted to sell the maintainance of Phebe Crandall to the lowest bidder.
§8.75 being the lowest bid, Jonathan Harvey engaged to maintain her
as usual for the ensuing year.
1816, Mar. 16: "E. Fuller & Co. dissolved"— Elijah Fuller, William Baxter
and John T. Wilcox. Fuller and Baxter will continue the business.
1816, Apr. 26: Thomas Wilson and Jonathan Webster dissolved partnership.
— K. S.
1816, May 25: "Foster & Williams" of Surry give notice that they have sold
their stock and trade to Josiah Knight.
1816 June 5: Voted to allow Abraham Thompson, a negro, $16.00 for main-
taining "a black woman."
1817, Mar.: Voted to allow a bill of |25 for deporting the Russell Hurd
family to Connecticut.
1817, Oct. 5: A very heavy earthquake shock in Cheshire Co.
1818, Mar.: Voted to pay |20.00 to assist the Cheshire Agricultural Society.
1818 (abt. Apr. 25) : Died in Alstead, Isaac Temple, aged 80. He "formerly
was crier of the Court in this County."
1819, Nov. 1: Theodore Monroe gives notice to the "sportsmen" that he has
50 turkeys to be shot at.
1820, June 3 : The toll-gates on the 3d N. H. Turnpike have been thrown open
to the public.
1822, Apr. 9: Two locations on which to build a town pound were proposed,
one to be built of stone opposite Jonathan Hai'vey's tavern (No. 83)
for $18.50 and the other to be of wood 22 x 32 x 7 feet for 815 to be
located east of the Meetinghouse where the old schoolhouse stood.
Neither pound was ever built.
1824, Feb. 12: Thaw and rain caused a great freshet on Ashuelot river and
a bridge on the Surry Turnpike was washed away.
1825-1831 : Rev. Perley Howe was President of Cheshire County Bibk So-
1825 : The navigation of Ashuelot river up as far as Keene was under con-
1825 : Gilsum voted to build a tomb so that bodies could be kept one year
after death and not be stolen by medical students.
1826, Dec. 22: It is expected that the Ashuelot river will become navigable
as far as Keene within a few years. — K. S.
1827, Mar. 13: Voted that Augustus Johnson's house be a Work house and
House of Correction,^ and Mr. Johnson the keeper.
1827, Mar. : At the annual town meeting Surry voted in favor of dividing
Cheshire county. Sullivan county was soon after formed.
1827, May 24: Hon. Samuel Hills a very highly respected citizen of Surry
died quite suddenly at his home "a victim to the Thompsonian system
of practice." Age 61. — K. S.
1828: "Sunday travelling for other than religious purposes" was being agi-
tated through the press.
1828, Oct. : Postmaster General asks bids to carry the Mail from Keene,
thi'ough Surry, Drewsville and Langdon to Charlestown once a week —
23 miles; to leave Keene each Wednesday at 4 A. M., and Charlestown
on the return trip at 1 P. M. the same day. — K. S.
1830, Jan. 19: The Derry Hill schoolhouse in Walpole district No. 7 was
burned, and all contents destroyed. A defective chimney was the cause.
1831, Feb. 28: Benjamin Hills of Surry gives notice that Ambrose H. Sloan,
Jr., an indented apprentice boy has run away.
1831, Mar. 8 : Voted to let out the maintainance of the poor to the lowest
bidder; "Phebe Crandall being set up at vendue was struck off to John
W. Reed at $19.00." The maintainance of Love Allen was struck off to
John S. Britton at 0.00 (nothing)' he being the lowest bidder."
1832 : At a mass meeting of Cheshire county towns held in Keene to make ar-
rangements for celebrating Washington's birthday Sylvester Smith and
Samuel Robinson were chosen a committee from Surry.
1833, Nov. 13: "A very peculiar and wonderful atmospherical phenomenon
took place from midnight until dawn, of falling meteors. It was ob-
served in the New England states and as far south as Philadelphia. It
166 History of Surry
resembled sparks from a blacksmith's anvil, only much larger. The
lights all appeared to proceed directly from the zenith and shot out in
all directions; extending as far as the eye could reach and leaving a
tail behind them similar to that of a meteor. The tail of many of
them, after their force was expended remained stationary a consider-
able length of time. — K. S.
1834, Apr. 7 : Voted that no horses, neat stock, sheep or swine shall run at
large on any highway or common in town from April 1st until Nov.
1st under a fine of 50c for each creature.
1834: The last time the town "voted to sell the keeping of the poor to the
lowest bidder." From that time the poor were left in care of the se-
lectmen who found a suitable home for each, or placed them on the
Town Farm. Miss Phebe Crandall was a "town charge" for nearly
fifty years.
1836, Apr. 20: James Hatch, blacksmith, ads. his property for sale at public
auction and will sell his property in Surry including one organ, one
clock, one 2nd hand chaise, etc.
1837, Aug. 10 : The new Wilson Mowing Machine has recently been tested on
Long- Island and it will cut five acres of grass in a day.
1839, Jan. 26: A very hard storm occurred in this* part of New England, and
many bridges swept away.
1838, Mar. 13: Voted to purchase the William Wright farm for a Town
Farm. 1842 Daniel Abbott was chosen agent of the Farm.
1839, Oct. 30 : "A Vermont farmer in descending the hill near Holbrbook's
in Surry had the miisfortune to have his leg broken by being thrown
from his wagon. Some of the harness gave away and the wagon with
a load of butter upset." — K. S.
1840 : Samuel Grant was living on the "Seven Barns" farm in the southeast
corner of Walpole and raised 3200 bushels of the "long-john" potatoes.
Bradley Britton and another man was working for Mr. Grant, and had
for a day's stint the digging and putting in the cellar 150 bushels of
1840: The U. S. Census was taken by Bethuel Farley of Marlow for the towns
of Gilsum, Surry, Walpole, Alstead, Marlow, Sullivan and Stoddard.
— K. S.
1840 : The key-stone arch bridge over the Ashuelot river in the north part of
Keene — on West Surry road — erected.
1840, July 8: Hon. Daniel Webster after delivering an address in Stratton,
Vt., during the great political campaign came to Bellows Falls where
he delivered an address from the upper balcony of the Mansion House.
"He spoke in his eloquent and impressive manner for about an hour
and a half." The day following — Thursday July 9, — he came to Keene
via. Walpole and the west part of Surry. When the barouche reached
the highland between Ashuelot and the Connecticut valley he asked the
driver to stop that he might get out and view the Green Mts. of Ver-
Miscellaneous Items 167
mont and the hills in N. H. That afternoon Mr. Webster delivered an-
other stirring address in Keene.
1840, Oct. 10 : Gen. James Wilson of Keene delivered an address at the old
meetinghouse in Surry.
1841, Mar. 9 : The town, for the first time, votes a sum for ringing the
church bell; |10 was raised for that purpose and to keep the meeting
house clean. For many years thereafter there was ringing of the bell
each week day at noon and 9 o'clock P. M., also when church services
were held.
1841: The Postmaster General advertises for bids to carry the U. S. mail
from July 1, 1841 until June 30, 1843. Route No. 224, from Keene to
Surry, Drewsville, Bellows Falls, Charleslown, Springfield, N. Spring-
field, Perkinsville, Greenbush, Felchville Reading, S. Woodstock to
Woodstock, Vt. — 58 miles. There shall be three round trips each week
with a four-horse coach; to leave Keene 6 A. M. Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday and arrive at Woodstock at 6 P. M. the same day.
1842: The first lucifer matches were introduced in town. They were soon
followed by the introduction of the steel writing pen.
1842, Feb. 1: About this day, Samuel Hammond died at Wardsboro, Vt.; age
94 years. He was the last man of the famous Tea Party of Boston,
1843, July 4 : Keene Light Infantry marched to Surry where Rev. Abraham
Jackson of Walpole delivered an address. — K. S.
1844, Jan. 5: A District Temperance Meeting was held in Surry at 10 A.
M. Per order : Rev. Elihu Smith, Jonathan Robinson, Jr. Committee.
1845 or about that time, the construction of the Cheshire railroad was under
consideration. It was built between Ashburnham, Mass., and Bellows
Falls, Vt., via. Winchendon, Fitzwilliam, Troy, Keene and Walpole.
Engineers had surveyed as far as Keene, then they proceeded up Surry
valley between the river and the base of the mountain, then along on
the side of the hill east of No. 135 and over the Alstead Hills to Drews-
ville and the Falls. On account of the grade they abandoned this route.
Next they turned their attention to that of Westmoreland, but the en-
gineer met the grade again between the Ashuelot and the Connecticut
valleys. Finally an engineer was recommended who could "survey a
route to the moon" if they could keep him sober. He soon had a route
laid out where the railroad was built.
1845, July 1 : A new postal law took effect when newspapers could be sent
free to all towns within 30 miles of Keene.
1845, Sept. 17: "It is expected that a tunnel will be found expedient (in
building the new railroad) across the 'narrow' which makes the sum-
mit (through the corner of Surry), between Keene and Walpole. — K. S.
1846, Sept. : William J, Griswold, an Englishman of Surry, was fined $200.00
and six months in jail for "beating Elijah Holbrook and holding him
in duress until he signed a note of 8500.00." — K. S.
168 History of Surry
1848, About this time, Mrs. Levi Brooks introduced the first tomatoes into
Surry. They from one to l}-i inch in diameter, of red variety and
not especially desirable as an article of food. — Tra.
1848, Apr. 6: The railroad at the "summit" will probably be finished by next
Sept. — K. S.
1848, Tuesday, May 16: The first train from Boston, via. Fitchburg and
Troy, arrived in Keene. Mayor Quincy of Boston, Mayor Warren of
Charlestown, Hon. Alvah Crocker of Fitchburg and many others ar-
rived that morning.
1848, Aug. : A serious fight among the Irish who were working at the "sum-
mit" took place; several were injured; foi'ty of the men were arrested
and lodged in Keene jail. The state militia was called out to quell the
riot. — K. S.
1849, Jan. 4 : Trains began running on the Cheshire railroad from Keene to
Bellows Falls, Vt. — K. S.
1850 : It was an old tradition that the lightning never struck in Surry val-
ley. However, from the numerous visits of the "firey fluid" since that
time we "question" tradition. — Tra.
1855, June 22: The "Ketchum" mowing machine, manufactured in Worcester,
Mass., was being introduced into Cheshire Co. George Crehore pur-
chased about that time the first machine in town.
1855 : About this time a very old and large hemlock was cut on the meadow
south-east of the village, and not far from the barn now standing. It
was over four feet in diameter, the top was a dead stub 125 feet above
the ground and probably 15 feet short of its original height. — Tra.
1857, Oct. 25: William Slade, a Revolutionary soldier, died in Alstead, aged
100 years, eleven months. Stephen Slade, also a soldier, died a few
months later in same town, aged 97 years.
1860, Mar. 13 : George W. Holbrook in making up the warrant for the annual
town meeting, by an error, called the meeting at "9 P. M." instead of
at "9 A. M." Several of the voters assembled according to the calling,
then voted to adjourn until the day following. This was wittily called,
"The mid-night Town Meeting."
1861, During this fall patriotic meetings were held in the town hall and
soon after some of the young men enlisted in the Civil war.
1861, Mar, 13: Voted to leave the renting of the Town Farm to the select-
men. Joshua D. Blake paid $70.00 for its use in 1866. Lewis Newton
166.50 in 1867, and in 1868 the town received $80.75 rent, for all except
the house and garden which was reserved for "Billy Wright."
1862, Aug. 27 : Hailstorm in Surry. Two inches of ice fall. In Sept. of that
year Charles W. Reed shot a wild duck, and two pigeons.
1864: Dogs were taxed in town. 21 taxed that year; 23 in 1865; 19 in 1866;
15 in 1867, and 19, 1868-69. They are still taxed (1922).
Miscellaneous Items 169
1869, Nov. 9: Voted to raise $1200.00 to repair roads and bridges, caused by
the freshet.
1875, Prior to this time, the celebrated "Jim Fiske" passed through Surry
once at least, with his famous four-in-hand team, and John L. Sullivan,
the pugilist, visited Surry hotel during the height of his career and
"drank to the health of the town." This was about 1883-4. — Tra.
1878, Supei'visors of the check-list were elected to serve two years each.
1881, July 28: The Granite State Gold and Silver Mining Co. sunk a shaft
to the depth of 65 feet. A small quantity of ore has been smelted
which contained lead, copper, silver and gold which yielded $33.00 per
ton. Feb. 8, 1882 the shaft was down 80 feet. — K. S.
1881, Mar. 8: Art., td see what action the town will take, "To prepare and
publish the early history of the town." No action was taken. Again,
Mar. 1882 '83 and 1884, similar articles were in the annual town war-
rant, but nothing was accomplished. — T. R.
1884, Mar. 11: Voted to purchase a road scraper. — T. R.
1893, Nov. 18: Lewis F. Blake while digging for a water' pipe at No. 35,
found an old Spanish coin, dated 1781. And some years later an orig-
inal "George Washington button" was found in the village.
1900, Mar. 9 : Sidney J. Wilder hauled a red-oak log from his farm into
Keene which was 4 feet, 4 inches in dia. and eleven feet long; from the
rings it appeared to be 120 years old.
1921, Sept. 1: While Frank E. Ellis, son and family were on an auto trip
to Montreal, Lake Champlain and Lake George, he took a 25 mile sea-
plane trip over the latter Lake. So far as known he was the first
native and lifelong citizen to enjoy an air voyage.
Early Church I^istory — The First Ordained Minister — The First Meeting
House — Church Records — Rev. Perley Howe's Ministry.
The first thought of the pioneer, after providing a shelter for his family,
was to provide a church and school. Scarcely seven months after Surry be-
came a town, at a meeting held Oct. 4, 1769, it was voted
"to build a house to hold all public meetings in, and also to keep school
in; to build it 22 ft. long, 18 ft. wide, and to place it on the east side of
the road opposite the burying yard bars."
This building probably stood 2 or 3 or 4 rods north of where Mrs. Hattie
R. Emmons' house now stands (1919).
In 1770, Dec. 13, a town meeting was held at the house of Joshua Darte,
and, among other things it was voted
"to build a MEETING HOUSE 45 ft. in length, 35 in breadth with 20
ft. posts; to raise the house, cover it and lay the under floors; and glaze
— as much as half a box of glass would do; to pay one half in good specie
at money price, and labor when called for by the committee. Voted to
set the house by the upper burying place as near the bars as the land
will permit; to raise 120 pounds to defray charges of building, and
Thomas Harvey, Peter Hayward and Jonathan Smith should be the
committee to build said house."
Mar. 26, 1771, it was voted "to make some additions to the meeting
house now in building, viz. that it be built with 22 ft. posts, be 36 ft.
wide if the timbers will admit, and that it be built 46 1^ ft. in length;
that the windows be so big as 24 squares of 7 x 9 glass will make them;
that the committee shall board the house with boards edge to edge with
square edged boards, and clapboard the house, and board and shingle
the roof."
The first mention of a minister appears in the Warrant for above
Town meeting of Mar. 26, 1771 "to see if the town will agree to make
any provision for the support of the ministers that come to preach
amongst us this current year."
By midsummer of the next year the building had progressed so far that a
town meeting was held in it (probably the first gathering of any kind), and,
at this time — July 13, 1772 — it was voted to dismiss the meeting house com-
mittee, to accept the new meeting house, and to raise 30 pounds more to fin-
ish it "lawful money to be paid Dec. 25, 1773 in money or the following specie,
rye, wheat, flax, oats, pork, beef or Indian corn — all to be good and market-
able and to be paid at the market price on or before Dec. 25, 1773."
Ecclesiastical History 171
The next March it was voted ''to draw the pews and seats as the plan re-
ceived and finish them within three years or forfeit them to the town, and that
he who will not draw now according to his rate shall forfeit to the next high-
est rate."
The church building although far from being complete was now ready for
use, and June 7, 1773 it was voted "to raise ten pounds la\\-ful money to hire
preaching on probation."
Oct. 4, 1733 voted "not to hire the Rev. Mr. Treadway on the terms the
committee related, and that the money already voted to hire preach-
ing on probation should be laid out to pay for the entertaining of min-
isters but not on probation."
Dec. 13, 1773 voted "to lengthen out the payment of 21 pounds of the
meeting house rate one year."
Mar. 29, 1774 voted "not to raise any money for the meeting house this
Sept. 1774 voted "to send for the Rev. Mr. George Gilmore to preach this
Oct. 20, 1774 voted "that the Quoristers have the liberty to sing such
tunes on the Sabath as they shall think proper."
Jan. 19, 1775 voted "to settle the Rev. Mr. Gilmore amongst us, to give
him 50 pounds settlement, also to give him for salary 30 pounds a
year till it comes to 50 pounds a year; salary to be paid one quarter
in money yearly and % as follows; Indian corn at 2 shillings & six
pence the bushel, wheat at 4 shillings and six pence, rye 3 shillings
and four pence the bushel, flax at half a pence the pound, beef at 2
pence the pound, pork at 3 pence half penny a pound. Thomas Darte
Obadiah Wilcox and Joshua voted a committee to treat with the Rev.
Mr. Gilmore."
At a March meeting in 1775 it was voted "not to do anything to the
meeting house this summer," but it was later voted in same meeting
"to cover the meeting house this summer, and raise 30 pounds to do
it." But this vote was revoked at a special meeting in May, and
nothing was done on the building that year.
July 15 1776 voted "to raise 5 pounds to hire preaching with this sum-
Dec. 29, 1777 voted "not to raise any money for preaching this winter."
July 19, 1778 voted "to hire a candidate to preach with us on proba-
tion" also voted "to reconsider above vote."
May 8, 1779 voted "to hire the Rev. David Goodall to preach with us on
probation; to give him for the time he should be on probation at the
rate of 60 pounds a year, he boarding himself, to be paid as follows;
wheat at 6 shillings a bu., rye at 4 shillings, Indian corn 3 shillings,
pork 4 pence V2 pence a pound, beef at 3 pence, flax 8 pence, wool at
2 shillings a pound, oats 2 shillings a bu., peas 6 shillings a bu., beans
at 6 shillings a bu."
172 History of Surry
Apr. 17, 1780 there was an article in the town warrant "to see if the
town will agree to move the meeting house to sum Convenient place
that will accomodate the whole" and a time "when they will move said
house." No action was taken in regard to this.
July 10, 1780 voted at a special town meeting "to hire Rev. David Darl-
ing to preach with us on probation."
Nov. 14 1780 voted "to give the Rev. David Darling a call to settle with
us in the work of the gospel ministry at a salary of 100 pounds a
year; to be paid partly in the usual produce; to give him 50 pounds
the first year and rise 40 shillings a year until it comes to 60 pounds a
year to be paid in above mentioned produce or money equivelant; that
the ordination of Mr. Darling be on Thursday, the 18th day of Jan.
The following is a portion of Rev. David Darling's letter of acceptance to
the church in Surry. The first part of the letter with date is missing, but it ,
was written probably sometime in Nov. 1780.
"I have taken it into consideration and Viewing it as the Hand of
Providence in my coming amongst you and of his Divine Goodness in
uniting your hearts together in Love for the Blessed Gospel.
I think myself obliged and bound by duty to accept of your Generous
Invitation on the proposals you made in your request; although I think
myself insufficient alone to perform such a great and Labourous work
which is incumbent on a Minister of Christ, yet I hope and trust that
you will act like Rational Creatures and not Expect any more from me
than from one Imperfect man. So I hope that I shall be inabled by the
Divine assistance and your prayers for me to answer your Expecta-
tions in some measure : I hope that I shall be inabled to Devote the
whole of my time to God and to your Service; that I shall spend these
Few Days which I have to Live in this world in studying those things
which will be agreeable to God's will . . and to your edification.
I hope that I shall be made a happy instrument to the people in Do-
ing much Good; that I shall be Directed by God into such measures of
Grace that I can bring to you such things from His holy word which
which will be attended with His blessing to build us up together in
Love and harmony.
I do promise and covenant my self to this Church and People to be
your minister of the Gospel of Christ and shall by the assistance of God
endeavor to Discharge Every Duty incombant upon me as a Minister
of the Gospel as far as God shall give me grace and understanding.
Thus I answer your request and subscribe my self.
Your humble Servant and watchman,
David Darling"
Jan. 18, 1781 Rev. David Darling was installed.
Ecclesiastical History 173
Apr. 8, 1782 voted "Rev. David Darling 52 pounds as salary the pres-
ent year." The next year his salary was voted with 8 for and 5
against it.
Nov. 26, 1783 voted "to accept of the allegations the church had drawn
up against Mr. Darling and to choose a committee of the town to join
with the church committee in offering the allegations to Mr. Darling;
voted to send Capt. Lemuel Holmes to Wrentham to take depositions
of Mr. Sylvanus Hayward and wife concerning Mr. Darling's marry-
ing them."
The details of the Charges which caused the discharge of the first ordained
minister are not fully known. The church records say they were not worthy
of being preserved on record for the instruction and edification of future
Some action of the Rev. David Darling in regard to the marriage of Syl-
vanus Hayward and Olive Metcalf on April 11, 1783 caused trouble.
At a town meeting held Jan. 1, 1784, it was voted to meet on Sundays for
public worship; that the town pay Mr. Darling his due up to date; also voted
that the town treat Mr. Darling with tenderness and avoid everything that
might distress him in his worldly circumstances.
His labors as pastor probably ceased on that date.
A graduate of Yale in 1779, this was his first charge. He was but a youth,
and the position of pastor to this people was difficult. There is no reason
to believe that it was anything more than an error of good judgment or the
over zealousness of youth that brought about his leaving the church in Surry
and the minis'rry.
He moved a few years later to Keene and settled on a farm where he built
a house and reared a large family; this house is still standing and was re-
cently owned and occupied by the late George D. Gillis who married a grand-
daughter of Mr. Darling. Mr. Darling also owned land in Surry; he and his
family frequently came to this village and both he and his first wife and
several of their children are buried in the South cemetery.
Mar. 22, 1785 voted "not to raise any money for preaching."
May 28, 1785 voted "to raise 10 pounds to be paid next fall to hire
preaching this summer."
May 20, 1788 voted "to raise money to clapboard the meeting house (the
work to be done in 18 months), put in doors and glass (one box) and
lay the floor." This vote would indicate that the building was not
clapboarded in 1771, and that it stood 17 years simply boarded.
Oct. 22, 1788 a committee of three were chosen and empowered to see
what had become of the 30 pounds that was raised to be laid out on
the meeting house in the year 1772, and to adjust and collect "all that
may be found in the hands of the former committee or any other
persons in either Notes, Nailes, Boards, Claboards, Glass, etc. found
due to the town."
Dec. 22, 1788 voted "not to adhere to the vote last passed for repairing
the meeting house."
174 History of Surry
Mar. 1789 voted "to raise 10 pounds to hire preaching the present year;
also to raise 60 pounds to repair the meeting house and a committee
was chosen to 'see that the work was done.' "
Sept. 2 1789 voted "to sell the pew ground in lower and upper part of
the house to help finish the house."
Oct. 22 1789 voted "that Lemuel Holmes be Vandew master to sell the
pews on the lower floor beginning with No. 1 and so on, except Pew
No. 10 oil the left hand of the pulpit, which shall be for the minister."
Dec. 21, 1789 voted "to raise 3 pounds to defray the charges of a lawsuit
between Joshua Cheever Fowler and the town of Surry as the town
is sued by way of meeting house & minister taxes."
Oct. 24, 1791 voted "to accept the porches as they now stand at the
meeting house; to finish the porches, and save the pews which are
unsold for public pews,"
Mar. 5, 1792 voted "to raise 20 pounds to have preaching the present
May 23, 1792 voted "to raise 18 pounds to finish the porches, and have
the work finished by Nov. next."
Sept. 14, 1792 voted "to raise 13 pounds 6 shillings 8 pence to hire Mr.
Solomon Adams on probation."
Oct. 26, 1792 voted "to give Mr. Solomon Adams a call to preach the
gospel with us; to -give him 100 pounds settlement and 70 pounds sal-
ary." Changed the vote to read "to pay the settlement in produce
and instead of 70 pounds salary 50 dollars in cash and 65 pounds in
May 10, 1793 voted "to choose one man to take care of the meeting
house and sweep the same the present year." Phinehas Allen was
chosen, but no record shows that he received any pay. Voted "to
give the pew south of Ichabod Smith's pew to Jonathan Robinson, said
pew is the second from the east door on the south, and is given in
lieu of a pew in the gallery which was spoiled by making the porch
Apr. 5^ 1794 voted "to accept the Communion Table."
Sept. 18, 1793 voted "to hire Mr. Phinehas Taft to preach with us for
three months." He remained till 1795, and in that year Rev. Perley
Howe was called and ordained.
Nov. 19, 1789 voted "to sell the finishing of the MEETING HOUSE
to the lowest bidder." James McCurdy bid off the work for 165 pounds,
and a committee of three were chosen to take bonds of Mr. McCurdy,
also to instruct him how the house should be finished and inspect the
work. The committee thru Lemuel Holmes gave these instructions;
"That the whole of Said House be finished in the same form and as
Near Like Keen Meetinghouse as the Bigness of Said house will admit
Ecclesiastical History 175
of, Except the pulpit which is to be Close work in the Room of Ban-
nisters, also that the outside of Said Meetinghouse is to be Glaised and
painted like Keen meetinghouse also the pulpit Window and the Cannopy
over the pulpit are to be finished Exactly like Keen, the inside of Said
house to be plastered and whitewashed Like Keen meetinghouse, also the
underpinning is to be well Repaired and pointed with Lime, also the
pews in Said house are all to be painted and numbered like Keen meet-
The Keene meetinghouse referred to was 76 ft. in length, 50 ft. in breadth
with a belfry and steeple at the west end and a porch at the east end, each
with entrance doors. The main entrance was at the middle of the south side,
the "broad aisle" leading thence to the pulpit opposite.
* "The pulpit, built in the form of a huge wine glass, was accessible by
circular stairs on either side. Over the pulpit was the large, dome
shaped sounding board to aid the minister's voice. A broad gallery ex-
tended across the south side and both ends, reached by stairs in the
porch and belfry. On the floor of the house and around the galleries
next to the walls were the pews, about seven ft. square, seating eight
persons, the partitions topped with a spindle balustrade one foot high.
It was the custom to stand during prayers, and the seats, placed along
the sides of the pews and divided into short sections, were hung on
hinges to turn up for that purpose; and at the close of the prayer, each
worshipper would drop a seat with a clatter like a volley of musketry.
Beneath the front of the pulpit were the 'deacons seats' and in front of
these a hanging table for communion service, to be let down when not
in use."
This description of Keene meetinghouse applies fairly well to the one built
in this town; there were porches at both east and west end. In 1836 a belfry
and steeple were built on the east end. There was a gallery on three sides;
the singers sat in the front seats in the gallery. The pulpit on the north
side was about 7 ft. above the floor and was entered on the west side by wind-
ing stairs of 10 or 12 steps. The wood sounding board, bell shaped, was 4 or
5 ft. in diameter. The chandelier was of wood, cone shaped, 6 ft. in diameter
and about the same in height with a series of steps on which were small
wooden candle sticks to hold the candles ; it was suspended by a rope, and was
lowered to light and refill.
No provision was made for warming the house — such a thing was unheard
of in those days.
■Keeue History P. 279.
History of Surry
were 36 box pews on
the first floor, a
them or
Sept. 2, 1789, is as follows:
Stephen Tyler
Nathaniel Darte
David Darling
Ichabod Smith
Capt. Samuel Smith
Eliphalet Dart
Moses D. Field
Abner Skinner Jr.
John McCurdy
Ministers Pew
James McCurdy
Moses D. Field
Selva Hayward
Eliphalet Dort
Nathaniel Dart
Samuel McCurdy Jr.
Jonathan Smith
Thomas Smith Jr.
floor, and the list of those who bought
Peter Hayward
Nathan Hayward
Jacob Smith
Delevan Delance
Asa Wilcox
Levi Fuller
James McCurdy
Delevan Delance
John McCurdy
Stephen Tyler
Jonathan Smith
Nathan Hayward
Obadiah Wilcox
Samuel McCurdy Jr.
Caleb Washburn
Benj. Carpenter Jr.
John Redding
Number 7 was later sold to Phinehas Allen; No. 17 sold to Simon Baxter;
No. 18 one half to Stephen Smith, and Jacob Smith sold his half to Asa
Holmes; No. 21 to Isaac Tyler; No. 23 in 1794 to Samuel Allen; No. 32 in
Ecclesiastical History
1793 to John Brockway; Caleb Washburn sold his half of Nos. 16-32-33 in
lower floor and a half of No. 6 in the gallery to John Willey; Dee. 13, 1803,
Nathaniel Dart conveyed to John Willey, a son-in-law, two pews on the lower
floor, retaining- the use as long as he lived. July 14, 1820 John Willey sold
the two pews to Theodore Monroe and his wife; one pew was the 2nd on the
right hand side of the front door. Aug. 31, 1818, James McCurdy sold pew
No. 11, being in the wall pews, the first pew west of the pulpit, to Willard
Smith for $15.00. In 1837 Ezra Carpenter sold 1/3 of pew No. 28 to his son
There were 18 pews besides the singers' seats when the following list was
made Sept. 2, 1789.
1 Lemuel Field
2 Lemuel Holmes, Esq.
3 Abijah Benton
4 Thomas Smith
5 Col. Jonathan Smith
6 Samuel McCurdy, Jr.
7 Calvin Hayward
8 Eliphalet Dart
9 Thomas Smith
No. 2 was sold by Lemuel Holmes in 1811 to Samuel Hills; No. 3 by Abijah
Benton in 1795 to Samuel Allen; No. 11 by William Barron, Jr., to John Wil-
ley. Mar. 13, 1811, Hercules Howard of Hinsdale sold "the first pew north
of the east porch door in the gallery. No. 16, to Nathan Hayward.
£ S.
Obadiah Wilcox
William Barron, Jr.
Peter Hayward, Jr.
Samuel Smith
Simon Baxter
Jonathan Robinson
Thomas Smith, Jr.
Levi Fuller
Nathan Hayward
Sept. 18, 1793 it was voted to allow Maj. S. Smith his account for painting'
the porches to the meetinghouse; in 1800 voted to reshingle and repair the
building, and, in March 1808, to finish the west porch. In 1827 an effort was
made to move the meetinghouse farther to the west, and again in 1835, "about
the length thereof to the West and to the South not extending the width of
the same." The building still stands where it was originally built, and, from
178 History of Surry
measurements taken in 1919, the exterior dimensions of the main structure are
fouund to be 47 ft. by 36 ft. 6 in. The old east and west porches were each
6 feet additional in length.
July 16, 1835 it was voted to build a belfry,* and this was done the next
summer, by extending the east porch a few feet above the ridge.
This was to accommodate a gift to the town of
This bell is 22 inches high and 30 inches in diameter at the bottom, and
bears this inscription :
"A natal gift to the town of Surry by John Thomson of Albany, N. Y., July
4, 1836." On the opposite side is the name of the maker, "L. Aspinwall, Al-
bany. 1836."
The following letter from Mr. Thomson is of interest:
To Messrs :
Francis Holbrook, Benjamin Hills and Eliphaz Field, of Surry.
Albany, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1836.
Gentlemen :
Your favor of the 11th is before me and I have this day taken the
preliminary steps to fulfil on my part the promise which I made to the
much respected citizens of my native town (Surry).
I have called upon a Bell Founder and engaged that a Bell shall be
cast and be at the command of the inhabitants of Surry by the 1st of
June next. If it be the pleasure of you gentlemen of the committee, I
should be pleased if you would send your means of conveyance and have
the bell there and placed in the belfry and be ready for use on the day
of our next national jubilee, the 4th, of July, 1836, for the first time.
It is doubtless unnecessary for me to say to you the belfry should be
made strong and well braced as the bell will rack the frame, or at any
rate will give it a thorough trial.
Please write me about two weeks before you send for the bell, in order
that I may have everything ready.
The person whom you send should be a man of gi'eat care.
I remain, gentlemen. Very respectfully,
Yours, etc.
To Messrs :
Francis Holbrook John Thomson.
Benja. Hills &
Eliphaz Field
The "man of great cai^e" is unknown, but it is said that the bell came into
the village from the north, drawn by a gray horse. Possibly it was sent by
boat up the Connecticut river to Walpole or Bellows Falls, and then drawn to
this town. The belfry was not completed by July 4th, but this did not pre-
vent the celebration of its arrival, which was thus chronicled in the Keene
Sentinel of July 28, 1836.
Ecclesiastical History 179
July 4th, 1836
The dawn of day was greeted with the ringing of a beautiful Bell, presented
to the town — as a "Natal gift" — by Dr. John Thompson of Albany, N. Y.
The tone of which is considered excellent, surpassing many of much larger
size; its weight being 685 pounds.
Nothwithstanding the unfavorableness of the weather, a very large and
respectable procession was formed at Capt. Samuel Robinson's (at the village
hotel), and, escorted by a band of martial music, marched to the meeting-
house. After some elegant performances by the choir, and a very appro ori-
ate prayer by Rev. Perley Howe, the Declaration of Independence wa., read
by Capt. Francis Holbrook, and the audience listened with fixed attention and
delight to an interesting and able oration by Jonathan Robinson Jr. Esq.
After which the procession moved back to Capt. Samuel Robinson's hall,
which was handsomely decorated with evergreen, where they partook of a
variegated and sumptous collation, prepared wholly by the ladies of Surry.
This is as it should be. Before leaving the table, a number of volunteer-
toasts were given. The following are a few of them:
By David Shaw, Esq.:— THE NATAL GIFT— May it ever chime three
distinct sounds, viz. : — 1st. In commemoration of the day we cele-
brate. 2nd. Expressive of our gratitude to its donor, Dr. John
Thompson. 3rd. To proclaim his generosity and humanity in his lib-
erality, with his own funds.
By Jonathan Robinson, Esq. (a Revolutionary soldier). May the spirit
of generosity manifested by Dr. John Thompson of Albany pei'vade
every heart, and stimulate each individual to like acts of philan-
May his gift of a Bell sound his praise for generations to come, as it
does on this, our National festival, the 4th of July.
By Jonathan Robinson Jr. Esq.: — Dr. John Thomson, the giver of the
Bell, and the inhabitants of Surry, the receivers; — May the giver be
as closely united in the affections of the receivers, as the Yoke is to
the Bell.
By Ichabod Ballou: — Dr. John Thomson of Albany, N. Y., the giver
of the Bell : — May honor and gratitude be to his name.
By Capt. Francis Holbrook: —
"The Orator of the day.
And the giver of the bell;
The people have met to celebrate,
And I think they've done it well."
Extracts from the oration delivered by Jonathan Robinson, Junr. Esq. are
as follows :
"The generation active in the first settlement, and intimately ac-
quainted with the early history of this town, has passed away; and, as
180 History of Surry
history has furnished nothing in relation to the early settlement of this
town, which would be anyway interesting — no battles have been fought
here — no one either killed or wounded — I, therefore, hasten from the
early history of this town to its present happy situation.
"It is a fact — it is a pleasing fact — that the condition of this people
is fast improving. In every part of the town we now hear the pleasant
hum of industry, and it is true, that the people, generally, are more in-
dustrious— ^tending more punctually to their own occupations, and med-
dling less with the business of others. Our temperate habits are fast
improving — and, finally, we are progressing in every way that is good
i and virtuous. These fellow-townsmen, are pleasing reflections, and let
pur motto be "Onward!"
"My fellow citizens, I feel it an honor, I feel proud in declaring to
you this day, that Surry is my native place; and from the sweet and
melodious sounds of the bell that we have this day received from the
generous Doctor John Thompson of Albany, we rejoice that he is not
ashamed to own and declare to the world, by a voice that cannot be
mistaken, that this is the town of his nativity! And we feel proud that
this town has now the honor of sending out one son, who has been so
prosperous in accumulating wealth, as to enable him to present us with
this precious gift; and we do now, my fellow-citizens, with hearts filled
with gratitude, present him our most cordial and unfeigned thanks for
this most costly present. And may he ever be kept in grateful i-emem-
berance by this people; and may the hills that surround the bell, echo
and re-echo the beautiful sounds of it, until it reaches the ears of every
"May it tingle such sweet sounds in the ears, that they cannot resist,
and may it draw them, like a still small voice, to attend public worship
on each and every Sabbath. And may it be our living sentiment, In-
dependence now and Independence forever."
Before the new year of 1837 the belfry was completed and the bell placed
in position, and, at last, after all the years of building and repairing, addi-
tions, etc., the meetinghouse was entirely finished, but discord had been seeth-
ing among the worshippers for some years, and the church bell tolled out the
old conditions to ring in the news ! Only a few years after the gift of the
bell, denominational disputes caused a second meetinghouse to be built, and
in later years the old became the present town hall.
The earliest manuscript record of the church in town has probably been
destroyed, but a later record, much worn and torn in places, gives all the
needed facts. It begins thus :
Surry, Dec. 18, 1793.
At a meeting of the Church in Surry the subscribers being appointed a
committee by vote of the Church to make inquiry with regard to the
time when the church was first incorporated in Surry, the persons who
subscribed the covenant, and collect all other matters, as far as may be.
Ecclesiastical History 181
which ought to be matters of record, and make report to the church as
soon as may be conveniently, do now report as follows, viz : — That it
appears from an ancient manuscript supposed to be in the handwriting
of Joshua Darte formerly of Surry; that there was a church first gath-
ered in Surry on the 12th day of June Anno Domini 1769, and a cov-
enant subscribed by the following persons, viz; —
Males Females
Jonathan Smith Deborah Dart
Joshua Dart Experience Smith
Peter Hayward Esther Hayward
Joseph Spencer Anna Dart
Eliphalet Dart Lucy Spencer
Thomas Smith Deborah Dart 2nd.
Moses D. Field & Lydia Smith
Samuel Hall
and the following persons have since been admitted as members of said
1771. Feb. 22, Thomas Dart & his wife, they being recommended from
some other church.
1771. June 23, Ichabod Smith, Patience Field, Samuel White, Phebe
Dart, (torn) Smith, Deborah Dart Jr., Elisheba Smith.
1771. July 25, William Barron & Tabitha, his wife.
1771. Sept. 21, Thomas Harvey.
1772. June 21, Nathaniel Dart.
1772. Aug. 20, Abner Skinner & his wife.
1776. Nov. 3, Rebekkah Benton.
1780. Sept. 3, William Russell and his wife.
From other papers it appears that the following persons have been
admitted into this church, viz; —
1781. Jan. 18, Mr. David Darling, by virtue of a dismission from the
church in Wrentham; at the same time the solemn care of this church
was solemnly committed to him. The following churches were present
on the occasion, viz; Northfield, Walpole, Charlestown, Fitzwilliam,
Swanzey and Royalston.
It furthermore appears that the following were admitted into this
church, but there is no date by which the time of their admission can be
obtained, Obadiah Wilcox William Hayward.
1781. Mar. 18, Nathan Hayward & his wife, Eunice Weare.
1781. Apr. 16, Thomas Dart Jr. & his wife, Sylvanus Hayward.
1781. June 17, Moses Weare.
1781. June 24, Roger Dart & his wife.
1781. July 8, Lemuel Holmes & his wife from the church in Walpole.
1781. Aug. 12, Rebekkah Ware.
1781. Aug. 26, Mrs. Esther Darling; wife of Rufus Smith.
1783. May 11, Wife of Samuel Packard.
1783. July 6, Wife of Edward Crandell.
182 History of Surry
It furthermore appears from the above mentioned papers that there was
a number of Chui'ch meetings held for the settlement of difficulties, both be-
fore Mr. Darling's settlement, and during his administrations, and sundry
votes passed, but nothing so material as to be worthy of being preserved on
record for the instruction and edification of future generations, until the
30th day of December Anno Domini 1783, when the following churches con-
vened in council and dissolved the relation between the Rev. David Darling
and this church & people (viz; — ) Walpole, Charlestown, Winchendon, Fitz-
william, Swanzey and Keene, represented by their pastors and delegates, and
the church in Alstead by their delegates; of which council the Rev. Mr. 01-
cott was moderator and the Rev. Mr. Fessenden was scribe. At which time
the Rev. Edward Goddard was by vote of the church chosen their moderator.
From which era nothing vei"y material appears to have been transacted
(except that Mr. Darling upon making proper satisfaction was restored to
the charity and communion of the church), until the 20th of January 1788,
when the church covenant being mislaid and not to be found the church sol-
emnly renev/ed and published the following covenant:
We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, having heretofore
been incorporated in a church state according to the order of the
Gospel, but having by some means lost the covenant by us sub-
scribed; do now in a public and solemn manner renew and ratify
the following Covenant with God and each other.
1. We publickly and solemnly declare our serious belief of the Chris-
tian Religion, as contained in the sacred Scriptures; which scriptures
we take to be our only rule of faith & practice & heartily resolve to con-
form ourselves thereunto so long as we live in this world.
2. We give up ourselves to the LORD JEHOVAH, who is the Father
• and the Son and the Holy Ghost, and avouch Him this day to be our
God and Father, our Saviour and leader, and receive him as our por-
tion forever.
3. We give up ourselves to the blessed Jesus who is the Lord Jehovah,
adhere to him as the Head of his people in the covenant of Grace, and
rely on Him as our Prophet, Priest and King, to bring us unto eternal
4. We acknowledge our everlasting and indispensible obligations to
glorify God in all the duties of a godly, sober and religious life.
We solemnly promise that we will particularly uphold the worship of
God in public, and not forsake the assembling of ourselves together as
the manner of some has been; that we will attend on the ordinances of
Baptism, bring our children thereunto, waiting for Christ's blessing
upon them, and will endeavor to bring them up in the nurture and ad-
monition of the Lord.
We also engage to attend constantly on the ordinance of the Lord's
Supper, eat and drink discerning the Lord's body.
Ecclesiastical History 183
We likewise promise to attend carefully on public prayers, preaching
of the Word and on every part of Divine service, and that we will per-
severe therein.
We also engage to watch over one another as the Gospel directs, and
in our places to assist in upholding that discipline which Christ has set
us in His Church, and to submit ourselves thereunto together with our
We seriously promise I'eligiously to observe the Lord's Day to keep
it holy.
We, likewise, promise to maintain the worship of God in our families,
to make our houses places of prayer, and we will endeavor to walk sob-
erly, righteously and godly among ourselves, set good example before
others, in a word, we will make it our care to live according to that
Rule Christ has set us, to do to others as we would they should deal with
For the fulfillment of this covenant and the performances of the sol-
emn engagements we humbly depend on the aid of that "Grace which is
held forth in the Gospel, and freely offered to all who cordially em-
brace it by thankfully laying hold on God's covenant and choosing those
things which please Him.
At the same time, engaging to hold Communion with all our regular
sister churches, to ask for their help whenever we stand in need of it,
and lend them ours when properly desired.
We also invite our christian neighbors and friends to join with us in
this profession of faith, and these covenant engagements, that so this
church may become beautiful, as Tirzah, comely as Jerusalem, and ter-
rible as an army with banners.
We pray that grace, mercy and peace may be multiplied to all the
churches of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all the kingdoms of this earth
may become His kingdom, and the whole earth be filled with His glory.
Patience Field Obadiah Willcox
Abigail Holmes Lemuel Holmes
Lydia Smith William Barron
Sarah Bates Eliphalet Dart
Olive Hayward Ichabod Smith
Moses D. Field
Surry, Jan. 17, 1788. Samuel Smith
Nathan Hayward
Timothy Dart
The above covenant was sub- Sylvanus Hayward
scribed and publicly consented Abner Skinner
to in presence of us, Nathaniel Dart
Edward Goddard Joseph Holmes.
Aaron Hall
184 History of Surry
1792. Oct. 15, Church meeting held and a committee appointed to confer
with Mr. Solomon Adams on the subject of his settlement with us.
1793. Dec. 18, William Barron requests dismission to church in Keene.
Voted to refer the matter to the church in Keene. Committee appointed to
make inquiry with regard to the time when the church was first incorporated,
subscribers, etc. Committee appointed to treat with Bro. Thomas Harvey.
1794. Jan. 15, Committee report concerning Thomas Harvey. It was further
more voted "that notwithstanding this church are well satisfied with the per-
formances of Mr. Taft hitherto, yet that it is our desire to have further op-
portunity for acquaintance with him and his abilities before we proceed to
give him a call, and that to this end the town be decided to make further pro-
vision for his continuing with us as a candidate on probation, beyond the term
already agreed upon.
1795. Aug. 9, Eunice Ellis, formerly Weare, dismissed and recommended
to Gilsum.
1795. Jan. 19, This vote proposed and seconded; Whereas this church has
for a long time been destitute of a pastor and the regular and stated admin-
istration of the Word and ordinances of God's house — and having had Mr.
Perley Howe of Marlborough in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, for a
considerable time preaching with us on probation, and being fully satisfied
with his moral and Christian character, as also with his ministerial gifts and
accomplishments- — do now earnestly request him to settle with us in the work
of the gospel ministry, and take upon him the charge and oversight of this
flock and congregation in the Lord.
Which vote being put, passed vinanimously in the affirmative, and a com-
mittee appointed to lay the vote before the town, and also Rev. Howe.
1795. Apr. 23, Voted that the first Wednesday in July next be the day for
the ordination of Mr. Howe if it be agreeable to the town of Surry.
Voted that letter missives be sent to twelve sister churches desiring their
presence and assistance by their pastors and delegates on said day to join in
such acts of communion as are necessary for the solemn separation of Mr.
Perley Howe to the work of the gospel ministry and his investure in the office
of a GOSPEL BISHOP in this town.
Churches invited: East Sudbury, Walpole, Northborough, Swanzey, Sud-
bury, Keene, Bolton, Marlborough (Mass.), Gilsum, Westmoreland, South-
borough, Alstead.
A committee was appointed to join with the town in sending letters to above
churches. Voted to request Mr. Howe to assist in preparing said letters.
1795. Sept. 15, The following churches by their pastors and delegates be-
ing convened at the house of Mr. Nathaniel Dart in Surry in consequence of
letter missives from the church in Surry on the evening of the 15th of Sept.
A. D. 1795— viz:— churches in East Sudbury, Walpole, Northborough, Swan-
zey, Marlborough, (Mass.), Gilsum, Westmoreland, Alstead, Southborough,
Keene, agreed to form into an ecclesiastical council and chose the Rev. Mr.
Fessenden Moderator and the Rev. Mr. Goddard Scribe.
1795. Sept. 16. The council met and proceeded to look into Mr. Perley
Ecclesiastical History 185
Howe's call from the church and town of Surry to settle with them in the
work of the Gospel ministry, and his answer to their invitation. Also into
Mr. Howe's moral and christian character and standing in the Catholic
Church; also into his aims and views in undertaking the ministerial work
and office; also his abilities to discharge the same, and his faith in the most
important doctrines of Christianity.
The question being put whether the Council were satisfied and the way
was clear for proceeding to the solemn ordination of Mr. Perley Howe to the
pastoral office in Surry, it passed in the affirmative, with few only on the con-
trary part. The Council then proceeded to assign the parts to be performed
in the public services, and voted —
Introductory prayer Rev. Mr. Pratt
Ordaining prayer Rev. Mr. Bridge
Charge Rev. Mr. Fessenden
Right hand of Fellowship Rev. Mr. Whitney
The Council then proceeded to the church in Surry, and Perley Howe, A.
M., being first received as a member of the church in Surry, by virtue of a
dismission and recommendation from the church in Marlborough, Mass., was
solemnly separated and ordained Pastor of the church in Surry.
Edward Goddard, Moderator
Attest of said church and scribe of Council.
And this book is according to orders delivered up by the former Moderator to
the pastor of the church in Surry.
Sept. 16, 1795.
Rev. Perley Howe came to town in the summer of 1794; at a town meeting
held Oct. 18th "to see if the town will agree to hire him to preach with us any
longer" it was voted to hire him for three months.
Jan. 21, 1795 voted "to give Mr. Perley Howe a call to settle with us, to
give him a yearly salary of 70 pounds, and the improvement of a par-
sonage to be purchased within two years at about 150 pounds."
Mar. 30, 1795 voted "to reconsider the Parsonage for Mr. Howe."
Apr. 23, 1795 voted "to ordain Mr. Perley Howe the 3rd Wed. in Sept.
From the
church records kept by Rev. Howe.
1795. Oct. 15, A committee appointed to revise records and make abridged
extract from the present Covenant of the church.
1795. Oct. 29, The committee chosen to revise records reported the follow-
ing draught, viz; —
That you may enjoy the privileges of the gospel, you now profess a sincere
belief that Jesus is the Son of God; that He came into the world to offer him-
self a sacrifice for the sins of mankind; that bj'^ His life. His death, and by
His resurrection He hath opened to your enjojanent a lively hope of immor-
186 History of Surry
tality, and that through His righteousness only you can and may have ac-
cess to the joy and to the happiness of the heavenly state. In connection with
this faith, you also believe in the existence, in the government and in the
providence of one self dependent God, who is the Father of our Lord Jesus
You also believe in the agency of the Divine Spirit; that it is his office to en-
lighten your minds; to assist and guide you to glory.
You likewise believe that the Scriptures are the Word of God; that they con-
tain the words of eternal life, and reveal the only sure standard of faith and
Impressed with these ideas, you now solemnly promise, in the presence of
God and this church (To the discipline of which you now submit yourself) that
you will endeavor to conform your heart to the temper of the Gospel, and to
observe each precept, each institution which Christ hath enjoined on the pro-
fessors of His religion.
The above abridged extract of the covenant being read in the presence of
the Church, and the vote being called whether it should be accepted, it passed
unanimously in the affirmative, and is, therefore, to be the rule of admission
into the church.
Voted that candidates for admission into the church shall stand propounded
the term of three weeks.
Voted that this church hold fellowship with all denominations of professed
Voted that the expenses of the Communion Table be defrayed by a tax on
the members of the church.
1796. Mar. -14, Voted that this church shall hold five communions in a year,
in the following order, viz : — on the Sabbath next succeeding the annual Fast,
on the first Sabbath in June, on the second Sabbath in July, on the first Sab-
bath in Sept., and on the second Sabbath in Oct.
1796. Mar. 24, Voted to raise five dollars to procure sacramental bread and
wine for the present year; to pay four shillings for bread and wine used the
past year; to procure a basin to be used in baptism.
1796. Apr. 7, The following question was proposed, viz: — "Shall particu-
lar confessions of any crime be required of a person previous to membership
with this church?" Passed in the negative.
1798. Apr. 12, Deacon Obediah Wilcox resigned because of age and Moses
Dickinson Field chosen in his stead to be a deacon, also Treasurer. John
Brockway admitted to the church.
1802. Apr. 15, Eli Dort chosen deacon in place of Moses D. Field resigned.
Voted to relinquish the tax of Arethusa Smith and Polly Crandell.
1802. Sept. 5, Moses D. Field asks dismission to the church in Keene. Ac-
tion was postponed.
1802. Oct. 6, 1803. Jan. 10, 1803. Jan. 24, Discussion of Moses D. Field's
dismission. Refused to grant it.
1803. Apr. 11, The church and Moses D. Field come to a satisfactory
agreement, and he is reinstated as a member of the church.
Ecclesiastical History 187
1804. Feb. 5, Josiah Hendee brings accusation of assault and battery upon
the person of Ichabod Smith; disavows the act, and asks the church to deal
with the matter.
1804. Mar. 20 & May 22, Matter between Josiah Hendee and Ichabod
Smith discussed and settled satisfactorilly.
1805. Mar. 3, Invitation accept'ed to send pastor and delegate to the ordin-
ation of Pliny Dickinson at Walpole.
1805. Oct. 27, Pastor and three delegates chosen to attend the ordination
of Rev. Abner Kneeland in Langdon.
1806. July 8, Capt. Thomas Harvey reinstated in the church.
1806. Oct. 12, voted to have six communions a season in the future.
1807. June 4, Eli Darte and Ichabod Smith before the meeting. Ichabod
Smith suspended from the church.
1808. Oct. 16, Pastor and delegate chosen to attend the ordination of Rev.
Sylvester Bucklin in Marlborough, Massachusetts.
1808. Nov. 23, Committee chosen to treat with John Norris and wife re-
specting their repeated abscences from the church services.
1808. Dec. 7, 21, 28, Matters in regard to Moses D. Field.
1809. Mar. 17, John Norris and Joanna, his wife, suspended from the
1810. Aug. 12, Pastor and delegate chosen to attend the Installation ser-
vices of Rev. Clark Brown in Swanzey.
1810. Oct. 7, Pastor and delegate chosen to attend the Ordination services of
Mr. Shipley Wells as an Evangelist at Hartland, Vt.
1810. Dec. 30, Dea. Lemuel Holmes & Abigail, his wife, given letter of dis-
mission to any church they may have opportunity to enjoy the ordinances of
the gospel.
1812. Feb. 16, Josiah Hendee dismissed to the church in Hampton.
1814. Oct. 6, Voted that members of other churches residing with us shall
be called upon to furnish certificate of their Christian standing in the course
of one year from the commencement of their residence with us or otherwise
to sign our church covenant, and, that if neither of these steps are taken, said
persons shall be debarred from Communion after the expiration of the year.
1814. Nov. 27, Abigail, wife of Edmund Wetherbee, propounded for ad-
mission to the church.
1815. Feb. 2, Moses Hill admitted to the church from Gardner, Mass.
David Reed chosen deacon.
1815. Apr. 13, Lucy, wife of Moses Hill, admitted to the church from Peru,
1815. Aug. 6, Delegate chosen to assist in dismission of Rev. Clark Brown
from the church in Swanzey.
1818. July 1, Pastor and delegate chosen to attend the Ordination of Rev.
Zedekiah S. Barstow over the church in Keene.
1818. Dec. 20, Pastor and delegate chosen to attend the Installation ser-
vices of Rev. Broughton White in Washington.
Pastor and delegate chosen to attend the Ordination of Rev. Joshua Chand-
ler in Swanzey.
1819. Nov. 14, Ichabod Crane and wife pi-opounded for admission to the
188 History of Surpy
1820. Oct. 8, Voted that in the future Communions should be in regular
border the first Sabbath in every other month, beginning with the first Sab-
bath in January.
1820. Dec. 31, 1821. Jan. 4, 1821. May 4, Sept. 16, 21, 1822. Aug. 30,
Abijah Benton suspended from the church, and restored to membership.
1821. Sept. 16, Calvin Allen Sr. propounded for admission to the church.
1823. Apr. 6, Pastor and delegate chosen to attend the installation exer-
cises of Rev. J. Walker in Chesterfield.
1825. Dec. 25, Pastor and delegate chosen to attend the ordination services
of Rev. Thomas Sullivan in Keene.
1826. May 5, Ichabod Ballou chosen deacon in place of Dea. Field.
1831. Sept. 4, Hannah Holbrook and Mary Harvey request dismission to
the church in Alstead. Request to be further considered.
1833. Apr. 11, Ichabod Ballou dismissed from office of Deacon, and sus-
pended from the church for six months.
1836. Oct. 9, Pastor and delegate chosen to attend the ordination services
of Rev. Abiel Abbott Livermore in Keene.
This closes the church records kept by Rev. Perley Howe.
1796. Jan. 24, Eli Dart, Joanna, his wife, and Anna Dai-t. Apr. 7, Zeruiah
Howe, wife of Rev. Perley Howe, from Marlborough, Mass. July 10,
Ruth, wife of Benj. Cai'penter; Joanna, wife of Ebenezer Gilbert.
1797. Aug. 31, Josiah Hendee from Walpole. Sept. 18, Daniel Smith and
Nabby, his wife.
1798. Apr. 12, John Brockway. July 5, Polly, wife of Eldad Skinner, from
Bolton, Conn.
1799. Mar. 3, John Norris and Joanna, his wife. Oct. 13, Arethusa, wife of
Thomas Smith, Jr.
1802. July 1, Joanna, wife of Joshua Fuller.
1803. Apr. 10, Ebenezer Bill and wife. Aug. 14, Hannah, wife of Benjamin
1804. Aug. 31, Moses Field and Polly, his wife. Sept. 2, Widow Sarah Dart,
Abigail Wheelock.
1808. July 10, Abijah Benton; Sybil wife of Daniel Smith.
1810. June 3, Silas Perry and wife from Westminster, Mass.
1811. Jan. 20, Widow Susannah Bond.
1812. June 4, Roxana Harvey, wife of Jonathan; Sally Martin.
1814. Apr. 14, Joseph Holmes from Brimfield, Mass. May 22, Salmon Bellows
from Walpole. June 5, John McCurdy; Rachel, wife Phinehas Allen;
Anna, wife of Elijah Norris; Martha, wife of Jonas Pollard; Nancy,
wife of Samuel Robinson; Eunice Allen; Betsy Robinson. July 10,
David Reed; Hannah Hawes. Sept. 4, Susanna, wife of Allen Butler.
Dec. 4, Sarah, wife of Peter Joslin.
1815. Jan. 1, Abigail, wife of Edmund Wetherbee. Feb. 2, Moses Hill from
Gardner, Mass. Feb. 12, Isaac Field and his wife. Apr. 13, Lucy, wife
of Moses Hill from Peru, Vt.
Ecclesiastical History 189
1816. July 11, Polly, wife of Jesse Streetei- from Westmoreland. Dec. 1,
Asahel Farnsworth from Keene.
1817. Sept. 4, Mrs. Lucinda Wilcox from Marlboro.
1819. Nov. 24, Ichabod Crane and Fanny, his wife.
1821. Mar. 11, Philip Monroe and Betsey his wife. Sept. 2, Moses Emery.
Nov. 2, Calvin Allen.
1822. Mar. 3, Mrs. Elizabeth Harvey, wife of Asahel, from Keene.
1824. Nov. 7, Phoebe Howe.
1825. July 3, John Haile and Eunice from Putney, Vt. Nov. 6, Ichabod Bal-
lon from Westmoreland.
1826. Jan. 1, Mrs. Persis Harvey, wife of Jonathan, Jr. Mar. 5, Mrs, Pru-
dence Hayward, wife of Nathan. Mar. 19, Sarah March. July 2, Mrs.
Mary May.
1830. Jan. 3, Elijah Norris; Mrs. Hannah Holbrook. Sept. 2, Mary Harvey;
Elizabeth Stevens Joslin.
1831. July 3, Betsey Wheelock. Sept. 4, Mary, wife of Jonathan Robinson,
Esq.; Abigail, wife of Silas Whitcomb; Elmina, wife of Cyrus Bemis;
Eliphalet Dart and wife.
1836. July 3, Samuel B. Fisher.
1786. July 9, Thomas Dart to church in Gilsum.
1795. Aug. 9, Eunice Ellis, formerly Weai'e, to Gilsum.
1797. Nov, 9, William Russell to Fryburg, Me.
26, Phebe Still, formerly Wade, to Kingston,
14, Joanna, wife of Ebenezer Gilbert, to Walpole,
30, Lemuel Holmes «fe wife to whatever church they may associate.
16, Josiah Hendee to Hampton.
13, Salmon Bellows to Langdon.
. 11, Susanna Bond to Baptist Church in Brookline, Mass.
, 1, Lucy Abbott to Keene.
19, John McCurdy, now living in Concord, Vt., a letter to any
church he may choose. Feb. 2, Hannah Hawes to the church in Sher-
burne, Mass.
1769. Apr. 12, Chloe Spencer dau of Joseph, July 12, Gaylord Wilcox son
of Obadiah, Esq. Elias Hayward, son of Peter. Sept, 28, Lucinda
Dart, dau of Joshua & Deborah.
1771. July 23, Bethuel Barron, son of William. Salla Raves. Aug. 20, Sybil
Hayward, dau of Peter. Sept. 22, Asahel, Lucy, Luna and Thomas,
children of Thomas & Grace Harvey.
1772. Mar. 22, Pamelia Dart, dau of Joshua, Cynthia Dart, dau of Eliphalet
and Lucinda Field, dau of Moses D. June 21, Eunice Dart, dau of
Nathaniel. Aug. 30, Thankful Smith, dau of Thomas, Oct, 28, Sam-
uel Smith, son of Samuel. Nov. 15, Jonathan Harvey, son of Thomas,
1773. Apr. 11, Bethia Barron, dau of William, Anna Still, dau of John and
Deborah Dart, dau of Nathaniel,
190 History of Surry
1774. Mar. 30, Sarah Field, dauof Moses D. and Patience. Oct, 3, Daniel
Dart, son of Joshua & Deborah; Jonathan Smith, son of Samuel &
1775. Jan. 22, Charles Rice and his sons, Reuben and Timothy.
1776. Nov. 3, Lydia Wilcox, dau of Obadiah; Ichabod Smith, son of Thomas;
Erastus Benton, son of Abijah; Zenas Field, son of Moses D.; Justus
Smith, son of Samuel.
1777. Jan., Jonathan Smith Skinner, son of Abner; Jerusha Field, dau of
Moses D.; Orena Dart, dau of Timothy, she is also called Irena. "Dec.
25, Cyrus Hayward, son of William & Sarah; Obed Dart, son of Eli-
phalet & Anna; Roxalana Smith, dau of Thomas & Elizabeth and Re-
becca Benton dau of Abijah & Rebecca.
1780. Apr. 23, Mary Russell, dau of William. Sept. 7, Alpheus Smith, son
of Samuel.
1781. Jan. 7, Silas Harvey, son of Thomas. Mar. 18, Eunice Field, dau of
Moses D., and Huldah Hayward, dau of Nathan. Apr. 15, Sarah
Dort, dau of Thomas, Jr. May 3, Ruhannah Benton, dau of Abijah.
May 13, Isaac Field, son of Moses D. Aug. 12, Elijah, Moses, Betsey
• and Rebecca Ware, children of Moses; Betsey Dart, dau of Roger. Dec.
16, Achsah Dart, dau of Eliphalet.
1782. Feb. 10, Jerusha Dart, dau of Thomas, Jr. May 26, Esther Holmes,
dau of Lemuel, Lucinda Dart, dau of Roger. July 7, Deborah Smith,
dau of Samuel. Aug. 18, Sarah Bates, dau of Ford. Sept. 15, Experi-
ence Hayward, dau of Nathan. Feb. 3, Leonard Russell, son of Wil-
liam. Nov. 10, John Darling, son of Rev. David.
1779. Oct. 24, Richard Skinner, son of Abner & Susanna, and Rhoda Benton,
dau of Abijah & Rebecca.
1783. July 6, Jabez Crandell, son of Edward. Sept. 7, Hannah, James,
Nathaniel, Malta and Daniel Packard (or Peekard), children of Sam-
1784. July 26, Esther Darling, dau of David & Esther. Oct. 3, Joanna Dart,
dau of Roger & Elizabeth.
1786. July 5, Samuel Bicknel Holmes, son of Lemuel & Abigail; Isaac Smith,
son of Samuel & Deborah.
1787. July 25, Rhoda Field, dau of Moses D. & Patience; Sena Hayward, dau
of Nathan & Sarah; Horace Hayward, son of Sylvanus & Olive and
Elizabeth Bates, dau of Ford & Sarah.
1788. Rhoda Dart, dau of Timothy & Margaret.
1789. Sept. 13, Fanny Darling, dau of David & Esther.
At a meeting of the church Jan. 15, 1794 it was voted to put on the records
the following names although it does not appear when and by whom they
were baptised:
Eliphaz and Cyrus Field, sons of Moses D.; Asahel Dart, son of Eli-
phalet; Joanna Skinner, dau of Abner; Mary, Lovisa, Eunice, Prudence
and Lucina Wilcox, daughters of Obadiah.
1795. Aug. 9, Nathan Hayward, son of Lieut. Nathan.
Baptisims performed by Rev, Perley Howe:
1796. Jan. 24, Eliphalet, John and Elihu Dart, sons of Eli & Joanna. May
22, Ralston and Hannah Ballock, children of William & Jenny; Luther
and Cynthe Monroe, children of Jonas & Cynthia. July 10, Lucinda,
Ecclesiastical History 191
Sarah, Arad, Ira, Asa and Joanna Gilbert, children of Ebenezer &
Joanna; Alfred, Benjamin and Sally Carpenter, children of Benjamin
& Ruth. Aug. 28, Joanna Dort, dau of Eli & Joanna; Sybil Hayward.
Oct. 9, Betsey and Jinney Gilmore McCurdy, dau's of James & Mar-
1797. Aug. 31, Amasa Hendee, son of Josiah. Oct. 27, David Ballock, son of
William & Jenny.
1798. May 6, Cyrus Gilbert, son of Ebenezer & Joanna. July 1, Thankful
Dort, dau of Eli & Joanna. Aug. 26, Lynde McCurdy, son of James &
Margaret. Sept. 2, Abijah Benton, son of Abijah & Rebecca; Phebe
Howe, dau of Rev. Perley & Zeruiah. Sept. 18, Nabby Smith, dau of
Daniel & Nabby. Also, Charlotte, Daniel, James and Thankful Smith,
children of Daniel & Nabby.
Note. When Nabby, the infant child of Mr. Smith was baptised, the
other children were at Marlow, but being sent for they arrived in
the evening and were then baptised for the comfort of the dying
1799. Mar. 3, John Norris, son of John & Joanna. Sept. 15, Asahel Skinner,
son of Eldad & Polly. Oct. 13, Willard, Arathusa, Rhoda Roxalana and
Prudence Smith, children of Thomas, Jr. & Arathusa.
1800. July 13, Huldah Gilbert, dau of Ebenezer & Joanna. Sept. 21, Azubah
Dort, dau of Eli & Joanna.
1801. Mar. 8, Eliza Howe, dau of Rev. Perley & Zeruiah. June 7, Harry
Norris, son of John & Joanna. June 14, Nabby Ann Smith, dau of
Daniel & Sybil.
1802. May 16, Benjamin Skinner, son of Eldad & Polly. Nov. 7, Mina (or
Mima) Dort, dau of Eli & Joanna.
1803. May 22, Seth Carpenter, son of Benjamin & Ruth. June 19, Tirzah
Skinner, dau of Eldad & Polly. July 3, Charlotte Gilbert, dau of Eben-
ezer & Joanna. Aug. 14, Sarepta Smith, dau of Daniel & Sybil.
1804. May 13, Obed Dort, son of Eli & Joanna. Aug. 31, Patience, Amos,
Esther, Rispah and Jerusha Field, children of Moses & Polly. Sept.
2, Nancy Wheelock, dau of Abigail. Dec. 2, Lyman Norris, son of
John & Joawna.
1807. June 7, Jo*^ aa Norris, dau of John & Joanna.
1808. June 5, Jonathan Howard Smith, son of Daniel & Sybil.
1810. Jan. 28, Alvira Fuller, dau of Capt. David & Orinda. Mar. 25, William
Bond, son or Capt. Charles; Elias Smith, son of Daniel. July 1, Sarah,
Milton and Louisa Perry, children of Silas & Catherine.
1814. June 5, Abigail Ann Robinson, dau of Samuel & Nancy. June 26,
Polly, Sophronia, Philo and Davenport Norris, children of Elijah &
Anna. Aug. 4, Arvilla Maria Harvey, dau of Jonathan, Sr. & Rox-
ana. Sept. 1, Sally, Lova, Roxa, George and Lucius Allen, children of
Phinehas & Rachel. Dec. 4, Luke, George and Caroline Joslin, chil-
dren of Peter & Sarah; Elizabeth Maria Robinson, dau of Samuel &
1815. Jan. 30, Sally, Elizabeth, John Jr., Samuel, Thomas, Nancy, Richard
and Lynde McCurdy, children of John; Edmund, Moses Wright, Abi-
gail and Ambrose Wetherbee, children of Edmund & Abigail. Feb. 12,
192 History of Surry
Lucina Maria and Prescott Perley Field, children of Isaac & Dorothy.
1816. Apr. 7, Henry Willard Smith, son of Willard & Betsey. June 2, Nancy
Harvey, dau of Jonathan, Sr. & Roxana. July 11, George Phinehas
Wetherbee, son of Edmund & Abigail.
1817. Sept. 4, Stephen Smith, son of widow Sybil.
1818. Emily Edna Robinson, dau of Samuel & Nancy; Mary Elizabeth Smith,
dau of Willard & Betsey. Oct. 11, Betsey Maria Chapin, dau of David
& Betsey.
1819. July 18, Louisa Jane Field, dau of Isaac & Dolly (Dorothy).
1820. Sept. 3, Susan Jennett Robinson, dau of Samuel & Nancy.
1821. July 1, Fanny Hall Harvey, dau of Asahel & Elizabeth. Sept. 2, Wil-
liam Winchester and Moses Webster Emery, children of Moses & Cjm«
1823. July 6, Nancy Robinson, dau of Samuel & Nancy; Fanny Watts Crane,
dau of Joshua & Rebecca.
1826. Jan. 1, Sophronia Almeda Harvey, dau of Jonathan, Jr. & Persis.
May 7, Nathan Gardner Hayward, son of Nathan & Prudence. July
30, Jane, John Thomas and Samuel Hunt May, children of widow Mary.
Aug. 20, Eunice, Nancy and Harvey Ballou, children of Dea. Ichabod
& Eunice.
1827. Oct. 7, Lucia Maria Hayward, dau of Nathan & Prudence.
1828. Sept. 7, Samuel Hills Robinson, son of Samuel & Nancy; Sarah and
Mary Hills, daughters of Benjamin & Bordicea.
1829. July 5, George Kimball Harvey, son of Jonathan, Jr., & Eliza. Sept.
13, Sarah Barnes and Eliza Howe Petts, children of Dr. John & Phebe.
1830. Sept. 5, Francis Baxter Harvey, son of widow Mary.
1831. July 3, James Howe Harvey, son of Jonathan, Jr. & Eliza. Sept. 4,
Sarah Whitcomb, dau of Silas & Abigail; Cyrus Henry and Elmina
Jane Bemis, children of Cyrus & Elmina; William and Obed Oilman
Dort, children of Eliphalet & Lois.
1832. Sept. 16, Lydia Eliza Daggett, dau of Otis.
1833. July 7, Mary Elizabeth Dort, dau of Eliphalet & Lois; Persis Eliza
Harvey, dau of Jonathan, Jr. & Eliza.
1835. July 2, Mary Isadore Robinson, dau of Capt. Samuel & Nancy.
1836. May 1, Martha Jane Daggett, dau of Otis; Sarah Barnes Harvey, dau
of Jonathan, Jr. & Eliza.
The men who emigrated to this country to escape religious persecution in-
corporated their own religious views into their laws; when the laws of New
Hampshire were enacted, no one objected to the plan of supporting the gos-
pel by tax; the services of the Christian religion were expected to be main-
tained and supported in the same manner as civil offices. But the descend-
ants of those emigrants became dissatisfied with the law, and there was dis-
cord, trouble and turmoil in nearly all the New England towns for years.
We early find it in this town:
Jan. 21, 1773 voted "to abate all the rates that have been made or
voted on Job Gleson or ever Shall be and that wee will never rate Sd
Ecclesiastical History 193
Gleson for the futer towarde building or repairin or Sweeping Sd
meeting house or Seetling or hiring or maintaining of ministers So long
as he continues to be of the baptist perswation and that wee will refund
back to the Sd Gleson the Sum of £1-18-8 - - - - to be improved
toward supporting a School in Sd town."
This was the first of many "protests" that were made by various people in
town, who were not of the same "persuasion" as the minister.
Aug. 27, 1804 it was voted to re-pay the following who had been taxed for
the support of Mr. Howe: Abel Allen, Abel Allen Jr., Benjamin Merrifield,
J. Cheever Fowler, John Marvin, Asa Hancock, Levi Hancock, Oliver Wright
and Elizer Wright, all of whom stated they were of the Baptist faith. Also
those of the Episcopalion faith : Capt. Simon Baxter, Capt. Thomas Harvey,
John Stiles. These were also excused: benjamin Carpenter, Amasa Carpen-
ter and Asa Hancock Jr.
"Protests" similar to the one below are frequently found among the Surry
town records :
"To the Selectmen of the Town of Surry.
This certifies that I belong to the free Religious Society in Walpole. I
therefore Protest against paying taxes to Perley Howe or any other
minister in Surry. I therefore forbid the said Selectmen or any other
person making any Salary or Ministerial taxes against Me or my prop-,
erty forever from this time henceforth.
Surry, March 14th, 1820. Sylvester Smith."
July 16, 1800 Rev. Perley Howe received of the town $466.66, it being his
salary for the years 1797 & 1798. The next day he received his salary for
1799 — $233.33. His annual salary, though seldom paid when due, remained
at this sum till 1815 or later.
The year 1803 contained as long a list of salary tax payers as any year
and is given on page 207.
At the June session of the New Hampshire legislature in 1819 the church
and state were by law separated, thus making it illegal to raise money by
taxation in New Hampshire to support preaching.
Capt. Elijah Fuller represented Surry and Gilsum at the session when this
bill was passed. It is said that "just before the vote was taken Elijah's old
minister, Rev. Perley Howe, called on him and with tears in his eyes, be-
sought him not to vote to starve the ministers. He replied that the ministers
must look to voluntary contribution for support."
It took some years for the people to realize that the support of religion
should and ought to be separate from state authority, and left to the volun-
tary contribution of the people. To the minister in Surry, who had been in
charge of this church and people for over two decades it seemed a sad calam-
ity. But he bowed to the inevitable, and Apr. 17, 1820, at his own request he
was "dismissed from his ministerial services in this town," and it was voted
to settle and pay him in full to date. He was therefore released from all
further obligations to the town, and dependent on the church for his salary.
194 History of Surry
He was a native of Marlboro, Mass., and at the time' of his death was in
his 79th year. He graduated from Dartmouth college in 1790, and was soon
led to the studies of the sacred profession; he commenced his ministerial du-
ties in Surry in 1794. His letter of acceptance to his "call" to this place shows
that he was a man of scholarly attainments as well as an earnest christian
To the Church & Society in Surry; —
Beloved: Having received an Invitation to Settle with you in the
work of the gospel ministry I have given your requests that attention
which the importance of its object demands ----- To perform
this work acceptably requires the greatest fortitude & prudence, the
greatest faithfulness, and the most active and persevering diligence
_ _ _ . . When I thus consider, it eventually appears to be my
part to engage with you in the work of the gospel ministery - - - -
that friendship & harmony may bless our connection. At the same
time I earnestly entreat you to remember that the ministry of the word
is committed unto earthern vessels ----- that the ambassa-
dors of Christ in common with other men are subject to imperfection
- - - - - Should I therefore ever inadvertently depart from the
truth in sentiments or practice it will be your part not speedily to con-
demn, but to be ready to extend to me the restoring hand of Christ.
Parley Howe.
P. S. As my friends live at a distance, and as I shall wish yearly to
visit them, I must therefore take the liberty to reserve three Sabbaths
in a year to my self. P. Howe.
That Rev. Perley Howe was the unanimous choice of the people is seen by
the following certificate:
These may certify that at a meeting of the Legal voters of the town of
Surry legally warned and duly holden January 21st, 1795 for the purpose of
settling Mr. Perley Howe as their minister there were forty two who voted to
give Mr. Howe Seventy pounds annually so long as he shall continue to be
their minister as recorded on the Town Book.
Another certificate under the same date states that forty-nine voters were
the most that ever assembled in Town meeting, and those were ones who
voted for the Governor at the annual town meeting in 1795.
Jan. 28, 1795, "Voted that the yearly salary to Said Mr. Perley How Be
Seventy pounds yearly if he should be settled as a gospel Minister in Said
Surry as long as he continues to be their Minister, thirty five pounds to be
paid in Cash yearly & thirty five pounds to be paid in Wheat, Rye, Indian
corn, pork, beef, butter or flax at cash price yearly as long as he is minister
for the town of Surry, and the improvement of a personage worth one Hun-
dred and fifty pounds. Said personage to be procured within two years from
the time of Settlement, and till such time as said personage is procured, said
town to allow & pay said Mr. Perley How the Interest of said sum yearly till
Ecclesiastical History
said personage is procured — and in case said personage should Cost more
than one Hundred & Fifty pounds or Less than one Hundred and fifty pounds,
to adjust the matter with said How as the case may be, and sd personage to
be and Remain the property of the purchasers and their Heirs and assigns
for ever and each person shall Be Considered as a purchaser who shall pay
their Respective proportion of said personage according to their Respective
pole or Ratable Estate.
The yearly sallary to be Equal to two Hundred and thirty-three Dollars &
thirty-three cents & one third of a cent, and the worth of the personage to
five Hundred Dollars."
Church records and all books kept by Rev. Howe show that he was a schol-
arly and cultivated man. He served on the school committee; was the orig-
inator of the first Library Society in town, and was interested and took an
intelligent interest in all town matters.
It could hardly be expected that so long a pastorate could be wholly har-
monious and without discord. There were Methodists as well as Baptists and
other denominations represented in the congregation to which the same min-
ister was expected to preach. There were controversies and heated discus-
sions; as a minister Rev. Perley Howe was frequently the object of attack.
As a man and citizen he had the respect and confidence of everyone in town.
At his funeral, Rev. Abiel A. Livermore of Keene, who conducted the ser-
vice, chose his text from Num. xxiii-10 "Let me die the death of the right-
eous, and let my last end be like his!" See family Record.
to the memory of
Who died Oct.
20, 1840 in the 79th
his age
& 46th
of his ministry.
are the dead which die in the Lord.
Six months after Rev. Perley Howe was dismissed a new organization was
formed. We have this record :
"Agreeable to letters missive from Mr. Albert Brown in behalf of
others in Surry, an Ecclesiastical Council was convened at the house of
Capt. Samuel Robinson in Surry, May 6, 1837 at 9 o'clock A. M. to take
into consideration the circumstances of the church in Surry and the
members of other churches who reside in that town, that wish to enter
into a church state in Surry, either to reoi'ganize the church or to or-
ganize a new one as may be deemed expedient.
There were present the following ministers and delegates. Rev. Allen
Pratt of Westmoreland, Rev. Z. S. Barstow & Dea. J. W. Briggs of
History of Surry
Keene, Rev. Moses Gerould & Bro. Stephen Holbrook of East Alstead,
Rev. Darwin Adams & Dea. James Newell of Alstead.
and the church and the members of other churches present
renewed covenant as proposed (except that the Rev. Mr. Howe did not
join in it) and they were pronounced a Church.
MEMBERS admitted May 6, 1837. (From the old church in Surry
except as otherwise stated)
Allen. Eunice
Allen. Hannah from Gilsum
Allen. Rachel
Bemis. Elmina
Blake. Miss Sally from Keene
Brown. Albert from Rindge
Crane. Mrs. Fannie
Crane. Ichabod
Darling. Daniel from Keene
Darling. Mrs. Theodosia
from Keene.
Dort. Dea. Eli
Dort. Eliphalet
Dort. Mrs. Lois (Bemis)
Dort. Sarah
Fisher. Samuel B.
Harvey. Eliza from Cambridgeport
Harvey. Elizabeth
Harvey. Mary from Alstead
Hills. Mrs. Dicea
Holbrook. Mrs. Abigail by profes-
Holbrook. Hannah from Alstead.
Joslin. Elizabeth S.
Joslin. Mrs. Sarah
Norris. Elijah
Robinson. Mary
Robinson. Nancy
Whitcomb. Abigail
MEMBERS 1837-1875
Abbott. Lucy Sept. 2, 1860
Allen. George July, 1837
(Dismissed to Keene July 6, 1845)
Allen. Mrs. Nancy R. May 2, 1841
(Dismissed to Keene July 6, 1845)
Allen. Rachel Jan. 14, 1839
(Died Nov. 26, 1852— aged 92)
Allen. Roseanna Jan. 9, 1848
(Dismissed April 24, 1852 to church in Keene)
Allen. Roxanna Mar. 11, 1838
From church in Keene
By profession
By profession
By profession
From church in Keene
From church
By profession
in Lowell,
Ballou. Ichabod May 7, 1843
Feb. 12, 1847 — because of misconduct in meetings, use of intoxicants etc.
— dropped from fellowship.)
Blake. Mrs. Abigail C. Mar. 12, 1840
Brown. Abigail W.
Sept. 9, 1838
Brown. Widow Mercy Jan. 9, 1848
Carter. Sally Sept. 22, 1850
(Soon removed to the West.)
Davids. Eleanor M. From church in Keene May
(Mrs, Church. Dismissed to Hinsdale Apr. 5, 1846.)
From church in Winchen-
don, Mass.
From church in East Al-
By profession
By profession
Ecclesiastical History 197
Dort. Obed Jan. 1838 By profession
Fisher. Milla Jan. 11, 1839 From church in Keene
Griffin. Asa May, 1840 From church in Walpole.
(Dismissed to church in Keene Oct. 27, 1844.)
Hill. Harriet B. Nov., 1837 By profession
Hurd. Lydia July 2, 1843 From church in Spring-
field, Vt.
(Dismissed to Chester, Vt. Mar. 1853.)
Jones. Betsey Jan. 2, 1859 By profession
Joslin. Ellen M. Jan. 14, 1839
Robinson. Emily E. Nov., 1837
Robinson. Nancy L. May 2, 1841
Shelly. Rowena July, 1837 " "
(Dismissed to Keene June 7, 1846.)
Stone. Rebecca F. July, 1837
Whitcomb. Rebecca Mar. 11, 1838
Woodward. Edmund Nov., 1837 " "
Woodward. Mary Nov., 1837
Wyman. Clarinda Nov. 8, 1846 From church in Dublin.
From the organization of the new church, May 6, 1837 until January 10,
1839 Eliphalet Dort was clerk nominally, but he lapsed from the Orthodox
faith — joined the Unitarian church then being formed in town — and when
his records of the Orthodox church were sought "only the blank book could
be found, and the records are therefore incomplete."
In Sept. 1837 the town voted to appropriate the meetinghouse one third of
the time to the Methodists, and one third to the Universalists, thus leaving
but one Sabbath in three when the Orthodox society could use it. This decree
caused dissatisfaction among the members of the newly organized Congrega-
tional society, and so steps were taken for the buil'ding of a new church after
several unsuccessful efforts to regain the use of the meetinghouse.
In Sept. 1838 pastors of all the surrounding towns met in Surry to dis-
cuss the situation, and decided to aid the church in building if it should be
In 1838 Otis Daggett conveyed to Ichabod Crane a plot of land 142 feet
south of the school house lot and 70 feet deep from the wall. On this site
was built the new meetinghouse, Mr. Crane, not only contributing liberally in
labor, but also, in large measure, financing the erection of the building. The
dedication took place Oct. 9, 1839.
The author of this history has been disappointed in not being able to learn
something further as to the raising of this church and the exercises attend-
ant upon its dedication. '
From a slip of paper, undated, it would appear that a subscription paper
was circulated to purchase the horse-sheds from Ichabod Crane :
198 History of Surry
A true copy of a subscription paper to buy the new meetinghouse,
thirteen sheds, all the land together with all the property thereto be-
longing except two slips and one shed.
We, the subscribers severally agree to pay the amount, etc.
Francis Holbrook
and to have the slip he occupies.
Josiah Kingsbury
Elijah Holbrook
Edmund Woodward
George Blake
It appears Dea. Crane finally conveyed the property to the Home
Missionary Society;
Surry, Dec. 5, 1859. This is to certify that I have sold the new meet-
ing house, land and sheds to the Home Missionary Society.
(Signed) Ichabod Crane, Clerk.
This church building has been changed but very little since it was built
with the exception of lowering the pulpit two or three feet. Necessary re-
pairs have been made from time to time.
The church used to be nearly full on pleasant Sundays in 1855. Both the
Congregationalists and Methodists held services here.
In connection with the Congregational services, the singers were Capt.
Eliphalet Dort, Edmund Woodward, Mrs. John Joslin and Mrs. William
Carpenter. Capt. Dort had a small melodeon which he took to church each
Sunday in a trunk, and his daughter Mary (Dort) Ware played it for many
March 23, 1840. Voted to call Reverend Ezra Adams as pastor and teacher;
to offer $300. as his salary provided the N. H. Missionary Society aid to the
amount of flOO, Apr. 29 this call was accepted, and the ordination took
place. Nov. 4, 1841 accepted the resignation of pastor; he was still to work
as much as possible.
From Nov. 1841 till April 1842 Rev. Joel Wright acted as pastor.
From July 1, 1842 until May 1845 Rev. Elihu Smith, who came here from
Chesterfield, was pastor. Mar. 9, 1843 voted that Rev. Elihu Smith be re-
quested to act as pastor in all respects the same as he would were he placed
over this church in the usual way.
Rev. Elihu Smith closed his pastorate in May 1845, and, on the first of
June, Rev. John P. Perry began his labors. He was a young man, single and
partially blind. While here he lived in the house next north of the house that
in recent years has been used as the parsonage.
He remained one month over two years, and was succeeded by two ministers
of the Methodist faith. Rev. Charles Greenwood who remained until June 1848,
Ecclesiastical History 199
and was followed by Rev. Loi'enzo Draper who remained until the middle of
May 1850.
Several supplied the church during the next few months; Rev. Samuel
Parti'idge for three months; Rev. Henry Kendall for two months; Rev. Jack-
son Howard for three months; Rev. Wilson A. Farnsworth for one month.
For one year Rev. Ira Carter and Rev. Abram Tileston, both of Walpole,
moved into town and alternated in preaching. In May 1853 Rev. Tileston
moved into town and continued as pastor of the church until Jan. 20, 1855,
although he changed his residence to Keene in Nov. 1854. While in Surry he
lived in an old house on the meadow near the angle in the road, north of where
Victor Lamminen lives (1920).
It is not known who supplied the church for the next few months, but in
May Rev. John Clough, a Methodist minister, moved into town and began
preaching, and remained until June 1856.
For the next two years there is no record of a settled pastor, but several
men preached for short periods; Rev. Newell Culver was here in both 1856
and 1857; for a while Rev. Abram Tileston returned and preached every other
Sabbath, and Rev. Ezra Adams, then of Gilsum, returned to his old flock every
other Sunday at 5 P. M. during the summer.
From August to November 1858 Rev. Daniel Adams, who was a missionary
from Bangor, Me., preached, and then until 1862 thei-e were different minis-
tei's every little while. Rev. Andrew Fosdick preached for three months after
Aug. 1859, and was followed by other ministers until Apr. 15, 1860, when
Rev. Lyman Colver, an old gentleman from Pottersville, began supplying the
pulpit. He remained three months, and was succeeded by Rev. Edward
Abbott who preached one year and left in Apr. 1861.
Rev. Kilburn, an old man, from Keene, preached in the spring of 1862; he
was a Methodist minister. Rev. Leonard Tracy and Rev. Joseph Fawcett,
both Methodists, also preached during 1862.
May 15, 1864 Rev. Shattuck, a young man, began preaching, and remained
pastor until May, 1866. Rev. A. M. Griswold of Washington succeeded him.
Apr. 21, 1867 Rev. Joseph Fawcett commenced preaching to both Methodists
and Orthodox "for one year." He remained nearly three, preaching his fare-
well sermon on March 25, 1871. Then Rev. Nims, a young man from Sulli-
van, supplied the pulpit for about three months and was followed by Rev.
John Henry Allen, a son of Rev. Joseph Allen of Surry.
Rev. Love joy of Keene preached for five months, and was followed by Rev.
Parker also of Keene. Rev. Charles Houghton of Marlborough preached for
six months during the winter of 1874. Rev. David B. Murray also supplied
the pulpit in 1874.
Between 1875 and 1890 there are no records in existence, and the church
was closed part of the time.
1841. Dismissed Deacon Brown & wife to church in Dedham, Me.
Mar. 2, 1844. Voted letter of recommendation to Mrs. Nancy & Miss Nancy
Mar. 2, 1844. Voted that whereas common fame says that Samuel B.
Fisher, a member of this church, has been guilty of breaking open a house
200 History of Surry
and taking and converting the property not his own to his own use, and has
fled to parts unknown — etc. — dropped from fellowship.
June 3, 1844. Daniel Darling resigned as Deacon in May. In June it was
unanimously voted to suspend him from membership. In Aug. it was dis-
covered that Daniel and his wife Theodosia had come into the church in an
irregular manner — his discipline was given up to Keene church to which he
Jan. 9, 1848. Fanny Harvey, that was, now Fanny Britton, united with the
church 1852. Letter of dismission to Mrs. Fisher to Keene.
Biographical notes regarding a few of the pastors here between 1840 and
Rev. EZRA ADAMS graduated from Amherst College in 1835, and at East
Windsor Theological Seminary in 1838. He was ordained in Surry Apr. 29,
1840, and this was his first settled pastorate. Gilsum Town History has a
more extended account of him, and also his picture.
Rev. ELIHU SMITH, b. in Granby, Mass., Mar. 21, 1777, was a graduate
of Dartmouth College. He was installed in Chesterfield, May 23, 1832, and
dismissed Dec. 2, 1834. He held pastorates also in Vermont, and was neai'ly
70 years old when he came to Surry in 1843.
Rev. WILLIAM S. ANDERSON was b. in Belfast, Ireland in 1870. While
pastor of the church hei-e he commenced studies at Mount Hermon School.
* "Rev. W. S. Anderson, lately pastor of the Congregational church
in Surry, and well known in this city, has returned from a trip to Ire-
land, and will be in Keene and vicinity for a few days. He was mar-
ried while abroad to Miss Minnie Wearing, daughter of John Wearing,
Esq., of Derriaughy, Ireland, near Lispurn. Mr. & Mrs. Anderson had
an exciting homeward trip, being aboard the steamer City of Rome
which came near floundering at sea by coming into collision with an ice
Rev. WILLIAM F. WHITCOMB was b. in Claremont, Oct. 16, 1873; grad-
uated from Dartmouth College 1897, and from Hartford, Conn. Theological
seminary. He came to Surry in 1900 and remained six years.
Rev. Morton W. Hale, b. Aug. 9, 1876, in Winchendon, Mass.; graduated
from Hitchcock Free High School in Brimfield, Mass., June 1894; from Lay
college, Bible Training School, Revere, Mass., 1898; later took a special
course at Boston University School of Theology. He has held the following
pastorates: The Christian Church, Lincoln, Vt., 1898-1901; the Cong. Church,
Sudbury, Vt., Oct. 1901-July 1904; ordained Oct. 6, 1903; the Cong. Church,
Dover, Mass., 1904-1905; the Cong Church, Surry, N. H., May 1, 1906-May 1,
1909; the Cong. Church, Bridgewater, Vt., May 1909-Sept. 1910; the Cong.
Church, Coventry, Vt., Oct. 1910-Feb. 1915; the Cong. Church, Cabot, Vt.,
Mar. 1, 1915—.
Rev. Henry S. Kimball held the longest pastorate in Surrj% of any pastor
in recent years. He was born in Candia, and for a time, in his younger days,
was a clerk in a Manchester dry goods store, but later studied for the minis-
try and was ordained. He was pastor in Troy 11 years, and then came here
in 1909. At the annual meeting of the church in 1915 he was voted a paid
vacation of three weeks. He lived but six weeks after, and died at the Bos-
*Keene Sentinel, Oct. 4, l^di).
Ecclesiastical History 201
ton State hospital Jan. 26, 1916. He was a strong temperance man, and had
won his way into the hearts of his people here. His genial manners, native
wit and wholesome fun made him a real and valued contributor in the church
social gatherings and other occasions of a public nature.
In the pulpit he had a style peculiarly his own. His illustrations were
clear and to the point, his language lucid and simple.
His last sermon was preached Dec. 19, 1915, and while it had been known
that he had been in failing health for some time it was not realized that the
end was so near. So far as known he was the only pastor among the many
pastors connected with the Surry church to die while in service.
Frederick C. Hunt came to Surry in May 1916, and severed his connection
with the church Sept. 20, 1918 to enter the Bangor Theological seminary.
He was born May 13, 1875 in London, Eng., and is a brother of the late
Rev. Arthur C. Hunt, who was pastor of the church in Gilsum at the time
Frederick C. was preaching here.
Rev. James F. Scott supplied here during much of 1918-21. He res. at Til-
ton, N. H., at that time and was with the N. H. Congl. Conference.
Rev. Eric W. Bascom, a student from Langdon, supplied this and East Al-
stead churches during the summer of 1921.
Rev. Arthur A. Muir of Keene preached from Apr. 1, 1922 until Apr, 1923.
During Rev. Mr. Whitcomb's pastorate the interior of the church building
was renovated, walls newly papered, new carpet, new heating apparatus, and
the whole interior painted. Enough money was raised by subscription to pay
for all this, and there was $27 besides.
Rev. William F. Whitcomb remained pastor until 1906, and on April 24th
of that year it was voted to call Rev. Morton W. Hale, who stayed till May
July 1, 1909, Rev. Henry S. Kimball of Troy became pastor, and remained
in charge until his death in Feb. 1916.
Frederick C. Hunt from Raleigh, N. C, began his duties May 21, 1916, re-
maining three years. April 1, 1922 Rev. Arthur A. Muir of Keene has sup-
plied the pulpit.
A Sunday School was organized in May, 1890.
Mrs. Marietta (Carpenter) Wright, whose birthplace was Surry, and whose
summer home was here till the time of her death in 1919, left to the town the
sum of five thousand dollars, the income of which is to be used for the sup-
port of preaching. This bequest was a memorial to her mother," Abigail
(White) Carpenter.
There has been a Ladies' Aid Society connected with the church for many
years and it has contributed money each year for church expenses. At pres-
ent there are about twenty members. Officers 1923 : Mrs. I. Alice Crain,
Acting Pres. Miss Grace M. Crain, Secy.-Treas.
Y. P. S. C. E.
A Young People Society was organized as early as July 1901 which did
good work until disbanded about Jan. 1, 1918.
202 History of Surry
The following is a petition for the incorporation of a Baptist society in
Westmoreland, addressed to the General Court, June 4, 1800.
"Humbly Shew Your Petitioners, Inhabitants of the Towns of Westmore-
land, Walpole, Surry and Keene, Proffessors of Religion by the Denomination
of Baptists — That for many years past they have assembled togather for
public worship as a Baptist Society: and for the more orderly and regular
management of the same — pray that they, with such others as may hereafter
be admitted as members, may be incorporated into a religious society to be
called and known by the name of the FIRST BAPTIST SOCIETY IN WEST-
MORELAND with sufficient power and authority to support and settle a
minister — to build and repair meeting houses and to raise and collect taxes
for those purposes — to warn and hold meetings and to choose all proper offi-
cers for transacting and managing the concerns of the said Society and to
make Laws for regulating the same, provided the same are not contrary to
the Constitution and Laws of the State — and for liberty to bring in a Bill
accordingly — Or, that the Honorable Court would make such Order on the
premises as to them shall seem meet — and as in duty bound pray
Caleb Aldrich Jr. * Dudley Thomas
Wm. Brettun Daniel Wilber
Sammuel Robbins * Paul Clark
John Brown Ephraim Brown
* Asa Hancock Joseph Whitney
Noah Fuller Jr. * Stephen Bowker
Eben'r Wright John White
* Chever Fowler * Levi Hancock
John Chamberlain Jr. John Chamberlain
* Benja Leonard Jonathan Wilber
Levi Ware * Oliver Wright
Oliver Smith Jabez Stratton
* Nehemiah Brown * Philip Britton
Cyrus Staples * Benjamin Merryfield
* Joshua Fuller * Benjamin Carpenter
John Snow Elijah A. Hall
Amos Brown Zephaniah Leach Jr.
Samuel Woodward William Aldrich
Jona. Winchester Rufus Smith
Seth Bretun Joshua Hall"
John Paul
December 10, 1800 this society was incorporated by legislative enactment
under the name of the First Baptist Society in Westmoreland.
The following shows the viewpoint of some of Surry citizens in regard to
the petition:
Those marked with a * were Surry citizens, at or about that time.
Ecclesiastical History 203
"We a Committee being appointed by the Inhabitants of the town of
Surry at a legal meeting Oct. 11, 1800, to remonstrate against the
prayer of the Petition of a Number of the Inhabitants living in the
south west part of said Surry that they with others may be incorpor-
ated into a Religious Society to be called and known by the name of
the First Baptist Society in Westmoreland, beg leaf to state
First, That the town of Surry is but a very small Incorporation and
have not one Inhabitant to spare without injuring said Town, there be-
ing not more than 80 Freeholders therein
Secondly, Those petitioning Inhabitants are not more than three and
a half and some not more than two Miles from the Meetinghouse in said
Thirdly, In their petition they have stil'd themselves professors of
Religion by the Denomination of Baptists, and to say the Truth, we are
obliged to say, that not one of those petitioners belonging to Surry ever
made any Profession of Religion of any Denomination that we know
of, especially Baptists — and we declare that whenever any or all of
them shall have made a Publick Profession of Religion of any Denomina-
tion what ever contrary to our Denomination we will agreeably to the
Constitution freely relinquish all Rights of Taxing such Professors to
the Support of our minister.
Fourthly, We doubt in our minds whether the motive of their thus
petitioning is not more to answer sinister Views, such as forming a
Center to advance private property and continue small Disputes than
to promote Harmony and good Order.
Lemuel Holmes
John Stiles
Jonat Robinson f Committee.
Nathan Howard
Consent of Sundry Persons to Foregoing.
We whose names are hereunto subscribed. Inhabitants of the town
of Surry, hereby give our Consent to the Remonstrance of a Committee
appointed by said Town against the Petition of a Number of the Inhabi-
tants thereof, with others praying to be incorporated into a Baptist So-
ciety as in our minds we doubt the Sincerity of some of those Petitioners
belonging to said Surry and that they do not duly consider the Conse-
quence of an Incorporation.
Lemuel- Holmes Daniel Smith
Nathan Howard (Hayward) Asa Holmes
Abia Crane Calvin Hayward
Philip Monro Jno McCurdy
Jonathan Smith Levi Fuller
Ichabod Smith Cushman Smith
Sylvester Skinner Asahel Harvey
204 History of Surry
Abner Skinner John Stiles
Eldad Skinner Thos. Harvey
Jonathan Skinner Cyrus Harvey
Obadiah Wilcox Eli Dort
Moses Field Jonat Robinson
Asa Wilcox
In 1789 this was presented to the Town Meeting:
To the Inhabitants of Surry who are of the Meetinghouse Society in
Town meeting assembled Sept. 17, 1789 —
Gentlemen ;
Whereas you have taxed certain of the Baptist Society in this town
towards finishing the meetinghouse and the support of your worship
who do not attend your meetings and are not of your persuasion but
assemble together by ourselves on Lord's Days "for the public worship
of God and are engaged to support the same; for which reason we view
your demand unreasonable and unconstitutional as the Civil law is ex-
press that no person shall be compelled to pay towards the support of
a worship with which he does not join. We therefore suppose it as un-
reasonable for you to call on us to support your worship as it would be
for us to call on you to pay towards the support of ours.
For which reasons we expect you will abate your demands against us,
so we remain your friends as in duty bound will ever pray.
Surry, Sept. 17, 1789.
John Marvin, Moderator ^ of the
. ^ Baptist
John Brockway, Clerk ^ Society.
A scrap of paper (no date) states that taxes were remitted for these
persons who were Baptists,
Abel Allen Abel Allen Jr. Benjamin Merrifield
John Marvin Asa Hancock Cheever Fowler
Levi Hancock Oliver Wright Elizer Wright
Those families who were of the Baptist persuasion must have attended
church in Westmoreland or neighboring towns, if at all, as there is no
record of any Baptist minister ever settling in town, nor was the meeting-
house ever used by that denomination, so far as can be discovered.
The Methodist Ministers,
The Methodists worshipped with the Orthodox society, and the Orthodox,
in turn, quite often called a Methtodist minister to its pulpit. Between 1847
and 1856 the ministers at the Crane church were nearly all of the Methodist
denomination. There has been no Methodist organization in town.
The date when the Universalists, or Universal Church, as it formerly was
called, began holding services in town has not been discovered. Zebulon
Streeter doubtless was one, if not the first, to conduct services in dwelling
Ecclesiastical History 205
houses prior to 1790. He was a shoemaker, commonly called "a cordwainer";
became a lay preacher and appears to have held services in Surry and ad-
joining towns as well as in parts of Vermont. He became well and favorably
known in these parts as "Elder Streeter" and finally as "Rev. Zebulon
Streeter" yet no discovered record shows he was ever ordained. About 1783
John Thomson who lived at No. 136 "left the baptist persuasion and joined
the universal salvation" and Elder Streeter, "teacher" held meeting in his
house. Jedediah Carpenter, Jr. was of this faith, and doubtless others be-
fore 1800.
The meetings have been held in private houses, the old meetinghouse and
in Carpenter's Hall (the village hotel, No. 55), although, but few, if any
services have been held for over 40 years.
Mar. 13, 1818 the Universalist Society of Surry was formed. The follow-
ing record is from the town books :
We whose names are under written, being properly notified, met at
•the house of Capt. Samuel Allen in Surry for the purpose of forming a
Religious Society in the belief of the Doctrin of Universal Salvation of
all men from sin by Jesus Christ the Mediator and under a deep sense
of the Universal Love of God to all men through a Redeemer —
Proceeded as follows : —
1st Chose Mr. Augustus Johnson, Moderator.
2d Chose Samuel Allen, Clerk.
3d Agreed to form ourselves into a Religious Society in the belief of
the Doctrin of the Restorationers.
4th Agreed to assemble ourselves togather for the public worship of
5th To observe the orders and ordinances of the Gospel as light shall
make them manifest.
6th Agreed that if any of our Society walk disorderly we will deal with
them according to the sentiments of Scripture.
7th Agreed that if any one of our Society should be oppressed or ob-
liged to defend him self by Law on account of Religious Senti-
ments, we will each one assist him according to our best abilities.
8th Agreed to receive any person or persons into our Society who shall
sustain a fair character.
Voted To accept of this Covenant for this Society.
Voted To have a Subscription paper to subscribe to hire preaching.
Voted To have Mr. (Augustus) Johnson have a subscription paper
and lay out said money.
Voted To have Lieut. Asa Willcox, Jr. as a Committee to treat with
the other Committees, or join with them in hiring preaching.
206 History of Surry
Voted To have our proceedings recorded on the Town Book.
A true Copy Signed as follows,
Attest — James Allen William Baxter
Asahel Harvey, T, Clerk. Samuel Allen James Ingals
Surry May 27, 1818. Joshua Redding Stephen Richardson
Augustus Johnson Daniel Day."
Abijah Wetherbee
The following is a partial list of those who have ministered in town. If
there were ever any members of the church, no records have been found.
1841, Jan. Mr. Randolph commenced preaching half of the time in
" Nov. Mr. Luther J. Fletcher moved into town and preached
" Dec. 6, Mr. L. J. Fletcher commenced teaching the district
1842, Jan. Mr. Randolph returned and began preaching a fourth
of the time.
" Feb. Mr. Fletcher began preaching half of the time for one
" Mar. 2, Mr. Fletcher opened a singing school in the village
" Sept. 5, Mr. Fletcher began a Select School consisting of about
forty scholars which continued eleven weeks.
Dec. 25, Mr. Randolph and Fletcher officiated at the Christmas
1843, Jan. Mr. Fletcher opened a singing school in village school-
house in which some Orthodox united.
" Mar. Mr. Fletcher closed a ten week district school.
" " The Cheshire County Quarterly Conference met in
Surry at which time Mr. Fletcher was ordained as
pastor of the Universalist Society.
" " Rev. Mr. Fletcher began preaching 3/4 of the time for
one year.
" Sept. Rev. Luther J. Fletcher moved his family to Swanzey
Center where he became the first principal of Mt.
Caesar Seminary.
1846, Apr. Mr. Joseph Hemphill of Acworth commenced preaching
in the old meetinghouse 1/4 of the time for a year.
Subsequently he was ordained and preached in Uni-
versalist churches at Ludlow, Saxtons River, Vt.;
Swanzey, and Orange, Mass.
1848, Aug. Mr. Scott began preaching in the old meetinghouse 1/4
of the time for nine months.
1852, May Mr. Britton began preaching 1/4 of time for four
1860, Apr. Mr. Jackson began preaching 1/4 of time for one year.
Ecclesiastical History
1861, Spring, Mr. Jackson commenced preaching half of time for six
1866, June 24, Mr. Paine of Westmoreland — preached semi-weekly for
an indefinite time.
" Sept. 2, Mr. Fisher preached for Mr. Paine.
" Sept. 16, Mr. Osgood preached. Sept. 30, Mr. Perkins preached.
1867, Feb. Mr. Paine preached in the Town Hall — Old meeting
" June 23, Mr. Lewis preached. Aug. 4, Mr. Davis preached.
" Aug. 18, Mr. Hayward preached. Aug. 25, Mr. Hayward preach-
Sept. 1, Mr. S; S. Fletcher preached. Sept. 15, Mr. S. S. Fletcher
1868, Aug. 2, Mr. Davis preached. Aug. 16, Mr. Hamilton in Town Hall.
So far as known this sect has never been active in town and not over half
a dozen have adhered to the faith. July 11^ 1858, Mr. or Mrs. Hervey Bur-
dett, a medium, of Marlow, spoke in Carpenter's hall. Holland Stevens is
said to have been a believer in "departed spirits." No other religious body
or sect has held services in town so far as can be discovered.
Until 1819 Religion was supported by law, and this is the
SALARY Tax for 1803.
Allen. Abel
Crane. Abia
" Samuel
" Joshua
" Phineas
Capen. Abijah
Abel Jr.
Crandel. Samuel
Dart. Eliphalet
" Samuel Admr.
" Eli
" Noah
" Nathaniel
Baxter. Simon
Dwinnel. Berthol
Britton. Luther
Estabrook. Nathan
Bridges. Peter
Field. Moses D.
Benton. Abijah
Britton. James
" Isaac
Carpenter. Amasa
Fowler. Cheever
" Benja.
Fuller. Levi
GrifRn. Asa
" Benja. Jr.
Hartwell. William
" Aaron
Hills. Samuel
" Jedediah
Holmes. Lemuel
" Jonathan
Hendee. Josiah
Clark. Paul
Hazelton. Moses
Coolidge. William
Haskin. Calvin
History of Surry
Hayward. Daniel
Rice. Samuel
Smith. Ichabod
" Alexander
" Cushman
" Jonathan
" Hercules
Harvey. Thomas
" Benjamin
" Asahel
Skinner. Abner
" Jonathan
" Jonathan
" Cyrus
Hancock. Asa
" Sylvester
" Asa Jr.
Streeter. Daniel
" Levi
" - Jesse
Houghton. Abijah
Stone. Calvin
■ Ingraham. Jeremiah
Sawyer. Samuel
Ingals. Joseph
Stiles. John
Isham. Daniel
Wilcox, Asa
" Widow-
" Asa Jr.
Joy. Micha
" Gaylord
Mack. Reuel
Marvin. John
Wetherbee. Abijah
Monroe. Abel
Wright. Elizer
" Isaac
" Moses
" Oliver
Merrifield. Benjamin
Wheeler. Abraham
McCurdy, James
Ritter. William
Hayward. Aaron
Samuel Jr.
Sum Total
Merriam. Richard
Norris. John
Salary Tax for 1803
Perkins. William
Redding. John
Surry, August 2d.
Robinson. Jonathan
Samuel Hills j
Reed. David
Nathan Estabrook f
So far as known, not until after the incorporation of the town in 1769, was
there any provision made for the education of the young who resided in this
valley. The early settlers who came here were people of intelligence from
Massachusetts and Connecticut, who personally attended to the education of
their children, until the public schools were established. The town, however,
at an early date recognized the necessity of the public school for the education
of the children, for at a special town meeting held Oct. 4, 1769 — in less than
seven months after receiving the charter — the following business was trans-
acted :
"2nd Voted; To Buld a House Sufficient to hold all public meetings in,
and for a Scoole House.
3rd Voted; To Buld Sd House on the East Side of the highway against
the Buring yard Bars.
4th Chose John Marvin, Joshua Dai't and Peter Hayward a Committe
to take the Care of the Building Sd House and provide
metreals for the Same.
5th Voted; five pence upon the pound to Defray the Charges of Sd
6th Voted; to Buld Sd House 22 feet Long and 18 feet wide.
Obadiah Willcox. Town Clark."
It is supposed the first school house within the present town limits, was
built in 1770; the location as given, would place the new building three or
four rods north of Mrs. H. R. Emmons' dwelling house. The subsequent
records are somewhat obscure and it is not absolutely known that the above
votes were at that time fulfilled, from the following that took place at a
special town meeting, Dec. 13, 1770; thus:
"1st Voted; to releas the vote formerly granted to buld a house to meet in.
2nd Voted; to buld a meeting House 45 feet in Length and 35 feet in breadth
and 20 feet posts."
It is quite possible the vote "to releas the vote formerly granted" did not
apply to the "Scoole House," but to the house in which to "hold all public
meetings," in which case we may assume the new school house was already
built. The 2nd Art. in this meeting was the first action taken by the town
regarding the building of the present Town Hall.
During 1771 and '72 no action was taken in town meeting for the support
of a school; if there was one it must have been in the village and probably-
supported by private subscription.
The new meeting house (present Town Hall) had been erected, boarded,
shingled and the floors laid at this time; the expenses had been met accord-
210 History of Surry
ing to previous votes, by taxation. There were three or four of the Baptist
faith in town at that time who demurred at paying the "church taxe."
So intense was the feeling that a special town meeting was held at the
new meeting house, Jan. 21, 1773 when it was voted "that wee will refund
back" to Job Gleason the sum of £1-18-8 which he had already paid.
It was further voted this sum, "to be improoved toward Supporting a School
in Sd Town this year."
From what appear in the Town Records; Job Gleason "of the Baptist per-
swation," an early settler of Surry not only rebelled against paying his por-
tion to build a meeting house; a house "to' hold all public meetings," includ-
ing those of the Town, but proposed that this sum of £1-18-8 be used
towards supporting a school in the town. So far as the Records appear, to
him belongs the honor of appropriating the first sum of money in town for
the support of schools.
No further action regarding schools appears to have taken place until the
Annual town meeting. Mar. 25, 1777, when it was:
"Voted to Divide the town into three Districts for Scholing; the Lore
Destrict to com up as far as Jonathan Smith, Jr. (the present M. D.
Carpenter place) ; the midel to Extend as far North as Joshua Fuller's
(present H. W. Harvey) Place," and the third probably extended
northward to Alstead line. It was also voted, "Each District to Rase
there own money for Scholing."
During this period the country was engaged in the conflict for freedom;
money was scarce and somewhat inflated; the matter of appropriating money
came up in several town meetings yet nothing was raised until the Annual
town meeting, Mar. 30, 1779 when it was :
Voted to raise "100 pounds for schooling for the year insuing" and chose
Jonathan Smith, Jr. to collect for the South District; Nathaniel Darte
for the Middle and Zebulon Streeter for the North District.
The year following, 300 pounds was raised for schooling. This seems an
exhorbitant sum for the town to raise for this purpose, but it must be remem-
bered this was "Continental money" which had now so depreciated that it
took thirty dollars of it to buy one dollar's worth of commodities, and its
value was still waning. The following were chosen to collect the school tax
for the year ensuing: South District — Joseph Whitney. Middle — Abel
Allen. North — Moses Dickinson Field. South-west — Roger Conant. This
is the first instance on record of a school in the south-west part of the town;
doubtless those living just over the line in Westmoreland and Walpole seeing
the advantage this school afforded desired to send their children here also, as
a special town meeting was held April 17, 1780, a committee chosen, and
voted to "except the Committee's report to join with those from Westmore-
land and Walpole who wished to join."
The years from 1780 to 1784 were in all probability the most difficult in
the whole history of this town, and the schools received little or no attention.
The crops had not been abundant, and provisions were scarce in New Hamp-
shire; the war had been raging for several years; men were still being called
to serve in the Continental army and were being paid in one, two and three
year old heifers; financially, the country was nearly bankrupt; the Vermont
Educational History 211
controversy; the settling and dismissing of their first minister; a project to
move the meeting-house to a place "that will accomodate the whole," and the
building of roads and a bridge, all tended to create a period of "hard times."
Being confronted with all this, we can readily understand why at the an-
nual town meeting, March, 1784, it was voted: "not to raise any money for
schooling for the present." However, the next year it was voted to raise £15
for schooling. It was also voted to divide the town into two school districts.
The inhabitants were to use a portion of the school-money for "Schooling in
their own Huses" — this is the first time the dwelling-house-school has ap-
peared in the town records.
The North School District held a meeting April 11, 1785, at the house of
Thomas Smith's (the present Perkins place) when it was voted to build a new
school-house, "on the Great Road and near the road that runs West to Mr.
Jedediah Carpenter's," the said school house is to be 16 feet x 20 feet and to
be raised "by the first Day of July next." Lieut. Moses D. Field, Obadiah
Wilcox and Zebulon Streeter were the building committee.
It is supposed this building was built according to the vote, and therefore
was the second school-house in town.
During the next few years three or four schools were supported, collectors
were usually chosen and money appropriated.
April 8, 1790, it was voted to divide the town into four School Districts and
a committee of five was chosen for that purpose, viz. Thomas Smith, Joshua
Cheever Fowler, Zebulon Streeter, Benjamin Carpenter and Samuel Smith.
At an adjourned meeting April 22nd, it was voted to accept the report of the
school committee. The Districts were divided as follows : North District
shall extend to Walpole line on the West; Alstead line on the North; Gilsum
line East, and as far South as to include the inhabitants North of the 8th. Mile
Middle District shall extend North to the above Mile Stone; East to Gil-
sum line; South to include the farm that Dr. Philip Monro purchased of Rev.
David Darling; West to Ridge Hill, so called, then north on said line to the
South line of Thomas Harvey's line then East on said line to the North Dis-
South District shall extend North to the Middle District; East to Gilsum
town line; South to Keene line; West to Ridge Hill.
South-West District shall extend South to Keene line; West to Westmore-
land and Walpole town lines; North to include Thomas Harvey's; East to
Ridge Hill. Divisions made, "Apr. 13, 1790."
At the same town meeting it was voted to choose three committee men from
each District, as follows:
North: Lieut. Simon Baxter, Moses D. Field and Lemuel Holmes, Esq.
Middle: Capt. Samuel Smith, Lieut. Nathan Hayward and Jonathan Rob-
South: Benjamin Carpenter, Lieut. John M'Curdy and William Barron.
South-West: Joshua Cheever Fowler, Asa Hancock and Thomas Harvey.
At the Annual Town Meeting, Mar. 5, 1792 it was voted: that each school
district shall build a school-house, and each shall be at the cost of their own
buildings. Voted: that a committee of three in each district shall build the
school-house and lay out money for the same, thus:
North District, Lemuel Holmes, Lieut. Moses D. Field and Samuel Hills.
212 History of Surry
Middle District, Capt. Samuel Smith, Jonathan Robinson and Lieut. Nathan
The Records do not reveal the "building Committee" in the other districts
in town. There is no doubt, a school house was standing in each district in
1792, or '93, at the latest.'^ At a special town meeting May 23, 1792 it was
voted: to raise 33 pounds, ten shillings to pay for building the new school
house in Middle District, and voted: to raise 24 pounds, 17 shillings to build
the new school house in South District.
The approximate location of the four buildings are known and numbei'ed
upon the town map. All were provided with a large fire-place to heat the
building in cold weather.
They were known as, * The North; Middle; South and South-west Dis-
tricts until 1822 when it was voted to re-divide the districts as well as change
the same to No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 in the same order as given above.
With the four schools established the inhabitants were not wholly satisfied
with conditions; those living in the extreme east part of Westmoreland — in
1795 — "were far better accomodated by sending to the adjoining Surry school-
ward." In 1797 Capt. Thomas Harvey, and in 1800 John Stiles were placed in
the Middle district, having previously been connected with the South-west,
and in 1801 Dr. Philip Monroe was set back from the South, to the Middle;
a petition that year by Capt. Harvey and others to be set off to Walpole school
was not granted.
Oct. 11, 1800, it was voted to build and repair the several school-houses in
In 1804 J. Cheever Fowler and Benjamin Smith who had been in the West
were returned to the South-west district, and in 1820 Royal Watkins, Stephen
Stimson and Benjamin Carpenter were set off from the South, to the South-
west district.
Several of the inhabitants joined a school district in Walpole in 1801 which
was continued several years and was known as "The North-west" district,
and in 1803 a new district was formed in the neighborhood near Capt. Thomas
Harvey's which was maintained a few years, and was known as the "West
After the year 1809 a School Inspecting Committee was chosen annually to
visit and inspect the several schools in town. The first to serve on this com-
mittee in Surry wei-e, Rev. Perley Howe, Jonathan Robinson, Esq., and Samuel
Hills. It was voted in town meeting in 1814, that the School Committee shall
not hire teachers to keep school Saturday afternoons, and in 1822, that no
teachers shall be employed in town unless approved by the Inspecting Com-
As late as 1850 or '60 there were but two school terms each year; the sum-
mer school for small scholars and the winter in which both old and young at-
tended. All the schools kept school every-other-Saturday during the term,
with but very few "holidays," and "teachers-visiting-day" had never been
heard of or considered.
The school tax for 1793 was £27-s9-dll; in 1795 was $100.46; 1800, $129.86;
1805, 1160.25; 1815, $184.22; 1825, $228.41; 1835, $190.23; 1850, $222.19;
*While they were standing, in 1793 it is known not all were entirely finished until a
few years later.
tAt present the schools are known as, North End; Village and West Hill.
Educational History 213
1865, ?314.00, divided as follows: Dist. No. 1, §89.09; Dist. No. 2, $129.16;
Dist. No. 3, $62.39; Dist. No. 4, $33.36; Tax for 1875, $483.00.
The subject of re-dividing the several school districts came up in town
meeting in 1831 when a committee was chosen but no very radical departure
from earlier divisions was made. In 1851 there was a plan on foot to divide
district No. 1 and No. 2 into three districts but nothing was done.
As previously stated, a School Inspecting Committee of three, or more,
were chosen annually to "Visit and Inspect" the several schools in town. The
following served on this committee between 1810 and 1830: Rev. Perley
Howe, Major Nathan Hayward, Capt. Charles Bond, Samuel Hills, Esq.,
Capt. Simon Baxter, Col. William Bond, Asahel Harvey, David Shaw, Esq.,
Elijah Fuller, Sylvester Smith, Ichabod Crane, Eli Dort, Dr. John Wakefield,
Jonas Pollard, Jonathan E. Davis and Royal Watkins.
The Inspecting Committee were required to make an Annual Report to the
town, but only two of those Reports have been found, which covered the years
1819-20 & '21. For the year 1819 the report was as follows: ^
To the Inhabitants of Surry,
In compliance with your request at our last annual meeting your In-
specting Committee beg leave to make the following
of the schools in the several Districts in this town, to wit:
Reading and Spelling as often as time and opportunity permit, ap-
pear to be the invariable practice of each Scholar through each of the
several schools.
The School in the Middle District under the tuition of Mr. Jonathan
Robinson, Jr. consists of about 40 Scholars from 5 to 19 years of age,
of whom,
12 are studying Arithmetic, principally beginners.
3 " " Geography, pretty well versed.
3 " " Grammar, new beginners.
22 " " Penmanship, two new beginners.
Alphabet, none.
The School in the North District under the tuition of Mr. Hezekiah
Newcomb consists of about 50 scholars from 5 to 20 years of age, of
8 are studying Arithmetic.
3 " " Geography.
7 " " Grammar.
30 " " Penmanship.
Alphabet, none.
The School in the South District under the tuition of Miss Mary
Darling, (alias Lathrop) consists of about 30 Scholars from 6 to 17
years of age, of whom,
10 are studying Arithmetic, principally beginners.
4 " " Geography, doing well.
214 History of Surry
5 " " Gi'ammar, new beginners.
12 " " Penmanship.
4 " " Alphabet.
The School in the South-West District under the tuition of Mr. Royal
Watkins consists of about 25 scholars from 5 to 19 years of age, of
2 are studying Arithmetic, pretty forward.
2 " " Grammar, considerable forward.
11 " " Penmanship.
2 " " Alphabet.
The orders, regulations and improvements which appeared in each of
said schools discovered not only the assiduity of the Scholars, but like-
wise the abilities and dispositions of the several teachers to discharge
and perform the duties incumbent on them as instructors; and meets the
approbation, and merits the applause of
Perley Howe "j
David Shaw I Inspecting Committee.
Sylvester Smith
P. S. Your Committee put questions to several of the Scholars in
each School, and so far as they have received answers they are satis-
factory and pleasing.
March 1820.
The following report of the Inspecting Committee chosen March 1820, was
given March 1821:
The Committee for Inspection of the Schools in Surry ask leave to
report: They have attended to their duty and have inspected the sev-
eral schools twice the winter past; once in the month of January, the
last visit near the close of the schools; considering it the duty of the
Inspectors to give Instruction to the teachers and encouragement to the
scholars. We find the schools all under good regulations, ambitious to
excel in the various branches commonly taught in English schools with
good instructors who have appeared to use their best exertions for the
promotion and instruction of the youth committed to their care; good
understanding and harmony have appeared to exist between the in-
structor and their scholars and the people in general. We herewith sub-
mit to you the following schedule;
The North school, under the instruction of J. Eawson, consists of
nearly 70 scholars.
4 Grammarians, quite forward; 2 have made considerable profi-
12 in Arithmetic, and occasionally 20, several are considerable for-
5 in Geography who are very forward.
40 in Writing, some of those considered writers, are occasionally at-
tending to English Grammar, Arithmetic, Geography, etc.
Educational History 215
Between 20 and 30 small scholars, some in reading and the spelling
book, some small taught in words of a few letters.
The Middle school, Jonathan Robinson, Jr. Instructor consists of
nearly 60 scholars.
11 in Grammar, 6 of them very good Grammarians; the others have
made some proficiency.
14 in Arithmetic, 6 of whom have been through Adams Arithmetic
and have a good knowledge of the Theory and Practice, the others
principally beginners.
13 in Geography, 7 of whom can answer correctly most of the ques-
tions in Geography; the others have made some proficiency.
37 in Writing, a number of which attend occasionally to other studies.
About 12 or fifteen in Reading in the Spelling book; some in spelling,
but two in the Alphabet.
The South school, Calvin Hayward, Instructor, consisting of about 40
scholars ;
6 in Grammar, some very forward.
6 in Geography, part of which are very good Geographers.
10 in Arithmetic, one of which has been through Adams Arithme-
tic, the others principally beginners.
20 in Writing, some of which attend occasionally to other studies.
About 10 or 12 in the small classes; some reading in the Testament,
and reading in the Spelling book, some in Spelling, and most of the
small classes can recite most of the pieces commonly taught small schol-
ars with accuracy.
The South-West school, Royal Watkins, Instructor, consisting of
about 35 scholars.
3 in Grammar, two of which are very good Grammarians.
4 in Arithmetic, two of which have gone through Adams Arithme-
tic; Pikes Abridgement and are good Grammarians and Geograph-
ers; two new beginners.
3 in Geography, two of which are the above mentioned.
17 in Writing, some occasionally attend to other studies.
10 in small classes and the Alphabet most of which recite the pieces
commonly taught small scholars.
All of which is respectfully submitted by your Inspecting Committee.
Sylvester Smith j
Eli Dort I Inspecting Committee.
Ichabod Crane
Surry, March 1, 1821.
It is interesting to note in these Reports, there were about 145 pupils in
town 1819-20, and 205 in the year following.
For some years around 1850-60, a County Superintending School, or com-
missioner was employed to visit and inspect the schools throughout Cheshire
County. Mr. Bennett of Winchester filled this position for several years be-
216 History of Surry
ing succeeded by Col. Herbert B. Titus of Chesterfield, who later became an
officer in the Civil war. Dr. S. H. McCallester of Marlboro, N. H., was at
one time commissioner.
In 1833 the town voted to raise S20.00 in addition to the requirement by-
law, for schooling in town that year.
The following is a partial list of those who served as Supt. of schools in
Surry 1859-1884:
Isaac Brown, George W. Britton, George K. Harvey, Dr. William H. Por-
ter. Francis F. Field, Susan F. Ellis, Mrs. Maggie G. (Fawcett) Field, and
Mrs. Sabrina W. (Perry) Britton.
The North, or School District No. 1.
The first school house in this district was probably built during the sum-
mer of 1785 at the corner of the Carpenter and Great Road, 16 x 20 feet in
size. No record has been found to indicate whether it was in the north or
south corner of the roads mentioned, but on the map we have shown its site
as being on the north side, No. 105.
At a town meeting held Aug. 25, 1806, it was voted not to purchase the
"old school house in the North District" nor hii*e the same for the use of the
town's poor. This is the only instance found in the town records respecting
this school house, and doubtless refers to the one built in 1785, which prob-
ably had been unused for several years prior to 1806.
The second school house to be erected in this district was about 1792. which
was in use until 1854, when sold to Mrs. J. G. Britton who had it moved to
the village and is now the front portion of Mason A. Carpenter's house. This
building when erected was 20 x 28 feet and stood on the exact site where Mr.
Shaw later built his sugar house, on the west side of the road near Shaws
Corner, and in 1840 this building was painted red, and had a "four-way" pitch
The tax assessed to build this school house has been found on an old paper
and is as follows :
A true copy of the North District School-house Tax bill delivered to Thomas
Smith, collector of taxes, for the year 1793.
Baxter, Simon
Baxter, William
Carpenter, Jedediah
Carpenter, Jedediah Jr.
Carpenter, Charles
Carpenter, Aaron
Crane, Abiah
Field, Moses D.
Field, Moses
Holmes, Lemuel
Holmes, Asa
Holmes, Timothy
Samuel Hills ^
Asa Wilcox (^
Holmes, Calvin
Holmes, Lemuel Jr.
: 1:
Hayward, Abner
Hills, Samuel
Isham, Benjamin
Isham, Ebenezer
Marvin, John
: 5:
Pai'ker, Samuel
Porter, Benjamin
Messer, Timothy
: 0:
Redding, John
Reed, David
Educational History 217
Streeter, Daniel
Thomas, Jr.
Willcox, Asa
1: 3:
Willcox, Obadiah
Willcox, Obadiah Jr.
0: 8:
Willcox, Gaylord
Willcox, John
ir, Zebulon
Sum total
20: 5:
The third and present school house erected in this district in 1854 was only
two or three rods north of the second building. The following is a paper
found among the town records:
"To the Selectmen of the town of Surry,
Whereas the school house lot in school district No. 1 in said town is
so located as to be inconvenient and unjust to the subscribers, legal
voters in said district who are aggrieved thereby, we therefore request
you to appoint a committee to examine and report upon the same, and
to cause a new and more equitable location and record thereof to be
made according to law."
Surry, June 1st 1854.
r Warren Carpenter
I James Britton
I John A. Britton
(Signed) ' Hiram Britton
I David Shaw
Horace B. Shaw
Samuel Long
Hollis Wilcox.
Teachers would be rare indeed today who could be induced to take one of
those old-time-schools. The winter terms were always taught by men teachers
until about 1845. A blacksmith's apprentice while attending this school about
that time resorted to strategy to escape the severity of a flogging. His leather
apron under his outer clothing was however discovered by the master, who
increased the measure of punishment because of the ruse.
No complete list of those who have taught in this district is at hand. Al-
fred Munn of Gilsum taught here in 1792, for which he received six pounds;
Hezekiah Newcomb in 1819-20; J. Rawson 1820-21. Lewis B. Monroe, who
later wrote the "Monroe Reader," taught here about 1840. He later founded
the Monroe School of Elocution in Boston — now Emerson college.
In 1849, 56 scholars attended this school; 35 in 1857, and from 11 to 17 in
recent years.
The first school house built not only in this district, but in the town was
erected on the east side of the road opposite the village cemetery, and was
built probably during the summer of 1770. This building was in use until
1792 or '93, and what finally became of it has not been ascertained. March 5,
218 History of Surry
1792 it was voted that "each school district shall build a school-house." Un-
der this vote the second school house to be erected in this district was prob-
ably built during that summer; in fact at a special town meeting held on the
23d of May it was voted "to accept the doings of the School committee of
their doings in the Middle School District, in regard to building a school
house" and to "raise 33 pounds, ten shillings to pay for said school-house."
This committee had at this time selected the location for the new building
and the size, equipment, etc. It is understood the house now standing, where
the late Benjamin C. Crosby lived in his old age, is the second school house
erected in this, district. It is 22 x 32 feet in size.
An article in town meeting March 22, 1804, "to see if the town will move
the school house east of the meeting house farther south, onto town land," no
action was taken, hence, it is probable the old school building was still stand-
ing at that time.
On Dec. 21, 1829 a meeting was called "to see if the district will raise
money to build a school house or repair the old one." From the records, it ap-
pears there was some discord in building and locating the new school house,
but it was finally decided to build on a plot of land taken from the farm of
Otis Daggett. May 5, 1830 Mr. Daggett sold a lot 40 feet square for Num-
ber 2 school house; "the southeast corner of this lot is 30 feet north of an elm
tree which stands about 15 rods south of the old meeting house." The present
village house was built during the summer of 1830, and in September follow-
ing a school meeting was held "at the new school house" at which time it was
voted to "raise money to pay for the new school house now built."
It appears an illegal transaction took place in some of the several school
meetings held in connection with the building of this new school house and a
meeting was held March 19, 1831, making the same "legal." At this meeting
it was voted, "to fence the school house yard" and "to accept of the former
sale or disposal of the old school house belonging to said District." At a
meeting Sept. 14, following, there was a bill of expense of §180.86 "for build-
ing and finishing the new school house" — also voted $8.00 to purchase a pair
of andirons, a fire shovel and tongs. Some time prior to 1850 a stove was in-
stalled to heat the building in place of the old "fire-place."
The door to this building was on the south side near the southwest corner
where the entry and woodshed were located. North of this room was the
cloak-room entered from the school room, which included the remainder. The
teacher's desk was on a platform at the east end of the room in front of which
was the broad center aisle. The desks would accommodate two, and some-
times three, small pupils, all facing the center aisle; the lads on one side and
the lasses, opposite. A board attached to the noi'th and south walls of the
room served as a back seat for the "big scholars."
So numerous were the pupils, in less than 20 years it was a serious prob-
lem whether to repair the old or build a new school house. Finally at a meet-
ing April 18, 1857, it was voted to move the building to the west about 26
feet and to build an addition of 12 feet on the east end to be the same width
as the present school house, and fit up the out-side and in-side; also voted to
raise $200 for the same, and $25 to purchase more land to the west. The day
the old building was moved, the men of the district turned out and held a
"moving bee." The work which had taken 10 years of consideration was ac-
complished in a few hours.
Educational History
At this time the door, entry and wood-shed were placed at the east end of
the building; new one-pupil-seats replaced the old, all facing the east; later,
and for the past 40 years, the pupils sit facing north. In 1856 an overheated
stove started a fire, with slight damage.
David Shaw and Daniel Leonard taught the village school prior to 1800
and Jonathan Robinson, Jr.; Dr. John Petts, S. Harrison Porter and his
brother, George P. Porter, and many others taught here before 1860. Men
were usually employed to teach the winter terms before and for some years
after the latter date, and it was common practice for the teacher to "board
around," as late as 1845. In 1847 it was voted "to sell the boarding of the
summer school teacher to the lowest bidder." We have no record at hand
of the price, the teacher, or "quality" of board that summer.
In 1850 about 60 scholars attended this school and a few years later over 70
pupils were enrolled one winter term. During recent years from 16 to 23
have attended this school.
Of the women teachers in this school from 60 to 70 years ago, none were
more successful or taught more terms than Miss Persis E. Harvey.
The following is copy of a small leaflet which she presented to each scholar
at the close of school. Names in parentheses indicate married surname:
in Surry,
For the Term commencing May 5th,
and closing July 12th, 1856.
Ella F. Adams
Abbie H. Adams (Shumway)
Hattie L. Adams (Martin)
Emma J. Adams (Humphrey)
Louise J. Benton (Norton)
Mary L. Blake
Hattie M. Britton (Carpenter)
Mary E. Britton
Josephine A. Carpenter (Joslin)
Ellen M. Carpenter (Kingsbury)
Hattie R. Carpenter (Emmons)
Sarah J. Carpenter (Comstock)
Emma A. Crosby (Deane)
Fannie E. Crosby (Mansfield)
Frances L. Gushing (Darling)
Carrie A. Durell (Howe)
Lucy A. Durell (Perkins)
Relief S. Horton (Mason)
Georgiana F. Joslin (Cummings)
Kate I. Joslin (Field)
Sarah J. Mansfield
Emma L. Poole (Carpenter)
Mary E. Poole (Carpenter)
Sarah C. Pond (Raymond)
Aurilla F. Pond
Mary L. Rugg (Patten)
Sarah E. Stone (Longley)
Celuda J. Tufts (Wilcox)
John Henry Allen
Ira E. Blake
Charles W. Britt
Charles E. Britton
Elbridge W. Britton
George B. Britton
Jasper H. Carpenter
Mason A. Carpenter
220 History of Surry
Frank DeW. Carpenter George W. Stone
Eugene R. Carpenter Charles G. Stone
John Walter Gushing Sidney D. Tufts
Willie T. Joslin Chandler A. Wilbur
George F. Mansfield George F. Wilbur
Stephen F. Mansfield Charles K. Wilbur.
Eddie I. Randall
As early as 1777, at which time the division was made, a school apparently
had been established in this district. As no vote for building a house prior to
1792 appears upon the records, it is possible that Samuel McCurdy's tavern
served as a school house.
March 5, 1792, Voted that each school district shall build a school house.
And on,
May 23, 1792, Voted to accept the doings of the South School district
committee of their doings to build a school house in that district, also,
Voted to raise 24 pounds, 17 shillings for Sd house, to be raised in
that district.
The first building in this district was erected in 1792 or '93. The following
tax bill was the final payment on this school house :
"A true coppy of the South Destrict School Hous arrearage tax bill.
Samuel Hills, Asa Willcox, Selectmen, Feb. 6th, 1794.
A list of those taxed: — William Barron, William Barron Jr., John
McCurdy, James McCurdy, Samuel McCurdy, Samuel McCurdy Jr., Ben-
jamin Carpenter, Amasa Carpenter, Benjamin Carpenter Jr., Edward
Crandell, Calvin Hayward, Elias Hayward, Hannah Hayward, Sarah
Hayward, Sarrel Hayward, Sylvanus Hayward, Robert Phinley, Zach-
arius Watkins and — Sanburn. Total tax, £1:13:7."
This building, was destroyed by fire within a few years and in its place a
new one was erected.
In 1798 it was voted to accept the chimney in the South School House as
now built. From this we suspect the chimney in the first house was defective
and caused the fire which destroyed the first building.
March 17, 1800. "Voted to accept the South School house now built" and
to raise $124.64 to defray expense of the same. In all probability this was
for the second building erected in this district which stood near a large rock
on the west side of the present highway, three or four rods north of Frank E.
Ellis' barn. *In it was an old time fire-place, of sufficient size as to accomo-
date a log three feet in length, and this house was in use for about 40 years.
The following is from a slip of paper found in the town records:
"Surry December 1, 1802.
To Samuel Allen Treasur for the Town of Surry, you are direct'd to
pay to Capt. Calvin Hayward (School house Tax Collector for the year
*The late William H. Woodward of Keene attended this school when a mere lad, and
he has supplied many details given in this history.
Educational History 221
that the Schoolhouse in the South Destrict was lost by fire) — Eight Dol-
lars & fifty Cents it being Money that the Town Voted to Joseph Holms
and others.
Saml Hills i Selectmen
18-50 Nathan Estabrook \ of Surry."
No other reference to this fire has been discovered and this record is ob-
scure as to the year the house was destroyed, but it probably occurred in 1797
or '98.
March 19, 1835, a school meeting was held in the old house, to see if the
district would vote to raise money to build a new school house, or repair the
old. It was voted to build a new school house, and a committee was chosen
for that purpose.
Edmond Woodward gave a plot from off his farm for the new house, "so
long as it should be used for school purposes." The size of this building was
21 X 26 feet, and was in use until about 1889. At the March 1915 town meet-
ing it was sold at auction to Frank E. Ellis for §40 who moved it the May
following, and it is now his carriage house.
The following item has been found among the town papers :
"Surry February 24, 1798,
Rec'd of Samuel McCurdy, Jr. twenty-one dollars & seventeen cents in
full for keeping a school in Surry South District ten weeks and three
days. I say rec'd by me, (Signed) Daniel Leonard, School Master."
Calvin Hayward, Dr. Henry Robinson, Aaron H. Livermore, Calvin May,
Amasa May, Daniel Buss, Haskell Austin and George Barnett and others
taught here between 1800 and 1860, also a long list of female teachers.
This is now known as the "West Hill School" and the present school house
is the fourth located in this district. As early as 1780 Roger Conant was
chosen collector of the school tax in this district. Soon after certain inhabi-
tants in the edge of Westmoreland and Walpole petitioned the town to be al-
lowed to attend this school. Levi Hancock was collector of the school tax in
1800 the amount raised by Surry being $14.83 for that year. Doubtless taxes
from adjoining towns considerably increased the amount of school money.
The first school house is supposed to have been erected in 1792 or '93, prior
to that time probably they used a dwelling house. This building stood on the
north side of the present road leading to Westmoreland being at that time
near the junction of roads leading to Surry, Keene and Walpole, via., the
"old stage road." Here the building stood for more than 25 years. On Dec.
1, 1821 a bill was presented for $25.61 to be paid by "the inhabitants of the
South West School District, for the purpose of moving and repairing the
School House in said District" which "sum must be paid before the first of
March next." The second site was in the field northerly of Walter H. Brit-
ton's barn and only a few rods below the pasture wall near where the old
county road ran at that time.
222 History of Surry
This school house was accidentally destroyed by fire at which time it ap-
pears to have been practically useless;
"An old school house on Surry hill was destroyed by fire last Wednes-
day (Dec. 9, 1835). The books burnt were worth §30.00 it is said, and
of more value than the house. If so it is time it was burnt or pulled
down." — Keene Sentinel.
March 26, 1836, Philip Thomas sold a lot 28 x 36 feet in the southwest cor-
ner of his pasture for the new and third school house which was built that
summer. This was on the east side of the present road just above the fence,
60 rods, or so, north of Walter H. Britton's house.
In order to better accommodate the scholars in this district this school house
was taken down in 1883 and rebuilt on a lot of land Elijah B. Mason leased
Sept. 14th, of that year to school district No. 4, and where the building now
The following is a list of men in this district who paid tax for moving and
repairing the school house, 1821: David Allen §2.54; Daniel Allen §1.78;
Joseph Allen $1.22; Daniel Abbott .77; Benjamin Britton $2.55; Benjamin
Carpenter $2.18; Levi Hancock $5.01; William Ritter .70; Stephen Stimson
.50; Royal Watkins $2.51; Warren Wilbur $1.72; Elizur Wright .50; Moses
Wright $2.24; Oliver Wright .89; Oliver Wright .89. Total $25.61.
Royal Watkins, Joseph B. Abbott, John K. Joslin, Ellery Merriam and
many others taught in this district 60 or more years ago.
About 25 scholars attended this school in 1850 and seven in 1919.
This district was maintained only from 1803 until 1811. A small school
house was built in 1803 or '04 which stood on the north side of the "Joslin
road" a short distance beyond the corner, west of Edward H. Joslin's dwell-
ing house. The following petition presented at town meeting March 7, 1803,
was granted:
"We, the Subscribers, request leave to show that with regard to
Schooling we are so situated that the advantages of schooling our Chil-
dren are not equal to the Money we expend for that purpose and that
by being formed into a District by ourselves we shall be more suitably
accomodated — . We therefore request that we may be set off from the
Districts to which we at present belong and formed into a school Dis-
trict with sufficient power and authority to build and repair a house for
the purpose of schooling if after mature deliberation you shall see fit.
Surry, March 1, 1803.
Thomas Harvey, John Stiles, J. Cheever Fowler, Jonathan
Harvey, Asahel Harvey, Cyrus Harvey."
Jonathan Harvey collected $10.75, school tax in 1800; a similar amount was
collected other years. In 1804, by request, J. Cheever Fowler and Benjamin
Smith were set off into the South West District.
March 12, 1811, another petition to the town became necessary:
Educational History 223
"That said West District is so small and the money so trifling that
they cannot support a school but a very short time in a year, but if
they should be annexed to the Middle District it would very well con-
venience them.
Levi Fuller Jonathan Carpenter Jonathan Harvey
Peter Joslin Jonathan Robinson David Stone
Asahel Harvey Jonas Pollard Thomas Harvey
Samuel Robinson John Whitcomb Samuel Allen."
This petition was granted, although several who signed the same were then
living in the Middle District. What became of the school house, the number
of scholars, and names of the teachers, has not been ascertained.
During its existence this school district was unlike others in town in that it
possessed no building, the scholars attending a school in the town of Walpole.
No action was taken in town meeting March, 1799, upon an article to set off
a certain number of inhabitants in the Northwest part of Surry to join with
Walpole. The following petition, however, was by a vote of the town, granted
on March 2, 1801:
"The Petition of the Subscribers to the Legal Voters of the Town of
Surry Humbly Shewith That as they Annually Pay their Proportion of
School Taxes in said Town of Surry and that they are so situated that
they are not conveaned by the school in their District, therefore they
Pray that Said Town will set them off or grant them the privilege to
pay their proportion of School Money to a Distinct in Walpole where
their children may be Greatly Benefited thereby, as in Duty bond will
ever pray, Surry, February 28, 1801."
"N. B. The addition Daniel Marsh Zebulon Streeter
will be very ac- John Barnett John Marvin
ceptable to our George Barnett William Hartwell
School District Mathew Dickey Jesse Streeter
in Walpole. George Cochran Benjamin Isham
John Marsh Daniel Streeter
William Perkins."
Daniel Streeter collected a tax of $8.65 for the year 1802; John Marvin in
1803 collected a similar amount. Conditions appear to have been harmonious
in that part of the town for nearly a score of years while the youth were be-
ing thoroughly instructed in "the three Rs" at No. 7 school in Walpole, fitting
them to become respected and useful citizens.
For some unknown cause which the records do not reveal, it was voted in
town meeting in March 1819, to concentrate the Northwest and the North
school district into one school.
We have no knowledge of the number of pupils in that part of Surry dur-
ing that period, nor the name of any of their Walpole teachers.
224 History of Surry
September 5, 1842, Rev. Luther J. Fletcher opened a school with about 40
In 1857 or '58, S. Harrison Porter kept a select school in the village school
house with about 30 scholars, and George W. Britton in 1859:
Surry July 18, 1859,
Surry Select School will begin Aug. 31, (Wednesday) and continue
for eleven weeks under the charge of George W. Britton, Principal; Miss
Persis E. Harvey, Assistant and W. H. Starkweather as teacher of
Penmanship. Tuition and board, $3.00 to $4.00 per week.
— From Keene Sentinel.
This school was maintained for about three winter terms, then ceased.
This association was organized and the first officers chosen, Jan. 6, 1858.
Believing that a Common School Association in the town will be conducive
of interest to Scholars, Teachers, Parents and the friends of Education, and
will have a tendency to promote a union of feeling and harmony of effect in
the common cause; Therefore we resolve to form ourselves into such an asso-
ciation and be governed by the following constitution and by laws.
Art. i. This assocciation shall be known as the Surry Common School As-
Art. ii. It shall be under the direction of a President, two Vice Presidents, a
Secretary and five directors.
Art. iii. This association shall choose its officers annually on the evening of
the second Wednesday in December.
Art. iv. This association shall meet once in two weeks during the months of
Jan. Feb., and Dec.
Art. V. Any person will be considered a member of this associaton who will
take part in its exercises.
Art. vi. This Constitution and By Laws may be remended at any regular
meeting of the Association.
Sec. i. It shall be the duty of the President to preside over the meeting and
preserve order.
Sec. ii. It shall be the duty of the Vice President to perform the duty of the
President in his absence.
Sec. iii. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a record of the meeting
and report when required.
Sec. iv. It shall be the duty of the Directors to determine what exercises may
come before the Association, and to attend to the general business
of the same.
Social History 225
Sec. V. It shall be the duty of every member to assist in the exercises and
give their influence to sustain order, and make the meeting in-
structive and interesting.
John K. Joslin was chosen first president, and George H. Joslin the first
secretary. No other officers, or records of this association have been dis-
covered. It is probable it had but short existence.
This club was organized and the first meeting held Dec. 28, 1853. For
several years it was in a flourishing and prosperous condition. Lyceums took
place in the village school house and in the old meeting house during the
winter months, and many of the debates were spirited and animated. The
club held meetings until about 1856, and later the Surry Common School
Association was organized.
The Surry Literary Club Preamble:
Whereas we the undersigned consider the practice of writing and speaking
conducive to the improvement of the young, we do hereby form ourselves into
a society for the purpose, and adopt the following constitution and by-laws
for the government of the same.
Art. i. This society shall be known as the Surry Literary Club.
Art. ii. The officers of this Club shall consist of a President, vice-President,
Secretary and five Directors.
Art. iii. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of
the Club & of the vice President to preside in his absence.
Art. iv. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a faithful record of the
doings of the Club, report the same, post notices, etc.
Art. V. It shall be the duty of the Directors to manage the general affairs
of the Club.
Art. vi. Any person may become a member of the Club by signing the con-
Art. vii. This constitution may be altered or amended at any regular meet-
ing of the Club.
Art. i. The meetings of this Club shall be held on Wednesday evening of
each week at the center school house.
Art. ii. The exercises of this Club shall consist of debates, essays, declama-
tions, etc.
Art. iii. The officers of this Club shall hold their offices for two weeks.
Art. iv. The board of directors shall consist of two members of the Club
who shall act in connection with the President, vice President and
Art. V. The by-laws of this Club may be altered as may from time to time
be necessary.
History of Surry
The first officers were: Pres., George K. Harvey; vice pres., George A. Ste-
vens; sec, Sewall F. Rugg. These, with Charles Davis and John C. Brown,
formed the board of directors.
The following were the charter members, or became members soon after
the club was organized:
George K. Harvey
George A. Stevens
Francis A. Allen
John C. Brown
Charles Davis
George W. Benton
Sewall F. Rugg
George E. Holbrook
Rufus H. Stone
Luman M. Carpenter
Marshal B. Britton
George H. Joslin
The club prospered and the debates were filled with zeal and much local
talent was exerted. New members were added so that one year later the fol-
lowing had joined:
John K. Joslin
John L. Foss
Charles A. Whitney
Joseph B. Abbott
Artemas A. Adams
Thomas S. Rice
Rufus Mason
Dr. John Petts
J. C. Carpenter
J. Carpenter
John Adams
Charlotte B. Ellis
Sarah B. Harvey
Sarah J. Woodward
Rosanna A. Crehore
Mary S. Stone
Lucy M. Gushing
Persis E. Harvey
Mary A. Joslin
Sarah R. Joslin
Mary E. Dort
Lucv A. Allen.
William Carpenter
Elliot C. Scovel
Henry J, Day
Asahel H. Crehore
Edward A. Kingsbury
Lewis S. Woodward
James S. Carpenter
Andrew J. Allen
G. Milton Reed
John A. Wilcox
Wm. Wallace Wilcox
C. Wharton Wilcox
Henry H. Wilcox
Geo. H. McCoy
Luther A. Wilkins
Davis Carpenter
Pamelia A. Gushing
Julia A. Tyler
Caroline A. Durrell
Celuda J. Tufts
Sabra M. Tufts
Ellen E. Gushing
Susan A. Gushing
Louisa M. Holbrook
Mary J. Holbrook
Sarah E. Stone
The meetings of the club were always well attended and from a few of the
subjects under debate it would appear the members wex'e well advanced for
the times; — Resolved, that the world grows better; that the Maine Liquor
law is unconstitutional; that the tide of foreign emigration ought to be
checked; that the learned professions offer to the young inducements equal
to other employments.
George K. Harvey and J. C. Brown in the affirmative and Artemas A.
Adams and Charles Whitney in the negative discussed and debated the sub-
ject; resolved that the females should be entitled to the same political and
educational privileges as the male. The record tells us that interesting re-
marks were made on both sides of this question by volunteers, and it was de-
cided by the house 11 in the negative and 10 in the affirmative. The board
of decision, however, decided in favor of the affirmative.
"Resolved: That wealth exerts a greater influence over mankind than
talent," was debated and decided in the affirmative by the full board of de-
cision one evening.
George Henry Joslin and A. J. Allen in the affirmative and John K. Joslin
and Marshall Britton in the negative debated the question: "Has intemper-
Social History 227
ance caused more misery than war?" The club voted "no" on this question,
but the board of decision voted in the affirmative.
Declamations, music, and a paper edited by the female members of the
club were a part of the order of exercises. The following is a sample of the
club meetings:
"Surry Literary Club for mental improvement met at the appointed
time (6-30 P. M.) March 8th, 1854. Called to order by the President
A. A. Adams, heard the proceedings of the last meeting read by the
Secretary, H. Hayward.
Order of Exercises
1. Salutory by Ellery Merriam.
2. Song by Messrs. Rugg, Stevens & Britton. "I'll hang my harp on a
willow tree."
3. Declamation by George H. Joslin. Subject, "The Devils Bridge."
4. Debate on the Resolution — That African slavery has reached the Zenith
of its glory in the United States."
Disputants —
Aff. E. A. Darby. Neg. G. K. Harvey.
5. Decision of the question in the negative.
6. Reading of the Diadem by the editors, Misses E. E. Joslin & P. E. Har-
7. Declamation by E. Merriam.
8. Poetical essay by E. A. Darby.
9. Colloquy by 9 young ladies.
10. A play from the Lady of the Lake. In 7 acts.
11. Song, "My Highland Home," by Messrs. Rugg, Stevens and Britton.
12. Reading of the Diadem by the editors.
13. Declamation by J. K. Joslin.
14. Comedy by J. K. Joslin and H. H. Hayward.
15. Recitation by George K. Harvey. Subject, "The Maniac."
16. Song, "The Dismal Swamp," by Messrs. Rugg, Stevens and Britton.
17. Valedictory by A. A. Adams.
Nov. 1, 1854, the constitution was changed, a treasurer was added to the list
of officers, and the number of directors changed to three. The by-laws were
also revised; treasurer and directors were chosen annually, other officers
every two weeks. The place of meeting was the new meeting-house, and a
new article was added which read:
"Art. 7. The Club shall close its meetings at 9% o'clock; the apportionment
of time to be left to the directors. Provided that the Club may vote
to extend the time an hour if in their opinion it would be condusive
to the interest of the meeting."
The last meeting of the club was held in 1855 probably. A few years
later the Common School association was organized on a similar plan as the
Literary club.
228 History of Surry
This library was incorporated in 1802 by an act of the New Hampshire
legislature and continued to exist for a period of about 45 years. As will
here-in-after be seen, the proprietors had authority to elect new officers, im-
pose fines and penalties upon its members and in fact transact all business as
occasion required.
State of New Hampshire,
In the year of our Lord, one thousand, eight hundred and two. An
Act for incorporating certain persons by the name of the Proprietors
of the Social Library in Surry.
Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representative in Gen-
eral Court convened, that Perley Howe, Nathan Estabrook, Lemuel
Holmes and Jonathan Robinson and their associates, Proprietors of said
Library and all such as may hereafter become Proprietors of the same,
be, and they hereby are incorporated into a Body Politick by the name
of Proprietors of the Social Library in Surry with continuation and
succession forever; and in short they may sue and be sued in all actions
pers X X X X X X X ,and they are hereby vested with all the
powers and privileges incident to corporations of that nature, and may
injoin penalties of disfranchisement or fines not exceeding four dollars
for each offence to be recovered by said society in an action of debt for
their use in any Court proper to try the same and may make purchase,
receive subscription & donations or grants of personal estates not ex-
ceeding one thousand dollars for the purposes and use of their associa-
And be it further enacted, that the said Society be and they hereby
are authorized to assemble at Surry aforesaid on the first Monday in
April annually to choose all such officers as may be necessary for the
orderly conducting the affairs of said Corporation who shall continue
in office until others are chosen in their room, and that said Corporation
may assemble as often as may be found necessary for filling up any
vacancies which may happen in said office and for transacting all other
business excepting the raising of money which shall always be done at
the annual meeting and at no other time, at which time they shall vote
all necessary sums for defraying the annual expense of preserving said
Library, and for enlarging the same, and said Corporation shall have
power to make such rules and bye-laws for the government of said so-
ciety as may from time to time be found necessary, providing the same
be not repugnant to the Constitution and laws of this State.
And be it further enacted that Lemuel Holmes Esquire is hereby au-
thorized and impowered to call the first meeting of said Proprietors at
such time and place as he may appoint by posting up a notification
(illegible; but possibly, thus — of such meeting) in said Surry at least
fifteen days prior to — x x illegible x x — the Porprietors at said
meeting shall have — x x x x — choose officers and make bye-laws —
XXX X — Act at their annual meeting.
Social History
State of New Hampshire
In the House of Representative June 9, 1802
The foregoing Bill having had three several readings passed to be
enacted. Sent up for concurrence. John Prentice Speaker.
In Senate June 10th, 1802.
This Bill having been read a third time was enacted.
Amos Shepard President. J. T. Oilman Govnr.
Approved June 10th, 1802. A true copy examined. P. J. Pearson Secy.
The list of officers and minutes of meetings of the Social Library prior to
1815 have not been discovered. In 1818 there were 31 members or proprietors,
as follows :
Rev. Perley Howe
Nathan Estabrook
Jonathan Robinson
Jesse Streeter
Alfred Carpenter
John McCurdy
Peter Joslin Jr.
Dr. Philip Monroe
Samuel Hills
Capt. Samuel Allen
Obadiah Reed
Ezra Carpenter
Moses^ Field's heirs
Levi Hancock
Gaylord Wilcox's heirs
Eliphalet Dort
Levi Fuller
Josiah Knight
Peter Joslin
James McCurdy
Samuel Robinson
Asahel Harvey
Maj. Nathan Hayward
Alexander Ralston's heirs
Eliphaz Field
Phinehas Allen's heirs
Eli Dort
Samuel Allen
Benjamin Gould
William Holbrook
Moses Hill
May 7, 1815 it was voted to choose a committee of four to revise the con-
stitution and make such alterations and amendments in the by-laws as may
be for the benefit of the corporation. The committee chosen for that purpose
were: Samuel Hills, Esq., Asahel Harvey, Rev. Perley Howe and Dr. Philip
February 23, 1818 the purchasing committee reported the following books
bought and deposited in the library:
Bonaparte's Campaign in Russia.
Russell's History of the American
Complaint of Peace.
Management of the Tongue.
Letters — Elder Brother to Younger,
Winchester's Dialogues.
History of the Shaking Quakers.
Wars of the Jews.
Locke on Christianity.
Asahel Harvey, Purchasing Committee.
Ten years later Surry Social Library was in a flourishing condition and
probably reached the apex of its existence within a few years.
History of Surry
The following Memorandum of Shares were sold at auction, by Jonathan
Robinson, Jr., Apr. 7, 1828 for the payment of taxes of said shares:
Name of Purchasers.
Jonathan Robinson, Jr.
Dr. Philip Monroe
Benjamin Hills
Capt. E. Dort
Jonathan Robinson, Jr.
Dr. Jonathan E. Davis
Jonathan Robinson, Jr.
Capt. E. Dort
Jonathan Robinson, Jr.
Dr. Jonathan E. Davis
Obed Dort
Jonathan Robinson, Jr.
Ichabod Crane
Jonathan Robinson, Jr.
Dr. Jonathan E. Davis
Capt. E. Dort
Dr. Jonathan E. Davis
Jonathan Robinson, Jr.
Obed Dort
Jonathan Robinson, Jr.
Capt. E. Dort
Ichabod Crane
Jonathan Robinson, Jr.
Benjamin Hills
Jonathan Robinson, Esq.
Obed Dort
Samuel Robinson
Joseph Whitcomb
Benjamin Hills
Jonathan Robinson, Jr.
Jonathan Robinson, Jr.
Joseph Whitcomb
Obed Dort
Capt. E. Dort
Jonathan Robinson, Jr.
Obed Dort
Jonathan Robinson, Jr.
Rev. Perley Howe
Dr. Jonathan E. Davis
Jonathan Robinson, Jr.
During the existence of this corporation the library doubtless was kept in
dwelling houses among its members — the last place being in Eliphaz Field's
Name of Proprietors.
Benjamin Proctor
Dr. Philip Monroe
Samuel Hills (deceased)
Esq. David Shaw
Obadiah Reed
Dr. Jonathan E. Davis
Levi Hancock
Gaylord Wilcox, heirs
Luke Joslin
Dr. Jonathan E. Davis
Maj. Nathan Howard — Hayward
Jonathan Robinson, Jr.
Eliphaz Field
Phinehas Allen, heirs
Dr. Jonathan E. Davis
Elihu Dort
William Holbrook, heirs
Samuel Robinson
Obed Dort
Jonathan Robinson, Sr.
Otis Daggett
Jonas Pollard
Francis Holbrook
Jonathan Robinson, Jr.
Elihu Dort
Samuel Hills
James Hatch
Benjamin E. Webster
Warren Carpenter « 44
Silas Perry
Louisa Perry
Thomas Humphrey
Peter Hayward
Henry Britton
Henry Britton
Daniel Marsh
Jonathan Robinson, Jr.
Isaiah Wilder
John May, heirs
Samuel Robinson
Dr. Jonathan E. Davis
Polly Withington
Social History 231
house, now the home place, of Frank E. Ellis. The old book case for so many
years connected with this library is now in the hands of Mrs. Helen (Ellis)
Harris, of Keene.
Through the generosity of two sons of Surry — Charles Daggett Reed and
Gideon F. T. Reed — this town and her citizens have received during the past
40 years a direct benefit, not only financially but mentally, as well.
At a legal town meeting duly notified and held at Surry on the 1 7th of July
Art. 1, Chose George K. Harvey moderator.
Art. 2, "To see what action the town will take in relation to the furnishing
of a suitable place for the keeping of the Library donated to the town
by the children of the late David Reed, Jr., and to pass any vote re-
lating thereto, and appropriate or raise money to carry out said vote,"
it was,
Voted: to choose a Committee of three — Dr. William H. Porter,
George K. Harvey and Charles Wharton Wilcox — to make inquiries
in relation to what can be done in the matter of a building for the
Library and report at an adjourned meeting.
Voted to adjourn to August 7th, next at four o'clock in the after-
Met according to adjournment August 7th, 1880: On Motion,
Voted, that the Town accept the proposition of George W. Britton
to terminate his lease of the town building (Town Hall), and proceed
to a final settlement according to the terms of the lease.
Voted, that the town finish off the west half of the lower Story of
the Town Hall Building, suitable for a Library room, and present it
to the Trustees of the Reed Free Library, for the use of the Library.
Voted, to choose a Committee of three by nomination to finish off
the room for the Library; Chose John H. Rogers, Charles W. Wilcox
and George K. Harvey for said Committee.
Voted to appropriate Two hundred and fifty dollars (§250.00) now
in the Treasui-y to fit up the room for the Library.
August 7th 1880. "The following Resolution was passed unanimously by a
rising vote :
"Whereas the children of the late David Reed have very generously
remembered their native Town, by paying the town debt of forty five
hundred dollars ($4500.00), and giving a further sum of five thousand
dollars ($5000.00) to establish a free Library, therefore,
"Resolved — That the Citizens of Surry in town Meeting assembled
accept the Magnificent gift and with hearty thanks ans Greatful bene-
dictions for the donars, enter this resolution in the records of the
Town —
"On motion voted to adjourn without day — .
A true record Attest. • W. H. Porter Town Clerk."
232 History of Surry
At a Town Meeting Nov. 2, 1880: On motion,
Voted to request the Trustees of the Library to keep the Library
open for the accomodation of the public one day in each week, also
voted to pay the Librarian fifty dollars a year, to be paid quarterly.
This document which has hung on the wall of the Reed Free Library for
over 20 years is supposed to be a copy of the original articles drawn by the
donors of the Library:
The children of the late David Reed, Jr., of Surry, N. H. propose to
donate to the town; First, $4500.00 to pay off the amount of the tovni
debt in full as now estimated up to July 1, 1880, and also a further sum
of $5000.00 for the purpose of establishing a Free Library for their na-
tive town, on the following conditions, viz. :
1st. It shall be free to all the citizens of the town, and open one day in
every week for the accomodation of the people, loan of books, etc.
2nd. In the selection of Books, they shall consist mainly of Standard
Works on Agriculture, Mechanics, History, Biography and the useful
Sciences, and such generally as are best adapted for the instruction
and entertainment of the people old and young.
3rd. The doners shall nominate and appoint not less than five persons
of the town to organize, make by-laws, rules and penalties for the
safe keeping and management of the Library, and all vacancies there-
after from any cause shall be filled by the remaining members, who
may be male, female or both, that may be considered most competent
and willing to serve gratuitously; they may however, employ a com-
petent person as librarian at the expense of the town or by voluntary
subscription as they may deem best, and consider most desirable at
a proper compensation.
4th. (Nothing appears on the paper under this article).
5th. There shall be no distinction or preference for or against any sect,
or party, either in religion or politics; all persons of good repute and
habits to share equally in the benefits and use of the library.
6th. The committee or trustees named shall have the privilege and are
authorized to expend a sum not exceeding $500.00 of the fund to fit
up and furnish with proper shelving, cases and other necessary fur-
niture in the town hall or any other place they may select for the
safe use and convenience of the library, and comfortable accomoda-
tions for the visitors and ofiicers.
7th. The doners now nominate and appoint as a committee or trustees
to carry out the foregoing;
Social History 233
George K. Harvey, William H. Porter, M. D., C. Wharton Wilcox,
Persis E. Harvey and Nancy A. Reed, who shall elect when organized
one of their number chairman, and a secretary and treasurer, who
shall keep a correct account of all outlays and record of their official
"The Reed Free Library" was opened Jan. 1, 1881, with 757 volumes. Mary
E. Wilcox, librarian, which office she held until her death in 1899. Francis
F. Field was her successor. In 1909 he was succeeded by Minnie Harvey, who
still holds the office (1923). The Library numbers at this time 4364 volumes.
In 1923 Lois Anderson was chosen assistant-librarian.
During the fall of 1921 under the direction of Miss Grace Kingsland of the
State Library Commission, a more systematic and up-to-date arrangement of
the books in the library was made. A card catalogue was installed, juvenile
books assigned to one corner of the library, reference books made more read-
ily accessible, current fiction, magazines, works of science given a prominent
place on the delivery table, and other changes were made.
None of the Trustees appointed by the donors are now living. The present
board consists of Hollis W. Harvey, chairman; Myron H. Porter, treasurer;
Grace E. Stillings, secretary; Mary C. Wilcox, Helen J. Reed.
So far as ascertained. Rev. Luther J. Fletcher taught the first singing-
school in town. This was held in the village school-house and began March 2,
1842. He was succeeded a few years later by Nathan D. Reed. Mr. Reed, who
possessed considerable natural musical ability, also played the violin and bass
viol. . He had some 40 pupils in his school and on Sundays they all came out
to assist in the music in the old meeting house. An old resident stated, "and
never has Surry heard such swell music."
Sewall Rugg opened a school about 1849 in the northwest room in his house,
No. 30. Later he taught in the hall in the ell of Frank E. Nesmith's house,
No. 68.
A Mr. Gilpatrick taught singing school in the village school house 1852-3,
and he was succeeded by a Mr. Partridge from East Alstead or Marlow. Mr.
Olson L. Mason of Keene taught one term in village school house, about 1900,
and there probably were others.
This band was composed of Almond, George and Holland Stevens, Nathan
D. Reed, John A. Gushing, Hiram Britton and Henry H. Wilcox, although,
234 History of Surry
not all were members of the band at same time. For several seasons this
band went about playing at balls, not only in Surry and adjoining towns, but
Windsor and Windham counties in Vermont.
Abijah Benton taught dancing school in town prior to 1835, being suc-
ceeded by John Langdon Britton before 1845, who by his long experience in
and near Boston, was an able instructor. Tradition says none knew the step
better than "Lang Britton." Almond Stevens opened a school in the village
hotel "ball room" in 1855 or '56 with 30 or 40 scholars. George A. Stevens
had a class of 25 to 30 pupils during the winter, 1873-'74, and George Long of
Alstead kept a school of about the same number of pupils during 1894-5.
Inspired by one of the noblest sentiments that can stir the human heart
Gov. Frank W, Rollins established the Old Home Week in New Hampshire in
1899. That year Surry became interested in the movement and formed an as-
sociation, June 29th, and the following officers were chosen: President,
Charles H. Blake; first vice president, Henry A. Pike; second vice president,
Frederick R. Grain; secretary and treasurer, Frank E. Nesmith; executive
committee, James D. Carter, Harrison N. Scripture, and Myron H. Porter.
The day was first observed in Surry, Wednesday Aug. 30, 1899 at "Carter's
grove," now the "Wright grove." With the exception of 1918 the day has
been observed each year since that date. In 1919 special exercises were held
to celebrate the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the incorporation of
the town. The following is abridged from an old invitation :
"The citizens of Surry having formed a local Old Home Week Asso-
ciation, send greetings. All people now living in town, or former resi-
dents thereof, are members of this Association without further action.
This association cordially invites you to return and celebrate the occa-
sion at James D. Carter's Grove on Friday Aug. 17, 1900. If stormy,
at the Town Hall."
Mrs. Marietta C. Wright purchased the Grove about 1906 and upon her
death bequeathed it to the town of Svirry.
The following table gives date of celebration and officers :
Social History
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History of Surry
The celebration has been held at the Carter-Wright grove each year when
pleasant, except in 1919, when exercises were held at the hall in the forenoon
and afternoon at the grove.
For many years this pine grove was on a portion of the Crehore farm. No.
24. Amos H., James D. and Selwin I. Carter owned the property. The latter
sold to Herbert R. Grain May 9, 1904. Mrs. Marietta C. Wright learning it
was to be cut over purchased the property and upon her death bequeathed it
to the town of Surry. The Surry Old Home Week Association have held their
annual celebration in this grove.
A boulder was placed here upon which a bronze tablet with the following
inscriptions was unveiled :
DEDICATED AUG. 23, 1922.
The first fraternity to meet and hold meetings within our borders, as is the
case in many other towns, was that of the Masonic Lodge. Although there
were several members living in town during the first half of the last century,
we have no complete list and but little can now be gathered from the Lodges
in Keene and Alstead, concerning the order here.
In the old hall on the second floor in Capt. Simon Baxter's tavern — the late
Shaw house at "Shaw's Corner" — the Masonic body held their meetings in
Surry. The compasses used in building the Surry Lodge are now in the pos-
session of J. V. Stillings. St. Paul's Lodge was instituted at Alstead Centre
June 11, 1818 and about 1840 moved to what was long known as Paper Mill
Village, in the north part of that town — now, Alstead village.
Fraternities 237
In 18G2 a fire destroyed their Hall and practically all their records. It is
known, however, that in the early years of that lodge meetings were held for
the benefit of their out of town members in "halls" fitted up for the occasion
in each locality. Quite probably the Surry Lodge was connected with St.
Paul's Lodge of Alstead.
The following is a partial list of men who have been members of that
fraternity, who have lived in Surry at some time or have in some way been
connected with the town :
Rev. Clement Sumner, pastor of the Congregational church in Keene.
Capt. Simon Baxter, Jr. of Alstead and Suri'y.
Alexander Ralston, who had interests in Keene, Surry and Claremont.
Peleg Sprague, of Keene, owned property in Surry; possibly lived here.
Samuel McCurdy, who lived in south part of Surry for many years.
James Kingsbury — probably the man of that name living in Surry in 1796.
Rev. Perley Howe, pastor of Surry church over forty years.
Capt. Thomas Humphrey, a sea-captain and inn-keeper in Surry.
Silas Perry, Sr., of Keene; owned property and possibly once lived in Surry,
Asa Wilcox, Jr., a life long resident of Surry.
Henry H. Wilcox, a Surry man; lived and died in Keene.
Augustus Johnson, a resident of the town for many years.
Jasper N. Keller
Albert E. Vincellette
L. C. Stillings
J. V. Stillings
Samuel Ball
Francis Bain
Henry L. Phillips
Chas. N. Phillips
La Forest Carpenter
Chas. N. Carpenter
Fred A. Carpenter
No social or fraternal organization in town in the last fifty years has been
more prosperous, or done more to promote industry, good-will and harmony
among its citizens, than Surry Grange.
The following is a brief history of that Order; including the Charter Mem-
bers and first officers taken from their records :
Surry, N. H.. Nov. 11, 1890,
At a meeting called at the Town Hall for the purpose of Organizing
a Grange, a petition was presented with fifty-two Charter Names as
follows :
1 Dr. William H. Porter 6 Frederick R. Grain
2 Mrs. William H. Porter 7 Mrs. Melissa C. Grain
3 Miss Kate H. Porter 8 Miss Bessie Grain
4 Frank E. Nesmith 9 Frank P. Grain
5 Mrs, Mary L. Nesmith 10 Miss Jane H. Grain
History of Surry
11 Harrison N. Scripture 32
12 Miss Ada B. Scripture 33
13 Myron H. Porter 34
14 Mrs. Ada I. Porter 35
15 Francis F. Field 36
16 Mrs. Mary E. Field 37
17 Charles C. Olmsted 38
18 Mrs. Catherine L. Olmsted 39
19 Miss Adelaide A. Olmsted 40
20 Ephraim B. Newton 41
21 Mrs. Harriet P. Newton 42
22 Mr. Lewis Newton 43
23 Herbert R. Grain 44
24 Mrs. Gertrude J. Grain 45
25 Mrs. Mary E. Carpenter 46
26 Miss Arabella E. Stearns 47
27 Mrs. Sarah W. Harvey 48
28 Hollis W. Harvey 49
29 John A. Weber 50
30 Michael Gorman 51
31 Mrs. Alice H. Gorman 52
Charles H. Blake
Cyrus Kingsbury
Mrs. Lydia J. Kingsbury
George B. Britton
Fred E. Carpenter
Otis W. Kingsbury
Mrs. Sarah R. Kingsbury
Miss Mabel E. May
Stephen Slade
Mrs. Ellen M. Slade
Miss Maud L. Carpenter
John W. Conley, Jr.
Mrs. Ellen F. Conley
Miss Lizzie E. Britton
Ezekiel 0. Whitcomb
Theodore G. Field
Mrs. Minnie E. Wilber
Mrs. Anna Morrison
Miss Anna E. Howes
Charles W. Bridge
Mrs. Maria L. Bridge
The meeting was called to order by Brother George K. Harvey of Cheshire
(Keene) Grange, who introduced State Deputy E. C. Hutchinson of Milford,
N. H. After a few remarks by the Deputy and a song by the choir, then
proceeded to organize a Grange. Brother George K. Harvey was appointed
Treasurer and Brother William S. Mansfield as Secretary pro tem. The
Grange being organized in due form; then proceeded to election of Officers.
The following Officers were declared elected by Ballot:
Master, Dr. William H. Porter
Overseer, Frank E. Nesmith
Lecturer, Mrs. Mary E, Field
Steward, Harrison N. Scripture
Ass't Steward, Myron H. Porter
Chaplain, George B. Britton
Treasurer, Cyrus Kingsbury
Secretary, John A. Weber
Gate Keeper, Otis W. Kingsbury
Ceres, Mrs. Catherine L. Olmsted
Pomona, Miss Belle E. Stearns
Flora, Mrs. Melissa C. Grain
Lady Ass't Steward, Miss Ada B. Scripture
The Surry Reform Club was formed about 1874 in the interest of the Tem-
perance cause, and existed for about three years, during which time it was
Professions 239
quite a successful and prosperous organization; holding several dramatic en-
tertainments each year.
The records of this Club have not been discovered, but Mason A. Carpenter
was the first President. The following are known to have been members:
Lewis F. Blake George K. Harvey-
George M. Blake Persis E. Harvey
Mrs. Lucy A. Britton James E. Harvey
Mary E. Britton Edward H. Joslin
Frank H. Britton Samuel L. Newton
Flora E. Britton Frank A. Poole
Mary L. Brown W. H. Porter, M. D.
Mrs. Lucy M. Carpenter Mrs. Clementine R. Porter
Mrs. Mary E. Carpenter Myron H. Porter
Mason A. Carpenter Nellie H. Porter
Flora A. Carpenter Kate H. Porter
Merrill D. Carpenter Hattie A. Streeter
LaForest J. Carpenter Mrs. M. Alice Thompson
Nettie M. Carpenter Bertha A. Wilbur
George D. Holland Alice L. Wilcox
The medical profession was represented in town for over one hundred years
— from about 1784 until the death of Dr. William H. Porter, in 1894. The two
outstanding doctors were Dr. Philip, Monroe and Dr. Porter who spent most
of their active lives in town.
Dr. Philip Monroe the first of the profession so far as known to settle in
town, came about 1784, He lived first above the village but moved to No. 23
before 1790 and where he remained until his death in 1832. There is a tradi-
tion that he believed in witchcraft.
Dr. Abner Bliss of Gilsum came into town as early as 1790 and after liv-
ing here a few years, removed to Alstead. The Gilsum History states he was
the first physician of that town, and "had an extensive and successful prac-
tice." He died in Alstead in 1812.
Dr. Reuben Phillips was living in town prior to 1790 and remained until
about 1796.
Dr. Isaac Monroe a brother of Dr. Philip Monroe was in town in 1792, re-
moved to Westmoreland but returned in 1801 and remained until 1811-12. It
is interesting to note there were four doctors in Surry in 1792.
Dr. Jeremiah Ingraham appeared in town as early as 1794 at which time
he and his wife were "warned out" but remained for some years. It is be-
lieved his practice was slight and of no very great importance.
Dr. Lewis Johnson was in practice in town, 1808 and '09, after which he
lived in Westmoreland and died there in 1817. He was the father of Dr.
Joshua Jewett Johnson of Keene.
240 History of Surry
Dr. Samuel Thomson, "founder of the Thomsonian System of medicine" was
born in edge of Alstead but lived and practiced his profession in Surry and
adjoining towns before and after 1800. During the first half of the last cen-
tury his system had numerous followers among them one or more of his sons.
Dr. Calvin Haskins was in town, 1804 but remained only a few years.
Dr. James H. Bradford came in 1820 and removed about 1822.
Dr. John Wakefield moved into town as early as 1822 and remained until
after 1824.
Dr. Jonathan E. Davis of Gilsum was in town from 1826 until 1828,
Dr. William H. Porter a student at the Worcester and Harvard Medical
Colleges settled in town, Apr. 12, 1854, where he had a successful practice
until nearly the time of his death. He was prominent in town affairs and
postmaster for many years.
Old Dr. George W. Hammond of Gilsum; Dr. Noah Fuller of Westmoreland
and Drs. Amos Twitchell, Gardner C. Hill of Keene, and others have prac-
ticed in town.
Poems 241
When the colonies sti'ove for national birth,
There were traitors in camp and around the hearth,
As there always has been in all the earth —
Bill Baxter was the man.
On the bend of the winding Ashuelot,**
An Englishman built on the land he bought, .
But his love for King George he never forgot —
Bill Baxter was the man.
Round Bald Hill rises just east of the place ;§
South, the White Rock looks like a shaven face —
There the Tory lived, to the town's disgrace —
Bill Baxter was the man.
The hillsides slope down almost to the dam.
The beautiful pond spreads out like a fan,
And here the vile Tory his treason began —
Bill Baxter was the man.
The smoke cleared away from Bennington's ground, ^
And many a Hessian was left to sleep sound;
The roll was then called, and one was not found —
Bill Baxter was the man.
The victors came back to Surry's bright vale.
And told their story, and shouted "All hail";
The Tory looked down — turned suddenly pale —
Bill Baxter was the man.
They marched him down to the gauntlet road,t
Two beautiful elms as sentinels stood.
And guarded the place as sentinels should —
Bill Baxter was the man.
Each soldier was armed with a birchen stick,
And he laid it on both heavy and quick,
And followed it up with a terrible kick —
Bill Baxter was the man.
Good Captain Harvey commanded so well,
That some of the men made double strokes tell;
Says the captain to Ase, "You laid it on well" —
Bill Baxter was the man.
Let the Tories forever be treated just so.
When we are attacked by a foreign foe —
But fight not each other as savages do —
Bill Baxter was the man.
*The author of this poem has not been discovered; the description is complete.
**This River is pronounced; Ash-welot.
§The location of his house \vas at or near No. 116 — see mnp.
tTradition says the "gauntlet road" was from the "Whipping Post" to No. 35, where
two ancient elms are still standing.
242 History of Surry
Have you heard the news so fine?
This much exciting story!
They have found a priceless mine
In little "One-horse Suri-y."
The Mountain old, brimful of Gold,
Stands silent in its grandeur;
There'll be a din when they begin
To show its hidden splendor.
Tradition says, in olden times
Some Spaniards came to Surry;
They found a famous silver mine,
But left it in a hurry.
For Civil war raged far and near,
Their brilliant plans o'er throwing,
They covered up their treasure here
And left, but ne'er returning.
If in the spring the "boss" M. M.*
Comes with his working army;
Perhaps we'll see heathen Chinee
And men from every Country.
With greatest speed they'll build a bridge
Across the roaring river;
A level road will next be made
Unto the great Bonanza.
We will ride with coach and span,
Up to the very summit.
And there the face of nature scan,
Rare beauties stamped upon it.
Instead of this small one horse town.
We'll have a two horse City;
When this proves true as I have shown,
I'll write another ditty.
I Surry, November, 1879.
*"M. M." was for Mahlon Millesou. superintendent of The Granite State Gold and
Silver Mining Co., which was then being formed.
No complete Jiistory of all the industries, large and small, is obtainable.
Merchants, blacksmiths, tavern and hotel keepers, have predominated while
there have been saw, grist, cider, fulling and malt mills; carriage and wheel-
wright shops; tannery, hat shop, brick yard, charcoal pits and potash makers.
There were two cabinet makers, several boot & shoe makers and silversmiths;
a carding mill ran a short time; for years all the coffins used here were made
in town. Between 1845 and 1865 the braiding of hats for out-of-town parties
occupied the idle moments of both old and young, then came the seating of
chairs for manufacturers in Keene. During more recent years several "por-
table saw-mills" have been located in various parts of the town cutting off
Several parties have built wood slides on the west side of the mountain
and about 1873 Asa Fay built one, which ran down the hill east of No. 135.
During each fall for over 50 years droves of cattle from Vermont and
northern New Hampshire passed through town.
Aaron Chapin and sons built the saw and grist mill at No. 112 about 1771,
doubtless the first in town. After the death of Aaron, Capt. Simon Baxter
purchased the property, then several parties held interests for from two to
10 years each. Harrison N. Scripture purchased the property in 1865 and
he or his son now own the site. First they were called "Chapins mills," then
for many years, "The Baxter mills" and now "Scripture's mill."
William Hayward built a saw mill at No. 5 before 1785. Many have
owned this property and several mills have stood on the same site. The last
one was torn down in 1920. During the last generation it has been called the
"Rogers Mill."
Asahel Harvey had a saw mill at No. 174 as early as 1799 which stood
until nearly 1850. After his death John Stevens ran the mill a year or two.
The two latter mills, and the former (until 1880) all had the old up-and-
down log saw, from which boards and timber were cut out to erect buildings
in town.
George and C. Wharton Wilcox had bench saws in their carriage shop at
No. 120.
Capt. Asa Wilcox had bench saws in his carriage shop at No. 127.
About 1850 bench saws and several lathes were being used in the old bark
mill where bobbins were being turned out for factories.
The first grist mill, as stated, was built by Aaron Chapin at No. 112 about
1771. Mr. Scripture ran a grist mill in connection with his saw mill until
about 1910.
244 History of Surry
Asahel Harvey had a grist mill at No. 175 which was in use until about
1842. But little remains now to even mark its site.
Henry A. WeatherheacI put in a small portable grist mill at No. 5 which he
ran between 1900 and 1908.
Seventy or 100 years ago cider mills were quite numerous in town. Thomas
Austin had one at No, 2; Eliphaz Field one at No. 8; Henry T. Ellis near
No. 16; William Kingsbury at No. 20; Hollis Wilcox, at No. 92; Daniel
Hodgkins at No. 133 after 1860; Benjamin Hills at No. 134; David Reed at
No. 140; Ichabod Crane at No. 150; Jesse Streeter at 160; Ezra Carpenter at
No. 169; Peter Joslin, No. 177; Royal Watkiris, No. 219; Esq. Benjamin Car-
penter, No. 222, and probably there were others of which we have no record.
Frank E. Ellis built one at No. 6 in 1882 which is standing but not in use.
Ensign Asa Wilcox built a malt mill at No. 127 in 1799, but it was in use
but a short time, if at all.
Capt. Asa Wilcox made cider brandy at No. 96 for a short time early in
the last century.
The "fulling mill" built before 1800 at No. 120 was in use some 30 years,
after which Capt. Asa Wilcox made it into a carriage shop, q. v.
Between 1810 and '20 Capt. S. Baxter, Abijah Wetherbee, Jonathan Harvey,
and John Stevens all paid tax on Carding Machinery.
John Hitchcock had a tan-vat near No. 118, in 1781-2, we therefore suppose
he also had a tannery. Samuel Hills started in the tanning and currying
business at No. 130 about 1800 and the business was in operation for some
45 years, under various proprietors.
Henry Kellogg, an ironsmith, built a shop at No. 148, about 1830, in which
he carried on business a few years. He had a trip-hammer operated by
water power.
Tradition says during the early history of the town a brick yard was in
operation at No. 3.
Blacksmith shops have been quite numerous. Joseph Whitney, a blacksmith,
was living near No. 22 about 1767, and is supposed to have built a shop nearby,
which Benjamin Whitney was running in 1772. In 1794, Lieut. John
McCurdy opened a shop at No. 12. John Norris had a shop near No. 66
in 1804, In 1825 there was a shop near the Great road east of No. 35, which
was in use some years. Elijah Norris had a shop at No, 29, which stood until
about 1842. About 1849, Elijah Holbrook built a shop at No. 56, in which
business was conducted by various parties for nearly 50 years, Elijah
Norris also had a shop at No. 74 in 1821. Samuel H. Poole built a shop at
No. 84 in 1870, which he ran a few years. Tradition says there was a black-
Industries 245
smith shop on the east side of the road above No. 107 before 1840, but nothing
positive is known. Francis B. Benton had a shop at 109 for a few years prior
to 1849. Another tradition states there was a blacksmith shop near No. 117,
many years ago.
Joseph Knight is supposed to have built a shop at No. 123, about 1825 and
later Elijah Holbrook, it is said, owned the shop. A brick shop stood at No.
128 from 1810? until after 1860, and it was the most important shop during
that period in that part of the town. In 1818 there was a shop on the Dr.
Thomson place. No. 135, but it remained in use only a few years.
David Bragg, a blacksmith, is supposed to have lived at No. 158 in 1805, but
whether he had a shop, is not known. Tradition says there was a shop at
No 42 before 1840 and Otis Daggett had his shop at No. 43 in 1840, and
earlier. In more modern times, Fred B. Marshall had a shop at No. 6, also
at 15.
Ensign Asa Wilcox had a carriage shop at No. 127 soon after 1800 which
was in operation about 50 years.
Capt. Asa and Capt. George Wilcox had a carriage and wheelwright shop
in the old "Fulling mill" for many years, then C. Wharton Wilcox, a son of
Capt. George, continued business until about 1895.
Capt. Eliphalet Dort had a shop at the toll gate place and later on the
meadow north of his house — No. 86. He was considered a good workman,
possessing considerable natural mechanical ability.
Levi Brooks had a shop at No. 95 in which he carried on the wheelwright
business from 1835? until after 1850.
John Thayer did cabinet work to some extent while living at No. 16, from
1810 till 1813. Jonah Carter also was a cabinet maker.
About 1880 Eugene Gates made trays for M. A. Carpenter in a shop at No.
The boot and shoe makers were engaged in business from 1800 until around
1850. There was a shop at No. 35 about 1820 which is still in use on the
place. There is some reason to believe the building when in use stood by the
highway near the blacksmith shop, previously mentioned on this farm.
The old records speak of a shoe-shop at or near No. 48, between 1814
and '40. Doubtless this is where Theodorus Monroe and Asa Hutchings
began business, May 12, 1814. — K. S. Adonijah Marvin lived at No. 62 and
had a shop in 1792. Harry D. Randall carried on shoemaking in his house at
No. 70 about 1851. Elkanah Hixon was living in the northwest part of the
town in 1825 and travelled from house to house making up the annual stock
of footwear for old and young. William Kingsbury had a shop at No. 26 a
few years around 1850.
Daniel Ellis, a hatter, had a shop at or near No. 66 between 1816 and 1830.
He sold the property, including a "hat shop" in 1836.
246 History of Surry
In order to reap some benefit from the wood and timber that originally
covered the land the farmers converted large quantities into charcoal which
was drawn in large racks to Keene and Bellows Falls, Vt., where it found a
ready market among the blacksmiths. It not only required some skill but
constant watching to get a "good burn," A pit was dug in the ground in
which from 10 to 30 or more cords of four-foot wood was placed in nearly
a vertical position after which the pile was covered over with sods and earth
except one or two small vents where the fire was started and which served as
drafts. From one to two weeks was required to burn a pit, and in case the
fire broke out it was immediately checked by fresh dirt, or ashes. Several
had coalpits near the foot of the Mountain, and in other parts of the town,
between 1830 and 1860.
Potash was made in town 100 years ago but to what extent has not been
learned. The Robinsons made it on the plain east of the hotel (No. 55). It
was also made at No. 77, probably by the Fuller family.
The exact date when the first public house was opened in town has not
been ascertained; however, there is little doubt but it was at Peter Hay-
ward's who lived at No. 1. Jonathan Smith was called "an innholder" as
early as 1773.
He was succeeded by his son, Capt. Samuel Smith, prior to 1788. Lieut.
John McCurdy opened a tavern in his house (No. 12) at the south part of
the town not far from 1790.
Between 1800 and 1848 the taverns did a thriving business in this town
but upon completing of the Cheshire railroad from Keene to Bellows Falls
and beyond, the old stage coach was doomed. There was some rivalry in
those days between landlords to procure business ; some held out special
social qualities, others excellent board, while there were the temperance and
non-temperance houses. It is related that Thomas Redding on one occasion,
in order to compete with a temperance neighbor, placed up the following
Why will you pass by — both hungry and dry,
Good brandy and gin — please Sir, Walk in;
Good oats and bedding — Your humble servant,
Thomas Redding.
The following is a list of the taverns, hotels and stores in town who were
licensed to "mix and sell" prior to 1906.
Jan. 28, 1765, Peter Hayward was appointed tavern keeper at No. 1.
Sept. 2, 1768, Wolston Brockway was appointed tavern keeper at No. 34.
Jan. 13, 1773, Jonathan Smith, Sr. ; the Samuel Ball place in village.
Oct. 10, 1786, Capt. Samuel Smith succeeded his father at above place.
Industries 247
Feb. 27, 1793, Col. Jonathan Smith, Jr.; where M. D. Carpenter now lives.
Mar. 4, 1793, Jonathan Robinson, Sr. ; in the village; destroyed by fire, 1907.
Mar. 4, 1793, John McCurdy; where Henry L. Phillips and son now live,
Mar. 4, 1793, Benjamin Carpenter; probably the present Stephen H.
Clement place.
Feb. 4, 1796, Capt. Simon Baxter; at the Shaw place; destroyed by fire,
May 6, 1796, James Kingsbury; the Capt. Francis Holbrook tavern; No. 126.
Dec. 7, 1796, Ensign Asa Wilcox, Sr.; also at the above Holbrook place.
Sept. 3, 1799, Dr. Philip Monroe; the Bachelder — Keller place; burned 1915.
Jan. 18, 1800, Abel Monroe; at the widow Brockway's; the George A.
Hall place.
Jan. 25, 1802, Cushman Smith; where George B. Britton now lives, 1920.
Jan. 11, 1804, Capt. Calvin Hayward; the Samuel L. Newton place.
Nov. 23, 1804, Asa Wilcox, Jr.; doubtless at Capt. Holbrook's; No. 126.
May 26, 1808, David Reed, Jr.; at widow Sarah Dart's.
Sept. 8, 1808, John Norris; probably where Edward M. Britton now lives.
Nov. 4, 1808, Capt. Charles Bond; the present Oscar B. Deane place.
Jan. 19, 1809, Elijah Wheelock, near the turnpike; the exact place, unknown.
Dec. 14, 1809, Isaac Field at Moses D. Field — Jno. Robinson old homestead.
Jan. 26, 1810, John Chandler; at Asa Wilcox, Jr.; Captain Holbrook;
No. 126.
Apr. 24, 1810, John Thayer; probably at the J. N. Kellar summer home.
Mar 12, 1811, Isaac & Eliphaz Field; the Willard Streeter; Green place.
Mar. 21, 1811, Capt. Francis Holbrook; Asa Wilcox tavern; No. 126.
June 5, 1811, Lt. Levi Fuller; the present Hollis W. Harvey place.
Dec. 9, 1811, Abel Monroe at the Col. Bond house.
Dec. 18, 1811, Aaron Loveland at the Toll Gate in Surry.
Mar. 10, 1812 Widow Lucinda Hayward; the old Peter Hayward; Samuel
L. Newton.
May 29, 1813, Aaron Loveland at the Ralston farm.
Mar. 10, 1814, Elijah Fuller at his store, north of H. W. Harvey's house.
Mar, 12, 1816, Josiah Knight. He perhaps kept store in village for "Hough
& Redding."
Mar. 12, 1816, Stephen Richardson.
Dec. 23, 1817, Jonathan Harvey, Sr,; where George Malcolm now (1920)
Sept, 26, 1818, Samuel Allen, "i
Sept. 28, 1818, Obadiah Redding. j These men held licenses for a few days
Sept. 28, 1818, Augustus Johnson. - only; probably during a "muster" or
Dec. 26, 1818, Jehial Day. I a "turkey shoot," held in town.
Mar. 6, 1819, Benjamin Hills. j
248 History of Surry
Mar. 10, 1819, Samuel Robinson, who succeeded his father in the village
Apr. 17, 1819, Peter Hayward, at the old Peter Hayward; Samuel L.
Sept. 29, 1820, Judge Elijah Knight; Charles W. Reed; now John W.
Lynch place.
Nov. 13, 1820, Theodore Monroe; for a few days only.
Apr. 12, 1821, Nathan Hayward; at Eliphaz Field's house for 4 days.
Mar. 13, 1821, Dan Hough & James Redding, at their village store for
one year.
1822, John May; the present Congregational parsonage in the village.
1823, Col. Seth Hall; probably in southwest part.
Mar. 8, 1825, Jeremiah Robbins; the Harvey — George Malcolm place.
Mar. 8, 1825, Jonas Pollard; where Alonzo F. Wilbur now lives.
Feb. 9, 1826, Capt. Thomas Humphrey, where Frank E. Nesmith now
May 26, 1827, Joseph Shelley; the Jonas Pollard; Alonzo F. Wilbur place.
Apr. 3, 1828, David Cushing; the Jonas Pollard; Alonzo F. Wilbur place.
Mar. 10, 1829, Samuel G. Bowker; the Jonas Pollard; Alonzo F. Wilbur
1830, Isaiah Robbins; probably at his father's old stand; Malcolm's.
1836, Capt. Thomas Humphrey's widow, Sally, continued the business.
1836, Calvin Graves appears to have kept tavern at A. F. Wilbur's place.
1841, John Johnson; the Frank E. Nesmith place, supposedly.
1841, Gilbert Grain; at the Alonzo F. Wilbur place.
1845, Elijah Holbrook; the Robinson hotel in village.
1845, J. & R. Shelley at their store in village; the Stevens store.
1846, Almond Stevens, succeeded the Shelleys in the village store.
1847, Stevens & Britton; at the village store.
Licenses were granted until about 1848, afterward nothing appears on
the town records, although, taverns or hotels continued in town for half
a century thereafter.
In 1841 there were four hotels in town, one in the village; one at F. E.
Nesmith's place; one kept by Holbrook in the north part of the town and
one" where Alonzo F. Wilbur and Son live. In 1850 two only kept open house;
one in the village and one at Holbrook's stand. The latter was kept by
George W. Holbrook until about 1860, when it ceased to be a public house.
The village hotel continued under various proprietors until nearly the
time it was destroyed by fire, in 1907. Among those who were proprietors
after Elijah Holbrook removed to Keene and became proprietor of the Che-
shire House, are the following: Warren Carpenter, from about 1852, until
1880?; James D. Cheever; George D, Ordway; Capt. Thomas L. Harmon;
Industries 249
Ephraim B. Newton; Winfield E. Wilbur and Charles F, Britton — who ran
the stage between Marlow and Keene for several years — owned the property
when the hotel, sheds and barns were all destroyed by fire.
Hans Raabe moved into town in 1909 and soon after opened "The Triple
Elm" house in the village, which ran about five years. — No. 54.
So far as discovered the first merchant in town was Lieut John McCurdy
the inn-keeper, at No. 12. His adv. May 3, 1790*, "For sale at his store in
Surry, A few English and West India goods, suitable for the season, consist-
ing of Broad cloth, chintses, calicoes, shawles, silk hankerchiefs, Irish linen,
camblets, sewing silk, cordurays, lastings, leather stamped waistcoat pat-
terns. Also West India and New England rum, by the barrel or smaller
quantities; good Malaga wine by the kegg or gallon. Bohea tea, raisins, loaf
and brown sugar, choculate, pepper, nutmeg, etc. Bar iron, English and Ger-
man steel, scythes, powder, shot, felt hats. In exchange he will take, Rye,
Oats, Indian corn, flax, pot and pearl ash, etc." In Mar 1794 he built and
— equipped a blacksmith shop on his premises, — His adv.
Jonathan Robinson opened a store at his tavern (No. 55) about 1799. In
1803, Cushman Smith opened a store in a small building which he built on the
east side of his dwelling at the present post-office. No. 43. Josiah Knight kept
a store at No. 47 as early as 1816-17, and for about 50 years afterwards
business was conducted in that building. S. Harrison Porter opened a store
at No. 64 which ran a few years. Elijah Fuller and William Baxter opened
a store at No. 78 about 1814. In 1810 there was a store at No. 126. It stood
a few feet north of the tavern, later owned by Capt. Francis Holbrook, and
probably existed only a few years. John Cole had a store in his house at
No. 214, in 1805. It was on the Boston, Keene, Walpole, Rutland turnpike
road, and it is said he did a good business.
After the old meeting house was made into a Town Hall the old store at
No. 47 was closed up and a new one was opened on the first floor in the
Town Hall which was in operation most of the time from 1872 until 1918.
The following have been in business at this place: George W. Britton and
Edwin A. Kenyon moved here from No. 47 in 1872 (flrm of "Britton &
Kenyon") ; Frank Curtis as agent for Mr. Robb (of Stoddard?); Wesley F.
Wilbur; "Grain & Carpenter" — Frederick R, and Frank P. Grain and Frank
D. W. Carpenter—; Frank P. Grain, 1888; Ernest W. Carpenter, 1890-91;
Merrill D. Carpenter, 1895; George N. Conley; Herbert R. Grain; William
L. Olds; Cyrus Kingsbury, 1901; Lewis C. Buntlin; Charles E. George and
Arthur E. Salley, 1913 until the spring of 1918, he being the last to carry on
business here. For many years the town rented the Town Hall store for
§1.00 per annum. Samuel E. Howard opened a store at No. 54 in 1920, and
was succeeded by Thomas J. Kelly.
Samuel Sawyer came to No. 102 in 1794 and soon after opened a shop at No.
107 where he wafe engaged till his death in the plating business. He was
''Taken from THE NEW HAMPSHIRE RECORDER of Keene, N. H. May 3, 1790.
250 History of Surry
succeeded in business by John T. Wilcox and John Blish, as "Wilcox & Blish,"
who dissolved partnership, Dec. 6, 1814, at which time Mr. Wilcox gave notice
he would continue the business in "Plated ware, Brass and Tin harness trim-
mings," etc.
Alanson Bingham came to town May 1866 and remained a year or two,
being engaged in making chairs. He employed a few men and his shop was
in the town hall.
This was a business which many women, girls and boys were engaged in
from about 1850 until after 1860 and while the remuneration was small, yet
it served as "pin-money" and many a lass was able to obtain a new "calico
gown" and buy a new blue "frock." The palm-leaf was brought into town and
sold at the houses, then the finished hats were inspected, collected, paid for
and a new lot of stock supplied. After a year's experience a "good spry girl"
could finish 10 or 12 hats in a day for which she received "six cents each."
Men from both Westmoreland and Winchester did business in Surry.
This business was carried on along the same lines as the hat braiding, but
at a later period, and for men engaged in the chair business in Keene. This
was at its height between 1870 and 1885, and to some extent is still con-
tinued in town.
Mr. A. P. Hendricks with his traveling saloon came into town about 1856
and placed his car by the roadside below No. 44. Here he remained a few
weeks and took daguerreotypes of many of the citizens of that day. The next
to appear was the camera about 1890, then came the kodak. Francis F. Field
has a small collection of views taken before 1900 and about that time James
E. Harvey, then a photographer at Concord, N. H., took views of nearly all
the dwelling houses in Surry valley.
Some mention of the droves which formerly passed through town should
be given for the benefit of the next generation. Prior to 1840, cattle, sheep,
hogs and turkeys were driven through here on their way to Boston, and
occasionally a string of horses, but all except cattle and horses ceased before
1850. Several drovers were engaged in the cattle business between 1865 and
1895 when the custom practically ran out.
George Pierce (said to have been a nephew of Pres. F. Pierce) of Royals-
ton, Mass., and Edward Eldridge (or Aldrich) of Warren, Vt., as, "Pierce
& Eldridge," were in the business 25 or 30 years, but at that period the drove
went only as far as Mr. Pierce's home town. During September and October
of each year they bought from 400 to 700 head of cattle in Duxbury, More-
Industries 251
town, Fayston, Warren, Northfield and Waitsfield, Vt. Natt Joslin's farm in
the village of the latter town was the rendezvous. The drove started, via:
Warren, Granville, Hancock, Rochester, Stockbridge, Barnard, Woodstock,
West Windsor and Weathersfield in Vermont, then, crossing over the Cheshire
bridge into Charlestown, N. H., they passed through Langdon, Drewsville,
Surry, Keene, Swanzey and Richmond.
The trip required about two weeks, and they were selling cattle on the road
after the first few days. Arriving at Charlestown and towns below they
stopped over one or two days in each place where they did a brisk business.
The following list of stopping places has been obtained: At Dea. Christy's
in So. Woodstock; Mr. Douglass at W. Windsor; Bidwell's tavern in Lang-
don; Jonathan R. Field's (at No. 16) in Surry, and William C. Belding's in
Swanzey Center. Mr. Pierce is said to have been a wizard at cattle flesh.
He could tell without hesitation, the price paid, age, and of whom he bought
each creature.
During the whole history of this town it has been thought — by some — ^that
there was valuable ore of some kind in Surry, and from time to time en-
deavors have been made to bring it forth. It is a well established tradition
that a few Spaniards were excavating on "Mine hill" at the outbreak of the
Revolutionary war, and that they left these parts in a hurry, expecting to
return as soon as peace was declared. And even before the settlement by the
white men, the Indians obtained lead for bullets on Surry Mountain.
1785, William Russell and others purchased several tracts of land in that
part of Surry, formerly Westmoreland, and soon after began operations near
No. 213 — map. There were 72 equal rights, or shares owned by the following:
William Russell
John Briant
William Russell, Jr.
Nathan Hall
Thomas Harvey
Joseph Wilder
Samuel Stickney
Moses Stickney, Jr.
Josiah Goldsmith
Levi Haskell
Thomas Field
Josiah Willard
Joseph Blake
Benjamin Bullard
Jedediah Sanger
Flint Davis
Benjamin Carpenter, Jr.
Nathaniel Hardy
Samuel Ober
Joseph Heald
Asahel Blake
Peter Hay ward
William Hayward
Feb. 1, 1786, Jedediah Sanger, Joseph Blake, William Russell, committee in
behalf of said mine petitioned to the legislature to carry on business and
state, "That they have discovered a place in Surry where they are persuaded
is a valuable silver mine," they further set forth that they wish to experiment
on the ores, but have not the means and desire the legislature authorize them
to raise the money by public lottery, to the amount of two thousand dollars.
252 History of Surry
for that purpose. The company probably built a dwelling and other buildings
at No. 213, and for a few years worked their "valuable silver mine," now
marked by an excavation of a few feet in the solid ledge.
Amos S. Scovell, q. v., opened up a small mine on the west side of the
mountain in 1851 where he labored for several months. It is understood he
was in search of silver; his mine was east of the village on land then owned
by William Carpenter and possibly one-quarter way from base.
Rufus Littlefield of Charlestown, Mass., in company with George D. Rice,
did a little at mining in 1865. They worked on land owned by Warren Car-
penter, about opposite the village.
Surry, Cheshire County, N. H.
Organized in 1879
The oflficers were :
Directors William C. Tallman, Boston, Mass., President.
H. L. White, Boston, Mass., Treasurer.
Charles H. Drew, Boston, Mass., Attorney
Randall G. Morse, Boston, Mass.
John P. Hilton, Boston, Mass.
William E. Cai-leton, Boston, Mass.
George A. Bruce," Somerville, Mass.
George K. Harvey, Surry, N. H.
M. Milleson, State of Nevada, Supt. and Mining Eng.
James Anderson, Secretary.
A. I. Benyon, Pacific National Bank, Banker.
The company was taxed in Surry as follows:
for 40 acres;
$ .75
<( (( <(
U << (<
(< << <<
Nothing further appears on the town records until Feb. 12, 1887, when the
"M. Millison Mining Rights" were sold at public auction at the store of
"Grain & Carpenter" in the village for the taxes assessed for the year, 1886.
We understand those who invested in this company received nothing in
Except, possibly the Russell mine. This was by far the most extensive
mining operation in this town. Organized, 1879, Mahlon Milleson was the
prime mover, and became superintendent of the company.
Evidently from a communication to Keene Sentinel, May 31, 1880, he had
implicit confidence in the undertaking, "based upon sixteen years' experience
Industries 253
on the Pacific coast ... I have demonstrated to my entire satisfaction
that the Harvey tract is a vast mineral-bearing territory, and that a system
of deep mining, run, if possible, from the river level, will open up as valuable
a piece of property as any in the United States."
Operations began early in 1880 not far from the top of the mountain on
land of George K. Harvey. Here they sunk a shaft in the solid rock about
75 feet, and built a boarding house, 18ft. x 40it., two stories high, but during
that summer they began operation on the Giisum side of the mountain, on
land purchased of Daniel W. Bill. At this "point they sunk a shaft about 125
feet, erected an engine house, blacksmith shop, boarding house, a crusher
building, etc. Ten or 12 men were engaged here for two or three years;
most of the buildings went to decay while there still remain two well-holes
open to entrap some innocent man or beast.
Around 1863-65 a Mr. Dawson did some mining on land of Warren and
William Carpenter's where he took out copper ore. He gave employment to
a few men for several months. His mine was half way up west side.
Since 1915 Leon Allen has been working near the foot of the mountain on
land he purchased south of Lily pond brook. He has taken out mica, etc.
In order to ascertain the feasibility of conveying the waters of the Ashuelot
river in a canal from the upper part of Surry to Keene village, Thomas M.
Edwards, James Wilson, Jr., Abijah Wilder, Jr., and Josiah Colony, four
energetic and influential citizens of Keene, employed Arthur W. Hoyt, a
civil engineer of Deerfield, Mass., to make an accurate survey of the route;
examine the soil through which the canal would pass; brooks and highways
to be crossed, etc.
*His report of March 1, 1833, accompanied by a map of the entire route,
indicated power was available, but for some reason the project was not
carried forward. An extract of that report follows :
The survey for the proposed canal was made in October 1832, and
was seven miles and 31 chains long; 33 feet wide at the top and 21
feet four inches at the bottom; 14 inches drop per mile was allowed in
the whole length of the canal; two reservoirs were to be built north of
Central square in Keene, and an opportunity for four mill privileges
were available, and at an estimated cost of $23,180.46 not including the
land damages.
Two starting points on the east side of the river were under con-
sideration. The first was at "a large primitive rock projecting from
the base of Surry mountain into the bed of the river, about 30 rods
*The venerable Elisha F. Lane of Keene who married Harriette P. Wilder, daughter of
Abijah Wilder, Jr., now has in his possession Mr. Hoyt's report and map.
254 History of Surry
above George Blake's house" (probably the old Tileston place) where
there was an angle in the river. The second and better starting point
was above the first mentioned, and within about 130 rods of "Baxter's
mills" (now the Scripture mill), where a low dam could be constructed
across the river, here the water entered the canal then flowing south-
ward; passing east of Samuel L. Newton's house; taking the water from
Sturtevant brook as a feeder; crossing the highway 10 or 12 rods north
of the Albert E. Pond buildings; crossing Goose Pond brook between
Enos Holbrook's grist and oil mills (now where Charles S. Payne
lives) ; passing easterly of the North Cemetery, Joseph Chase and
Clarence N. Holman buildings, the water entered the Upper Reservoir,
through which the Fisher (or Kate Tyler) brook now flows. The water
here was 83 feet above Faulkner & Colony's mill pond on West street.
With a fall of 31 feet available for power, the water entered the Lower
reservoir, or "Mill Pond" as it was called, which covered land south of
the present Fuller School house, and was then conveyed through a canal
to near the school house on School street where a fall of 35 feet more
was available for manufacturing purposes.
Aug. 24, 1804 the town voted to allow Mr. Dean's account of $25.00 for
damage in his breaking through a bridge in town.
Oct. 29, 1828, Fred W. Scovell and his sisters went from their home (No.
163) to No. 165 in the ox-cart. In descending the hill the cattle began running
and when they turned into the yard at the Isham place the near cart-wheel
passed over the wall at "death rock" which turned the body over, pitching the
girls out. Sarah escaped unhurt, but Mary's head was crushed, causing in-
stant death.
Mar. 2, 1831, the town paid Jonathan Twining $4.50 for his horse falling
through a bridge.
About 1846, William Cross was at work as a farm hand for George Joslin;
as he was about to unhitch a pair of oxen from a harrow the cattle ran and
Mr. Cross was dragged and received a serious scalp wound. A speedy ride
to Keene brought old Dr. Amos Twitchell to the spot, who removed a portion
of the scalp, after which the patient recovered and subsequently went to Bos-
ton and for some years was engaged in a drug store. From this accident he
finally became a subject to epilepsy from which he died before middle-life.
William H. Willard, a young man, while chopping wood for Jonathan R.
Field, received an injury from which he died, about Dec. 15, 1835.
Stephen Foster, 3rd, of Gilsum, was instantly killed on the night of Nov.
5, 1844, while on the road from Surry to his home. It was a dark i*ainy
night, his carriage was upset and he was pitched out, but whether in Surry,
is unknown.
Mar. 9, 1874, Jerry Rogers, a Frenchman, while chopping wood, was
crushed under a tree and instantly killed. A tree which he previously had
cut was lodged and while cutting another tree the strong wind dislodged the
first unexpectedly. He was an agi'eeable and respected young man.
Sunday, July 1, 1877, the "Great Gale" or whirlwind started in west of
the south mill-pond and swept easterly over Surry mountain, across Gilsum,
Sullivan and into Nelson, doing considerable damage in all but this town. See
History of Sullivan, p. 381.
Oct. 10, 1850, an unknown man was drowned in Baxter's mill-pond. He
was seen the previous night wandering about and appeared deranged or
June 13, 1854, Dean Tyler died fi'om the effects of a fall a few days pre-
vious while getting over a fence on the meadow east of Geo. A. Hall's.
May 24, 1855, Willard Mansfield committed suicide by hanging himself in
his barn at No. 83.
Aug. 5, 1857, Benjamin F. Horton was drowned in a spring near his house
at No. 171; "partially deranged."
256 History of Surry
Dec. 5, 1904, William H. Wright was killed while falling a tree.
June 16, 1888, while Lewis F. Blake, Frank P. Grain, Frank E. Nesmith and
others were shingling the Church the staging gave away and all fell to the
ground, each receiving injuries.
Feb. 19, 1814, Joseph Maynard died from a blow from a falling tree; aged
Apr. 8, 1825, Charles H. Reed a son of Mrs. Asa Wilcox, Jr. died from swal-
lowing a bean; aged three years.
July 11, 1830, Little Eliza Hatch, a daughter of James Hatch was drowned
in the mill pond near her father's house — No. 124. Aged five years.
July 17, 1862, a child of Mr. Shompany died in edge of Alstead (above No.
137) from accidental poisoning; aged two years. Buried in Surry.
Oct. 18, 1872, Chandler Wilbur was buried in Surry. He committed suicide
while living at No. 181 in edge of Walpole.
Mar. 7, 1849, a son of William L. Kingsbury met death by placing his
mouth on the nose of a tea-kettle and was scalded; aged about two years.
This occurred while he was living at No. 187 in edge of Walpole.
The Stage-Coach Accident
Monday, Oct. 16, 1848, while one of the Charlestown-Keene stages were de-
scending the "Alstead hills" from Drewsville to Surry the coach was upset by
the pole breaking. The six horses ran clearing themselves from the wreck but
a stone wall saved the coach from rolling down the steep hill, which probably
would have killed some of those aboard. Of the 19 passengers, one lady was
quite badly injured being cut on her face and head by glass. This occurred
half or 3/4 of a mile north of No. 137. The late C. Wharton Wilcox in relat-
ing the incident stated "it was an elegant coach all painted in gold and
paneled with glass."
Another man in descending the same hills about that time met with an acci-
dent when his harness broke pitching his load of tub butter over the bank,
some of which rolled down into the gulch.
One day about 1838 as Edmund Woodward was driving a colt to the village
he stopped at No. 30. Mr. Cooper came out placing his hand on the horse
which took fright, and jumped over the bank east of the road. The team and
driver all rolled over to the foot of the hill, when the colt ran up to Otis Dag-
getts blacksmith shop in the village. Mr. W. received slight bruises, but the
wagon was a wreck.
During the great freshet of Oct. 1869 Thomson's brook overflowed its banks
above Shaw's Corner and ran down the highway for about 800 feet, and
ruined the road, after which it was built farther to the east.
Mar. 7, 1831 a child of Leonard A. Bowker died by falling into a kettle of
hot water; aged about three years.
Millie, a daughter of Henry T. Ellis nearly lost her life in the South mill
pond when about two years of age.
Casualties, Fires, Crimes, Etc. 257
"Eighteen Frozen to Death"
The year of 1816 is considered in history as the coldest summer experienced
in New England, and is frequently mentioned as above noted. There was a
frost every month in tlie year and but few crops were raised.
High Wind
Aug. 9, 1813. About noon a thunder cloud and hailstorm passed over parts
of Walpole, Surry, Gilsum, Sullivan and other places, doing much damage.
The hailstones were of various sizes, from that of a bullet to that of a hen's
egg; a large part of them were of the latter size and rebounded four or five
feet from the ground. In Surry there was but little rain, but the ground was
literally covered with hailstones. Great damage was done to many houses and
but few panes of glass left entire on the exposed sides. Eighty panes were
broken in one house in town and about 90 in the meeting house (now, our
Town Hall). The crops in some places were nearly all destroyed.
The Tornado
Between three and four o'clock Sunday afternoon, Aug. 4, 1822 occurred the
most powerful and destructive wind storm ever known in town. "Two threat-
ening clouds, from different points of the compass, appeared to meet over the
highland in the east part of Walpole. Soon after, a tornado commenced, the
cloud taking a north-easterly course, through the north part of Surry, simi-
lar, though not so extensive nor so destructive in its effects, as that which
occurred at Warwick, Mass., last season. Some orchards and barns were in-
jured near the old turnpike gate, where its ravages commenced. Mr. George
Cochran on the hill (in Walpole) had two barns completely demolished and
his house sjomewhat injured. Next, a barn on the estate of the late John Mar-
vin (in Surry), was also demolished. Its effects were next felt at Mr. Francis
Holbrook's, inn-keeper, in Surry who had two barns thrown down, and a large
shed, under which at the time wei'e some loaded teams. At the tan-yard of
Samuel Hills, Esq., two sheds were demolished and the roof entirely taken off
from a large granary. Some other buildings, including the old dwelling-house,
were injured by sticks of timber and limbs of trees, which were carried in the
air. The roof of a 40 foot building adjoining Mr. Hills house (?), some 80
rods north east was blown off. Mr. Hills had 160 panes of glass broken by
the flying boards, shingles, &c. Farther east, a barn was blown down on the
farm occupied by Mr. David Reed; the dwelling-house was also injured, and
the orchard half destroyed. In its course, for nearly half a mile in width, the
orchards and forest trees show its destructive effects. Mr. Holbrook had an
ox killed, but no person was injured, so far as our information extends." —
From Keene Sentinel, Aug. 10, 1822. The following appeared, Aug. 31st:
"The late tornado, or whirlwind, commenced as we before stated, in the
hollow, near the old turnpike gate in Walpole. The clouds, a few minutes
before, presented a singular appearance, which gave warning of something
uncommon to be apprehended. They suddenly shot by each other, in various
directions, and sometimes almost perpendicularly upwards. In a few moments
NOTE — The torna«lo at Warwick, Northfield and Orange, Mass., occurred Sept. 9, 1821.
258 History of Surry
the effects were seen in a pasture belonging to Mr. Adams Whipple. The
shade trees were twisted entirely off, and the stone wall, in several places,
laid level with the ground. The tops of chimneys were here taken off; a barn
belonging to Richard Clark, and a barn belonging to Mr. William Robinson,
were instantly swept away. It next encountered a woodlot of 27 or 28 acres,
and our informant thinks that not more than five acres remain. Almost every
tree was torn up and level with the earth. — Next a wood-house and barn, be-
longing to Mr. Nathan Nye blown down, and his orchard nearly destroyed, —
A wood lot of 20 acres, belonging to Mr. Cochran, (who also lost two barns
and his oi-chard destroyed) almost ruined. The cornfields look as if a heavy
log of wood had been rolled over them." Tradition says the wind caught up
an ox-cart in Capt. Holbrook's yard carried it over the road, brook and drove
the neap into the bank with such force that it required a pair of oxen to ex-
tract it.
The fiery elements have done quite serious damage for the size of the town
and been detriment to its prosperity in many cases. The following is a com-
plete list so far as discovered :
1798-99, Asa Wilcox, Sr. lost a building in which ham and bacon was being
smoked. Several of his neighbors suffered the loss of their "ham & eggs" by
this fire. The building stood near No. 127, in Wilcoxville.
Friday, June 21, 1805, a fire destroyed the house of John Brockway in
Surry during this night, "with the principal part of its contents" — taken from
K. S. This was No. 34 where George A. Hall now lives. Nov. 6, 1806 the
farm was adv. for sale — 80 rods south of the meeting house; a good barn and
"a new house partly finished."
One Sunday about 1845 a barn was burned at the "Cones" (No. 27) by a
small boy playing with matches.
. All the barns on the George Joslin place (No. 172) were destroyed by a
fire in Oct. 1869. He not only lost his buildings but about 100 tons of hay and
grain. The fire was supposed to have been set by a neighbor, who soon
after notified Mr. Joslin that his "barns were all a fire." Apr. 13, 1903, the
old house and barns on this place were also destroyed by a chimney fire.
Oct. 22, 1870, George H. Rand's house and barn at No. 173 were wiped out
by a fire, said to have started when his horse fell over his lantern.
During the summer of 1870, John Johnson's house at No. 80 was destroyed
by a fire supposed to have started by placing hot ashes in a barrel in the shed.
Aug. 9, 1872, Lightning struck the barn of Amos H. Carter (at No. 24) and
it was destroyed. The present large barn was built on the same site.
Dec. 28, 1887, Jackson Reed lost his house by a chimney fire, and on the
same spot the present one was built the next year. Mrs. Reed was the only
one at home and she ran to Shaw's corner to summon help.
May 31, 1878, George B. Britton's house was destroyed by a chimney fire.
He built on the same site the present dwelling at No. 30.
June 6, 1888, Stephen H. Clement lost all his buildings by a fire from light-
ning. He built the same year the present buildings on the same spot.
Casualties, Fires, Crimes, Etc. 259
Aug, 21, 1900, Sidney J. Wilder while living at No, 102 lost all the buildings
on this farm by fire which started in the night from an arch in the shed.
Nov. 9, 1902, The large house and barn at "Shaw's Corner" were all de-
stroyed by a fire which started from a chimney.
Apr. 15, 1905, a grass fire destroyed the barns at the Jonathan R. Field
place (No. 16) now owned by the Keller family.
In 1906-7 the barn on the Capt. Holbrook farm (No. 126) owned by Chas.
H. Hodgkins was destroyed by the Blake-Fitzgerald boy.
Feb. 4, 1907 the same lad applied a match to F, F. Field's barn. No. 39
during the early evening, but help arrived and the fire was put out. Having
failed in this attempt, he set the Warren Carpenter barn (No. 54) on fire
during the same evening which was destroyed along with all the buildings on
the village hotel property — No. 55.
On or about Mar. 16, 1888 a barn on No. 54, owned by the Carpenters was
destroyed, and on the site the present one was soon after built.
Everett E. Wilbur lost a barn at No. 184, Aug. 1910 (?). The fire was
caused by his grandson playing with matches.
Dec. 23, 1909, Edward J. Guillow lost his buildings through a defective
chimney and but little of the contents was saved. He built the present house
the next year on same spot — No. 188.
Apr. 14, 1915, Leon A. Hodgkins' buildings were all destroyed at No. 125
from a fire which started from an unknown cause in the barn during the
Sunday afternoon, June 6, 1915 the most spectacular and disastrous fire to
visit this town took place when all the buildings at No. 23 were destroyed.
Jasper N. Keller owned the property. There was a two story house, the old
Dr. Peter Monroe house (used as a stoi'e house), a creamery, a large horse
barn north of the dwelling house, and three large barns. The main barn was
a model of its kind, having basement floor for cattle, above this, the floor on
which the hay was driven in over a raised platform, then came the loft or
"high beams." There was a chimney for heating the "root cellar" in the
basement, and above all was a well placed cupola surmounted by a weather-
cock. They were the largest and most expensive set of buildings in town,
painted and in prime condition at the time of the fire. The cause was attri-
buted to farm-help smoking in the horse-barn where the fire started,
A fire destroyed one or two buildings of the Granite State Gold and Silver
Mining Co. about 1882. They were near the shaft on the Gilsum side.
Sunday, Apr. 1, 1923, a chimney fire, starting about noon, destroyed the
house and barns on the Edmund Woodward place. No, 11, owned by William
S, Morine. The stock, most of farming tools and a portion of household
goods were saved. Insurance, $2000.
Several other fires have been discovered in season without doing great dam-
About 1848 a chimney fire started a blaze on the roof of the Capt. Thomas
Humphrey tavern (No. 68) but by timely aid the house was saved.
260 History of Surry
About July 1, 1880, Ephraim B. Newton while living in the old Peter Hay-
ward house discovered a fire, but it was put out without doing much damage.
During the time Royal Watkins was living at the Frank E. B. Mason place
the lightning struck just north of his barn (now standing) and killed several
sheep and started a fire in the barn, but held from a stage-coach which had
hauled up nearby came and the fire was put out without serious damage.
Forest Fires
In former times several forest fires have raged on Surry Mountain destroy-
ing much valuable wood and timber.
The last fire was started July 4, 1911 by a flash of lightning during a slight
shower. It burned over from 200 to 300 acres and was under a constant
watch for some two weeks. It was near the top of the Mountain, northeast of
the village.
This town has been unusually free from crime having but few cases to
come before a Court, and so far as knoivn, only one capital crime and that
committed by a transient foreigner. A partial list follows.
William Griswold was arrested and served time in Keene jail about 1845
for obtaining money from Elijah Holbrook under constraint.
1906-7, Charles C. (Blake) Fitzgerald when about 16 years of age fired a
building in edge of Alstead, then the Capt. Holbrook barns and lastly the vil-
lage hotel barns and Francis F. Field's barn. A detective was employed, he
was arrested and finally confessed after which he was sent to Concord but
was released after a few months. There is a feeling, at least on the part of
some, that the lad was forced by another party to commit the acts.
Sept. 30, 1921, Warren P. Fisk, a wood-chopper boarding at F. E. Pomroy's
at No. 227, assaulted William LeFluer an innocent young man working in
the neighborhood. He was struck three blows on the head with a hammer by
Fisk who left the state; subsequently was arrested in Vermont and is now
serving a sentence in the prison at Concord.
At the time of building the railroad 1846-47, a large gang of Irishmen were
employed in cutting through the "summit" and numerous assaults as well as
crime were committed among the men, but we have no details, nor do we know
that they took place within our township. The state militia was finally called
out and for one winter were stationed in barracks near the east end of the
"cut." Several deaths and two or three murders took place — most of the
burials were in the cemetery near the Town Farm, in Surry.
The Samuel Meservey Case
Probably nothing in the whole history of the town has created more gossip,
suspicion and excitement than the McCurdy-Meservey controversy which was
at its height in 1803-04, and is mentioned to this day by old residents. It was
the means not only of driving McCurdy out of business, but out of town.
Casualties, Fires, Crimes, Etc. 261
Lieut. John McCurdy, a farmer, merchant and inn-keeper was living at No.
12 and doing a prosperous business; the stage coach — passenger and freight —
passed and put up at his tavern daily. During the fall of 1802 a Mr. Samuel
Meservey, a seaman, reputed to have had considerable money came along and
began work shaving shingles for Mr. McCurdy with whom he worked until
the night of Dec. 24, 1802 when he suddenly disappeared, and soon after Mc-
Curdy was accused of murdering him for his money. Tradition says he was
buried in the cellar, in the South mill-pond, and even in the Lily pond on top
of Surry Mountain. Two articles in his defense appeared in Keene Sentinel
during 1803, from which Mr. McCurdy proves Meservey was seen after the
above date in Lempster, N. H., and also in Concord, Mass. From what can
now be learned, "suspicion" ran high and many believed a crime had been
committed, yet no one was ever arrested, and we are inclined to give the
accused the "benefit of the doubt."
The following letter written by Freeman Carpenter Watkins; born in
Surry Mar. 29, 1811 who removed to Michigan with his father's family in
April, 1835, was printed in Keene Sentinel in 1874, and covered a period of
about forty years prior to that time:
"Dear Sentinel: — Born and reared within sound of your church going
bells, and having been a constant reader of the Sentinel for fifty years,
my heart still turns with an irresistable impulse to that natal spot
where it was ushered into existence. Forty years ago Surry was noted
for its many hostelries. On the highland in the West part of the town
was the Pollard Tavern (where Alonzo F. Wilbur now — 1920 — lives),
famous for its New England rum and gin, where the Walpole Artillery
and Rangers took the parting glass as they left the Walpole hills for
their muster grounds in the beautiful valley of the Ashuelot.
On the river road, first was the Inn of Peter Hayward, a lineal de-
scendant of the first settler. Next, near the Center, was the house of
Capt. Jonathan Robinson, Postmaster, a representative of one of the old
reliable families.
Next came the hotel of Capt. Thomas Humphrey, a burly salt-water
sailor. At the North, almost within rifle shot of the Alstead line, Capt.
Francis Holbrook entertained man and beast. He was a man of fine
address and reputed to be the wealthiest man in the township.
Isaiah Robbins was landlord of the old Harvey House. Robbins was
a hearty fellow; drove a six-horse team between Boston and Bellows
Falls; set a good table and was fortunate in having a wife of some ac-
quirements. Here on Saturdays a set of roistering fellows were wont
to congregate. John Tufts, George Baxter, Mason Watkins, Belding
Dart and other kindred spirits, met to drink flip and toddy, and amuse
themselves in pulling sticks, fisticuffs and other muscular exercises.
Here also was the head-quarters of Abijah Benton, who taught dancing
and etiquette to the rising generation. Where is the native of Surry
who does not remember "Bige Benton's" dancing school?
In stepping Durang's Hornpipe and beating the kettle drum, Benton
was without a rival; in drinking and swearing, (sad to relate) he had
no superior.
At this period, Esq. David Shaw and Royal Watkins were the two lit-
erary men of the township. Belonging to different political parties,
they were the only ones that could draft a set of pertinent resolutions,
and discharge the duties of secretary of a caucus or convention with
propriety. They were both veteran school-masters.
Reared in adjoining towns they sought and found their wives in the
old pioneer families of Surry. Esq. Shaw gave to his country a large
family of stalwart sons, and lovely daughters. He deceased a few years
since at the advanced age of 84 years. The soil of New Hampshire
rests lightly on his bosom.
Reminiscences 263
The other, with his family, sought their fortunes in the West. He
is still living in Jackson Co., Michigan in his 86th year, with faculties
unimpaired; he can solve a problem in mathematics or dance the High-
land reel with the same ease and grace as he did 50 years ago.
Rev. Perley Howe was the settled and resident minister; he was a
graduate of Dartmouth college — a man of spotless life and liberal views;
charitable to all, he won and retained the love and respect of his fellow
Norvell, Mich.
January 1874. F. C. W."
Inspired by the preceding letter, the following appeared in the Sentinel of
March 5th, 1874, and was written by Mrs. Betsey (Monroe) Cadis of Charles-
town, Mass. She was born in Surry July 21, 1800:
New Hampshire Sentinel, Keene, N. H., March 5, 1874.
"Mr. Editor: — Some kind friend sent us a recent number of the
SENTINEL containing a letter written by a former resident of Surry,*
in which he gives interesting reminiscences of events that occurred in
Surry and Keene forty years ago. Being a native of Surry myself, and
a resident of the place at that and an earlier period, my recollection ex-
tends back more than sixty-five years; and those jottings or records by
your correspondent served to open the store-house of my memory, from
which issued many old, familiar faces and forgotten incidents of the
past. From the mass of material thus presented it will be my endeavor
to select such as will be of some interest to the general reader as well as
to those of Surry, and her sons, daughters and descendants everywhere.
The Public Conveyance
"From Boston to Surry, some fifty years ago and earlier, was by
stage-coach — entering Keene at the southern extremity and passing
through the entire length (nearly a mile) of the splendid avenue, or
Main street. Keene being the birth-place of my beloved mother, filial
love and respect suggests at least a passing notice of her kindred there,
though distant. Deacon Fisher of "Ash Swamp," so-called, Mr. Colony
(Josiah, I think) the clothier, and the Messrs. Briggs, cabinet makers,
were all first cousins of my mother. Descendants are probably still liv-
ing there. Among the prominent merchant firms of that period with
whom we traded were the Messrs. Hall Brothers, Appleton & Elliot, and
Samuel Gerould on the West side of the street, and Messrs. Lamson and
Perry on the East side. There were others not so well remembered.
Good "Uncle Bijah" (Abijah) Kingsbury, shoe dealer, was too well
known to be forgotten — many pleasant incidents concerning him are re-
membered. Miss Fisk, the beloved and highly respected principal of
the Young Ladies' Seminary is particularly remembered; also Doctors
Twitchell and Douseman. There wei'e many other gentlemen, as well as
''See the preceding letter hy F. C. W.
History of Surry
ladies, favorably known and pleasantly remembered as friends of our
family, then residents of Keene. But we must hasten on to our destina-
tion— Surry. Before introducing any of its inhabitants, let us take
A Topographical View of the Town Itself.
"Probably there are few towns in or out of New England, of similar
dimensions, (five miles in length, and less in breadth), that surpass or
even rival Surry in romantic location and picturesque scenery of hill
and vale — comparing favorably with the wildest scenery of the Old
"The entire length on the East by "Surry Mountain," on the North by
the famed "Alstead Hills," on the West by a range and pile of hills,
Surry Mountain
South by the thrifty and beautiful town of Keene, the peculiar form of
the arable portion suggests that of a "trough with one end knocked
cut," as a wag facetiously remarked.
The River
"At the base of the mountain, and running the whole length of it and
through Keene, is the well-known, picturesque, serpentine little river,
Ashuelot — lively here, placid there, and beautiful everywhere in sum-
mer; but in Spring-time, when the sun gives the mountain a sweat, the
melting snow sometimes suddenly causes a freshet. The river then be-
came grand in its proportions and erratic in its movements, undermin-
ing trees, flooding the lowlands and strewing them with blocks of ice,
drift-wood, gravel and sand, to the dismay and discomfiture of the
farmers and to the injury of acres of grass land.
An Incident
"Of one of these Spring floods (over sixty years since) was so deeply
impressed on my mind that it comes to me at this time with wonderful
vividness. A party of lads and lasses, invited to a "sugaring-off" in
the maple grove, had assembled at the timber-bridge crossing; a portion
of the party had passed over in safety; five others, more timid, (three
lads and two girls), and linked together in single file, had stepped upon
the end plank, when a small dog, running to meet them, was sportively
seized by the fore-man and thrown into the river. The action caused a
movement of the plank, and all were dropped into the river. Four read-
ily escaped, more wet than hurt, while the fifth (the dog-seizer) was
carried down stream by the swift current, and being no swimmer, would
have drowned had he not caught hold of a friendly shrub that hung over
and into the water, to which he clung until rescued.
The Mountain Lily. Pond
"As described by an explorer, 'was the result of remarkable freaks
of nature,' and is singularly beautiful, in its surroundings and its lo-
cation. During portions of the year it furnishes water for a series of
zig-zag cascades, reaching from the top of the mountain to the river at
Lily Pond
its base. The growth of trees around (and seemingly nourished by it)
was very dense. Several years ago a whirlwind drove through and up-
rooted a large number of them, thus adding another interesting and in-
structive feature to the place. A person standing by the church or the
old Robinson (now Warren Carpenter's) tavern and looking due East
at the summit of the lofty mountain, would never suppose the topmost
266 History of Surry
01' highest trees* surrounded an acre, more or less, of deep water. Yet,
such a pond is there, and the urchins of the town believed it fathomless.
Many a weird story have the juveniles heard of day and night adven-
tures on and about this strange, hermit-like pond. Some have heard of
Mine On the Mountain Side
"Between the pond and the river, which is hardly worth mentioning.
It has the merit of not having cost much. A fall to the bottom of it
would be no serious matter,§ for it is almost as shallow as some of the
mines on paper, where the stock-holders (not the mines) have been
The Mountain Fires
Always exciting, have sometimes been awfully grand; especially so
at one time when hundreds of acres were burning over on the loftiest
Eastern range. At night the burning of the tall pines and hemlocks,
scattered among other trees along the sides or upon the summit, in bold
relief against the sky, resembled church spires burning and falling —
some of them shooting down the granite ledges and making an impres-
sion of sublimity never to be forgotten by those who saw it. Less than
two miles North of the pond, on the same mountain range, stands
"Bald Mountain"
"A high, precipitous, rocky formation, situated hack of the "Baxter
homestead," (more recently Esq. Shaw's) on the Gilsum road. Though
seemingly perpendicular as seen from the "turnpike," yet on the East-
ern side it is comparatively of easy ascent. With the exception of a
few stinted shrubs, the summit was (over sixty years ago) almost des-
titute of soil and vegetation. Here this "Sentinel Rock" (like its pro-
totype of that name in California) has stood for ages, watching as it
were, the mutual approaching of the Eastern mountain and Western
hills, till at the Northern lines, or a short distance beyond, (if I mistake
not) they meet and lovingly greet each other. Doubtless there are
other lesser freaks of nature observable on the Western hills, of which
I am not so well informed, so we will hasten Southerly to within a half
mile of the town line, and rest awhile on
"Dinah's Rock"
So called because here our only Indian representative (Dinah Arm-
strong) was wont to sit and rest in her rambles, from her lone home
in the South-western part, to the middle of the town, making friendly
calls on each family, receiving a kindly welcome, a substantial meal,
and a cup of tea, and telling the fortunes (in her comical way) of many
a merry, light-hearted lad and lass. This large, flat rock stands close to
the road-side, and was a favorite resort of the youth of the vicinity,
where they chatted and sung to their hearts' content. Many a weary
pedestrian has accepted its friendly and tempting offer of rest in the
*NOTE — The Lily pond is in the "sag" on the mountain.
§This was hefore the days of the Granite State Gold & Silver Mining Co.
Reminiscences 267
past, and for ages to come will the weai-y traveller avail himself of the
proffered rest on "Dinah's Rock." A short distance further South is
pointed out the route of a veritable
Black Bear
While on his way from the river, through fields, over fences and
across the road at the fork, and on, to the Western hills. His passage
through our section (the old Dr. Monroe's) was unhonored and unim-
peded. Being, probably, the last visit of a free native bruin to the
town, I thought the occurence should not be overlooked, as it was not
forgotten. A few rods farther, to the right from the "fork," in the
grove on the hill-side, is a large
Heavy Rock
So nicely poised on a much smaller rock, that it has the appearance
of being just on the point of falling; and many times stalwart men and
boys have assembled there on Fourths of July to have a jolification in
throwing that venerable fixture from its elevation down the hill by
their united strength — but in vain; and for aught I know it still remains
where nature placed it. Before paying our respects to the native-born
It may be well to state that some fifty years ago (perhaps later)
there was not a "foreigner" in the town, and but one colored person,
(the Indian woman, Dinah,) but some ten or fifteen years before, there
were three families by the name of McCurdy. The parents and their
two sons were native of (the North of) Ireland. One son, certainly,
married an American girl, and had several children. This son lived on
the Page (now Edmund Woodward — 1874) farm, and "kept tavern."
The aged parents occupied a small house near by. Little was known of
their antecedents, but it was known that the father was a very passion-
ate man from the fact that once, in a rage, he knocked down his hired
man, (Job Stone,) and seeing him apparently lifeless he anxiously in-
quired, "Job, are ye dead? Speak if you be!" while his affrighted wife
said, "Ye will have to flee the counthry again." The other son lived
near Dinah's Rock, on the Willard Smith farm. All left Surry over
fifty years ago. Of other inhabitants — on the extreme Northern limits
of the town resided Esq. Hills, one of nature's noblemen. He had two
worthy sons, and one daughter. One noticeable feature of the location
was, that his fine house was in Surry and his barn (just beyond) was
in Alstead. Of the medical fraternity. Dr. Philip Monroe was the pio-
neer resident physician. Two of the sons, the oldest and youngest,
were eminent physicians and surgeons in Maine. The originator and
practitioner of the "Botanic system" of healing. Dr. Samuel Thompson,
was a resident of Surry many years, but subsequently located at Bos-
ton, where he had an extensive and successful practice until his death.
He had three or four sons; all migrated West and became eminent bot-
anic physicians in their respective localities. Dr. John Thompson, the
youngest, settled in Albany, N. Y., and for a time edited and published
268 History of Surry
the BOTANIC WATCHMAN. Becoming opulent, he presented his na-
tive town, Surry, with a bell for the church. The acceptance and raising
of the bell was the occasion of a large gathering and public demonstra-
tion of joy by the inhabitants. An oration was delivered by Jonathan
Robinson, Jr., Esq., (now — 1874 — a resident of Keene), and a report of
the memorable event was duly published in the SENTINEL of that
period. Surry can lay claim to another Editor, in the person of Mr.
Asahel Harvey, Jr., the only son of our worthy town clerk. He served
his apprenticeship in the Sentinel office, Keene, and afterward located
and published a weekly paper in Canandaigua, N. Y.
Surry contained many lovers of music, and some excellent singers.
Among the former were our venerable pastor (Rev. Perley Howe) and
David Shaw, Esq. Neither made any pretension to musical talent, but
encouraged it in others. Esq. Shaw's lovely daughters were indeed
sweet singers. A pleasant event comes to my mind: On the writer's
sixteenth birth-day, on a Sunday in July, a stranger musical minister
and several gentlemen singers from Keene, among whom was the late
Mr. J. Lamson, happened to be at the church and took part in the sing-
ing. On leaving the church, Mr. L. remarked to those around him, "If
you want to hear better music than that, you must go out of this world
for it." He, and many other participants in the exercises of that day
have "passed on" to find the better music.
"This opening of "memory's store-house" and giving reins to imagin-
ation on a mental trip to Surry has caused me to so mingle with the
pleasant past that for the time being I had forgotten that I had passed
the allotted time of "three score years and ten."
Yours respectfully, B. C.
Charlestown, Mass., Feb. 1874."
NOTE — The author of this history has made three or four slight additions to the original
paper which are given in parentheses.
Mrs. Cadis concludes her reminiscences with the following:
"These pleasant tales, of hills and glens,
Described in such a hurry,
I dedicate to former friends.
Inhabitants of Surry.
And trust no one will feel aggrieved,
Or deem me false or slurry,
If they'er included and preceived
In this pen-sketch of Surry.
When memory brings dear forms to view,
My eyes are rather blurry;
Reminiscences 269
Of many friends, but very few
Are dwelling, now in Surry.
I've learned to see things "for the best,"
And not to fret or worry.
Although this form, when laid to rest,
Will be elsewhere than Surry.
Now, "fare-thee-well," natal town —
Thine errors let us bury.
And trust thy future, (of renown,)
Will be for good, to Surry.
Charlestown, Mass., February 1874. B. C."
The following is a partial copy of an article written by Francis F. Field
and published in the New Hampshire Sentinel, May 8, 1897:
In going from Keene to Surry, when beyond the stone bridge looking
north over the graceful elms which line the Ashuelot, can be seen,
several miles away, a broad pasture sloping toward us, its highest point
a broken ledge, which stands in peaceful contrast between the earth and
sky. In summer this slope lies warm in the sunlight and in winter its
snows glow with a purer light than that of the lower hills. It is the
south end of Surry mountain and is called the pinnacle.
A near view would show that here the mountain leaves its regular
curve and pushes the ledge boldly out toward Surry valley, its bare
breast exposed to all the moods of the western sky. This ledge is a hun-
dred feet or more in height, the upper part conglomerate, the sides
coarse quartz and mica, blackened in places with scale moss, the crypto-
gamia on rocks of the higher hills. It is the watch-tower of the Ashue-
lot valley. From its top can be traced the winding ways of the river
from the upper end of Surry through Keene into Swanzey. Nearly
every, if not every house in the first mentioned town can be seen. In
the southeast is Monadnock, the line of its western decline pointing
toward Keene; to the right of the city the Ash Swamp meadows, the
rails of the Fitchburg railroad * track drawn through them like a
silver wix'e; still farther on and up amidst the haze, Saddleback (or
Stratton mountain in Vermont), one of the highest of the Green moun-
tains; in the west and north of the hills of Walpole and Alstead, with
their many miles of forest and clearing.
From this ledge the mountain slopes gently toward the east, a mile or
less, meeting a smaller hill, and with a similar decline on the south
runs into the low lands in Keene. It is mostly an open field, a deep glen
cutting in north and south through the middle. Through this glen, dark
with pines which grow upon its sides, runs the Sturtevant brook, mak-
*Originally this was the Cheshire railroad, then Fitchburg and now the Fitchburg
division of the Boston & Maine railroad system.
270 History of Surry
ing just before entering the meadows far below a beautiful cascade
named by a local poet Glen Ellen. Over the glen east of the pinnacle
is an old graveyard. The last burial of which any stone makes record
is in the year 1799.
The yard is in a most picturesque slope in the open field which is used
for a pasture. All traces of any fence which there may have been is
gone. There are but eight headstones, some natural slabs and others
black slate with winged heads in the arch which have inscriptions, and
of these but two are standing. The others are lying upon the ground,
some of them broken into several pieces. The oldest death recorded here
is 64 years. The yard is in Gilsum not many rods from the Keene line.
Mrs. Ebenezer Kilburn was the first person who died in that town; she
was but twenty years old (died June ye 25th 1765), a fair, delicate girl,
who came from one of the wealthy families of Connecticut. An epitaph
on one of the two stones still standing dwelt in our minds as we walked
home in the cool winter twilight : "Let me not forgotten lie." It seemed
like the last appeal to care for this place before it sinks forever into
the deep of night. Our fore-father's perhaps belong to us all. We are
proud to call all like them our ancestors, and anything which we can do
to preserve the record of their bold and daring lives, and make lasting
the place where they lie, will ennoble us, and we shall be entitld in fu-
ture years to the respect from the life which is to be. We owe to such
as they the blessings comforts and privileges which we so much enjoy
now. "A great nation pays reverence to its ancestors" and a small sum
would reset those stones and build a permanent wall around this yard.
A tender romance hangs around this spot, of a young bride coming
hei"e to break the stillness of the forest with her voice. The birds were
singing then their love songs to her responsive heart. She saw the for-
est turn from green to gold and purple, arid then the long winter wil-
derness of glittering trees. When the birds came again and sang their
songs she gave her life to her child, and one June day, when all the air
was sweet with the scent of wild flowers, and the bell notes of the moun-
tain brook, floated away in the space of heaven, they made her grave
near the rock where the wild columbine grows, and it was the first
among all these hills ever gilded by morning sunrise.
Those who hold the records of the ecclesiastical history in the town,
who still read from the same book, the leaves worn thin by hands which
held it, tenderly, yet with a more unyielding clasp than now, is it any-
thing to them that the stones which marked the resting place of their
first disciple of Christ lies broken on the ground, the dull face in its
rounded arch looking stupidly up to the white clouds in the sky.
Turning to Keene, that fair city, "The Gem" not only of "the Ashue-
lot" but of the state as she reclines so gracefully on her crystal meadows,
tossing back with some degree of luxury and pride the sunbeams from
her western windows, would she be indifferent of those who helped to lay
her foundation? Graceful in her to throw around this spot a wall of
protection and again erect those monuments with a new consecration;
not with sobs, as then, from lips grown pale with long suffering; not
with tears, as then, from hearts already faint with anguish; but to per-
petuate nobleness, patriotism and valor; and in gratitude that, because
Reminiscences 271
of those who lie there — their once strong arms folded over their breasts
— thousands have since lifted their hearts with joy in happy homes
beside their willowy stream.
Formerly there was a sizable boulder on top of Bald hill. In 1843 some of
the young men thought it a good way to celebrate the 4th of July by rolling it
down the hill. Jonathan Harvey, Sr. who lived near the foot fearing it might
hit his buildings in its flight, remonstrated, but his pleadings were of no
avail. So he hired a man to go up and drill and split the stone hoping thus to
deter the boys from their purpose. But the boys plans wei'e made and they
went up with levers and by strenuous labor they succeeded; the rock rolled
down into a gutter where it still remains while the twenty or more partici-
pants were jubilant.
About 1855 while the County Supt. of schools was visiting school in a
neighboring town during the devotional exercises, a lad came to the passage,
"Is there no balm in Gilead? is there no physician there?" He read it thus:
"Is there no barn in Gilsum? is there no physic there?"
One day as the Parson was passing a house a demented woman excitedly
cried out, "Mr. Howe — Mr. Howe you must look out, I saw a black-eyed-hawk
after your Phebe bird the other day." The good parson chuckled over the
joke. Not long after the marriage of Phebe Howe and Dr. John Petts took
One town meeting day Augustus Johnson got up and said "I saw a man
this morning who said if I would vote his ticket, he would take me to the
meeting give me a good dinner and take me home again at night. I told that
man I COULD WALK, and the first two letters in that man's name is
The teacher at the south end school sent a small boy out one day to get a
stick for a whipping. He soon returned with a dry mullen stock while the
teacher having a fine sense of humor sent him to his seat unpunished.
A man from Walpole taught the village school during the winter of 1856
and during one noon hour the big boys filled the stove full of wood then opened
the draft. The heat set the woodwork afire and was not put out until an
abundance of water had been thrown over head which drenched the room
while the scholars were excused for the balance of that day. On another oc-
casion the boys took levers and jacked the south side of the school-house up
nearly two feet where it remained until the next day.
Some of the rough element got a young man from the north-west part of
the town out one night on some pretext, held him in captivity an hour or so
then set him at liberty. As the lad approached his home he bawled out, "Get
up father!; rout out Hannah!; tar'n-feather'd all over by the Proctor boys;
h — Is to pay."
The old militia company held an annual muster in Surry until about 1848.
The organization had got into a demoralized condition in this part of the
272 History of Surry
state before it finally ceased; gambling, vice and rowdyism prevailed. Many
a respected citizen had "a spree" on muster-day. Old Gus at-
tended and got dead drunk one time, so four men got a lumber wagon and
carted him home. As they dumped him on his kitchen floor he revived and
called out, "Sal, Sal, have you got some rum to treat the bearers?" On an-
other occasion an industrious citizen who never let a nickel slip through his
fingers returned from a muster in a dazed condition. His wife met him at the
door and exclaimed, "Why, Ed. what does this mean?" "Oh don't mind, it
didn't cost a cent," was his reply.
The following item appeared in Keene Sentinel July 1895. "Excavations
have recently been made on Mine, or Surry hill near the George L. Britton
place to see what could be found of certain tools which tradition says were left
there by the Spaniards who were digging for gold or silver" prior to the
Revolutionary war. Several tools were "found"? — an axe, gun, trap, sledge
hammer, drills, etc. all in a rusty condition, and all of which had been placed
there only a few days previous by some of the boys as a joke on William P.
While Holland Stevens was running the mill at south part of the town
some of the school boys stumped him to a race on the mill pond. Holland took
out his skates and with considerable difficulty finally reached the upper end
of the pond. When all was ready the boys started, Holland followed on for a
few rods, then went by the lads like a shot, whirling, he skated backward
reaching the goal in the lead amid the chagrin of the boys.
About 1810 two Surry men were expecting an "heir," their neighbor, Ben-
jamin Merrifield promised a lamb to the first arrival. The first received the
honor of being named "Benjamin Merrifield Britton" while the latter was
christened just, "Benjamin Britton." When Benjamin Merrifield Britton was
four years he went and claimed his prize and from that time until he was
over 70 years of age he was never without one or more sheep. A most re-
markable coincident the men died the same day — Oct. 29, 1891.
An article in the Town Warrant one year was to see "what action the town
will take regarding the ice trouble on Gilsum road." A young man near the
village placed the letter "L" before the word "ice" without being apprehended.
Rev. Perley Howe when examining school one day asked a boy if he could
tell him how far he had got in his reading. "Yes sir, to a page beyond God."
"Ah, my boy, there is where a great many of us have got."
One fall old uncle David and his son Henry attended a muster and like
many others got too much toddy. On arriving home at dusk David fell from
the wagon, injuring his head. Henry ran for the camphor and sopped on a
lot to revive his father, all the time asking if he was much hurt? They dis-
covered upon entering the house that the bottle contained blue ink. This
was too good, and one of the girls told it to a friend and soon after old Dr.
Hammond of Gilsum is said to have written a poem which was printed in a
local paper, much to the disgust of uncle David.
In ye olden times Surry, like most other towns, had her whipping post. We
are told that it stood near the road, No. 35. One dark night three of the
Reminiscences 273
young men of the town took the Post and dropped it into a deep well that was
near. It was some time before its hiding place was discovered, meanwhile
the culprits had repented their rash act, and fearing that they might be found
out and have to pay the penalty at the recovered Post, left town for a few
months, till Surry skies were once more sei'ene.
Samuel Poole did not like and would not eat turtle, and so Bill Kingsbury
having caught a good fat one, invited Poole down to help him out on a job.
The "job" took the forenoon and included the dinner. Mr. Turtle was cooked
in the best of order, and Poole took hold of it and wanted several orders filled.
This was too good to keep, and Brad Britton, an old hector, took much de-
light in the village store telling how Poole, with turtle claws hanging out of
the corners of his mouth, kept calling for more "veal."
A citizen fi'om the north end of the town came one evening to the village
tavern on horseback, and after passing some time at the "bar" was ready to
return. Some of the big boys being ready to assist him, got his horse and
saddle ready, while he was taking one more swig. The saddle was placed in
position, but not buckled on; from the back part a rope some 15 feet long was
attached to the shed. The rider was helped on gently, the horse was given a
switch, and — all were "off" — the rider landing with a splash in a large mud
puddle, which sobered him up and he was able to ride home without further
Holland Stevens once when talking with Jonathan R. Field said the Bible
was a contradictoiy book; there is a passage which reads, "If sinners entice
thee, consent thou." A strong dispute resulted in the Bible being brought
forth, from which Holland read the verse and closed the book with a bang.
It was demanded that he shoiv the passage and while Holland was looking
for it, said in an injured tone that he was not used to having his veracity
questions. "There it is, now Jock don't read too far." But Jonathan calmly
and vigorously read the passage through, "If sinners entice thee, consent thou
not." (Prov. 1:10). Holland still triumphant persisted he had read "too
far." In religious belief he was a Spiritualist, and is said, took delight ridi-
culing certain passages in the Bible.
One evening when Benjamin M. Britton was about 12 years of age his
father left him to watch his coal-pit for a short time; soon after he fell asleep
and walked to the house of Seth Carpenter (at No. 225). Walked into the
kitchen and took a chair and began answering questions in a bewildered man-
ner. Finally he was given an apple and when he took the first bite he awoke
and much to his surprise found he had traveled nearly half a mile.
274 History of Surry
The old toll gate at No. 98-99 until after 1840 extended over the highway
in which a gate was raised and lowered at will. One day a loaded team en-
tered and while paying the toll two girls entered and inquired the price for
"two men and a horse," upon being informed one with a twinkle in her eye
said, "well we are two gals and an old mare" — "go-on-dolly!"
The first abode of most of the early settlers of this town was the typical
log cabin; when this gave place to a more comfortable dwelling it frequently
happened that the first site was obliterated and cannot now be located. That
part of Surry which was taken from Gilsum was "lotted" and "ranged"; a
copy of the survey is existent and the land records in Cheshire county Regis-
ter of Deeds office in Keene have made possible fairly accurate statement in
regard cellar-holes, building-sites and occupants.
With the Westmoreland Leg, part of Surry we are less fortunate. The
early Proprietors records containing the lots and ranges are not known to
exist and the Range Table is said to have been destroyed. This has meant
many months' work at the Register of Deeds office to even attempt to learn
the early settlers, and as it was here that Peter and William Hayward, John
Johnson, Charles Rice, Joseph Whitney, William Barron and possibly others
of our first settlers lived it is with keen disappointment that we are unable to
discover more documentary evidence in regard to this part of the town.
This chapter takes up present and former residences, house sites, mills,
shops and historical data. So far as known every dwelling and house site,
except wood choppers' camps, has been mentioned.
The numbers refer to the map which accompanies this volume, an enlarge-
ment from Smith & Morley's map of Cheshire County, 1858, with many addi-
tions. This has been made especially for this work and while not accurate in
every detail, we believe it sufficient for all practical purposes. The map alone
representing much labor and research, is by Mr. Samuel Wadsworth and the
author; though not absolutely necessary we believe it merits approval and will
add greatly to the value of the history.
L.=lot. Sull His. = Sullivan History.
R.=range. n f r.=no further record.
S.=Surry, q v.=which see.
£=English pound. 1842/3=about that time.
R. of D.=Register of Deeds. 1842-48=from 1842 until 1848.
G. H,=Gilsum History. ?=exact date unknown.
Peter Hayward settled on this farm between 1753 and 1762; he built his
cabin (near No. 1^/^ on map) in which he lived until about 1764 when
he erected about 20 rods nearer Keene line the substantial dwelling now
standing at No. 1, and occupied by Samuel L. Newton. The house is
about 40 feet square, has a massive chimney and contains seven fire-
History of Surry
Residences 277
places. Mr. Hay ward opened a tavern here in 1765. Sept. 11, 1780 he
sold his 364 acre farm and buildings to his "living son" Nathan Hay-
ward who deeded the property back within a few years, then Peter con-
veyed the place to his sons, Elias and Calvin. Nov. 3, 1798 Calvin bought
out his brother's interest and opened a tavern here, 1804. After Cal-
vin's d. his son Peter took over the property and lived here until about
1854, when he and Roxana, his wife, sold to Ephraim F. Towns of Keene.
Jonathan R. Field was here from Apr. 1, 1855 until 1858 at which time
the property contained 225 acres and sold for $3500.00. William T.
Pierce came 1858 and his heirs sold 1863 to Lewis Newton. The latter
sold to his son, Ephraim B. Newton, Oct. 18, 1872 and Jan. 1, 1900 the
present owner, Samuel L. Newton, bought the farm. There was a toll-
gate near here about 1800 and a cider mill years ago.
John Levitt sold L. 2; R. 1 No. 43 under the mountain to Woolston Brock-
way, Brockway to Nat'l Peck, 1768. Peck to Sam'l McCurdy 1772, who
sold to James McCurdy 1787, who settled here, about 1788. He built a
log dwelling where a cider mill later was erected (see C. M. map). In
1806 William Thompson lived here, "and the house had the name of be-
ing haunted. It was, however, discovered to be only through the tricks of
some of his roguish boys." — G. H. In 1814, Robert and Thomas Austin
purchased the property and lived in the log house while erecting a large
substantial dwelling a few rods to the south in 1816. This house which
stood until 1876 (?) was one story, stood facing the west and contained
a huge stone chimney, with fireplace. Mr. Austin by opening doors
could drive his oxen and sled of wood into the kitchen, roll a log into
the fireplace and go out at the other end. About 1830 he reduced and
made the chimney "up-to-date" so as to take a log only four foot long,
but as time went on, 1840 (?), he removed and rebuilt a modern chim-
ney and put in a cook stove. The change to modernism was not wholly
satisfactory; Mr. Austin often said, "I am tired and sick of cutting up
trundle bed wood" and Mrs. Austin, so familiar with the old crane hook
and skillet said the "stove could not and would not work." There is
little doubt but their discomforts were shared by most others at one
time or other. The Austins built a cider mill in the bank which was in
use till 1845 (?), the site of which can still be seen, and a few feet
east of the house was the old well, still seen, where dangled for many
years the "old oaken bucket." The "boys bed-room" was built in the
space taken by the old big chimney. The brothers both lived here sev-
eral years, when Robert removed to Walpole and finally to Gilsum.
Thomas remained till 1853 when he went to No. 146, thence to Keene
where he died. Jonathan Mansfield here, 1853-Apr. 1854. Elias H.
Heath, a wood chopper, about one year, and possibly some other chop-
pers for short periods, when the buildings went to decay and the house
was torn down and removed by J. D. and H. H. Carter about 1876.
Tradition says there was an old brick yard here, now marked by a sag
in the ground, filled by brushwood. When and by whom brick were
made is unknown, nor have we knowledge of brick being made in any
other place in town, unless possibly at the old "clay-pit" in the bank
east of No. 14; see map. With the number of brick used in chimneys
278 History of Surry
prior to 1825, it certainly would appear that brick-yards were in this
vicinity and did a flourishing business.
4. Holland Stevens removed the top story of his mill (No. 5) and built a
small one-story dwelling here about 18G2. Since that time extensive
repairs have been made. Many have owned and occupied this place,
some of whom were: Charles A. Britton, 1862; John Lang. Britton,
1863; Raymond Brockway, 1867-72; Walter R, Scripture, 1872-74. John
H. Rogers bought property Dec. 13, 1874 and owned or lived here some
17 years. He built the top story. Freeman R. Huntley, Lewis Newton,
Noah Allen (1884 and others here. Ernest W. Carpenter, 1890 (?);
William H. Wright, 1895; Henry A. Weatherhead, Clarence E. Knapp,
Weston E. Wilbur, 1911-'18; John P. Sweeney till Apr. 1921; a Mr.
Dodge and Ernest W. Carpenter again Apr. 1922. For about 60 years
this place was connected with the mill property. Augustus M. Cole
lived here after the fire at No. 11, until Sept. 1, 1923.
5. South saw-mill. William Hayward is believed to have built the first mill
on this spot, which was standing at the time of his death, 1785, when it
fell to his widow, Sarah and son, Sarel. In 1801, Sarel sold to Maj.
Nathan Hayward who took his son Nathan, Jr., into partnership in 1817.
Apr. 6, 1821, Eliphaz Field bought property and sold to Holland Stevens,
Dec. 3, 1845, "land and an old saw mill" for $125.00. People now living
remember the mill at that time; one story high, old and in a dilapidated
condition, though probably the second, if not the third mill on that site.
Holland soon built a new mill, two story high, on the top floor was a
small tenement where he lived and kept "bachelor's hall." He was a
natural born mechanic and each winter his mill-yard was well stocked
with logs which kept the old "up-and-down-saw" busy during the spring
months. A wooden water wheel of the "under-shot" type furnished
power for both the log saw, bench-saws, etc. Holland leased the prop-
erty to the Day Brothers, Samuel and Danforth, about 1855, one lived
in the mill and the other at No. 7. A Mr. Butterfield, also rented the
property about that time, and perhaps there were others. The Days
did a good business, carriage building and wood-work; one contract
was building an omnibus for a liveryman in Keene. This took place on
the top story in the front end of the mill and in order to remove the
body when finished, they took out one side of the mill. Holland sold Oct.
9, 1867, to Raymond Brockway who sold to Walter R. Scripture, Mar.
7, 1872. Dec. 13, 1874, John H. Rogers bought property and kept it till
he sold to Ernest W. Carpenter, Mar. 10, 1891. Ernest soon tore the
mill down which Holland erected 1846, and on its site built a new one
which stood till Dec. 1920 when this was taken down and the lumber
removed to Keene. Frank D. W. Carpenter took a half interest in this
mill, 1896, and in 1900 they sold to Henry A. Weatherhead who put in
an iron water wheel, a portable grist mill, and did a small business
sawing and grinding, until he sold out, 1909, after which the mill stood
idle. In 1909, Willard E. Wilbur purchased mill property and pond
and annexed same to his summer home, No. 7.
6. In 1882, Frank E. Ellis built the cider mill which is still standing. The
mill was in operation each year until 1918; a horse was used on a tread
mill to furnish power for grinding the apples.
Residences 279
7. The first building erected here was by Jonathan R. Field, about 1840; it
was a small one story house painted I'ed, and since 1860 extensive re-
pairs and additions have been made by the various owners. Mr, Field
lived here and assisted his father in his old age who lived at No. 8.
Henry T. Ellis came here 1854 (?) and later built the 2d story. Dan-
forth Day lived here a short time; others were: Hiram P. Bigelow,
Mason A. Carpenter, Frank E. Ellis several years and made repairs;
Willard Shaw, M. D. Carpenter, Francis F. Field, Lewis Dwight Darl-
ing, David Y. Kenion, who met death by an accident in the yard;
Charles S. Payne who sold to Willard E. Wilbur, the present owner,
Nov. 8, 1909, since occupied as a summer home.
8. William Hayward settled here prior to 1763; Feb. 14, 1764, he exchanged
some of his land with Peter Hayward. He died, 1785, in the 49th year
of his age at which time he left 320 acres of land; a dwelling house,
barn, saw mill, new cider mill and an orchard. Value £713-12s. The
estate was divided between his heirs; his widow, Sarah and son Sarel
appear to have received the two mills, a portion of the farm and the
house was divided with other children. The present house he erected
prior to 1785, but just when no one probably will ever know. William
was living here when the Great road was surveyed, 1772, but possibly in
an earlier dwelling; doubtless Mr, Ellis' house was built between 1770
and 1780. Major Nathan Hayward bought the property Dec. 15, 1801;
in 1816 he sold an interest to his son, Nathan, Jr. Apr. 6, 1821, Eliphaz
Field bought the property and moved here from No. 102 and after his
death, his son-in-law, Henry T. Ellis owned the farm and after his
death in 1895 it fell to his son, Frank E. Ellis, the present owner. When
built, the front of the house was on the north side, facing the Great
road and the old "front door" still remains. The new road was built
between Mr. Ellis' house and barn and Nigger hollow, 1806, Henry T.
Ellis built the present ell, 1879 (?), in the top story is a hall formerly
used for dances. Two or three rods south of the ell where two maple
trees now stand was where the "new cider mill" stood, until about 1840.
9. Between F. E. Ellis' barn and the Wilbur Road is a large rock, near which
stood a school house between 1798 and 1834/35. From some of the
early records, it appears a school house stood on or near this spot which
was destroyed by fire in 1797/98. The late William H. Woodward at-
tended school here about 1834.
10. A new school house, 21 x 26 ft. was erected here, 1835, Edmund Wood-
ward gave the land so long as used for school purposes. This building
was in use until about 1890, after which it was unoccupied. March,
1915, the town sold the old building at public auction and Frank E.
Ellis bid it off for $40.00, soon after moving it near his barn for a car-
riage house where it now stands.
11. Edmund Woodward built this house, 1849, using material from his old
house. No. 12. Christopher Fuller of Westmoreland was boss-carpen-
ter; the barns are understood to have been built by the McCurdy's.
Mr. Woodward lived here till his death, 1892, caused by a fall. Since
that time this farm has been in a whirlwind of ownership. Merrill D.
History of Surry
& Bertha A. Carpenter, 18!)8; Albert E. Flagg lived here; Rodney E.
Fisher; Hermon Anderson, 1904; Charles P. Jefts; John A. Wheeler,
1915; Amos F. Brown, 1917-18; Henry L. Phillips, 1918-20; John But-
ler, 1921; William S. Morine April 1921-1922. Augustus M. Cole and
wife also lived with Mr. Morine. The buildings were destroyed by fire
Apr. 1, 1923.
John Johnson settled here about 1762; erected a cabin, then Jonathan
Parkhurst -bought this property of Johnson, Apr. 24, 1764, and probably
built the house later known as the McCurdy tavern. Parkhurst sold
104 acres, 1768, to Nathaniel Peck. Peck sold to Samuel McCurdy of
Lyme, Conn., May 2, 1772. In 1786, he sold to his son John McCurdy
who opened a tavern. In 1788. a Proprietors meeting was held at the
South School House. No. 10.
house of Lieut. John McCurdy, innkeeper. Lieut. John was an ener-
getic man, in 1790 he opened a store here — the first in town, so far as
known; in 1794 he added a blacksmith shop, and for a few years did a
thriving business. In 1812, John sold to Richard McCurdy, and he sold
to Lemuel Page in 1817 and after his death, Jeremiah Robbins and
Isaiah Robbins owned the property till Mar. 1828, when William Lam-
son, Jr. of Keene got hold of the farm, and he sold the same year to
Edmund Woodward who moved here Apr. 1, 1829. Mr. W. spent over
63 years on this farm, living in this house and his new one, No. 11. The
site of this house is about three rods west of the present dwelling, the
old highway passing between them. Tradition says it was the first
two story dwelling erected in town; two stories on the east side and only
one on the rear; in 1835, it was an old weatherbeaten building formerly
painted red. Where the present house and shed now stand, formerly
stood a building 200 feet long, open at both ends and used as a drive-
way during stage coach days. This was removed, 1835.
Samuel McCurdy and his wife lived here in their old age — both died,
1808. There was only a few acres of land, and possibly never long sep-
Residences 281
arated from the home place — No. 11. The house was torn down by Mr.
Woodward about 1873. Some of the numerous tenants here, were:
George Baxter, 1835 (?); Harvey Kurd; Philemon Wright; Raymond
Brockway in 1868 (?); Barney Wilbur, 1866; a Mr. Robbins; Mrs.
Helen (Purcell) Adams and others. This was probably where Edmund
Wetherbee was living, 1812. The house was one-story and stood on the
knoll, 6 or 8 rods west of present road, but east of the old "Great road."
14. Mar. 6, 1901, Fred B. Marshall bought of M. D. Carpenter a few acres
of land and began erecting a house and blacksmith shop here, but re-
moved before either were finished. 1903, George E. Crosby bought
property and finished the buildings; sold 1922, to John Hensler. Hiram
F. Newell rented, 1920, and Dr. William H. Sumner of Keene in 1921.
15. Blacksmith shop built 1902 by Marshall has been moved; is now the barn
on this place. Near this place was the old "Dry bridge" on the highway,
built first of plank, but filled in by Edmund Wetherbee in 1812.
16. John Johnson was "of Westmoreland" and on Jan. 26, 1762, he sold this
land, 104 acres, to William Barron and Barron (erroneously called
"Barnes") settled here soon after. The old house stood in the yard,
some 4 rods south of the present dwelling, was in use until 1848, when
H. T. Ellis built the one now standing. Across the road west of this
house Mr. Barron was at work building a wall Apr. 1775, when the mes-
senger from Keene notified him of the Concord fight. William and Wil-
liam, Jr., owned the place (except in 1791, when Levi Blodgett had a
half interest), until Dec. 24, 1799, when Nathan Estabrook purchased
the same. 1805 Nathan sold to John Thayer, a "housewright" who kept
tavern here, 1810, and he sold 1813 to Esq. David Shaw of Alstead.
Apr. 30, 1822, David sold to Hon. James Wilson of Keene 100 acres at
$2000.00. Gen. Wilson rented the farm and sold to Henry T. Ellis, 1841.
He lived here till 1854 then removed to No. 7. Jonathan R. Field came
soon after and lived here until death, 1882, then Francis F. Field a few
years, then Frank E. Nesmith. Hon. A. T. Batchelder of Keene bought
property about 1895/'00, raised the house up making it two story. This
place was added to No. 23 which he had owned over 20 years. After
his death, Jasper N. Keller bought property Jan. 1, 1904 and that fam-
ily have occupied it each season to the present (1922). The oi i house
was used as a carriage house for a number of years. Across the road
west of the present dwelling can still be seen the site of Mr. Ellis' cider
mill. This mill was known as the "Grater type," a horse being used on
a sweep, and when in operation it was necessary to keep the horse on the
trot. The mill was in use till about 1875 and went to decay and disap-
peared. A grass fire burned the barns on this place, Apr. 15, 1905.
17. This has been known as the "Willard Smith place" since 1830. The old
two story house stood side to the road, was town down 1842/43, and re-
built at No. 39, by Rev. Elihu Smith. Who first settled here and when,
has not been determined to our satisfaction yet a special search has been
made in the R. of D. We believe this farm has been joined to No. 16,
separated and rejoined by Gen. Wilson prior to 1830. The line of own-
ership runs possibly as follows:
282 History of Surry
William Barron or his son William, Jr., sold to Maj. Nathan Hayward.
The major sold to Caleb Washburn June 9, 1788. Mar. 1790, James Mc-
Curdy bought property, moving here from No. 2. James sold 1812 to
Richard McCurdy of Lyme, Conn., who probably never came here to
live. Jan. 22, 1818, Willard Smith bought farm, "where James Mc-
Curdy now lives." 1823, Smith mortgaged the farm to Hon. James
(afterwards General) Wilson, and after Smith died, 1825, Wilson took
over the property which was joined to No. 16, as stated above. An adv.
in Keene Sentinel Mar. 16, 1826, states it contained 105 acres, good
buildings, a fine orchard, a bridge over Ashuelot river and was situated
1% mile south of Surry meeting-house. Thomas Stacy lived here, 1833-
18. Since the death of Dinah Armstrong in 1812, this rock, near the highway
has been known as DINAH'S ROCK.
19. On a small level plot of land some six rods west of the present highway
was a cellar hole before 1850 but the land has been tilled for years and
the site long since obliterated. Probably no one has lived here for over
100 years. The building stood near the first road up Surry valley,
though that at its best was only a well trod bridle path as wagons did
not arrive in town to any extent until after 1790. Thomas Darte pos-
sibly lived here, as he sold this land, or a tract very near to Rev. David
Darling, Jan. 30, 1781.
20. William Kingsbury built a cider mill on this spot about 1858 which was
in use around 30 years; removed 1890 (?). "Kingsbury hill" was named
for him — the old fox hunter,
21. William Kingsbury bought 60 acres of land of his brother Josiah, 1854
(?) (all that part of his home farm lying west of the highway) and
soon erected the buildings here, with later additions. He and his wife
both died here, then Cyrus Kingsbury their adopted son took over the
property. 1900, Cyrus sold to Hon. A. T. Batchelder, since which time
to the present it has been the property in joint with No. 16, 17, 18, 19,
20, 22 and 23. Edmunds, Murray, Green and probably others have lived
22. Tradition says a dwelling stood here; was torn down and the timber used
to build the 2nd story at No. 23 when Dr. Monroe began keeping tavern
in 1799. It stood midway between No. 21 and a trout pond made within
20 years — see map. Benjamin Whitney lived at or near this spot and
had a blacksmith shop, in 1770, and Joseph Whitney was in town at a
still earlier date. As this land was a part of Dr. Monroe's homestead
for many years, probably some of the Monroe family lived here prior to
23. Rev. David Darling, 1781, was the first, so far as discovered, to settle
here. Feb. 16, 1790, he sold this place to Dr. Philip Monroe who moved
here from No. 72 (?). Mr. Darling removed to No. 247 in edge of
Keene. The old house was a large one story affair and the doctor added
a 2nd story in 1799 and soon opened a tavern. Two families fi'equently
occupied the house at a time until 1874 when it was moved easterly 6 or
Residences 283
8 rods where it served as a shop and store house till it went up in smoke,
1915. The doctor lived here until death, then his son Nahum P. Monroe
owned the place for several years, leasing it to Capt. Luther Holbrook,
1837, Jonathan Robinson, Jr. and perhaps others. Nov. 9, 1837, Josiah
Kingsbury bought the property and lived here till he sold to Luther K.
Wright in 1866. 1869, Wright sold to Mrs. Betsey C. and Elbridge W.
Britton, who in turn sold 1874 to Dr. Ira W. Russell of Keene who pur-
chased for his son Frank A. Russell. Dr. R. after moving the old house
built a new two story one on the old site and built a large new barn,
containing two floors above basement. 1883 (?) Alfred T. Batchelder
of Keene bought this farm and employed a foreman and hired help, ex-
pending a small fortune erecting new buildings, stables for trotting
stock, a race track on the plane north of No. 25 and at the time of his
death this was by far the most expensive set of buildings in town. After
his death, Jasper N. Keller bought the whole property — ^four old farms
— all in one large estate, which now, Dec. 1922, is owned by the Keller
On Sunday afternoon, June 6, 1915, a fire started in the horse-barn,
which stood north of the house, destroyed all the buildings on this prop-
erty; no permanent structure has replaced them. A partial list of those
who occupied the old and new houses is: Edward R. Carter of West-
minster, Mass., 1840 (?); Silas Whitcomb, 1846; William Rahn, 1854
(?); George H. Joslin, 1874; Mason A. Carpenter, 1885; and in more
recent years, Mr. Lawrence, Bert Bryer, John Britton, Wellington Cur-
tis and Thomas Edmunds. William Martin ran the farm several years
for Mr. Batchelder.
24. John Fowle of Marblehead, Mass., owned this land and sold to Josiah
Willard. Apr. 22, 1760, Willard sold to Charles Rice— 104 acres. Rice
settled on the farm, but whether there were any one earlier than he, is
unknown. In 1770 Rice sold to Jonathan Smith, Sr. In 1773 Smith sold
to his son Jonathan, Jr., who opened a tavern here as early as 1793.
May 9, 1809, Col. Jonathan Smith, Jr. sold to William Bond who con-
tinued business. 1814 Bond sold to William Baxter, 180 acres. 1817
James Ingalls of Watertown, N. Y., bought property. He sold to Isaiah
Wilder 1821; Wilder to George Crehore Nov. 24, 1826, who lived here
over 37 years. Mr. Crehore was a great worker, an industrious and
much respected citizen. He built the present house, 1846; a large barn
in 1856 which was destroyed by lightning, Aug. 9, 1872; ditched the
Beaver swamp south of the Wright Grove and made other improvements.
Amos H. Carter bought farm 1864; and sold half interest to his son
James D. in 1888. After the death of James in 1900 it fell to his son
Selwin I. who kept it about 4 years and sold to Herbert R. Crane. Crane
sold to Hiram F. Newell Sept. 18, 1906 who lived here till about 1920
when he sold to Earl R. and Merrill D. Carpenter, both of whom have oc-
cupied it and a place in Keene to date — Dec. 1922. The old house stood
directly in front of the present one and quite near the highway — a low
one story affair, without paint, end to the east. Mr. Crehore moved it
in back of his new house (1847) for a shop and where it stood until
torn down by H. R. Crane, 1904/5. Amos H. Carter and sons built the
present upper barn after the fire, in 1872. Tradition says Col. Jonathan
284 History of Surry
Smith shot a treacherous Indian near his buildings soon after the Rev.
war and buried him near Smith's brook above the barn.
25. A cellar hole marks the site of this house; by whom and when occupied
is not positively known. Tradition says a negro family once lived here.
It is in the field and not far from the brink of the sand bank which is
constantly washing away. Evidently this was a part of the farm No.
24 and occupied by a transient class.
26. Nothing now marks the site of this house, torn down by George Crehore
about 1858. It was an old wood-color, small, low one story building,
standing side toward the road, containing a great chimney made of ir-
regular brick laid in a clay mortar. This is probably the six acres of
land Charles Rice sold to Jonathan Smith, Sr. in 1770. Smith sold the
same year to his son Jonathan, Jr., who is supposed to have built on
this spot. David Shaw, Esq. owned the place and sold to Otis Daggett,
the village blacksmith, in 1825 at which time a blacksmith shop stood on
the place. Asa Britton was living on the place about that time. Sept.
12,1828, Asahel and Philander Stone bought as a home for their aged
parents and here they both passed away. After William Kingsbury
married Huldah Stone they came here to live and he worked at his
trade as a shoemaker. After death of Mr. S. they removed to No. 21.
Mrs. Helen (Purcell) Adams was the last to occupy the house in
1853/54. In 1853 Mr. Crehore bought the place and it has since been a
part of that farm. Warren W. Stone set out the large tamarack tree
still standing near the highway.
27. This place containing but a few acres was severed from No. 24 prior to
1795. The house now standing at No. 28 stood on this spot — down the
hill nearer the water — until about 1849 when it was moved by Willard
Britt. Jonathan Carpenter sold in 1795 to Daniel Hayward a black-
smith. Moses Hill lived here, 1822. Charles Daniels, 1830-32; Abel
Wilder of Keene owned property 1835; Mrs. Norton and Charles Sly-
field here about 1836; Elijah Norris, blacksmith, 1841-43; Augustus
Kingsbury, 1844; Mrs. Seth (Carpenter) Griswold and her husband,
1846; Willard Britt, 1848. The barn which stood near this house was
set fire and burned to the ground one Sunday about 1844, by Willard
Kingsbury when about 5 years of age. Chandler Wilbur here 1848?
28. As previously stated, Willard Britt moved this house from No. 27. Those
here since 1850: John A. Cushing; Davis Carpenter; William Gage;
Benjamin V. Smith; Miss Catharine B. Upham of Boston, as a summer
home. She named it "The Cones." Edward H. Wright and his wife sold
in Aug. 1912 to Prof. Francis L. Bain of Cambridge, Mass., as his
summer home.
29. Nothing now marks the site of a blacksmith shop which stood near the
north-east corner of this house lot until about 1843. Probably run by
Daniel Hayward, 1796 (?) and Elijah Norris about 1841.
30. The early history of this place is obscure; we give a possible line of
ownership. Col. Josiah Willard to Peter Hayward. Peter Hayward to
Sylvester Hayward Sept. 16, 1779. Sylvester to Jonathan Carpenter
Residences 285
1789. Samuel Hunt to Amasa Carpenter, 1804. In 1805, Amasa to
Thomas A. Hill, and he to Clement Hill, a cooper, 1814; 16 acres. Hill
sold back to Thomas A. Hill of Bangor, Me., May 23, 1816. The Hill's
appear to have owned the property till 1838 — Clement, Thomas A. and
Moses. In 1844, True Webster probably lived here. June 6, 1844 Sewall
Rugg bought of the Hill heirs. Mr. Rugg to Rev. Joseph Allen 1859.
Haskell Carpenter, Ephraim Wyman, Ariel Carpenter, Philemon
Wright, Chauncey Kenney, John A. Cushing, William Riley Kenney,
Rev. Ezra Adams, Joseph Wright and others lived here between 1838
and 1876, with two families in the house a portion of time. George B.
Britton bought and settled here about 1877 and removed to No. 43, Oct.
1892. A defective chimney caused a fire which destroyed the old house
May 31, 1878, and Mr. Britton rebuilt on the same site the present
buildings. Arthur Birch bought 1895. John W. Conley bought and
still owns the property; was occupied by his son, George B., until the
latter moved to No. 93, Apr. 1920; Ernest W. Carpenter moved here
Apr. 6, 1923, from No. 4.
31. About 1895 William O. Davis bought a small lot and erected the house
still standing — Dec. 1922. Davis lived here several months then Her-
bert S. Britt; no one since. W. F. Gates bought and sold to John W.
Conley in 1899 who has used it as a shop.
32. This was the old village store No. 47. Mason A. Carpenter bought and
moved the building to this spot, June 1905, placing it on (three acres)
land he bought of Henry A. Pike that spring. Pike bought the land of
H. Moses Blake, Dec. 28, 1895. Carpenter exchanged wifh Carl H.
Adams and he sold to Selwin I. Carter and here his family now resides.
George N. Conley here several years; James C. Duffy, William H. Rol-
lins, Clifton Chambers, a Mr. Hurd and possibly others between 1906
and 1919.
33. June 19, 1781, Joshua Dart of Weathersfield, Vt., sold to John White of
Keene "a mansion house and barn" with 20 acres of land, "and is ye
Place where I used to Dwell." By "a mansion house" we would under-
stand it was a frame building instead of being built of logs. There is
no doubt but the dwelling mentioned in that deep is the same house now
occupied by Oscar B. Deane, although some improvements have been
made within recent years. It formerly had the Big Chimney; is low,
one story, and before 1850 was an old weatherbeaten building. One
room has never been repaired, the door swings on the old wooden hinges,
the wood latch and latch-string ai'e still in place and the floor boards
are fastened down by wood pins. We believe this is one of the oldest
houses in town. It stands end to the highway and is about 28 x 31 feet
on the ground. John White sold to Frederick Reed, 1783. Reed sold
next year to his father. Gen. James Reed. July 7, 1786 Gen. Reed to
William Abbott, Jr. Abbott probably sold to Ebenezer Cummings, and
he sold to Maj. Nathan Hayward Dec. 11, 1787. Maj. H — lived here till
1801. For several years Mr. H, was elected "pound keeper" and his
"cow yard" served as a pound. Dr. Isaac Monroe bought and sold to
Col. Charles Bond, 1808, a part of farm "where I now live," The Col.
286 History of Surry
opened a tavern that year supposedly in this house. During the next 30
years, several owned or were interested in this farm, viz.: George W.
Stearns of Brookline, Mass.; Joseph Bellows, of Walpole; John Bel-
lows of Boston; William Cochran of Boston; Oren Shelley was living
here, 1838; Charles Emerson, 1839. Soon after, Jonathan and Samuel
Robinson held a claim several years. Apr. 8, 1859 Samuel sold to Mr.
and Mrs. Abijah Benton who had then been living on the place several
years. Rebecca Benton sold to Charles Augustus Blake Apr. 16, 1861;
50 acres. After his death the farm fell to his son, Henry Moses Blake.
The latter sold to Arthur Birch, 1899, and he sold Sept. 4, 1904 to Mr.
and Mrs, Oscar B. Deane, — to date. The following places have been
severed from this farm since 1870: Nos. 31, 32, 234 and 235, also a
woodlot at west side. Formerly this farm was bounded on the north by
the old Westmoreland Leg and Gilsum town line, and from the road this
line ran West 10° North, 137 rods. From 1801 to '03, Abraham Wheeler
lived here.
34. Woolston Brockway, one of the Proprietors, owned this place, Aug. 4,
1761. He died 1789 then his son John moved here from No. 38. John
died 1799, his widow lived on the place until about 1805. Abel Monroe
carried on the farm; in 1800 he took out a license and kept tavern. A
fire destroyed the house, June 21, 1805, and possibly the barn as an
advertisement under date of Nov. 6, 1806, states there was a good barn
and a house partly finished. The' Brockway family scattered about
1806. Samuel Robinson bought the place and sold to Ichabod Ballou,
July 10, 1826. Ballou built on 16 feet on the south end of the house,
and 1836 sold to Jonah Carter who died 1849, when his son-in-law,
Joshua D. Blake received the place. Then his son Charles H. was here
till his death, 1903. Charles G. Grain, 2nd, lived here a few months.
George A. Hall bought the property and moved here Feb. 1906 — to date.
Two families have lived here at times, some of whom were : Chandler
Wilbur, James O. Hudson 1854 (?), Hiram Hudson 1853/8, William
Gage, Hiram Britton, 1856, etc. The well into which the old Whipping
Post was cast at an early date mentioned in a survey of the highway,
1803, is about 35 feet deep and across the road nearly opposite No. 34.
35. Tradition says, when the first house was built at the end of "Gauntlet
road" or "Love lane" it stood by the bridle road up Surry valley.
Nathaniel Dart lived here 1777; Mar. 21, 1780 he sold to Frederick
Reed "one home Lott of Fifty acres" bounded east by highway, north by
John Marvin, west "on the common Land," south by Joshua Dart.
Nathaniel regained the property and sold to John Willey, his son-in-law,
1798. July 14, 1820, Willey sold to Theodore Monroe "all except the
blacksmith shop and shoe shop standing thereon." Monroe sold to
David Carpenter, 1822, all except the shops. Aug. 16, 1823 David sold
to Thomas Adams of Keene this farm of 77 acres, but "reserving, how-
ever to myself and my heirs the exclusive right in and to a certain
spring of water situated near the west end of said premises." Oct.
13, that year, David sold this spring right to four men living in the
village as noted elsewhere in this work. Adams lived here until death,
then his widow sold to Elijah Norris, "an Iron Smith," 1828. From
Residences 287
1829 to 1831, Emerson Ross, Boardwin Brown and Thomas S. Hurlbert
had an interest here. Mar. 18, 1833, Norris sold to Asahel and Phil-
ander Stone. The latter lived and died here, 1865. 1866, Joshua D.
Blake bought property and sold to his son Lewis F. Blake, 1879. After
death of Lewis it fell to his son Orman L. Blake. 1914, W. R. Porter
of Cheshire Natl. Bank of Keene held claim on farm. Soon after the
wood and timber were cut off and the farm divided between Carl H.
Adams and Clark A. Knapp both of Keene. Frank B. Kingsbury bought
property and removed here, May 1920. The old house was torn down
while J. D. Blake owned property and the present dwelling erected on
the old site, during the winter, 1877-78. A partial list of those living
here between 1820 and 1920: Asa Britton; Rev. Joseph Allen; Hiram
(Horace) P. Bigelow, 1872 (?); Henry L. Wilbur, 1873 (?); John A.
Cushing; Mason A. Carpenter, 1878; George B. Britton, 1878, while
building his new house at No. 30; Ira J. Robbins, 1877 (?); Enos
Sweeney, 1915; William H. Rollins, 1919.
So far as known, no one ever suffered at the old "Whipping Post"
which about stood at the time of the Revolution at the east end of "The
gauntlet road," or la7ie. In the south-east corner of the field, just north
of the Post formerly stood a blacksmith shop and shoe shop. Old Mr.
James Britton was a shoemaker here and set out about 100 years ago
the two elm trees now standing. The smith shop is mentioned in sev-
eral deeds; the last time, Dec. 23, 1830.
36. Lewis F. Blake built a small blacksmith shop on the ledge, 1882 (?)
which stood about 25 years.
37. An old cellar hole marks where John Still lived in 1770, over the Ashue-
lot river. John Marvin lived there at a later period. The early records
speak of the "Pent road" leading to John Still's. A search for this site
has been made without success, although it was seen in 1887.
38. Woolston Brockway sold Apr. 12, 1783, to his "loving son John" this part
of his home farm, at which time there was "a mansion house standing
thereon." This house torn down by William Carpenter, 1865, was built
of plank, one story high; weatherbeaten ; side to the road and the floor
boards were fastened down by half inch wood pins. Two families fre-
quently lived at the same time in this house. John sold Apr. 17, 1788 to
Benjamin Kimball. 1789, Kimball to Peleg Sprague of Keene. Sprague
to Samuel Smith and Jonathan Robinson. 1792 Cushman Smith held
ownership, then Eldad & Sylvester Skinner, John Emerson and Calvin
Hayward prior to 1809. That year Joab Daggett bought and sold to
Otis Daggett Apr. 11, 1810. 1820 Otis sold to Enoch Whitcomb who lived
here till 1838 when he sold to Amos Adams. Feb. 22, 1842, Amos sold
half interest to his son Benjamin W. Adams. Jan. 15, 1848 the Adams
family sold to Elijah Holbrook who soon after conveyed the same to
Caleb Wright. Apr. 2, 1850, Caleb sold to William Carpenter. John
W. Conley owned this place, 1891-1899, otherwise it has been owned
(the buildings and a few acres of the original farm) since 1850 to the
present, by Carpenter, his daughter Marietta and Edward H. Wright.
William C — built present house 1865 on the site of the old dwelling.
288 History of Surry
The following lived here prior to 1870: Bellows Emerson; Luther
Smith, 1853; Mrs, Electa Morton Adams; Charles A. Britton; Samuel
White till his death. William Carpenter moved here from No. 41 in
39. Nov. 18, 1842, Rev. Elihu Smith bought of Philander Stone for SlOO one
acre of land with a building thereon. From the purchase price the
"building" must have been a shed or barn, as Mr. Smith bought the old
Willard Smith house (No. 17) tore it down, using the material to build
this house, 1842/3. It was considered "the parsonage" for several
years. Rev. Lorenzo Draper here, 1850; Ichabod Grain, 1853 till his
death, 1866, then his widow who later married Emery Bragg. Joseph
H. Stickney, 1880/81; Mrs. Ann G. Fawcett; John Anderson, 1890 (?),
Edwin K. and Helen M. Seabury of Walpole received the property by the
Bragg will and sold same Jan. 2, 1893. Melville C. Lewis lived here
1915. Francis F. Field and son Theodore lived here until the death of
the former in 1923.
40. Aug. 6, 1900, George B. Britton sold 'to Mrs. Marietta C. (Daniels)
Wright this lot from his farm, fehe erected the house and the barn a
year or two later; the garage built, 1922. For a few years it was used
as a parsonage and occupied by Rev. W. F. Whitcomb, and Rev. M. W.
Hale. Mrs. Flora A. Garvin, owned and occupied it summers between
1911 and 1916, when Mrs. Wright repurchased the place, and her hus-
band is the present owner. Rev. H. S. Kimball, Ernest W. Carpenter,
P. L. Pressey and Geo. L. Perham have also lived here in recent years.
41. May 26, 1838, Amos Adams purchased this land of Samuel Robinson and
soon after built the house now standing. In 1842 Amos sold one undi-
vided half interest to his son Benjamin W. Adams, after which they
owned this place and No. 38, Jan. 15, 1848, Elijah Holbrook bought this
farm and on 14, Apr. 1849 sold to William Carpenter — about 60 acres.
Carpenter lived here, Feb. 1850 until 1871. Mar. 1872 he sold to F. D.
W. Carpenter who lived here till Mar. 1875, then sold to Elbridge W.
Britton. Jan. 3, 1881, L. M. Carpenter bought and sold to William Mar-
tin Dec. 20, 1895, whose family have since resided here. George N.
Conley, Arthur M. Carpenter, Geo. E. Crosby have lived on the farm.
42. Tradition says a blacksmith shop stood here prior to 1840 and for over
half a century only the plowshare has revealed its site. Who owned
and operated this shop is unknown, unless, possibly Otis Daggett,
43. Jonathan Mack of Lyme, Conn,, drew three 50 acres lot in that part of
Gilsum now S,, viz.: L. 1, R. 4; L. 1, R. 5; L. 1, R. 6. He sold to his
son Josiah and the latter sold to John Marvin, Sr., Oct. 30, 1766, who
appears to have moved into town from Lyme, and the next year erected
the first buildings on this land, probably near the site of the present
Post Oflfice. In the spring of 1786 Marvin transferred to his son John
Marvin, Jr., who swapped farms with Delevan Delance in the north west
part of the town. These lots were three deep — from east to west — and
the width of one lot from north to south. The south line is the fence a
few feet north of Francis F. Field's house (No. 39). The late George
Residences 289
B. Britton told the writer the original north line ran through the build-
ings where Ichabod Ballou- formerly lived, No. 66. Now having estab-
lished the size of this land we find the cemetery and all buildings on the
west side of the "village street" between No. 39 and 66 stand on land
first owned by Jonathan Mack.
Mar. 21, 1797, Delance sold to Thomas Smith, whose son Cushman
bought in 1799, built a store and kept tavern in 1802. The ell of the
present house occupies the site of the old house which was removed and
stood in the door yard for several years while John A. Gushing and
others lived in it, finally George B. Britton tore it down 1908. Tradi-
tion says when Otis Daggett built the front portion of the present
house, 1840 (?) he moved the store off its site making it into the ell.
Gushman Smith became involved in financial matters in 1806/7 and left
town, after which Galvin Hayward and others held interests in the
property. From Apr. 24, 1809, until Feb. 20, 1847, the Daggett family
— Joab, Ira, Marcus and Otis^ — all appear to have held an interest in the
place, and possibly Enoch Whitcomb for a short time. Otis Daggett
was a blacksmith and his shop stood near his house till removed, about
1846. Benjamin M. Britton bought of the Daggett heirs in 1847 and
after his death, 1891, his son George B. and family, have lived here.
Since 1901 the Post Office has been in this house.
44. Nov. 17, 1851, Benj. M. Britton sold an acre of land to Holland Stevens
who erected the house now standing. He sold to Esq. Sylvester Smith
who lived here till his death in 1863. The following have owned the
property or lived here: S. Harrison and George P. Porter before 1860;
Gharles A. Britton; Rev. Joseph Allen; George H. Rand after his fire
at No. 173; Alonzo F. Wilbur; George H. Joslin; Mason A. Carpenter;
Merrill E. Flagg, 1874 (?) ; John A. Blake; Joseph W. Caldwell; Edwin
A. Kenion at the time he was merchant; Gilbert Crane; Frank P. Crane;
C. H. George; Harry Maxwell; William Ingerson, 1916 (?); also Wil-
liam H. Wright; Arthur E. Salley; Dean Tyler at time of his death,
1854; Hiram F. Newell till his death, 1922, and probably others. Her-
bert R. Crane, the present owner, has lived here twice.
45. Aug. 16, 1854, William Carpenter sold to Mi's. Nancy M. Britton (wife
of James) a lot 4 x 10 rods deep from off the north-west corner of his
home place. She bought the old school house No. 113, had it moved and
made into a dwelling house. It is now the west end of the present build-
ings. After the death of Mr. Britton she married Holland Stevens; both
lived and died here; since then Mason A. Carpenter has had an interest
in the original and additional property. The size of the old school
house building was 20 x 28 feet.
46. Jonathan and Samuel Robinson owned this land prior to 1816. Josiah
Knight bought a small plot of land and probably built the house about
that time and the store (No. 47) soon after. June 19, 1818, Josiah sold
to Dr. Jonathan Knight of Westmoreland, but appears to have con-
tinued living on the property, until it was sold June 15, 1819, to
Ephraim Searls of Boston, and he sold to George Whiting of the same
city. May 1, 1822, John May a merchant of Boston bought this and
290 History of Surry
the store property, but he, too, apparently was unsuccessful, for on
June 29, 1825, the property was attached in favor of Joseph Stuart of
Boston. In November of the same year May gave satisfaction by giv-
ing Stuart a deed of a plot of land 4 x 10 rods just south of his house
which he (May) "had developed as a garden." After the death of John
May, 1826, his widow sold to Mrs. Sarah F. Wheelock of Keene at which
time there was on this land a dwelling house, store, shoeshop, shed and
barn. July 7, 1837 Capt. Almond Stevens bought this place of the
• Wheelock heirs. Capt. Stevens lived here and ran store, and died 1865.
The following have owned or lived at this place : Marshall B. Britton,
1867; George A. Stevens; Joseph W. Caldwell; David S. Aldrich; John
A. Blake; Jerry Rogers, 1874 (?); Henry L. Wilbur; Merrill D. Car-
penter; Wesley F. Wilbur; Luman M. Carpenter, Arthur M. Carpenter,
George N. Conley; Ernest W. Carpenter, twice; C. D. Fitzgerald, etc.
Frank P. Crane bought the property and sold it Jan. 1913 to the Church
Society for a parsonage. Since then it has been occupied by Rev. Henry
S. Kimball, Rev. Fred'k C. Hunt and E. W. Carpenter. For several
years the post office was in this building.
47. Site of the village store, which as previously stated, was moved to No.
32 in 1905. It is supposed to have been built by Josiah Knight, about
1816/17. He was in business here, then "Hough & Redding" in 1819;
John May, 1822-25; Arvin Britton; Capt. Almond Stevens between 1837
and 1856, he was postmaster in 1854; S. Harrison and his brother
George P. Porter; Marshall B. Britton, 1872; "Shelley & Streeter" and
possibly others. Mrs. James Cheever bought the property and made it
into a dwelling, living here several years. Others living here between
1882 and 1905: Wesley F. Wilbur; Herbert N. Gunn; Ezekiel 0. Whit-
comb; Mrs. Emma F. Weeks; George N. Conley; Arthur M. and Ernest
W. Carpenter.
48. Sept. 2, 1812, Jonathan Robinson sold his property to his son Samuel; the.
farm extended from No. 38 to 60 on east side of the village street. Jan.
5, 1821, Samuel Robinson sold a lot 12^/^ rods on the street to George
Whitney, a Boston merchant, for $500.00. No buildings are mentioned,
yet from the price, there must have been more than just land. How
Whitney disposed of the property is unknown as the records are obscure.
We believe, however, that the land where No. 46 and 47 are were a part
of this property. July 7, 1837, Sarah F., Andrew C, and Emily Wheel-
ock, heirs of Lynds Wheelock sold to Capt. Almond Stevens. In a mort-
. gage deed^ to Dea. Grain, 1837, there was a house, barn, store and other
buildings. Sept. 21, 1843, Capt. Stevens sold this part of his property
to Holland Stevens; Oct. 4th of the same year, Holland bought more
land of Elijah Holbrook, all of which he sold Feb. 21, 1844, to Joseph
Allen who moved here from No. 106. After his death his widow and
Horace Gould, Sr., and heirs. Cyrus Kingsbury bought place and his
widow sold to Otis W. Kingsbury about 1916. Mr. K. died and the place
was sold at auction Apr. 21, 1919 to Mrs. Erich H. Raabe of Bridgeport,
Conn., formerly of No. 54, who has since made numerous repairs, and
resides there part of time.
Residences 291
49. This house was moved by Herbert R. Crane from No. 104, and has been
remodeled ?? Luman M. Carpenter; Francis F, Field; Fred
S. Blake; Clifton Chambers; George N. Conley; Lewis C. Buntlin and
perhaps others lived here prior to 1911, when Buntlin sold to Mrs. John
Anderson. She and her son Anders now own the place.
50. July 5, 1839, Otis Daggett sold a lot for $110.00 to Dea. Ichabod Crane
which extended south from the village school house lot 142 feet and ran
"70 feet west from the wall." On this lot was erected the "Crain
Surry Village, Looking North.
Church," so called, which was dedicated Wednesday, Oct. 9, 1839. Ser-
vices appear to have been held nearly all the time until 1875, then for
15 years, only cocasionally. The church was revived under the pastor-
ate of Rev. W. E. Renshaw in 1890 and since, preaching has been
pretty constant. See Ecclesiastical chapter.
May 5, 1830, Otis Daggett sold to school district No. 2 (the village) a lot
40 X 40 feet where the present school house was soon after erected. Ac-
cording to the records, the south-east corner of said lot was "30 feet
north of an elm tree," which is still standing. See Educational chap-
Fred' B. Marshall moved the old blacksmith shop and built a small house
1895, using material from an unfinished blacksmith shop he built at No.
60. He lived here a short time, then George N. Conley, and Charles
F. Britton. Mrs. Edward H. "Wright bought the place about 1908 and
since Nov. 1911 it has been occupied by George H. Joslin.
Apr. 19, 1851, Elijah Holbrook sold a lot four rods square to Mrs. Nancy
(Cram) Benton who had a small cottage erected in which she lived
several years then sold to Warren Carpenter who added it to his home
farm. The building stood till about 1889 when it was moved to the back
History of Surry
part of Carpentei*'s land and finally went to decay. The following lived
here: Charles A. Britton, 1856 (?); Alanson D. Comstock; J. Langdon
Britton; George Wilcox; James Cass; Chas. Milan Carpenter; Char-
lotte Cram; Rev. Pettigrew; Frank A. Poole; Nicholas Vincellette;
David Y. Kenyon; Lewis Castor, etc. It usually has been known as
"The Benton house"; nothing now marks its site, but a small elm tree.
54. Warren Carpenter built this house in 1874, placing it on land belonging
to his hotel property, No. 55. Mar. 16 (?), 1888, a barn standing near
this house was burned, and at the time the hotel buildings were de-
stroyed, 1907, this house was saved only by heroic effort on the part of
the village citizens. Warren and C. Milan Carpenter; Daniel B. C. Hill;
Lewis Castor; Charles W. Carpenter; Mrs. H. R. Emmons and Mrs.
F. A. Garvin, who sold 1910 to Erich H. Raabe who built an addition
on the north side and opened the "Triple Elms" house. Nov. 1, 1918,
Thomas J. Kelley bought place. Samuel E. Howard opened a store Oct.
1920, being succeeded by Mr. Kelly.
55. Jonathan Robinson, the Revolutionary soldier settled here prior to 1790
and soon after opened a tavern. He enlarged his buildings from time to
time; opened a store in 1799 and subsequently, in company with his
The Village Hotel.
sons, Jonathan Jr. and Samuel, became extensive dealers in real estate
in this town.
In 1819 (?) he sold to his son Samuel who continued business as
farmer and tavernkeeper, until Nov. 22, 1842, when he sold 250 acres
land and buildings for $2200.00 to Elijah Holbrook his son-in-law. This
land was bounded on "Whoponock Hill." Mr. Holbrook built a large ell
and ball room, 1850 (?) and sold out the business to Warren Carpenter
Residences 293
Dec. 10, 1855. Mr. Carpenter moved here from No. 166 and carried on
business for about 20 years and sold Jan. 15, 1874 to James D. Cheever.
The ownership and proprietorship were varied and quite numerous from
1880 until Feb. 4, 1907, when a young man applied a match to the build-
ings, and the barns, sheds and hotel were swept clean from this spot.
Mrs. H. R. Emmons now owns the old site.
The following have owned or kept the old hotel : Capt. Almond Ste-
vens, 1854/55; Oilman D. Ordway, 1888; Capt. Thomas L. Harmon,
1884 (?); Ephraim B. Newton; Daniel B. C. Hill; Mr. Blackmer; Win-
field E. Wilbur; A. J. Belden and Charles F. Britton owTied property
at time of fire.
56. Elijah Holbrook while running his hotel bought a small lot where No. 52
now stands and built a blacksmith shop, 1848/9. It stood in line of and
south of the horse sheds until Fred B. Marshall moved it westerly sev-
eral feet where it has since been occupied as a barn for No. 52. Frank-
lin B. Benton gave up business at his shop, No. 109 to take charge of
this shop for Holbrook in 1850. Jan. 1, 1857 Samuel H. Poole bought the
shop and ran it several years. A complete list of those who have labored
here is not at hand; we mention the following: Fred B. Marshall about
1882 and again 1895 (?); Merrill D. Carpenter; Frank E. Alexander of
Gilsum; John Albert Blake and others.
57. Nov. 12, 1831, Otis Daggett sold a lot 18^/2 x 90 feet between the south-
west corner of the meeting house and the school house lot to the follow-
ing ten men for the sum of $10.00: Peter Hayward, Eliphaz Field, Eli-
phalet Dort, Jonathan Robinson, George Crehore, Hollis Wilcox, Horace
B. Shaw, Jonathan Harvey, Jr., George Wilcox and Nathan D. Reed.
Mr. Daggett stipulated in the sale that they should be used for "Horse
sheds and for no other purpose."
58. The old meeting house, now, Town Hall, is the most interesting building
now standing in town. Erected in 1771, though not fully completed un-
til 1792; a house of worship where our ancestors assembled on the Sab-
bath until nearly the middle of the last century, and where they have
annually gathered in town meeting since July 13, 1772. In 1858 the
building was remodeled for a Town Hall; a floor on the second story
replaced the old gallery which extended around three sides of the room;
the box pews were removed, and the steeple was enlarged. A select school
was kept in 2nd story a term or two. In 1866 the lower floor was used
for a time by Alanson Bingham & Son for the manufacture of chairs.
It was then rented by Geo. W. Britton and Edwin A. Kenyon for a
"General Store," under the firm name of "Britton & Kenyon." In 1880
a partition was put in and the west half finished for "The Reed Free
Library," which was opened Jan. 1, 1881.
59. Mrs. Hattie R. Emmons erected in 1914 a house which she has since oc-
cupied a portion of each year. So far as known this is the only building
on this site.
60. The first public building in Surry was erected on or near this spot. At
"a Speshell Town meeting" held at the house of Jonathan Smith's "on
294 History of Surry
wensday the forth Day of October at one of the Clock in the after-
noon," 1769, Voted: "to Buld a House Sufficient to hold all public meet-
ings in and for a Schoole House." The size of said house, 22 feet long
and 18 feet wide. Also "Voted to Buld Sd House on the East Side of the
Highway against the Buring Yard Bars." The town clerk in recording
the minutes of this meeting has left us very important information:
the date, location, size and use of this building. The house was standing
here Mar. 13, 1804, when a committee consisting of Maj. Nathan Hay-
ward, Judge Lemuel Holmes and Lieut. Levi Fuller was chosen to in-
spect a piece of land east of the meeting house where the school-house
now stands. At an adjourned town meeting it was voted, not to move
the school house from where it now stands. Tradition says the build-
ing was moved about 1835 to No. 67. About 1884 Fred B. Marshall
built a blacksmith shop on the same spot, taking Frank D, W. Carpen-
ter, on whose land the new shop was erected, into partnership. The
shop was never fully completed and after a number of years was moved
and is now No. 52.
61. Thomas Pitkin, Jr., drew 50 acres; L. 1, R. 7 and in 1763 sold to Jona-
than Smith who settled here before 1764. His first dwelling doubtless
was a log cabin; within a few years he built a commodious house. Sev-
eral are living who remember this squatty appearing one story dwelling
standing side to the road in what is now the garden of No. 63, with its
front door extending from the ground to the eave. Mr. Smith was called
an "innholder" as early as 1773 and possessed those social qualities
which made his home a nucleus for many Proprietor meetings, as well
as Town meetings after 1769. It was a common thing after the meet-
ing house was built — cold and unheated — to adjourn to the warm hos-
pitable home of Jonathan Smith to transact the town's business. His
land was on the opposite side of the village street from John Marvin's
and originally extended between No, 38 and 67. Apr. 3, 1781, Jonathan
sold his farm to his son, Capt. Samuel Smith, bounded partly "on
Whoppanock Hill." Stephen Chase of Keene bought this farm for his
son Ziba, prior to 1830, known as the Skmner farm. Ziba farmed a
little and leased to Horace Baxter, also to Elijah Turner and Seth Mor-
ton. He sold about 1840. Levi Durrell bought in 1845 (?), lived here
until he built and moved into his new house. No. 63, in 1857, and this
house was torn down.
62. Oct. 25, 1792, John Marvin, Jr., sold this part of his home place, No. 43,
to Adonijah Marvin and the latter sold. Mar. 13, 1793, to Samuel Allen,
all but one and V2 acres "where my house now stands." Adonijah was
a shoemaker and the lot he bought of John, Jr., was 60 rods deep; 20
rods long on the west end, and about the same on the "Great road,"
containing about 20 acres. On July 4th, the same year he sold the bal-
ance of this property to Allen. In 1803 Daniel Allen owned some of the
property at least and sold to John Norris a blacksmith, also a black-
smith shop standing about 40 rods north of the meeting house. Phinehas
Allen was living here prior to 1835 and the next year Ichabod Ballou is
believed to have settled here and soon after built on the 2nd story, after
which two families frequently occupied this house at the same time. A
Residences 295
partial list of those who have owned or lived here since 1850, follows:
Charles A. Britton, 1852; Samuel H. Poole, 1854 and several years later;
Franklin B. Benton; Rev. Joseph Allen; Charles O. Cummings; Ben-
jamin C. Crosby; David Y. Kenyon; John C. Foss; Marshall M. Britton,
Mrs. M. B. Britton and son Edward M. Britton.
63. As noted under No. 61, Levi Durrell built this house, 1857. He sold to
Isaac Brown who lived here 1864-1877, then sold to Frank D. W. Car-
penter; William H, Wright, Sidney J. Wilder have lived here. William
L. Olds came Nov. 4, 1904 and remained several years. Samuel Ball
the present owner moved here from Montreal Feb. 1912. Several rods
easterly of the present buildings are remains of "the charcoal pit," and
Capt. Samul Allen is said to have made "Pot Ash" on this farm, 1794/5.
64. Apr. 6, 1863, S. Harrison Porter bought a small plot of land and from
the timber in the old house of Asahel Harvey, No. 173, built a store on
this spot. Oct. 12 of the same year he sold to Luman M. Carpenter who
continued business as general merchant until May 2, 1864 when he sold
to Rachel and Roxy Allen who moved from No. 70 and made the store
into a dwelling house. George W. Britton and E. A. Kenyon bought and
sold to Willard Shaw, Mar. 3, 1874. Frank D. W. Carpenter bought of
Shaw, 1876, and sold next year to William H. Wright, and he to Henry
A. Pike; at his death it fell to Mrs. Myron H. Porter. Charles Griggs
bought and moved here July 1922. Henry L. Wilber, Charles H. George,
Henry P. Porter, among others, have lived in this house.
65. Dea. Ichabod Ballou probably bought this land of Samuel Robinson, sold
to Phinehas Wheelock Mar. 28, 1838. Phinehas was a shoem.aker, and
sold Mar. 6, 1841, to Jonathan Robinson & Jonathan Harvey, Jr., neither
of whom ever lived here. They sold, Apr. 6, 1863 to S. Hartison Porter
who lived here while running his store, No. 64. He sold this and the
store to L. M. Carpenter, 1863. May 2, 1864, Carpenter sold to Wil-
liam Gage, and he to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Scovell, Sept. 6, 1867.
Mrs. Betsey (Carpenter) Smith bought Nov. 8, 1870, and Nov. 28, 1882
she deeded place to Mason A. Carpenter, who sold to William H. Wright
on Mar. 21, 1884 and he soon after removed the old house.
Rev. Ezra Adams lived here, 1840; Franklin B. Benton, 1853; Dr.
William Porter for several years after he came to town, then moved to
No. 70; David Y. Kenyon, 1860 (?); Eugene Gates, 1880 (?).; Nothing
now marks the site of this house, but it stood end to the road, east of
the barn now standing, and was one story.
66. From the knowledge at hand we believe the following record is fairly
accurate. Mar. 29, 1803, Daniel Allen sold a lot about 40 rods north of
the meeting house to John Norris on which a blacksmith shop was
standing. From a later deed this lot was three rods on the highway
and 6 rods deep. Capt. Simon Baxter obtained the land and building
and sold to Rev. Perley Howe, Mar. 9, 1808. Priest Howe, as he was
called, possibly built a dwelling house and sold to Daniel Ellis a
"hatter." Sept. 9, 1816, Ellis sold the property, including "a hat shop"
which he bought of Rev. Perley Howe, to Elijah Fuller a "trader."
Dec. 2, 1836, Abijah Monroe sold to Jonathan Robinson, Jr. He re-sold
296 History of Surry
the same month to Dea. Ichabod Ballou, 18 square rods land and build-
ings for $115.00. Ballou sold to widow Sarah Humphrey, July 2, 1840.
Jonas Pollard was here 1845/6, and Benjamin C. Crosby between 1848
and 1871. The house was torn down 1874 (?) and nothing now marks
its site.
67. This building, 22 x 32 feet was the old school house in the village accord-
ing to those now living — see No. 60. Apr. 21, 1835, Ziba Chase sold an
acre of land (10 x 16 rods) to Phinehas Wheelock who probably moved
the school house here about that time. Phinehas gave S50.00 for the
land and Sept. 14, in the same year sold to Samuel Robinson land and
buildings for $165.00. In 1840, George Brown bought the place and in
1869 the family sold to Mrs. Dolly Converse for §400.00. She sold to
Benjamin C. Crosby, Nov. 2, 1871, and the property has since been in
their hands, including some additional land. No one has lived there
permanently for 20 years. Two families have occupied at same time.
68. Josiah Kilburn drew this lot and sold to Abel Allen about 1762 who soon
moved to town and lived on this farm until his death, 1808. Samuel
Allen owned the farm prior to 1818. Capt. Thomas Humphrey bought
about 1822, and in 1827 opened a tavern. After his death in 1832 his
widow remained, running the tavern as late as 1836, and removed per-
haps to No. 66 about 1840. John Johnson was here, 1841-42 and was
postmaster; George Johnson, 1845-51; Rev. Joseph Allen; Bradley Brit-
ton who divided the farm, taking the north part for himself — see No.
71. Daniel Abbot came about 1859, being followed by Frank E. Nesmith
who lived here most of time until Oct. 1922, when he removed to West-
moreland Depot. Hermon 0. Streeter lived her 1868; Herbert R, Crane
and Robert M. Crane, 1920-22, and probably others.
Across the yard south of the house formerly stood a long driveway
used when the tavern was in operation. This building was standing
until after 1850. The present ell formerly ran north and south, cor-
nering on the south-east corner of the house. On the top floor is the old
ball-room, in which dances and singing schools were held many years
ago. Before the Congregational church was built, services were held in
this hall during 1837/8, and in 1848 (?) a brisk fire was burning on the
roof of the house when men went into the garret with water, axes and
bars, chopped and pried off" the roof boards thus saving the building.
69. The site of a house near foot of Surry mountain. The spot has not been
found by the writer, but said to have been 20 rods south of Lily pond
brook and near the base of the mountain. Probably it is on L. 1, R. 8,
drawn by Samuel Banning and sold to John Banning, 1768, then to
Thomas Harvey.
69%. In 1921 Stuart W. Green, a printer in Keene, erected a log house on
this spot in which the family have lived to some extent during summer.
It is well built and represents skill and labor.
70. This probably was the south part of L. 2; R. 6, drawn by Noah Beebe
and sold to Samuel Gilbert, Jr. (?), then to Levi Fuller. David Allen
and Phinehas Allen lived here prior to 1850, then Mrs. Rachel Allen
and her two dau. Rachel and Roxy. Harry D. Randall bought the place
and in 1852 (?) made general repairs. The present ell was the old
house and stood side to the road. Mr. R. turned it quarter way round,
and purchased the old Dea. David Reed house at No. 140, tore it down
and rebuilt it as the front portion of the house now standing at this
place. He was a shoemaker and had his shop in his house. Rev. Joseph
Residence uk Dr. W. H. Porter. No. 70.
Allen was here short time, also Joseph Wright. In 1865 Dr. William
H. Porter bought and settled here and it has since been owned by Dr.
and Mrs. Porter and now by Kate H. Porter.
The Post Office was in this house several years.
71. Bradley Britton built and occupied this house in the summer of 1859 on
the north end of farm No. 68. The timber came from the old Mansfield
house which stood about a mile north of No. 140 in Alstead. Since the
death of Mr. and Mrs. Britton, his son-in-law, Frank D. W. Carpenter
has occupied the farm.
71^. From the survey of the highway in 1772, 201 rods northward from the
fence by No. 39 was "Mack's old hovel." The exact location is unknown,
but probably stood near this number on map.
72. Dr. Philip Monroe is believed to have lived here when he first came to
town as early as 1783/4 and removed to No. 23, 1790. Abner Skinner
sold to Rev. Perley Howe Oct. 13, 1797, 30 acres both sides of the high-
way. Rev. Mr. Howe lived here until he built at No. 73, 1812. Apr, 10,
1835, he sold to Jonathan Harvey, Jr., his son-in-law, stipulating, that
himself and wife should be provided for through life. The house stood
near an elm tree south-east of No. 73 and was removed prior to 1835,
and now, nothing marks its site. With the meager salary which Mr.
Howe received from the town, which was seldom paid when due, it was
necessary for him to till his farm in order to suppoi't his family.
73. Rev. Perley Howe built this house, 1812 and lived here until death, 1840.
Jonathan Harvey, Jr., lived here after about 1835 until his death, 1862,
-98 History of Surry
then it fell to Persis Harvey and has since been owned by members of
that family. James E. Harvey moved here Apr. 1919. Among those
who have rented and lived here during the last 50 years are the follow-
ing: George W. Britton, 1873; William H. Wright; George W. Field,
1880; Henry L. Wilbur for about 20 years; Jedd R. Wilder; George N.
Conley; Rev. Henry S. Kimball; Arthur E. Salley. About 1873, the
lightning struck the buildings and killed several small pigs.
No. 73 AND No. 76.
74. A few rods south of No. 75 and quite near the highway Elijah Norris had
a blacksmith shop, 1821. He sold that year to Francis Hathorn. Noth-
ing now marks its site; by whom and when bviilt is unknown.
75. On the spot whei-e Hollis W. Harvey now has an ice house stood a small
one story dwelling until torn down by George K. Harvey after 1862.
It stood side to the highway; old and weatherbeaten. A few acres of
land where it stood was severed from No. 76 and reunited as will be
noted. There is little doubt that this is where Job Gleason was living,
when the road was laid out June 1, 1765. Tradition says Justus Chapin
was living here when his dau. Betty was born, 1777. In 1808 John Hill
occupied the place; Elijah Norris, 1821, when he ran the shop No. 74,
then Francis Hathorn. Asa Wilcox the Rev. soldier came 1836 and died,
1840; Benjamin C. Crosby, 1849; Mrs. Ruhannah (Benton) Davis;
Catherine (Kate) Tyler bought 1840 and sold to Jonathan Harvey, Apr.
17, 1862. Chandler Wilbur, Sr., 1856-57 and John A. Gushing. Dean
Tyler also lived here several years about 1845/50 (?) A sumptuous
dinner was served at a marriage in this house, Aug. 16, 1857. The good
parson remained to the feast, and commended the mistress on the lainb
Residences 299
and her cookery. This pleased one of the younger boys who stuttered,
"It was nothing but a wo-o-o-odchuck." The barn connected with this
place formerly stood across the Dort road several rods north of the
76. Samuel Gilbert drew this lot — R. 6; L. 3 — with other land. Joshua Ful-
ler settled here about 1764 and sold to his son Levi, May 12, 1783. Aug.
3, 1821, Levi Fuller sold (mortgage) to Dan Hough of Keene. June 13,
1823, Augustus Johnson bought — 190 acres. Mar. 25, 1834, John Wait
advertised this farm for sale. Seth Morton, Samuel Hartwell of Lang-
don and his son E. Holbrook Hartwell bought. The latter sold to Jona-
than Harvey, Jr., Mar. 25, 1852 and soon after Jonathan Sr., and his
dau., Mrs. Nancy B. Whitman, moved hither. Hon. George K. Harvey
took over the property about time of his marriage and his widow and
children still reside there. The old Fuller house was a large two story
dwelling; had a dance hall. In 1811 Levi Fuller took out a tavern li-
cense and for some years this was a public house. George K. Harvey
tore the old house down and built present one, 1863. At the raising the
townsmen all took part, and, Mr. Harvey who was a strong temperance
man, furnished a generous supply of lemonade. The next morning the
village doctor was in the store and told the merchant he and one other
man drank more of Harvey's lemonade than any other two men — "I
drank one glass and Jim Stuart drank 13." Mr. G. K. Harvey built
present barn, 1874.
Lewis L. Cotton lived here a short time.
77. A building stood here many years ago in which potash was made; 1878
(?), George K. Harvey put in a water wheel on Fuller brook where he
cut up his fire wood for several years, and also had his sugar house
here. The building went to decay and fell during a high wind, 1914.
78. In the house lot and north of No. 76 can still be seen a few foundation
stones near the corner of the wall which marks the site of Elijah Fuller's
store, opened as early as 1814. He and William Baxter were "traders"
here in 1820, at which time Fuller appears to have suddenly left town.
79. The site of a house which stood near the foot of the mountain in early
times. Who built and occupied this spot has not been discovered, but
the site can still be found by a few acquainted with the land. It ap-
pears to have been a part of the farm Joshua Fuller sold his son, Levi,
May 12, 1783. A few old apple trees mark the tillage.
80. This is the north 40 acres of Joshua Fuller's home place, which he sold
to Levi May 12, 1783. Lewis Carpenter is said to have lived here.
Augustus Johnson bought and sold to John Wait, 1829, and apparently
he bought back the property Dec. 25, 1843, then sold to his son Charles
Aug, 15, 1854. John Johnson bought farm Apr. 16, 1870 and soon after
hot ashes placed in a barrel caused a fire which destroyed the old house.
John built the present one that year on the old site. Myron H. Porter
the present owner bought of the Johnson heirs, and Clarence H. French,
his son-in-law, has also lived there since, 1913.
300 History of Surry
81. The first house here was moved intact from No. 87, about 1858 by Andrew
J. Allen; 62 pair of oxen, all belonging in town, were used at its mov-
ing. Allen moved to Keene in 1861, Alanson D. Comstock buying the
property. Bradley Britton lived here Apr.-Nov. 1859 while building his
new house at No. 71. John H. Rogers came in the spring of 1862; his
(1) wife died, 1863; during a high wind one night about that time the
roof on one side of the house was taken off, exposing the chambers where
his children were sleeping, but no one was injured. Geoi-ge W. Britton
here; John Johnson, 1870, after his fire at No. 80; George Wright, 1871.
Dr. W. H. Porter bought property 1876 in connection with his farm at
No. 70, and it has since been owned by Myron H. Porter. The old house
was occupied by Joseph Palmer, Lewis Buchard, and possibly other wood
choppers prior to 1890; went to decay, and torn down by Mr. Porter,
1893 (?), one of the barns has remained. Henry P. Porter received the
land and on the old house-site erected a new dwelling into which he
moved from No. 64 Oct. 1921.
82. The site of this house marked by a depression in the ground can still be
seen in the field on top of the knoll, and not far from a spring of water.
The house has been gone over 80 years and we know but little regarding
its history. One member of the Skinner family lived on or near this
place, 1772. Oren Shelley was living here about 1835. Tradition says
the material in this house was used in erecting some of the buildings at
No. 96.
83. We believe this was R. 6, L. 4, drawn by Jonathan Smith, Jr., and sold
to Abner Skinner, Sept. 3, 1770, who was living here, 1772. A complete
list of those owning this property and living here is not at hand. Jona-
than Harvey, Sr., moved from No. 172 and opened a tavern, 1817; Levi
Willard, 1823 (?); Isaiah Robbins and John Allen ran the stand, 1830
to '35 (?) ; Sylvester Pond here about that time; Bradley Britton prior
to 1850; Marshall B. Britton who swapped farms with Samuel H.
Poole (No. 62); Willard Mansfield prior to his death, 1854; James
Stuart, 1863; George C. Hubbard, 1868; Frank D. Griswold owned it
a while; Henry L. Wilber; Mason A. Carpenter at time Mr. Poole lived
here, 1876; Francis A. Bolster several years prior to his death, also
Charles L. Kimmens his son-in-law; Earl Goff; Charles S. Payne;
Archie G. Wilder; Otis W. and Fred E. Kingsbury; Melvin B. Guillow
two (?) years, and died 1916; George Malcolm came Sept. 1916.
Luther Guillow said to have also lived on this farm a short time.
84. Samuel H. Pool, 1870, built a blacksmith shop which stood until after
his death, then moved to No. 45 and made into a shop where trays were
made, and in 1918 was again moved and is now a bai-n at No. 33.
85. Eliphalet Dart was living on or near this spot in 1766, then his son Eli
the town clerk many years, then Capt. Eliphalet Dort came from No.
98, was here till his death in 1869. William L. and Otis W. Kingsbury
from 1872/3 till Otis moved to No. 83. One winter there was an ice jam
in the river and the overflow surrounded the buildings for two days; the
cattle in the barn stood in over a foot of water one night while Mr.
Kingsbury was a prisoner in his house bewailing the loss of his pork
Residences 301
and potatoes. Augustus Kingsbury was here about 1843; W. Henry
Kingsbury a year, 1867; and Sidney J. Wilder soon after 1902 (?).
Several lived on the place between 1904 and 1910, Clifton Chambers,
Mrs. Melvina Durant, Will Davis and Will Rollins. Victor Lamminen
bought and settled here Dec. 1910. The old Dort house which stood till
torn down, 1915, was 32 x 45 feet square one story, with attic chambers;
a great chimney, the size in the cellar was 14 x 16 feet; had old Dutch
oven; two fire-places, up and down stairs.
Mr. Lamminen built on the old site his present dwelling, summer
86. Capt. Eliphalet Dort had his wheelright shop on this spot, 1850. He not
only made carriages, sleighs and general woodwork, but made most of
the coffins used in town for many years, for which he received from
$1.50 to $5.00 each. The site of this shop is obliterated.
87. Nothing now marks the site of this house which was moved to No. 81,
about 1858. It stood in the field as indicated on the map. According to
the records, Ichabod Smith, 1766, was probably living here; in Jan. 1799
Moses Haselton bought and he sold to Jeremiah Robbins, 1808. 1831,
it was called the Oliver Fox place, and in 1832, George (Jacket) Blake
was here. Otis Phillips, 1845-6, then Chandler Wilbur. In 1857, Rev.
Abram Tileston came here; was a farmer during the week and a preach-
er on the Sabbath.
88. This house said to have been erected for a tavern not far from 1800, at
which time the highway ran near the west end of the house, but it was
never opened to the public. The early history is not fully established;
however, we give a possible key to the situation. Joseph Spencer drew
L. 5; R. 6, and sold 40 acres to Ebenezer Daniels Mar. 6, 1770 with build-
ings, and the south 10 acres of said lot to Jonathan Smith, Jr. Smith
sold same year to Abner Skinner who probably built here, and making
additions to his 10 acre farm. A widow Smith lived here, 1822; George
Blake and his son, Francis W., between 1840 and 1850; Rev. Joseph
Allen; John A. Gushing; John Kingsbury who sold Feb. 1885. W. Wal-
lace Wilcox owned the place and had general repairs made, 1888, then
George H. Wilcox bought property. Since 1907, James V. Stillings has
lived here. William Hubbard and wife lived here, 1850, at same time
as George Blake; Charles L. Smith, Dec. 1884 to Dec. 1887; Francis F.
Field and others.
89. Nothing above ground has marked the site of this dwelling for over 60
years, except a clump of shrubbery, but when the land is tilled the old
site can still be found. We believe this was on the 40 acres which
Joseph Spencer sold to Ebenezer Daniels, Mar. 6, 1770, as noted under
No. 88. Buildings were on this land when Daniels bought. He sold Aug.
5, 1785 to Abner Skinner, 40 acres. Sept. 14, 1797, Skinner to John
Wilcox and he sold to Gaylord Wilcox Jan. 15, 1798. Between 1825 and
1830 Cyrus Bemis, who married Elmina Wilcox, lived here.
90. A cellar hole in the open pasture plainly marks the site of this house.
Samuel Gilbert, Esq., drew L. 5; R. 5, and sold to Clement Sumner.
302 History of Surry
June 12, 1773, Obadiah Wilcox bought and is supposed to have built on
this site as on Mar. 3, 1784, he sold to John Wilcox the south half with
half of the buildings. Jan. 3, 1788, Obadiah sold the north half and the
place "whei'e I now live" to John, who sold to Gaylord Wilcox, Jan. 15,
1798 — only three days before his death. This "Obadiah" perhaps refers
to Obadiah Jr. The land has been a part of the Wilcox homestead for
many years. Thomas Field a blacksmith of Keene and Rev. soldier
came into town about 1793 and is said to have lived here a year or two.
91. This cellar hole is near two large sugar maple trees, in the open pasture
and is possibly the "north half" of the lot which Obadiah Wilcox re-
tained, Mar. 3, 1784, as noted under No. 90, We suspect he built and
this was the place "where I now live" when he sold this land to John
Wilcox, Jan. 3, 1788. This also is a part of the Wilcox homestead.
92. Hollis Wilcox built a cider mill here about 1830 which stood 25 or 30
years. It stood in the bank near the highway, where the new entrance
to this set of buildings was built, 1919.
93. Obadiah Wilcox settled here about 1764, according to Gilsum History,
page 176, and tradition. Evidently the property fell to Gaylord Wilcox
who built the present two-story house, 1815, and after his death his son
Hollis took over the farm, then George H. Wilcox held an interest. Oct.
19, 1886, W. Wallace Wilcox of Chicago bought the old homestead and
soon after made extensive repairs on house, and rebuilt present barns.
Mrs. Wilcox continues to own property; leasing the same. Charles C.
Olmstead 1887 until about about 1900; Sidney J. Wilder, 1900-1920,
when George B. Conley came. The old highway up the valley ran
northward on the east side of this house. After the present highway
was built a short road descended to the house then ascended a steep
pitch to the highway. Remains can still be seen of the old road-bed.
Tradition says a man rolled a hogshead of molasses up the north hill
on a wager many years ago. By removing all the small stones from the
path he "boosted the cask forward a few inches" then blocked up with
cobble stones until he finally won the goal.
94. Early in 1880 a boarding house 18 x 40 feet, two story high was erected
by the Granite State Gold and Silver Mining Co., on the west side and
fairly near the top of Surry mountain, only a few rods west of the
shaft the company sank that spring. This building was in use only a
few months when work was begun on the "Gilsum side" of the mountain
and buildings were erected there. A Mrs. Lowell ran this house. The
building was in plain sight of Surry village; torn down about 1892.
100 (?) rods south-east of this place and on top of the mountain a log
cabin was built, 1894, where choppers lived a year or two — see map.
The Mining Co. buildings on the Gilsum side of the mountain were built,
1880 and later, and stood some 20 years, most of them went to decay.
There were two boarding houses, a smelter, blacksmith shop, etc.
95. Levi Brooks had a wheelright shop in his yard where he worked many
years prior to his death, 1853. Nothing now marks its site.
96. After the death of Gaylord Wilcox this part of his estate was sold at
auction to Asa Wilcox, Jr., who erected a distillery for making cider
brandy. The malt-house stood near a spring a few rods northwesterly
of the present buildings, until after 1828 and is understood to have been
moved and is now the barn on the place. 1820, Asa sold to Jonathan
Robinson, Jr., 5 acres; Mar. 26, 1828, Levi Brooks bought property.
Many have owned or lived here in the last 70 years. Lorenzo Haskins,
1879; John H. Knight; Merrill D. Carpenter, 1883; Isaiah Brooks sold,
1887, to Susan K. Perkins. Cornelia F. Forbes held an interest. Bertha
P. Paul bought and sold to Otis W. Kingsbury who moved here from
No. 83. He sold to Fred A. Nason who came here 1917; after his death
his widow sold to Clifford L. Sturtevant of Keene, and he sold Sept.
1922, to Horace W. Howard who moved in from Gilsum. Fred B.
Marshall also lived here at one time.
97. A 20 X 20 foot wheelwright shop was bought of Asa Wilcox, Jr., in 1823
by Capt. Eliphalet Dort, who retained the shop when in 1830 he sold
adjacent property connected with the toll-gate. This shop stood as
shown on map; east side of highway and quite near the gate.
98. In 1805 the Cheshire Turnpike from Keene to Charlestown was con-
structed and not long after the company bought a plot of land 8 x 10
rods from off the Wilcox farm and this dwelling with the toll-gate was
erected; exact date unknown.- In 1830 there was a dwelling house on
the west side of the highway, connecting a shoemaking shop on the east
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Site of The Toll Gate.
side by an open driveway in which the gate was hung, and near the
shop was a store. In 1839 we find the following buildings clustered
around this gate: In the west side of the road, a dwelling house where
the toll gatherer lived, cheese house, barn, woodshed and pigpen; on east
side, a shoeshop, store and wheelwright shop. About 1842 the taking
304 History of Surry
of toll was discontinued and Jason Wetherbee of Charlestown sold his
interest in this property to Solomon Caswell, Oct. 18, 1842. The build-
ings on east side and the gate house were removed about that time,
while the house and barn remained. Miss Forbes sold the house to C.
D. Fitzgerald who tore it down Sept. 1898, and the barn was also re-
moved about that time and now only a sag in the ground marks the old
cellar hole. Aaron Loveland was gate keeper, 1811-13 and was licensed
"to sell and mix." Eliphalet Dort sold the property to Elihu Dort Apr.
6, 1827. 1829, Capt. Elihu sold to Henry Britton. Capt. Charles John-
son here 1833-39; Solomon Caswell, 1839-42; Aaron Denio, 1842-44;
Lewis Carpenter, 1844-53; Asa B. Clark, 1853-54; Hiram Britton 2d,
1854 till his death then his widow and Daniel F. Caldwell several years,
they being the last occupants. Mrs. Ruhannah (Benton) Davis was
living here at her death, 1864; Ernest W. Carpenter, Rev. Joseph Faw-
cett and others lived here. Susan K. Perkins or Cornelia F. Forbes
bought and joined this property to No. 96.
99. Site of the store east of the shoe shop connected to the toll gate. Was
moved off this land before 1845; material said to have been used in
building the house at No. 111.
100. 1856 (?), Curtis C. Carpenter bought an acre of land and moved this
house to this spot from No. 101. May 12, 1871, he sold the property to
I. Sumner Wilder and he sold to Willard Streeter. 1873 Willard con-
veyed same to his son, Herman, who made additions to farm and build-
ings and lived there until his death. His widow, Hattie, sold the prop-
erty to James M. Erwin, Sept. 1921, who still owns same, and has Frank
French there as manager.
101. Mar. 27, 1832, Jonathan Robinson, Jr., bought the old James Kingsbury
house at No. 141, tore it down and rebuilt on this site, a house where
his aged father lived and died, 1838, a Rev. soldier, and a much re-
spected citizen. John A. Cushing and probably others, then Curtis C.
Carpenter who moved the house to No. 100, as noted.
102. Josiah Kilburn drew L. 6; R. 5, and sold to Ebenezer Kilburn, and he
sold Aug. 2, 1765, to Moses D. Field who settled here and this was in
the Field family until, Jonathan Robinson, Sr. and Jr., bought Dec. 28,
1824. Isaac Field had a tavern in the old house, 1809, Eliphaz Field
lived here until he moved to No. 8, 1821, then Cyrus Field had interest.
Robinson sold to Willard Streeter, Mar. 1853, who moved from No. 159
and here he spent his remaining days, then his widow till her death
1888. Daniel Wilder bought and his son, Sidney J., was here until a
fire destroyed all this set of buildings, Aug. 21, 1900, caused by fire in
an arch in the shed. A second fire destroyed a small barn on the place,
about 1904. Antonio LaBounty bought and built present house. June,
1910, Allen L. Green bought and settled here. Fred A. Wright lived
here, 1888, Bethuel J. Davis, 1865 (?), and in the new house, Clifton
Chambers, John H. Ocain, James M. Erwin, summer, 1922. Eliphaz
Field & Isaac Field kept tavern, 1811. There was a large driveway
which stood in the door yard, and the bar room was in the south east
corner of the old house.
Residences 305
103. June 12, 1812, Isaac and Eliphaz Field sold to Asa Wilcox, Jr., two
acres off their farm for $100.00; bounded, east of Cheshire Turnpike
road, and north on the Carpenter road. Mr. Wilcox erected the house
and sold property to John T. Wilcox and Cyrus Field, Sept. 1813, for
$200.00. Asa Wilcox took property back and sold again same day to
Willard Smith for $500.00. After death of Willard the property was
sold, Mar. 16, 1826, at auction to Dr. Jonathan E. Davis. 1828, Dr. Davis
sold to Jonathan Robinson, Jr. Feb. 1829, Willard Carpenter bought
for S250.00 and sold 1838 to Henry (Harry) Britton who moved here
from No. 140. 1862, I. Sumner Wilder bought, then Daniel Wilder had
Residence of Willard Streeter. No. 102.
property and lived here most of time till he removed to Keene, 1900.
Henry E, Lake of Keene bought and sold to Frederick Kamp who still
holds claim on the farm. Leon M. Osborne was here, 1896-98; Henry
Blake, John Richardson, the Lavinder (?) bros.; Evart E. Peterson,
Frank E. Pomroy, etc.
104. Sumner Wilder built this house about 1865, and John A. Blake lived
here a while. John P. Gay, 1870; George Wright, 1876; James Selkirk;
Walter R. Scripture; John Sewall; a widow Smith; Wesley Blake; Dan-
iel Bunker; Calvin D. Fitzgerald; Fred Roundy; Daniel Wilder when
he first came to town; Dana D. Wilder, etc. Herbert R. Crane bought
and had the house moved to No. 49 whei-e enlarged it now stands.
105. Apr. 11, 1785, it was voted to build a school house "on the Great Road
and near the road that runs West to Jedediah Carpenter's"; said house
to be raised "by the first Day of July next." This was the first school
building north of the village, and doubtless stood at the spot as shown
on map. After being given up for school purposes the town considered
taking it for "a poor house."
106. John Mack drew L. 7; R. 5, and sold to Samuel Gilbert, 1763. He sold
to Jonathan Smith, then Thomas Smith was here, 1771. Samuel Sawyer
a goldsmith of Alstead came 1794 and remained until his death, 1812.
He had his plating shop at No, 107. About that time plates for making
History of Surry
Perkins Homestead. No. 106.
Residences 307
counterfeit money were discovered under the bridge near his house,
but we understand no one was arrested. Thomas Wheelock of Win-
chester had a claim on place, 1823, and he sold, Apr. 1, 1824, to John
Haile, the father of Hon. William Haile, governor of New Hampshire,
1857-58. Mr. Haile sold Jan. 23, 1828, to Joseph Allen who lived here
till 1839 when he sold to Enoch Whitcomb and moved to No. 48. Enoch
lived here till his death, 1841, then his son David had the place until
1854. Esq. Sylvester Smith came here from No, 164 about 1855.
William Perkins moved here from No. 155, 1858, and the place has since
been owned by the Perkins family — Charles H., C. Wallace and now his
widow. William Perkins made numerous repairs on the house and built
the barn by the road, 1859, of material from the buildings on his hill
Two families have at the same time frequently lived in this house:
Those here, John T. Wilcox, 1815; Sumner W. Black, 1856; Artemas A.
Adams, 1853; Noah Allen, 1883; and Henry L. Wilbur was here and
carried on the farm two years.
July 7, 1794, Moses Hale surveyed the Streeter road, "from Mr.
Thomas Smiths to Walpole line .... began at a Stake & Stones on
the County Road Near Sd Smiths Barn" and ran westward.
107. But little now marks the site of a house which stood until 1855.
Samuel Sawyer had his plating shop here, later it was made into a
dwelling and Mrs. Phinehas Wheelock lived in it; Mrs. Sarah (Reed)
Wright, the grandmother of the late Dr. George W. Gay; also Mrs.
Ruhannah (Rheuhannah) Benton Davis in her old age. The building
finally was moved and made into a sugar house by William Perkins.
108. Dr. James H. Bradford was l